Peer Reviewed
- Edition: Famous Victories of Henry V
Famous Victories of Henry V (Modern)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Contextual materials
1.0.2Enter the young Prince [Henry], Ned, and Tom.
3Come away, Ned and Tom!
Here, my lord.
Come away, my lads. 6Tell me, sirs, how much gold have you got?
Faith, my lord, I have got five hundred pound.
But tell me, Tom, how much hast thou got?
Faith, my lord, some four hundred pound.
Four hundred pounds? Bravely spoken, lads! 11But tell me, sirs, think you not that it was a villainous 12part of me to rob my father's receivers?
Why no, my lord. It was but a trick of youth.
Faith, Ned, thou sayest true. 15But tell me, sirs, whereabouts are we?
My lord, we are now about a mile off London.
But, sirs, I marvel that Sir John Oldcastle 18comes not away. Zounds, see where he comes!
20How now, Jockey, what news with thee?
Faith, my lord, such news as passeth, 22for the town of Deptford is risen 23with hue and cry after your man 24which parted from us the last night 25and has set upon and hath robbed a poor carrier.
Zounds, the villain that was wont to spy 27out our booties?
Ay, my lord, even the very same.
Now, base-minded rascal, to rob a poor carrier! 30Well, it skills not. I'll save the base villain's life. 31Ay, I may. But tell me, Jockey, whereabouts be the receivers?
Faith, my lord, they are hard by, 33but the best is, we are a-horseback and they be afoot, 34so we may escape them.
Well, if the villains come, let me alone with them. 36But tell me, Jockey, how much got'st thou from the knaves? 37For I am sure I got something, for one of the villains 38so belammed me about the shoulders 39as I shall feel it this month.
Faith, my lord, I have got a hundred pound.
A hundred pound! Now, bravely spoken, Jockey. 42But come, sirs, lay all your money before me. [They place their booty at his feet.] 43Now, by heaven, here is a brave show! 44But, as I am true gentleman, I will have the half 45of this spent tonight. But, sirs, take up your bags. 46Here come the receivers. Let me alone.
1.19.1[They hide the booty.]
Alas, good fellow, what shall we do? 49I dare never go home to the court, for I shall be hanged. 50But look, here is the young prince. What shall we do?
How now, you villains, what are you?
[Aside to 2 Receiver] Speak you to him.
[Replying aside] No, I pray, speak you to him.
Why, how now you rascals, why speak you not?
Forsooth we be -- [Aside to 2 Receiver] pray speak you to him.
Zounds, villains, speak, or I'll cut off your heads.
[To Prince Henry] Forsooth, he can tell the tale better than I.
Forsooth, we be your father's receivers.
Are you my father's receivers? 60Then I hope ye have brought me some money.
Money? Alas, sir, we be robbed.
Robbed? How many were there of them?
Marry, sir, there were four of them, 64and one of them had Sir John Oldcastle's bay hobby 65and your black nag.
Gog's wounds! [To Jockey] How like you this, Jockey? 67[To the Receivers] Blood, you villains! My father robbed of his money abroad, 68and we robbed in our stables. 69But tell me, how many were of them?
If it please you, there were four of them, 71and there was one about the bigness of you, 72but I am sure I so belammed him about the shoulders 73that he will feel it this month.
Gog's wounds, you lammed them fairly -- 75so that they have carried away your money! 76[To Ned, Tom, and Jockey] But come, sirs, what shall we do with the villains?
I beseech your grace, be good to us.
1.36.1[The Receivers kneel.]
I pray you, my lord, forgive them this once.
1.38[Prince Henry]
79Well, stand up and get you gone. 80And look that you speak not a word of it, 81for if there be, zounds, I'll hang you and all your kin.
Now, sirs, how like you this? 84Was not this bravely done? 85For now the villains dare not speak a word of it, 86I have so feared them with words. 87Now, whither shall we go?
Why, my lord, you know our old hostess 89at Feversham?
Our hostess at Feversham? Blood, what shall we do there? 91We have a thousand pound about us, 92and we shall go to a petty alehouse? 93No, no. You know the old tavern in Eastcheap? 94There is good wine. Besides, there is a pretty wench 95that can talk well, for I delight as much in their tongues 96as any part about them.
We are ready to wait upon your grace.
Gog's wounds! Wait? We will go all together. 99We are all fellows, I tell you, sirs. An the king 100my father were dead, we would be all kings. 101Therefore, come away.
Gog's wounds, bravely spoken, Harry!
1.44.1Exeunt Prince Henry, Ned, Tom, and Jockey.
All is well here, all is well, masters.
How say you, neighbor John Cobbler?
I think it best that my neighbor, 108Robin Pewterer, went to Pudding Lane end, 109and we will watch here at Billingsgate Ward. 110How say you, neighbor Robin, how like you this?
Marry, well, neighbors. 112I care not much if I go to Pudding Lane's end. 113But, neighbors, an you hear any ado about me, 114make haste. And if I hear any ado about you, 115I will come to you.
Neighbor, what news hear you of the young prince?
Marry, neighbor, I hear say he is a toward young prince, 119for if he meet any by the highway, 120he will not let to talk with him. 121I dare not call him thief, but sure he is one of these taking fellows.
Indeed, neighbor, I hear say he is as lively 123a young prince as ever was.
Ay, and I hear say, if he use it long, 125his father will cut him off from the crown. 126But, neighbor, say nothing of that.
No, no, neighbor, I warrant you.
Neighbor, methinks you begin to sleep. 129If you will, we will sit down, 130for I think it is about midnight.
Marry, content, neighbor, let us sleep.
2.11.1[John and Lawrence lie down and sleep.]
Whoa! whoa there! whoa there!
O neighbors, what mean you to sleep, 137and such ado in the streets?
How now, neighbor, what's the matter?
Whoa there! whoa there! whoa there!
Why, what ail'st thou? Here is no horses.
Oh, alas, man, I am robbed! Whoa there, whoa there!
Hold him, neighbor Cobbler.
2.18.1[John seizes Derrick.]
Am I a clown? Zounds, masters, 146do clowns go in silk apparel? 147I am sure all we gentlemen clowns in Kent scant go so 148well. Zounds, you know clowns very well. 149[To John] Hear you, are you Master Constable? An you be, speak, 150for I will not take it at his [Derrick points to Robin] hands.
Faith, I am not Master Constable, 152but I am one of his bade officers, for he is not here.
Is not Master Constable here? 154Well, it is no matter. I'll have the law at his hands.
2.22.1[Derrick draws his sword.]
Nay, I pray you, do not take the law of us.
Well, you are one of his beastly officers.
I am one of his bade officers.
Why, then, I charge thee look to him.
Nay, but hear ye, sir. You seem to be an honest 160fellow, and we are poor men, and now 'tis night, 161and we would be loth to have anything ado. 162Therefore, I pray thee, put it up.
2.27.1[Derrick sheathes his sword.]
First, thou sayest true, I am an honest fellow--164and a proper, handsome fellow too--165and you seem to be poor men. Therefore I care not greatly; 166nay, I am quickly pacified. 167But, an you chance to spy the thief, 168I pray you lay hold on him.
Yes, that we will, I warrant you.
[Aside] 'Tis a wonderful thing to see how glad the knave 171is, now I have forgiven him.
[To Lawrence and Robin] Neighbors, do ye look about you. 173How now, who's there?
Here is a good fellow. I pray you, which is the 176way to the old tavern in Eastcheap?
Whoop hollo! Now, Gadshill, knowest thou me?
I know thee for an ass.
The whoreson villain would be knocked!
2.36.1[Cutbert draws his sword.]
Masters -- villain! -- an ye be men, stand to him 184and take his weapon from him. Let him not pass you.
My friend, what make you abroad now? 186It is too late to walk now.
It is not too late for true men to walk.
We know thee not to be a true man.
2.40.1[John, Robin, and Lawrence seize Cutbert.]
Why, what do you mean to do with me? 190Zounds, I am one of the king's liege people.
Hear you, sir, are you one of the king's liege people?
Ay, marry, am I, sir. What say you to it?
