Peer Reviewed
- Edition: Julius Caesar
Julius Caesar (Folio 1, 1623)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Contextual materials
- Facsimiles
1970Cassi. That you haue wrong'd me, doth appear in this:
1971You haue condemn'd, and noted Lucius Pella
1972For taking Bribes heere of the Sardians;
1973Wherein my Letters, praying on his side,
1979Are much condemn'd to haue an itching Palme,
1981To Vndeseruers.
1982Cassi. I, an itching Palme?
1983You know that you are Brutus that speakes this,
1986And Chasticement doth therefore hide his head.
1988Bru. Remember March, the Ides of March remẽmber:
1990What Villaine touch'd his body, that did stab,
1991And not for Iustice? What? Shall one of Vs,
1997I had rather be a Dogge, and bay the Moone,
1998Then such a Roman.
1999Cassi. Brutus, baite not me,
2000Ile not indure it: you forget your selfe
2001To hedge me in. I am a Souldier, I,
2003To make Conditions.
2005Cassi. I am.
2008Haue minde vpon your health: Tempt me no farther.
2013Shall I be frighted, when a Madman stares?
2015Bru. All this? I more: Fret till your proud hart break.
2016Go shew your Slaues how Chollericke you are,
2017And make your Bondmen tremble. Must I bouge?
2019Vnder your Testie Humour? By the Gods,
2021Though it do Split you. For, from this day forth,
2022Ile vse you for my Mirth, yea for my Laughter
2024Cassi. Is it come to this?
2026Let it appeare so; make your vaunting true,
2028I shall be glad to learne of Noble men.
2029Cass. You wrong me euery way:
2030You wrong me Brutus:
2031I saide, an Elder Souldier, not a Better.
2032Did I say Better?
2033Bru. If you did, I care not.
The Tragedie of Julius Caesar 125
2037Bru. No.
2043There is no terror Cassius in your threats:
2045That they passe by me, as the idle winde,
2047For certaine summes of Gold, which you deny'd me,
2048For I can raise no money by vile meanes:
2049By Heauen, I had rather Coine my Heart,
2050And drop my blood for Drachmaes, then to wring
2051From the hard hands of Peazants, their vile trash
2053To you for Gold to pay my Legions,
2054Which you deny'd me: was that done like Cassius?
2056When Marcus Brutus growes so Couetous,
2058Be ready Gods with all your Thunder-bolts,
2059Dash him to peeces.
2060Cassi. I deny'd you not.
2061Bru. You did.
2062Cassi. I did not. He was but a Foole
2063That brought my answer back. Brutus hath riu'd my hart:
2065But Brutus makes mine greater then they are.
2067Cassi. You loue me not.
2068Bru. I do not like your faults.
2070Bru. A Flatterers would not, though they do appeare
2071As huge as high Olympus.
2074For Cassius is a-weary of the World:
2075Hated by one he loues, brau'd by his Brother,
2076Check'd like a bondman, all his faults obseru'd,
2077Set in a Note-booke, learn'd, and con'd by roate
2078To cast into my Teeth. O I could weepe
2079My Spirit from mine eyes. There is my Dagger,
2080And heere my naked Breast: Within, a Heart
2081Deerer then Pluto's Mine, Richer then Gold:
2082If that thou bee'st a Roman, take it foorth.
2083I that deny'd thee Gold, will giue my Heart:
2087Bru. Sheath your Dagger:
2090O Cassius, you are yoaked with a Lambe
2091That carries Anger, as the Flint beares fire,
2093And straite is cold agen.
2095To be but Mirth and Laughter to his Brutus,
2096When greefe and blood ill temper'd, vexeth him?
2099Bru. And my heart too.
2100Cassi. O Brutus!
2101Bru. What's the matter?
2102Cassi. Haue not you loue enough to beare with me,
2103When that rash humour which my Mother gaue me
2104Makes me forgetfull.
2106When you are ouer-earnest with your Brutus,
2107Hee'l thinke your Mother chides, and leaue you so.
2108Enter a Poet.
2110There is some grudge betweene 'em, 'tis not meete
2111They be alone.
2114Cas. How now? What's the matter?
2118Cas. Ha, ha, how vildely doth this Cynicke rime?
2121Brut. Ile know his humor, when he knowes his time:
2123Companion, hence.
2125Bru. Lucillius and Titinius bid the Commanders
2126Prepare to lodge their Companies to night.
2128Immediately to vs.
2129Bru. Lucius, a bowle of Wine.
2133If you giue place to accidentall euils.
2135Cas. Ha? Portia?
2136Bru. She is dead.
2141And greefe, that yong Octauius with Mark Antony
2147Cas. O ye immortall Gods!
2148Enter Boy with Wine, and Tapers.
2149Bru. Speak no more of her: Giue me a bowl of wine,
2152Fill Lucius, till the Wine ore-swell the Cup:
2153I cannot drinke too much of Brutus loue.
