Not Peer Reviewed
Thomas Lord Cromwell (Folio 3, 1664)
1039Enter Gardiner Bishop of Winchester, the Dukes of
1040Norfolk, and of Suffolk, Sir Thomas Moor,
1041Sir Christopher Hales, and Cromwell.
1044There's certain billes and writings in your hand,
1045That much concerns the state of England:
1047Gar. My Lord of Norfolk, we two were whilome fellows
1049Did bind us, while his love was to the King,
1050It is no boot now to deny those things,
1051Which may be prejudicial to the State:
1052And though that God hath rais'd my fortune higher,
1053Then any way I look'd for, or deserv'd.
1054Yet my life, no longer with me dwell,
1055Then I prove true unto my Soveraigne.
1057 writings, I, or no?
1058Crom. Here are the writings, and upon my knees,
1059I give them up, unto the worthy Dukes,
1061And each vertuous part
1062That lived in him, I tender'd with my heart,
1063But what his head complotted 'gainst the State,
1064My Countries love, commands me that to hate.
1065His sudden death, I grieve for, not his fall,
1069My Lord, let's go unto his Majesty,
1071Exit Norfolk and Suffolk.
1072Enter Bedford hastily.
1074By my soul, welcome to England:
1077 remember it,
1078Then for my self vainly to report it.
1079Bed. Well, Cromwell, now is the time,
1080I shall commend thee to my Soveraigne:
1083Hal. O how uncertain is the wheel of State,
1084Who lately greater then the Cardinal,
1085For fear, and love: and now who lower lies?
1086Gay honours, are but Fortunes flatteries,
1087And whom this day, pride and promotion swells,
1088To morrow, envy and ambition quells.
1090May boldly say the wretches death is nigh.
1092Was too too violent to last over-long.
1094Melts them, to ruine his own fortune brings.
1095Enter the Duke of Suffolk.
1096Suf. Cromwell, kneel down in King Henrie's name,
1097Arise Sir Thomas Cromwell, thus begins thy fame.
1098Enter the Duke of Norfolk.
1100For the good liking, he conceives of thee:
1102Chief Secretary to himself, and withall,
1103Creates thee one of his Highness Privie Council.
1104Enter the Earl of Bedford.
1106Suff. He is, my Lord.
1107Bed. Then, to adde Honour to his Name,
1108The King creates him Lord Keeper of his privy Seal,
1109And Master of the Rolls;
1111The King determines higher place for you.
1115Gard. Here's Honours, Titles and Promotions;
1116I fear this climbing, will have a sudden fall.
1117Norf. Then come, my Lords, let's altogether bring,
1118This new-made Counsellor to England's King.
1119Exeunt all but Gardiner.
1121Shall Cromwell live a greater man then I?
1122My envy with his honour now is bred,