Marry, sir, I say you are one of the king's filching people.
Come, come, let's have him away.
Why, what have I done?
Thou hast robbed a poor fellow 197and taken away his goods from him.
I never saw him before.
Masters, who comes here?
How now, Goodman Cobbler?
How now, Robert, what makes thou abroad 203at this time of night?
Marry, I have been at the Counter. 205I can tell such news as never you have heard the like.
What is that, Robert? What is the matter?
Why, this night about two hours ago, there came 208the young prince and three or four more of his compani209ons and called for wine good store, and then they sent for a 210noise of musicians and were very merry for the space of 211an hour. Then, whether their music liked them not or 212whether they had drunk too much wine or no, I cannot 213tell, but our pots flew against the walls, and then they drew 214their swords and went into the street and fought, and 215some took one part and some took another, but for the space 216of half an hour there was such a bloody fray as passeth, 217and none could part them until such time as the mayor 218and sheriff were sent for, and then at the last with much 219ado they took them, and so the young prince was carried 220to the Counter. And then about one hour after, there came 221a messenger from the court in all haste from the king for 222my lord mayor and the sheriff, but for what cause I 223know not.
Here is news indeed, Robert.
Marry, neighbor, this news is strange indeed. 226I think it best, neighbor, to rid our hands of this fellow 227first.
What mean you to do with me?
We mean to carry you to the prison, and there 230to remain 'til the sessions day.
Then, I pray you, let me go to the prison where 232my master is.
Nay, thou must go to the country prison, to Newgate. 234Therefore, come away.
[To Derrick] I prithee be good to me, honest fellow.
Ay, marry will I, I'll be very charitable to thee, 237for I will never leave thee 'til I see thee on the gallows.
An't please your majesty, here is my lord ma241yor and the sheriff of London to speak with your majesty.
Admit them to our presence.
3.3244Now, my good lord mayor of London, 245the cause of my sending for you at this time is to tell you 246of a matter which I have learned of my council. Herein 247I understand that you have committed my son to prison 248without our leave and licence. What, although he be a rude 249youth and likely to give occasion, yet you might have con250sidered that he is a prince, and my son, and not to be 251haled to prison by every subject.
May it please your majesty to give us leave to 253tell our tale?
Or else, God forbid, otherwise you might 255think me an unequal judge, having more affection to 256my son than to any rightful judgment.
Then I do not doubt but we shall rather deserve 258commendations at your majesty's hands than any anger.
Go to, say on.
Then, if it please your majesty, this night be261twixt two and three of the clock in the morning, my lord 262the young prince with a very disordered company came to 263the old tavern in Eastcheap, and whether it was that 264their music liked them not or whether they were over265come with wine, I know not, but they drew their swords, 266and into the street they went, and some took my lord the 267young prince's part and some took the other, but betwixt 268them there was such a bloody fray for the space of half an 269hour that neither watchmen nor any other could stay them 270'til my brother the sheriff of London and I were sent for, 271and at the last with much ado we stayed them, but it was 272long first, which was a great disquieting to all your loving 273subjects thereabouts. And then, my good lord, we knew not 274whether your grace had sent them to try us, whether we 275would do justice, or whether it were of their own volun276tary will or not, we cannot tell. And therefore in such a 277case we knew not what to do, but for our own safeguard we 278sent him to ward, where he wanteth nothing that is fit for 279his grace and your majesty's son. And thus most hum280bly beseeching your majesty to think of our answer.
Stand aside until we have further deliberated 282on your answer.
Ah, Harry, Harry, now thrice-accursed Harry, 285that hath gotten a son which with grief 286will end his father's days. 287O my son, a prince thou art, ay, a prince indeed -- 288and to deserve imprisonment! 289And well have they done, and like faithful subjects. 290[To Exeter and Oxford] Discharge them and let them go.
I beseech your grace, be good to my lord the 292young prince.
Nay, nay, 'tis no matter. Let him alone.
Perchance the mayor and the sheriff have 295been too precise in this matter.
No, they have done like faithful subjects. 297I will go myself to discharge them and let them go.
4.0.2Enter Lord Chief Justice, Clerk of the Office, Jailor [with several Officers], 300John Cobbler, Derrick, and the Thief [Cutbert Cutter].
Jailor, bring the prisoner to the bar.
Hear you, my lord, I pray you bring the bar to 303the prisoner.
Hold thy hand up at the bar.
Here it is, my lord.
Clerk of the Office, read his indictment.
What is thy name?
My name was known before I came here 309and shall be when I am gone, I warrant you.
Ay, I think so, but we will know it better before 311thou go.
Zounds, an you do but send to the next jail, 313we are sure to know his name, 314for this is not the first prison he hath been in, I'll warrant you.
What is thy name?
What need you to ask, an have it in writing?
Is not thy name Cutbert Cutter?
What the devil need you ask, an know it so 319well?
Why then, Cutbert Cutter, I indict thee by the 321name of Cutbert Cutter for robbing a poor carrier the twentieth 322day of May last past, in the fourteenth year of the reign of 323our sovereign lord King Henry the Fourth, for setting 324upon a poor carrier upon Gad's Hill in Kent, and having 325beaten and wounded the said carrier, and taken his goods 326from him.
Oh, masters, stay there. Nay, let's never belie the 328man, for he hath not beaten and wounded me also, but he 329hath beaten and wounded my pack and hath taken the 330great raze of ginger that bouncing Bess with the jolly 331buttocks should have had. That grieves me most.
Well, what sayest thou? Art thou guilty or not 333guilty?
Not guilty, my lord.
By whom wilt thou be tried?
By my lord the young prince or by myself, 337whether you will.
Come away, my lads. [To Cutbert Cutter] Gog's wounds, ye villain, 340what make you here? I must go about my business my341self, and you must stand loitering here?
Why, my lord, they have bound me and will 343not let me go.
Have they bound thee, villain? [To Lord Chief Justice] Why, how now, my 345lord?
I am glad to see your grace in good health.
Why, my lord, this is my man. 348'Tis marvel you knew him not long before this. 349I tell you, he is a man of his hands.
Ay, Gog's wounds, that I am. Try me who dare!
Your grace shall find small credit by acknow352ledging him to be your man.
Why, my lord, what hath he done?
An it please your majesty, he hath robbed a poor carrier.
Hear you, sir. Marry, it was one Derrick, 356Goodman Hobling's man of Kent.
What, was't you, button-breech?-- 358Of my word, my lord, he did it but in jest.
Hear you, sir. Is it your man's quality to rob folks 360in jest? In faith, he shall be hanged in earnest.
Well, my lord, what do you mean to do with 362my man?
An't please your grace, the law must pass on him 364according to justice; then he must be executed.
Hear you, sir, I pray you. Is it your man's quality 366to rob folks in jest? In faith, he shall be hanged in jest.
Well, my lord, what mean you to do with my 368man?
An't please your grace, the law must pass on him 370according to justice; then he must be executed.
Why, then, belike you mean to hang my man?
I am sorry that it falls out so.
Why, my lord, I pray ye, who am I?
An't please your grace, you are my lord the young 375prince, our king that shall be after the decease of our sove376reign lord, King Henry the Fourth, whom God grant 377long to reign.
You say true, my lord. 379And you will hang my man?
An't like your grace, I must needs do justice.
Tell me, my lord, shall I have my man?
I cannot, my lord.
But will you not let him go?
I am sorry that his case is so ill.
Tush, case me no casings. Shall I have my man?
I cannot, nor I may not, my lord.
Nay, and "I shall not," say, and then I am answered!
No? Then I will have him.
Gog's wounds, my lord, shall I cut off his head?
4.52.1[Ned draws his sword.]
No, I charge you, draw not your swords, 393but get you hence-- provide a noise of musicians. 394Away, begone!
Well, my lord, I am content to take it at your 397hands.
Nay, an you be not, you shall have more.
Why, I pray you, my lord, who am I?
You? Who knows not you? 401Why, man, you are Lord Chief Justice of England.