2154Enter Titinius and Messala.
2155Brutus. Come in Titinius:
2156Welcome good Messala:
2159Cass. Portia, art thou gone?
2160Bru. No more I pray you.
2161Messala, I haue heere receiued Letters,
2162That yong Octauius, and Marke Antony
2163Come downe vpon vs with a mighty power,
2164Bending their Expedition toward Philippi.
ll3 Mess.
126The Tragedie of Julius Caesar
2166Bru. With what Addition.
2168Octauius, Antony, and Lepidus,
2169Haue put to death, an hundred Senators.
2170Bru. Therein our Letters do not well agree:
2172By their proscriptions, Cicero being one.
2173Cassi. Cicero one?
2175Had you your Letters from your wife, my Lord?
2177Messa. Nor nothing in your Letters writ of her?
2181Heare you ought of her, in yours?
2182Messa. No my Lord.
2183Bru. Now as you are a Roman tell me true.
2184Messa. Then like a Roman, beare the truth I tell,
2188I haue the patience to endure it now.
2190Cassi. I haue as much of this in Art as you,
2191But yet my Nature could not beare it so.
2192Bru. Well, to our worke aliue. What do you thinke
2193Of marching to Philippi presently.
2194Cassi. I do not thinke it good.
2196Cassi. This it is:
2197'Tis better that the Enemie seeke vs,
2202The people 'twixt Philippi, and this ground
2204For they haue grug'd vs Contribution.
2205The Enemy, marching along by them,
2206By them shall make a fuller number vp,
2207Come on refresht, new added, and encourag'd:
2209If at Philippi we do face him there,
2210These people at our backe.
2211Cassi. Heare me good Brother.
2213That we haue tride the vtmost of our Friends:
2214Our Legions are brim full, our cause is ripe,
2215The Enemy encreaseth euery day,
2216We at the height, are readie to decline.
2217There is a Tide in the affayres of men,
2218Which taken at the Flood, leades on to Fortune:
2219Omitted, all the voyage of their life,
2220Is bound in Shallowes, and in Miseries.
2223Or loose our Ventures.
2224Cassi. Then with your will go on: wee'l along
2225Our selues, and meet them at Philippi.
2226Bru. The deepe of night is crept vpon our talke,
2228Which we will niggard with a little rest:
2229There is no more to say.
2230Cassi. No more, good night,
2231Early to morrow will we rise, and hence.
2232Enter Lucius.
2234Good night Titinius: Noble, Noble Cassius,
2235Good night, and good repose.
2236Cassi. O my deere Brother:
2237This was an ill beginning of the night:
2239Let it not Brutus.
2240Enter Lucius with the Gowne.
2241Bru. Euery thing is well.
2242Cassi. Good night my Lord.
2243Bru. Good night good Brother.
2244Tit. Messa. Good night Lord Brutus.
2246Giue me the Gowne. Where is thy Instrument?
2247Luc. Heere in the Tent.
2249Poore knaue I blame thee not, thou art ore-watch'd.
2250Call Claudio, and some other of my men,
2252Luc. Varrus, and Claudio.
2253Enter Varrus and Claudio.
2254Var. Cals my Lord?
2259And watch your pleasure.
2263I put it in the pocket of my Gowne.
2265Bru. Beare with me good Boy, I am much forgetfull.
2266Canst thou hold vp thy heauie eyes a-while,
2269Bru. It does my Boy:
2270I trouble thee too much, but thou art willing.
2271Luc. It is my duty Sir.
2273I know yong bloods looke for a time of rest.
2276I will not hold thee long. If I do liue,
2277I will be good to thee.
2278Musicke, and a Song.
2280Layest thou thy Leaden Mace vpon my Boy,
2281That playes thee Musicke? Gentle knaue good night:
2282I will not do thee so much wrong to wake thee:
2284Ile take it from thee, and (good Boy) good night.
2286Where I left reading? Heere it is I thinke.
2287Enter the Ghost of Caesar.
2288How ill this Taper burnes. Ha! Who comes heere?
2289I thinke it is the weakenesse of mine eyes
2291It comes vpon me: Art thou any thing?
2294Speake to me, what thou art.
2295Ghost. Thy euill Spirit Brutus?
The Tragedie of Julius Caesar 127
2299Ghost. I, at Philippi.
2302Ill Spirit, I would hold more talke with thee.
2303Boy, Lucius, Varrus, Claudio, Sirs: Awake:
2307Lucius, awake.
2308Luc. My Lord.
2311Luc. My Lord, I do not know that I did cry.
2313Luc. Nothing my Lord.
2314Bru. Sleepe againe Lucius: Sirra Claudio, Fellow,
2315Thou: Awake.
2316Var. My Lord.
2317Claeu. My Lord.
2319Both. Did we my Lord?
2322Clau. Nor I my Lord.
2324Bid him set on his Powres betimes before,
2325And we will follow.