Not Peer Reviewed
Thomas Lord Cromwell (Folio 3, 1664)
1500Enter Bedford solus.
1502And Gardiner is the man that makes it so;
1503O Cromwell, I do fear thy end is near:
1504Yet I'le prevent their malice if I can,
1505And in good time, see where the man doth come,
1506Who little knows how near's his day of doom.
1507Enter Cromwell with his train, Bedford makes as
1508though he would speak to him: he goes on.
1509Cro. You'r well encountred, my good Lord of Bedford,
1510Pray Pardon me, I am sent for to th'King,
1512So fare you well, for I must needs be gone.
1513Exit all the train.
1518Enter Cromwell and the train again.
1522I must receive of him the privy Seale
1524Exit the train.
1526Enter a Messenger.
1529Intreats you to come presently to Lambeth,
1530On earnest matters that concerns the State.
1532I and Lord Cromwell there shall talk enough:
1533I, and our last, I fear, and if he come.
1534He writes a Letter.
1535Here, take this Letter, and bear it to Lord Cromwell,
1536Bid him read it, say it concerns him near,
1537Away, be gone, make all the haste you can,
1538To Lambeth do I go, a wofull man.Exit.