Your grace hath said truth. Therefore in striking 403me in this place you greatly abuse me, and not me only 404but also your father, whose lively person here in this place 405I do represent. And therefore, to teach you what preroga406tives mean, I commit you to the Fleet until we have 407spoken with your father.
Why, then, belike you mean to send me to the 409Fleet?
Ay indeed, and therefore carry him away.
Jailor, carry the prisoner to Newgate again 413until the next 'ssizes.
At your commandment, my lord, it shall be done.
4.62.1[Exeunt Lord Chief Justice, Clerk of the Office, John Cobbler, Derrick, and Cutbert Cutter with Jailor]
5.0.2Enter Derrick and John Cobbler.
Zounds, masters, here's ado, 417when princes must go to prison! 418Why, John, didst ever see the like?
Oh, Derrick, trust me, I never saw the like.
Why, John, thou mayest see what princes be in choler. 421A judge a box on the ear! I'll tell thee, John, O John, 422I would not have done it for twenty shillings.
No, nor I. There had been no way but one with us: 424we should have been hanged.
Faith, John, I'll tell thee what. Thou shalt be my 426lord chief justice, and thou shalt sit in the chair, 427and I'll be the young prince and hit thee a box on the ear, 428and then thou shalt say, "to teach you what prerogatives 429mean, I commit you to the Fleet."
Come on, I'll be your judge. 431But thou shalt not hit me hard?
No, no.
5.7.1[John sits in the lord chief justice's chair.]
What hath he done?
Marry, he hath robbed Derrick.
Why, then, I cannot let him go.
I must needs have my man.
You shall not have him.
Shall I not have my man? Say "No" an you dare! 439How say you, shall I not have my man?
No, marry, shall you not.
Shall I not, John?
No, Derrick.
Why, then, take you that 'til more come. [Derrick gives John a box on the ear]444 Zounds, shall I not have him?
Well, I am content to take this at your hand, 446but, I pray you, who am I?
Who art thou? Zounds, dost not know thyself?
Now away, simple fellow! 450Why man, thou art John the Cobbler.
No, I am my Lord Chief Justice of England.
Oh, John, mass, thou say'st true, thou art indeed.
Why, then, to teach you what prerogatives mean 454I commit you to the Fleet.
Well, I will go, but, i'faith, you grey-beard knave, I'll course you.
5.26457O John, come, come out of thy chair! Why, what a clown 458wert thou to let me hit thee a box on the ear, and now 459thou seest they will not take me to the Fleet! I think that 460thou art one of these workaday clowns.
But I marvel what will become of thee.
Faith, I'll be no more a carrier.
What wilt thou do, then?
I'll dwell with thee and be a cobbler.
With me? Alas, I am not able to keep thee. 466Why, thou wilt eat me out of doors.
O John, no John, I am none of these great slou468ching fellows that devour these great pieces of beef and 469brewis. Alas, a trifle serves me. A woodcock, a chicken, 470or a capon's leg, or any such little thing serves me.
A capon! Why, man, I cannot get a capon once a 472year, except it be at Christmas at some other man's house, 473for we cobblers be glad of a dish of roots.
Roots? Why, are you so good at rooting? 475Nay, cobbler, we'll have you ringed.
But, Derrick,
5.36Though we be so poor,
5.38A crab in the fire,
5.40That is full stale,
5.42And lay in the mire!
A bots on you! An't be but for your ale, 481I'll dwell with you. Come, let's away as fast as we can.
6.0.2Enter the young Prince [Henry] with Ned and Tom.
Come away, sirs. Gog's wounds, Ned, 485didst thou not see what a box on the ear 486I took my Lord Chief Justice?
By Gog's blood, it did me good to see it. 488It made his teeth jar in his head.
How now, Sir John Oldcastle. 491What news with you?
I am glad to see your grace at liberty. 493I was come, I, to visit you in prison.
To visit me! Didst thou not know that I am a 495prince's son? Why, 'tis enough for me to look into a prison, 496though I come not in myself. But here's such ado nowa497days, here's prisoning, here's hanging, whipping, and the 498devil and all! But I tell you, sirs, when I am king we will 499have no such things. But, my lads, if the old king my father 500were dead, we would be all kings.
He is a good old man. God take him to His mercy the sooner.
But, Ned, so soon as I am king, the first thing 503I will do shall be to put my Lord Chief Justice out of office, 504and thou shalt be my lord chief justice of England.
Shall I be lord chief justice? 506By Gog's wounds, I'll be the bravest lord chief justice 507that ever was in England!
Then, Ned, I'll turn all these prisons into fence 509schools, and I will endow thee with them, with lands to 510maintain them withal. Then I will have a bout with my 511Lord Chief Justice! Thou shalt hang none but pick-purses 512and horse-stealers, and such base-minded villains. But that 513fellow that will stand by the highway side courageously 514with his sword and buckler and take a purse, that fellow 515give him commendations; besides that, send him to me and 516I will give him an annual pension out of my exchequer to 517maintain him all the days of his life.
Nobly spoken, Harry! We shall never have a merry 519world 'til the old king be dead.
But whither are ye going now?
To the court, for I hear say my father lies ve522ry sick.
But I doubt he will not die.
Yet will I go thither, for the breath shall be no 525sooner out of his mouth but I will clap the crown on my 526head.
Will you go to the court with that cloak, so 528full of needles?
Cloak, eyelet-holes, needles, and all was of mine 530own devising, and therefore I will wear it.
I pray you, my lord, what may be the meaning 532thereof?
Why, man, 'tis a sign that I stand upon thorns 534'til the crown be on my head.
Or that every needle might be a prick to their hearts 536that repine at your doings.
Thou say'st true, Jockey. But there's some will say, 538the young prince will be a well-toward young man, and all 539this gear, that I had as lief they would break my head 540with a pot as to say any such thing. But we stand prating 541here too long. I must needs speak with my father; therefore 542come away.
6.20.1[They knock at a gate.]
6.20.2[Enter Porter.]
What a rapping keep you at the king's court 544gate?
Here's one that must speak with the king.
The king is very sick, and none must speak with 547him.
No, you rascal? Do you not know me?
You are my lord the young prince.
Then go and tell my father that I must and 551will speak with him.
Shall I cut off his head?
6.27.1[Ned draws his sword.]
No, no. Though I would help you in other pla554ces, yet I have nothing to do here. What, you are in my fa555ther's court!
6.28.1[Exit Porter.]
I will write him in my tables, for so soon as I 557am made lord chief justice, I will put him out of his of558fice.
Gog's wounds, sirs, the king comes. 561Let's all stand aside.
And is it true, my lord, that my son is alrea564dy sent to the Fleet? Now truly that man is more fitter to 565rule the realm than I, for by no means could I rule my 566son, and he by one word hath caused him to be ruled. O 567 my son, my son, no sooner out of one prison but into an568other! I had thought, once, while I had lived to have seen 569this noble realm of England flourish by thee, my son, 570but now I see it goes to ruin and decay.
An please your grace, here is my lord your son, 574that cometh to speak with you. 575He sayeth he must and will speak with you.
Who, my son Harry?
Ay, an please your majesty.
I know wherefore he cometh, 579but look that none come with him.
A very disordered company, and such as make 581very ill rule in your majesty's house.
Well, let him come, 583but look that none come with him.
An please your grace, 586my lord the king sends for you.
Come away, sirs. Let's go all together.
An please your grace, none must go with you.
Why, I must needs have them with me. 590Otherwise I can do my father no countenance. 591Therefore, come away.
The king your father commands 593there should none come.
Well, sirs, then be gone, 595and provide me three noise of musicians.
Come, my son, come on in God's name! 599I know wherefore thy coming is. 600O my son, my son, what cause hath ever been, 601that thou shouldst forsake me and follow this vile and 602reprobate company which abuseth youth so manifestly? 603O my son, thou knowest that these thy doings 604will end thy father's days. 605He weeps.
606Ay, so, so, my son, thou fearest not to approach the presence 607of thy sick father in that disguised sort. I tell thee, my son, 608that there is never a needle in thy cloak but it is a prick to 609my heart, and never an eyelet-hole but it is a hole to my soul, 610and wherefore thou bringest that dagger in thy hand I 611know not but by conjecture.
