Not Peer Reviewed
- Edition: Coriolanus
Coriolanus (Folio 1, 1623)
- Texts of this edition
- Facsimiles
3346Enter Coriolanus and Auffidius.
3347Corio. We will before the walls of Rome to morrow
3349You must report to th' Volcian Lords, how plainly
3354That thought them sure of you.
3356Whom with a crack'd heart I haue sent to Rome,
3357Lou'd me, aboue the measure of a Father,
3358Nay godded me indeed. Their latest refuge
3362And cannot now accept, to grace him onely,
3363That thought he could do more: A very little
3365Nor from the State, nor priuate friends heereafter
3367Shall I be tempted to infringe my vow
3368In the same time 'tis made? I will not.
3369Enter Virgilia, Volumnia, Valeria, yong Martius,
3370with Attendants.
3371My wife comes formost, then the honour'd mould
3372Wherein this Trunke was fram'd, and in her hand
3374All bond and priuiledge of Nature breake;
3375Let it be Vertuous to be Obstinate.
3377Which can make Gods forsworne? I melt, and am not
3378Of stronger earth then others: my Mother bowes,
3379As if Olympus to a Mole-hill should
3380In supplication Nod: and my yong Boy
3382Great Nature cries, Deny not. Let the Volces
3383Plough Rome, and harrow Italy, Ile neuer
3385As if a man were Author of himself, & knew no other kin
3389Makes you thinke so.
3392Forgiue my Tyranny: but do not say,
3393For that forgiue our Romanes. O a kisse
3394Long as my Exile, sweet as my Reuenge!
3395Now by the iealous Queene of Heauen, that kisse
3396I carried from thee deare; and my true Lippe
3397Hath Virgin'd it ere since. You Gods, I pray,
3398And the most noble Mother of the world
3401Then that of common Sonnes.
3404I kneele before thee, and vnproperly
3405Shew duty as mistaken, all this while,
3406Betweene the Childe, and Parent.
3407Corio. What's this? your knees to me?
3408To your Corrected Sonne?
3409Then let the Pibbles on the hungry beach
3410Fillop the Starres: Then, let the mutinous windes
3412Murd'ring Impossibility, to make
3413What cannot be, slight worke.
3414Volum. Thou art my Warriour, I hope to frame thee
3415Do you know this Lady?
3419And hangs on Dians Temple: Deere Valeria.
3420Volum. This is a poore Epitome of yours,
3421Which by th' interpretation of full time,
3423Corio. The God of Souldiers:
3429Volum. Your knee, Sirrah.
3430Corio. That's my braue Boy.
3432Are Sutors to you.
3434Or if you'ld aske, remember this before;
3435The thing I haue forsworne to graunt, may neuer
3436Be held by you denials. Do not bid me
3438Againe, with Romes Mechanickes. Tell me not
3440My Rages and Reuenges, with your colder reasons.
3441Volum. Oh no more, no more:
3442You haue said you will not grant vs any thing:
3444Which you deny already: yet we will aske,
3445That if you faile in our request, the blame
3446May hang vpon your hardnesse, therefore heare vs.
3448Heare nought from Rome in priuate. Your request?
3450And state of Bodies would bewray what life
3452How more vnfortunate then all liuing women
3454Make our eies flow with ioy, harts dance with comforts,
3456Making the Mother, wife, and Childe to see,
3457The Sonne, the Husband, and the Father tearing
3458His Countries Bowels out; and to poore we
3460Our prayers to the Gods, which is a comfort
3461That all but we enioy. For how can we?
3462Alas! how can we, for our Country pray?
3463Whereto we are bound, together with thy victory:
3467An euident Calamity, though we had
3469Must as a Forraine Recreant be led
3471Triumphantly treade on thy Countries ruine,
cc2 And
28The Tragedie of Coriolanus.
3472And beare the Palme, for hauing brauely shed
3473Thy Wife and Childrens blood: For my selfe, Sonne,
3474I purpose not to waite on Fortune, till
3476Rather to shew a Noble grace to both parts,
3478March to assault thy Country, then to treade
3480That brought thee to this world.
3481Virg. I, and mine, that brought you forth this boy,
3482To keepe your name liuing to time.
3484Till I am bigger, but then Ile fight.
3486Requires nor Childe, nor womans face to see:
3487I haue sate too long.
3488Volum. Nay, go not from vs thus:
3491The Volces whom you serue, you might condemne vs
3493Is that you reconcile them: While the Volces
3495This we receiu'd, and each in either side
3496Giue the All-haile to thee, and cry be Blest
3497For making vp this peace. Thou know'st (great Sonne)
3498The end of Warres vncertaine: but this certaine,
3499That if thou conquer Rome, the benefit
3502Whose Chronicle thus writ, The man was Noble,
3503But with his last Attempt, he wip'd it out:
3504Destroy'd his Country, and his name remaines
3505To th' insuing Age, abhorr'd. Speake to me Son:
3507To imitate the graces of the Gods.
3508To teare with Thunder the wide Cheekes a'th' Ayre,
3509And yet to change thy Sulphure with a Boult
3511Think'st thou it Honourable for a Nobleman
3512Still to remember wrongs? Daughter, speake you:
3513He cares not for your weeping. Speake thou Boy,
3515Then can our Reasons. There's no man in the world
3516More bound to's Mother, yet heere he let's me prate
3517Like one i'th' Stockes. Thou hast neuer in thy life,
3518Shew'd thy deere Mother any curtesie,
3520Ha's clock'd thee to the Warres: and safelie home
3523Thou art not honest, and the Gods will plague thee
3525To a Mothers part belongs. He turnes away:
3526Down Ladies: let vs shame him with him with our knees
3527To his sur-name Coriolanus longs more pride
3528Then pitty to our Prayers. Downe: an end,
3529This is the last. So, we will home to Rome,
3530And dye among our Neighbours: Nay, behold's,
3531This Boy that cannot tell what he would haue,
3532But kneeles, and holds vp hands for fellowship,
3534Then thou hast to deny't. Come, let vs go:
3535This Fellow had a Volcean to his Mother:
3536His Wife is in Corioles, and his Childe
3537Like him by chance: yet giue vs our dispatch:
3539 Holds her by the hand silent.
3540Corio. O Mother, Mother!
3541What haue you done? Behold, the Heauens do ope,
3542The Gods looke downe, and this vnnaturall Scene
3543They laugh at. Oh my Mother, Mother: Oh!
3544You haue wonne a happy Victory to Rome.
3545But for your Sonne, beleeue it: Oh beleeue it,
3547If not most mortall to him. But let it come:
3548Auffidius, though I cannot make true Warres,
3549Ile frame conuenient peace. Now good Auffidius,
3550Were you in my steed, would you haue heard
3552Auf. I was mou'd withall.
3554And sir, it is no little thing to make
3556What peace you'l make, aduise me: For my part,
3557Ile not to Rome, Ile backe with you, and pray you
3558Stand to me in this cause. Oh Mother! Wife!
3560At difference in thee: Out of that Ile worke
3561My selfe a former Fortune.
3562Corio. I by and by; But we will drinke together:
3563And you shall beare
3564A better witnesse backe then words, which we
3565On like conditions, will haue Counter-seal'd.
3566Come enter with vs: Ladies you deserue
3567To haue a Temple built you: All the Swords
3568In Italy, and her Confederate Armes
3569Could not haue made this peace. Exeunt.