[Aside] My conscience accuseth me. [To Henry IV] Most sovereign lord 614and well-beloved father, to answer first to the last point. 615That is, whereas you conjecture that this hand and this 616dagger shall be armed against your life, no, know, my be617loved father, far be the thoughts of your son â€"- "son," said 618I? An unworthy son for so good a father -- but far be the 619thoughts of any such pretended mischief, and I most hum620bly render it to your majesty's hand.[Prince Henry gives Henry IV the dagger.] And live, my lord and 621sovereign, forever and with your dagger arm show like 622vengeance upon the body of that â€" "your son," I was about 623to say and dare not, ah woe is me! -- therefore, that your wild 624slave. 'Tis not the crown that I come for, sweet father, 625because I am unworthy, and those vile and reprobate 626companions I abandon and utterly abolish their company forever. 627Pardon, sweet father, pardon: the least thing and most 628desired. And this ruffianly cloak I here tear from my back 629and sacrifice it to the devil, which is master of all mischief. 630Pardon me, sweet father, pardon me. Good my lord of Exe631ter, speak for me. Pardon me, pardon, good father. Not a word? 632Ah, he will not speak one word. Ah, Harry, now thrice unhap633py Harry! But what shall I do? I will go take me into some 634solitary place and there lament my sinful life, and when 635I have done I will lay me down and die.
Call him again. Call my son again.
6.46.1[Enter Prince Henry.]
And doth my father call me again? Now, Harry, 639happy be the time that thy father calleth thee again.
6.47.1[Prince Henry kneels.]
Stand up, my son, and do not think thy father 641but at the request of thee, my son, I will pardon thee. 642And God bless thee and make thee his servant.
6.48.1[Prince Henry rises.]
Thanks, good my lord, and no doubt but this day, 644even this day, I am born new again.
Come, my son and lords, take me by the hands.
7.0.2Enter Derrick.
[Shouts to offstage] Thou art a stinking whore, and a whoreson stinking whore! 649Dost think I'll take it at thy hands?
Derrick, Derrick, Derrick! Hearest a? 652Do, Derrick, never while thou livest use that! 653Why, what will my neighbors say an thou go away so?
She's a narrant whore, and I'll have the law on you, John.
Why, what hath she done?
Marry, mark thou, John. 657I will prove it, that I will!
What wilt thou prove?
That she called me in to dinner -- 660John, mark the tale well, John â€"- and, when I was set, 661she brought me a dish of roots and a piece of barrel butter 662therein. And she is a very knave, 663and thou a drab if thou take her part.
Hearest a, Derrick, is this the matter? 665Nay, an it be no worse, we will go home again, 666and all shall be amended.
O John, hearest a, John, is all well?
Ay, all is well.
Then I'll go home before and break all the glass 670windows.
8.0.2Enter the King with his Lords [Exeter and Oxford].
Come, my lords, I see it boots me not to take 673any physic, for all the physicians in the world cannot cure 674me, no not one. But good my lords, remember my last 675will and testament concerning my son, for truly, my 676lords, I do not think but he will prove as valiant and 677victorious a king as ever reigned in England.
Let heaven and earth be witness between us, if 679we accomplish not thy will to the uttermost.
I give you most unfeigned thanks, good my lords. 681Draw the curtains and depart my chamber awhile 682and cause some music to rock me asleep.
8.3.1Exeunt Lords [Exeter and Oxford].
Ah Harry, thrice-unhappy, that hath neglect so 686long from visiting of thy sick father. I will go. Nay, but 687why do I not go to the chamber of my sick father to com688fort the melancholy soul of his body? "His soul," said I? Here 689is his body indeed, but his soul is whereas it needs no bo690dy. Now thrice-accursed Harry, that hath offended thy fa691ther so much, and could not I crave pardon for all! O my 692dying father, cursed be the day wherein I was born, and ac693cursed be the hour wherein I was begotten! But what shall 694I do? If weeping tears which come too late may suffice the 695negligence neglected to some, I will weep day and night 696until the fountain be dry with weeping.
Come easily, my lord, for waking of the king.
Now, my lords.
How doth your grace feel yourself?
Somewhat better after my sleep. 703But, good my lords, take off my crown, 704remove my chair a little back, and set me right.
An please your grace, the crown is taken away.
The crown taken away! 707Good my lord of Oxford, go see who hath done this deed. [Exit Oxford]708 No doubt 'tis some vile traitor that hath done it 709to deprive my son. They that would do it now 710would seek to scrape and scrawl for it after my death.
Here, an please your grace, 713is my lord the young prince with the crown.
Why, how now, my son? 715I had thought the last time I had you in schooling 716I had given you a lesson for all, 717and do you now begin again? 718Why tell me, my son, 719dost thou think the time so long 720that thou wouldst have it before the 721breath be out of my mouth?
Most sovereign lord and well-beloved father, 723I came into your chamber to comfort the melancholy 724soul of your body, and finding you at that time 725past all recovery and dead, to my thinking, 726God is my witness, and what should I do 727but with weeping tears lament the death of you, my father? 728 And after that, seeing the crown, I took it. 729And tell me, my father, who might better take it than I 730after your death? But, seeing you live, 731I most humbly render it into your majesty's hands, 732and the happiest man alive that my father live. 733And live, my lord and father, forever.
8.13.1[Prince Henry gives Henry IV the crown and kneels before him.]
Stand up, my son. 735Thine answer hath sounded well in mine ears, 736for I must needs confess that I was in a very sound sleep 737and altogether unmindful of thy coming. 738But come near, my son, 739and let me put thee in possession whilst I live, 740that none deprive thee of it after my death.
Well may I take it at your majesty's hands, 742but it shall never touch my head so long as my father lives.
God give thee joy, my son. 745God bless thee and make thee His servant 746and send thee a prosperous reign, 747for God knows, my son, how hardly I came by it 748and how hardly I have maintained it.
Howsoever you came by it, I know not, 750but now I have it from you, and from you I will keep it. 751And he that seeks to take the crown from my head, 752let him look that his armor be thicker than mine, 753or I will pierce him to the heart, 754were it harder than brass or bullion.
Nobly spoken, and like a king. 756Now trust me, my lords, I fear not but my son 757will be as warlike and victorious a prince 758as ever reigned in England.
His former life shows no less.
Well, my lords, I know not whether it be for sleep 761or drawing near of drowsy summer of death, 762but I am very much given to sleep. 763Therefore, good my lords and my son, 764draw the curtains, depart my chamber, 765and cause some music to rock me asleep.
8.20.1[Exeter, Oxford, and Prince Henry draw the curtains.]
8.20.2[Music plays.]
9.0.2Enter the Thief [Cutbert Cutter].
Ah God, I am now much like to a bird 770which hath escaped out of the cage, 771for so soon as my Lord Chief Justice heard 772that the old king was dead, he was glad to let me go, 773for fear of my lord the young prince. 774But here comes some of his companions. 775I will see an I can get anything of them, 776for old acquaintance.
Gog's wounds, the king is dead!
Dead! Then Gog's blood, we shall be all kings!
Gog's wounds, I shall be lord chief justice 781of England.
[To Cutbert Cutter] Why, how are you broken out of prison?
Gog's wounds, how the villain stinks!
Why, what will become of thee now? 785Fie upon him, how the rascal stinks.
Marry, I will go and serve my master again.
Gog's blood, dost think that he will have any such 788scabbed knave as thou art? What, man, he is a king now.
Hold thee, here's a couple of angels for thee, 790and get thee gone, for the king will not be long 791before he come this way. 792And hereafter I will tell the king of thee.
Oh, how it did me good to see the king 795when he was crowned! 796Methought his seat was like the figure of heaven 797and his person like unto a god.
But who would have thought 799that the king would have changed his countenance so?
Did you not see with what grace 801he sent his embassage into France to tell the French king 802that Harry of England hath sent for the crown 803and Harry of England will have it?
But 'twas but a little to make the people believe 805that he was sorry for his father's death.
Gog's wounds, the king comes. 808Let's all stand aside.
How do you, my lord?
How now, Harry? 813Tut, my lord, put away these dumps. 814You are a king, and all the realm is yours. 815What, man, do you not remember the old sayings? 816You know I must be lord chief justice of England. 817Trust me, my lord, methinks you are very much changed, 818and 'tis but with a little sorrowing to make folks believe 819the death of your father grieves you, 820and 'tis nothing so.
I prithee, Ned, mend thy manners 822and be more modester in thy terms, 823for my unfeigned grief is not to be ruled by thy flattering 824and dissembling talk. Thou say'st I am changed. 825So I am indeed, and so must thou be, and that quickly, 826or else I must cause thee to be changed.
Gog's wounds! How like you this? 828Zounds, 'tis not so sweet as music.
I trust we have not offended your grace no way.
Ah, Tom, your former life grieves me 831and makes me to abandon and abolish your company forever, 832and therefore not upon pain of death to approach my presence 833by ten miles' space. Then, if I hear well of you, 834it may be I will do somewhat for you; 835otherwise, look for no more favor at my hands 836than at any other man's. And therefore be gone. 837We have other matters to talk on.838
9.21.1Exeunt Knights [Tom, Ned, and Jockey].
Your right to the French crown of France 842came by your great-grandmother Isabel, 843wife to King Edward the Third 844and sister to Charles the French king. 845Now, if the French king deny it, as likely enough he will, 846then must you take your sword in hand 847and conquer the right. 848Let the usurped Frenchman know
, 849although your predecessors have let it pass, you will not, 850for your countrymen are willing with purse and men 851to aid you. 852Then, my good lord, as it hath been always known 853that Scotland hath been in league with France 854by a sort of pensions which yearly come from thence, 855I think it therefore best to conquer Scotland, 856and then I think that you may go more easily into France. 857And this is all that I can say, my good lord.
I thank you, my good lord archbishop of Canterbury. 859What say you, my good lord of Oxford?
An please your majesty, 861I agree to my lord archbishop, saving in this: 862he that will Scotland win must first with France begin, 863according to the old saying. 864Therefore, my good lord, I think it best first to invade France, 865for in conquering Scotland you conquer but one; 866an conquer France and conquer both.
An please your majesty, 869my lord ambassador is come out of France.
Now trust me, my lord, 871he was the last man that we talked of. 872I am glad that he is come to resolve us of our answer. 873Commit him to our presence.
God save the life of my sovereign lord the king.
Now, my good lord the duke of York, 877what news from our brother the French king?
An please your majesty, 879I delivered him my embassage, 880whereof I took some deliberation. 881But for the answer, he hath sent 882my lord ambassador of Bruges, the duke of Burgundy, 883Monsieur le Cole, with two hundred and fifty horsemen, 884to bring the embassage.
Commit my lord archbishop of Bruges 886into our presence.
9.32888Now, my lord archbishop of Bruges, 889we do learn by our lord ambassador 890that you have our message to do 891from our brother the French king. 892Here, my good lord, according to our accustomed order, 893we give you free liberty and licence to speak 894with good audience.
God save the mighty king of England. 896My lord and master, the most Christian king, 897Charles the Sixth, the great and mighty king of France, 898as a most noble and Christian king, 899not minding to shed innocent blood, is rather content 900to yield somewhat to your unreasonable demands, 901that if fifty thousand crowns a year with his daughter, 902the said Lady Katherine, in marriage, 903and some crowns which he may well spare, 904not hurting of his kingdom, 905he is content to yield so far to your unreasonable desire.
Why, then, belike your lord and master 907thinks to puff me up with fifty thousand crowns a year. 908No, tell thy lord and master 909that all the crowns in France shall not serve me, 910except the crown and kingdom itself -- 911and perchance hereafter I will have his daughter.
What, a gilded tun? 918I pray you, my lord of York, look what is in it.
An please your grace, 920here is a carpet and a tun of tennis balls.
A tun of tennis balls? 922I pray you, good my lord archbishop, 923what might the meaning thereof be?
An it please you, my lord, 925a messenger, you know, ought to keep close his message, 926and specially an ambassador.
But I know that you may declare your message 928to a king. The law of arms allows no less.
My lord, hearing of your wildness before your 930father's death, sent you this, my good lord, 931meaning that you are more fitter for a tennis court 932than a field and more fitter for a carpet than the camp.
My lord Prince Dauphin is very pleasant with me. 934But tell him that instead of balls of leather 935we will toss him balls of brass and iron, 936yea, such balls as never were tossed in France. 937The proudest tennis court shall rue it; 938ay, and thou, prince of Bruges, shall rue it. 939Therefore get thee hence and tell him thy message quickly, 940lest I be there before thee. Away, priest, be gone.
I beseech your grace to deliver me your safe 942conduct under your broad seal manual.
Priest of Bruges, know 944that the hand and seal of a king, and his word is all one, 945and instead of my hand and seal 946I will bring him my hand and sword. 947And tell thy lord and master that I, Harry of England, said it 948and I, Harry of England, will perform it. 949My lord of York, deliver him our safe conduct 950under our broad seal manual.
9.45952 Now, my lords, to arms, to arms, 953for I vow by heaven and earth that the proudest 954Frenchman in all France shall rue the time that ever 955these tennis balls were sent into England. 956[To Exeter] My lord, I will that there be provided a great navy of ships 957with all speed at Southampton, 958for there I mean to ship my men, 959for I would be there before him, if it were possible. 960Therefore come -- but stay, 961I had almost forgot the chiefest thing of all, with chafing 962with this French ambassador. 963Call in my Lord Chief Justice of England.
Here is the king, my lord.
God preserve your majesty.
Why, how now, my lord, what is the matter?
I would it were unknown to your majesty.
Why, what ails you?
Your majesty knoweth my grief well.
Oh, my lord, you remember you sent me to the 972Fleet, did you not?
I trust your grace have forgotten that.
Ay, truly my lord, and for revengement 975I have chosen you to be my protector over my realm 976until it shall please God to give me speedy return 977out of France.
An if it please your majesty, I am far unworthy 979of so high a dignity.
Tut, my lord, you are not unworthy, 981because I think you worthy. 982For you that would not spare me, 983I think, will not spare another. 984It must needs be so, and, therefore, come, 985let us be gone and get our men in a readiness.
10.0.2Enter a Captain, John Cobbler[,] and his Wife.
Come, come, there's no remedy. 989Thou must needs serve the king.
Good Master Captain, let me go. 991I am not able to go so far.
I pray you, good Master Captain, 993be good to my husband.
Why, I am sure he is not too good to serve the king?
Alas, no, but a great deal too bad. 996Therefore I pray you let me go.
No, no, thou shalt go.
Oh, sir, I have a great many shoes at home to 999cobble.
I pray you let him go home again.
Tush, I care not. Thou shalt go.
Oh, wife, an you had been a loving wife to me, 1003this had not been, for I have said many times 1004that I would go away, and now I must go 1005against my will.
How now! Ho, basillus manus, for an old codpiece! 1009Master Captain, shall we away? 1010Zounds, how now, John, what, a-crying? 1011What make you and my dame there? 1012[To Wife] I marvel whose head you will throw the stools at 1013now we are gone.
I'll tell you! Come, ye cloghead, 1015what do you with my pot lid? Hear you, 1016will you have it rapped about your pate?
Oh, good dame!Here he shakes her[.]1019An I had my dagger here, I would worry you all to pieces, 1020that I would.
Would you so? I'll try that.
Master Captain, will ye suffer her? 1024Go to, dame! I will go back as far as I can, 1025but, an you come again, 1026I'll clap the law on your back, that's flat. 1027I'll tell you, Master Captain, what you shall do. 1028Press her for a soldier. I warrant you, 1029she will do as much good as her husband and I too.
How now, good fellow. Dost thou want a master?
Ay, truly sir.
Hold thee, then. I press thee for a soldier 1035to serve the king in France.
How now, Gads! What, dost know 's, thinkest?
Ay, I knew thee long ago.
Hear you, Master Captain?
What say'st thou?
I pray you let me go home again.
Why, what wouldst thou do at home?
Marry, I have brought two shirts with me, 1043and I would carry one of them home again, 1044for I am sure he'll steal it from me, 1045he is such a filching fellow.
I warrant thee he will not steal it from thee. 1047Come, let's away.
Come, Master Captain, let's away. 1049Come, follow me.
Come, wife, let's part lovingly.
Farewell, good husband.
10.30.1[They embrace tearfully.]
Fie, what a kissing and crying is here! 1053[To Wife] Zounds, do ye think he will never come again? 1054[To John] Why, John, come away! Dost think that we are so base-1055minded to die among Frenchmen? 1056Zounds, we know not whether they will lay 1057us in their church or no. Come, Master Captain, let's away.
I cannot stay no longer, therefore come away.
Now, my lord high constable, 1063what say you to our embassage into England?
An it please your majesty, I can say nothing 1065until my lords ambassadors be come home, 1066but yet methinks your grace hath done well 1067to get your men in so good a readiness 1068for fear of the worst.
Ay, my lord, we have some in a readiness, 1070but if the king of England make against us 1071we must have thrice so many more.
Tut, my lord, although the king of England 1073be young and wild-headed, yet never think he will be so 1074unwise to make battle against the mighty king of 1075France.
Oh, my son, although the king of England be 1077young and wild-headed, yet never think but he is ruled 1078by his wise counselors.
God save the life of my sovereign lord the king.
Now, my good lord archbishop of Bruges, 1082what news from our brother the English king?
An please your majesty, 1084he is so far from your expectation 1085that nothing will serve him but the crown 1086and kingdom itself. Besides, he bade me haste quickly, 1087lest he be there before me, and, so far as I hear, 1088he hath kept promise, for they say he is already landed 1089at Kidcocks in Normandy, upon the river of Seine, 1090and laid his siege to the garrison town of Harfleur.
You have made great haste in the meantime, 1092have you not?
I pray you, my lord, how did the king of 1094England take my presents?
Truly, my lord, in very ill part. 1096For these your balls of leather, 1097he will toss you balls of brass and iron. 1098Trust me, my lord, I was very afraid of him. 1099He is such a haughty and high-minded prince, 1100he is as fierce as a lion.
Tush, we will make him as tame as a lamb, 1102I warrant you.
God save the mighty king of France.
Now, messenger, what news?
An it please your majesty, 1107I come from your poor distressed town of Harfleur, 1108which is so beset on every side, 1109if your majesty do not send present aid 1110the town will be yielded to the English king.
Come, my lords, come, shall we stand still 1112'til our country be spoiled under our noses? 1113My lords, let the Normans, Brabants, Pickardies, 1114and Danes be sent for with all speed. 1115And you, my lord high constable, I make general 1116over all my whole army, 1117Monsieur le Cole, Master of the Bows, 1118Signor Devens, and all the rest, at your appointment.
I trust your majesty will bestow 1120some part of the battle on me. 1121I hope not to present any otherwise than well.
I tell thee, my son, 1123although I should get the victory, an thou lose thy life, 1124I should think myself quite conquered 1125and the Englishmen to have the victory.
Why, my lord and father, 1127I would have the petty king of England to know 1128that I dare encounter him in any ground of the world.
12.0.2Enter Henry the Fifth, with his Lords.
Come, my lords of England, 1135no doubt this good luck of winning this town 1136is a sign of an honorable victory to come. 1137But, good my lord, go and speak to the captains 1138with all speed to number the host of the Frenchmen, 1139and by that means we may the better know 1140how to appoint the battle.
12.1.1[Exit a Lord.]
An it please your majesty, 1142there are many of your men sick and diseased, 1143and many of them die for want of victuals.
And why did you not tell me of it before? 1145If we cannot have it for money, 1146we will have it by dint of sword. 1147The laws of arms allow no less.
I beseech your grace to grant me a boon.
What is that, my good lord?
That your grace would give me the 1151vanguard in the battle.
Trust me, my lord of Oxford, I cannot, 1153for I have already given it to my uncle the duke of York. 1154Yet I thank you for your good will. 1155
12.7.1A trumpet sounds.
I think it be some herald of arms.
King of England, my lord high constable 1160and others of the noblemen of France 1161sends me to defy thee as open enemy to God, 1162our country, and us, and hereupon 1163they presently bid thee battle.
Herald, tell them that I defy them 1165as open enemies to God, my country, and me, 1166and as wrongful usurpers of my right. 1167And whereas thou say'st they presently bid me battle, 1168tell them that I think they know how to please me. 1169But, I pray thee, what place hath my lord Prince Dauphin 1170here in battle?
Why, then, he doth me great injury. 1175I thought that he and I should have played at tennis together. 1176Therefore I have brought tennis balls for him, 1177but other manner of ones than he sent me. 1178And, herald, tell my lord Prince Dauphin 1179that I have inured my hands with other kind of weapons 1180than tennis balls ere this time o' day 1181and that he shall find it ere it be long. 1182And so adieu, my friend, 1183and tell my lord that I am ready when he will.
12.141185Come, my lords, I care not an I go to our captains, 1186and I'll see the number of the French army myself. 1187Strike up the drum.
12.14.1A drum strikes.
13.0.2Enter French Soldiers.
Come away, Jack Drummer, come away all, 1191and me will tell you what me will do. 1192Me will tro one chance on the dice, 1193who shall have the king of England and his lords.
Come away, Jack Drummer, 1195and tro your chance, and lay down your drum.
Oh, the brave apparel that the Englishmans 1198hay broth over! I will tell you what 1199me ha' done, me ha' provided a hundreth trunks, 1200and all to put the fine 'parel of the Englishmans in.
What do thou mean by "trunk," eh?
A shest, man, a hundred shests.
Awee, awee, awee. Me will tell you what, 1204me ha' put five shildren out of my house, 1205and all too little to put the fine apparel of the 1206Englishmans in.
Oh, the brave, the brave apparel that we shall 1208have anon. But come, and you shall see what me will tro 1209at the king's Drummer and Fife.
13.7.1[He throws dice.]
Faith, me will tro at the earl of Northumberland 1212and my lord of Willoughby, with his great horse, 1213snorting, farting â€"- oh, brave horse!
13.9.1[He throws dice.]
Ha, by'r Lady you ha' reasonable good luck. 1215Now I will tro at the king himself.
13.10.1[He throws dice.]
How now, what make you here, 1219so far from the camp?
Shall me tell our captain what we have done here?
Awee, awee.
I will tell you what we have done. 1224We have been troing our shance on the dice, 1225but none can win the king.
I think so. Why, he is left behind for me, 1227and I have set three or four chair-makers a-work 1228to make a new disguised chair to set that womanly 1229king of England in, that all the people may laugh 1230and scoff at him.
O brave captain!
I am glad, and yet with a kind of pity, 1233to see the poor king. 1234Why, whoever saw a more flourishing army in France 1235in one day than here is? Are not here all the peers of 1236France? Are not here the Normans with their fiery hand1237guns and slaunching curtle-axes? 1238Are not here the Barbarians with their bard horses 1239and launching spears? 1240Are not here Pickards with their cross-bows and piercing 1241darts? 1242The Hainuyers with their cutting glaives and sharp 1243carbuncles? 1244Are not here the lance-knights of Burgundy? 1245And on the other side, a sight of poor English scabs? 1246Why, take an Englishman out of his warm bed 1247and his stale drink but one month 1248and, alas, what will become of him? 1249But give the Frenchman a radish root 1250and he will live with it all the days of his life.
Oh, the brave apparel that we shall have of the 1253Englishmans!
13.19.1Exit [2 Soldier].
14.0.2Enter the King of England and his Lords.
Come, my lords and fellows of arms, 1256what company is there of the Frenchmen?
An it please your majesty, 1258our captains have numbered them, 1259and, so near as they can judge, 1260they are about threescore thousand horsemen 1261and forty thousand footmen.
They threescore thousand, 1263and we but two thousand. 1264They forty thousand footmen, 1265and we twelve thousand. 1266They are a hundred thousand, 1267and we fourteen thousand: ten to one. 1268My lords and loving countrymen, 1269though we be few and they many, 1270fear not. Your quarrel is good, and God will defend you. 1271Pluck up your hearts, for this day we shall either have 1272a valiant victory or an honorable death. 1273Now, my lords, I will that my uncle the duke of York 1274have the vanguard in the battle. 1275The earl of Derby, the earl of Oxford, 1276the earl of Kent, the earl of Nottingham, 1277the earl of Huntington, I will have beside the army, 1278that they may come fresh upon them. 1279And I myself with the duke of Bedford, 1280the duke of Clarence, and the duke of Gloucester 1281will be in the midst of the battle. 1282Furthermore, I will that my lord of Willoughby 1283and the earl of Northumberland 1284with their troops of horsemen be continually running like 1285wings on both sides of the army, 1286my lord of Northumberland on the left wing. 1287Then I will that every archer provide him a stake of 1288a tree and sharp it at both ends 1289and, at the first encounter of the horsemen, 1290to pitch their stakes down into the ground before them, 1291that they may gore themselves upon them, 1292and then to recoil back and shoot wholly altogether 1293and so discomfit them.
An it please your majesty, 1295I will take that in charge, if your grace be therewith content.
With all my heart, my good lord of Oxford, 1297and go and provide quickly.
I thank your highness.
Well, my lords, our battles are ordained, 1301and the French making of bonfires and at their banquets. 1302But let them look, for I mean to set upon them. 1303
14.7.1The trumpet sounds.
King of England, my lord high constable 1307and other of my lords, considering the poor estate of thee 1308and thy poor countrymen, 1309send me to know what thou wilt give for thy ransom. 1310Perhaps thou mayst agree better cheap now 1311than when thou art conquered.
Why, then belike your high constable 1313sends to know what I will give for my ransom? 1314Now, trust me, herald, not so much as a tun of tennis balls. 1315No, not so much as one poor tennis ball. 1316Rather shall my body lie dead in the field to feed crows 1317than ever England shall pay one penny ransom 1318for my body.
A kingly resolution.
No, herald, 'tis a kingly resolution 1321and the resolution of a king. 1322Here, take this for thy pains. 1323
14.12.1[Henry V gives the Herald coins.]
14.12.2Exit Herald.
Prime, my lord.
Then is it good time, no doubt, 1327for all England prayeth for us. 1328What, my lords, methinks you look cheerfully upon me? 1329Why, then, with one voice and like true English hearts, 1330with me throw up your caps and for England 1331cry "Saint George!" -- and God and Saint George help us!
14.15.1Strike Drummer. Exeunt omnes.
16.0.2Enter King of England, and his Lords.
Come, my lords, come. By this time our 1338swords are almost drunk with French blood. 1339But, my lords, which of you can tell me how many of our 1340army be slain in the battle?
An it please your majesty, 1342there are of the French army slain 1343above ten thousand twenty-six hundred, 1344whereof are princes and nobles bearing banners. 1345Besides, all the nobility of France are taken prisoners. 1346Of your majesty's army are slain none but the good 1347duke of York and not above five or six and twenty 1348common soldiers.
For the good duke of York my uncle 1350I am heartily sorry and greatly lament his misfortune, 1351yet the honorable victory which the Lord hath given us 1352doth make me much rejoice. But stay, 1353here comes another French message.
God save the life of the most mighty conqueror, 1357the honorable king of England.
Now, herald, methinks the world is changed 1359with you now. What, I am sure it is a great disgrace for a 1360herald to kneel to the king of England. 1361What is thy message?
My lord and master, the conquered king of France, 1363sends thee long health with hearty greeting.
He hath sent me to desire your majesty 1368to give him leave to go into the field to view his poor 1369countrymen, that they may all be honorably buried.
Why, herald, doth thy lord and master 1371send to me to bury the dead? 1372Let him bury them, in God's name. 1373But I pray thee, herald, where is my lord high constable 1374and those that would have had my ransom?
An it please your majesty, 1376he was slain in the battle.
Why, you may see, you will make yourselves 1378sure before the victory be won. But, herald, 1379what castle is this so near adjoining to our camp?
An it please your majesty, 1381'tis called the Castle of Agincourt.
Well then, my lords of England, 1383for the more honor of our Englishmen, 1384I will that this be forever called the Battle of Agincourt.
An it please your majesty, 1386I have a further message to deliver to your majesty.
What is that, herald? Say on.
An it please your majesty, my lord and master 1389craves to parley with your majesty.
With a good will, so some of my nobles 1391view the place, for fear of treachery and treason.
Your grace needs not to doubt that.
Well, tell him then, I will come.
16.201395Now, my lords, I will go into the field myself 1396to view my countrymen and to have them honorably 1397buried, for the French king shall never surpass me in 1398courtesy while I am Harry king of England. 1399Come on, my lords.
17.0.2Enter John Cobbler, and Robin Pewterer.
Now, John Cobbler, 1403didst thou see how the king did behave himself?
But, Robin, didst thou see what a policy 1405the king had? To see how the Frenchmen were killed 1406with the stakes of the trees!
Ay, John, there was a brave policy.
What are you, my masters?
Why, we be Englishmen.
Are you Englishmen? Then change your language, 1412for the king's tents are set afire, 1413and all they that speak English will be killed.
17.6.1[Exit Soldier.]
What shall we do, Robin? Faith, I'll shift, 1415for I can speak broken French.
Faith, so can I. Let's hear how thou canst speak.
Commodevales, Monsieur.
That's well. Come, let's be gone.
17.10.2[Exit John and Robin.]
O good Mounser.
Come, come, you vigliacco.
Oh, I will, sir, I will.
Come quickly, you peasant.
I will, sir. What shall I give you?
Marry, thou shalt give me 1428one, two, tre, four hundred crowns.
Nay, sir, I will give you more. 1430I will give you as many crowns as will lie on your sword.
Wilt thou give me as many crowns 1432as will lie on my sword?
Ay, marry will I. Ay, but you must lay down your 1434sword, or else they will not lie on your sword.
18.9.11435Here the Frenchman lays down his sword, and 1436the clown [Derrick] takes it up and hurls him down.
Thou villain, darest thou look up?
O you villain, now you lie at my mercy, 1441dost thou remember since thou lammst me in thy short ell? 1442O villain, now I will strike off thy head.
What, is he gone? Mass, I am glad of it, 1446for if he had stayed I was afraid he would have stirred again, 1447and then I should have been spilt. 1448But I will away to kill more Frenchmen.
18.13.1[Exit Derrick.]
Enter King of France, King of England, [Secretary,] 1450and attendants.
Now, my good brother of France, 1452my coming into this land was not to shed blood 1453but for the right of my country, which, if you can deny, 1454I am content peaceably to leave my siege 1455and to depart out of your land.
What is it you demand, 1457my loving brother of England?
My secretary hath it written. [To Secretary] Read it.
Item, that immediately Henry of England 1460be crowned king of France.
A very hard sentence, 1462my good brother of England.
No more but right, my good brother of France.
Well, read on.
Item, that after the death of the said Henry, 1466the crown remain to him and his heirs forever.
Why, then, you do not only mean to 1468dispossess me but also my son.
Why, my good brother of France, 1470you have had it long enough, 1471and, as for Prince Dauphin, 1472it skills not though he sit beside the saddle. 1473Thus I have set it down, and thus it shall be.
You are very peremptory, 1475my good brother of England.
And you as perverse, my good brother of France.
Why, then, belike all that I have here is yours.
Ay, even as far as the kingdom of France reaches.
Ay, for by this hot beginning 1480we shall scarce bring it to a calm ending.
It is as you please. Here is my resolution.
With a good will, my good brother of France. 1487Secretary, deliver him a copy.
19.19.1Exeunt Lords.
Ah Harry, thrice-unhappy Harry! 1492Hast thou now conquered the French king 1493and begin'st a fresh supply with his daughter? 1494But with what face canst thou seek to gain her love, 1495which hath sought to win her father's crown? 1496"Her father's crown," said I? No, it is mine own. 1497Ay, but I love her and must crave her. 1498Nay, I love her and will have her. 1499
19.20.1Enter Lady Katherine and her Ladies.
An it please your majesty, 1504my father sent me to know if you will debate any of these 1505unreasonable demands which you require.
Now trust me, Kate, 1507I commend thy father's wit greatly in this, 1508for none in the world could sooner have made me debate it 1509if it were possible. 1510But tell me, sweet Kate, canst thou tell how to love?
I cannot hate, my good lord, 1512therefore far unfit were it for me to love.
Tush, Kate. But tell me in plain terms, 1514canst thou love the king of England? 1515I cannot do as these countries do 1516that spend half their time in wooing. 1517Tush, wench, I am none such. 1518But wilt thou go over to England?
I would to God that I had your majesty 1520as fast in love as you have my father in wars. 1521I would not vouchsafe so much as one look 1522until you had debated all these unreasonable demands.
Tush, Kate, I know thou wouldst not use me so 1524hardly. But tell me, canst thou love the king of England?
How should I love him that hath dealt so hardly 1526with my father?
But I'll deal as easily with thee 1528as thy heart can imagine or tongue can require. 1529How say'st thou? What will it be?
If I were of my own direction, 1531I could give you answer. 1532But seeing I stand at my father's direction, 1533I must first know his will.
But shall I have thy good will in the mean season?
Whereas I can put your grace in no assurance, 1536I would be loath to put you in any despair.
Now before God, it is a sweet wench.
I may think myself the happiest in the world, 1540that is beloved of the mighty king of England.
Well, Kate, are you at host with me? 1542Sweet Kate, tell thy father from me 1543that none in the world could sooner have persuaded me to 1544it than thou, and so tell thy father from me.
God keep your majesty in good health.
Farewell, sweet Kate! In faith, it is a sweet wench, 1548but, if I knew I could not have her father's good will, 1549I would so rouse the towers over his ears 1550that I would make him be glad to bring her me 1551upon his hands and knees.
20.0.2Enter Derrick, with his girdle full of shoes.
How now? Zounds, it did me good to see how 1555I did triumph over the Frenchmen.
Whoop, Derick! How dost thou?
What, John! Comedevales! Alive yet?
I promise thee, Derrick, I scaped hardly, 1561for I was within half a mile when one was killed.
Were you so?
Ay, trust me, I had like been slain.
But once killed, why, it is nothing! 1565I was four or five times slain.
Four or five times slain! 1567Why, how couldst thou have been alive now?
Oh, John, never say so, 1569for I was called the bloody soldier amongst them all.
Why, what didst thou?
Why, I will tell thee, John. 1572Every day when I went into the field 1573I would take a straw and thrust it into my nose 1574and make my nose bleed, and then I would go into the field, 1575and when the captain saw me he would say, 1576"Peace, a bloody soldier," and bid me stand aside, 1577whereof I was glad. 1578But mark the chance, John. 1579I went and stood behind a tree -- but mark then, John. 1580I thought I had been safe, but on a sudden 1581there steps to me a lusty tall Frenchman. 1582Now he drew, and I drew. 1583Now I lay here, and he lay there. 1584Now I set this leg before, and turned this backward, 1585and skipped quite over a hedge, 1586and he saw me no more there that day. 1587And was not this well done, John?
Mass, Derick, thou hast a witty head.
Ay, John, thou mayst see, if thou hadst taken my counsel -- 1590but what hast thou there? 1591I think thou hast been robbing the Frenchmen.
Ay, faith, Derrick, I have gotten some reparel 1593to carry home to my wife.
And I have got some shoes, 1595for I'll tell thee what I did. When they were dead, 1596I would go take off all their shoes.
Ay, but Derrick, how shall we get home?
Nay, zounds, an they take thee 1599they will hang thee. 1600O John, never do so. If it be thy fortune to be hanged, 1601be hanged in thy own language whatsoever thou dost.
Why, Derrick, the wars is done. 1603We may go home now.
Ay, but you may not go before you ask the king leave. 1605But I know a way to go home and ask the king no leave.
How is that, Derrick?
Why, John, thou knowest the duke of York's 1608funeral must be carried into England, dost thou not?
Ay, that I do.
Why, then, thou knowest we'll go with it.
Ay, but Derrick, how shall we do for to meet them?
Zounds, if I make not shift to meet them, hang me. 1613Sirrah, thou know'st that in every town there will 1614be ringing and there will be cakes and drink. 1615Now, I will go to the clerk and sexton 1616and keep a-talking, and say, "Oh, this fellow rings well," 1617and thou shalt go and take a piece of cake. Then I'll ring, 1618and thou shalt say, "Oh, this fellow keeps a good stint," 1619and then I will go drink to thee all the way. 1620But I marvel what my dame will say when we come home, 1621because we have not a French word to cast at a dog 1622by the way.
Why, what shall we do, Derrick?
Why, John, I'll go before and call my dame whore, 1625and thou shalt come after and set fire on the house. 1626We may do it, John, for I'll prove it, 1627because we be soldiers.
Derrick, help me to carry my shoes and boots.
20.28.1[Exeunt Derrick and John.]
21.0.2Enter King of England, Lord[s] of Oxford and Exeter, then 1631the King of France, Prince Dauphin, and the duke of 1632Burgundy, [Katherine, Secretary,] and attendants.
Now, my good brother of France, 1634I hope by this time you have deliberated of your answer?
Ay, my well-beloved brother of England, 1636we have viewed it over with our learned counsel 1637but cannot find that you should be crowned 1638king of France.
What, not king of France? Then nothing. 1640I must be king. But, my loving brother of France, 1641I can hardly forget the late injuries offered me 1642when I came last to parley. 1643The Frenchmen had better ha' raked 1644the bowels out of their fathers' carcasses 1645than to have fired my tents, 1646and, if I knew thy son Prince Dauphin for one, 1647I would so rouse him as he was never so roused.
I dare swear for my son's innocency 1649in this matter. 1650But, if this please you, that immediately you be 1651proclaimed and crowned Heir and Regent of France, 1652not king, because I myself was once crowned king.
Heir and Regent of France. That is well, 1654but that is not all that I must have.
The rest my secretary hath in writing.
Item, that Henry king of England 1657be crowned Heir and Regent of France 1658during the life of King Charles and, after his death, 1659the crown, with all rights, to remain to King Henry 1660of England and to his heirs forever.
Well, my good brother of France, 1662there is one thing I must needs desire.
What is that, my good brother of England?
That all your nobles must be sworn to be true to me.
Whereas they have not stuck with greater 1666matters, I know they will not stick with such a trifle. 1667Begin you, my lord duke of Burgundy.
Come, my lord of Burgundy, 1669take your oath upon my sword.
I, Philip duke of Burgundy, 1671swear to Henry king of England 1672to be true to him and to become his liege man, 1673and that if I, Philip, hear of any foreign power 1674coming to invade the said Henry or his heirs, 1675then I the said Philip to send him word 1676and aid him with all the power I can make. 1677And thereunto I take my oath.
Come, Prince Dauphin, you must swear too.
Well, my brother of France, 1682there is one thing more I must needs require of you.
Wherein is it that we may satisfy your majesty?
A trifle, my good brother of France. 1685I mean to make your daughter queen of England, 1686if she be willing and you therewith content. 1687How say'st thou, Kate? Canst thou love the king of England?
How should I love thee, which is my father's enemy?
Tut, stand not upon these points. 1690'Tis you must make us friends. 1691I know, Kate, thou art not a little proud that I love thee. 1692What, wench, the king of England?
Daughter, let nothing stand betwixt the 1694king of England and thee. Agree to it.
[Aside] I had best whilst he is willing, 1696lest when I would, he will not. 1697I rest at your majesty's command.
Welcome, sweet Kate. But, my brother of France, 1699what say you to it?
With all my heart I like it. 1701But when shall be your wedding day?
The first Sunday of the next month, 1703God willing.