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  • Title: Coriolanus (Folio 1, 1623)

  • Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Coriolanus (Folio 1, 1623)

    The Tragedy of Coriolanus.
    1Actus Primus. Scoena Prima.
    Enter a Company of Mutinous Citizens, with Staues,
    Clubs, and other weapons.
    1. Citizen.
    5BEfore we proceed any further, heare me speake.
    All. Speake, speake.
    1. Cit. You are all resolu'd rather to dy then
    to famish?
    All. Resolu'd, resolu'd.
    101. Cit. First you know, Caius Martius is chiefe enemy
    to the people.
    All. We know't, we know't.
    1. Cit. Let vs kill him, and wee'l haue Corne at our own
    price. Is't a Verdict?
    15All. No more talking on't; Let it be done, away, away
    2. Cit. One word, good Citizens.
    1. Cit. We are accounted poore Citizens, the Patri-
    cians good: what Authority surfets one, would releeue
    vs. If they would yeelde vs but the superfluitie while it
    20were wholsome, wee might guesse they releeued vs hu-
    manely: But they thinke we are too deere, the leannesse
    that afflicts vs, the obiect of our misery, is as an inuento-
    ry to particularize their abundance, our sufferance is a
    gaine to them. Let vs reuenge this with our Pikes, ere
    25we become Rakes. For the Gods know, I speake this in
    hunger for Bread, not in thirst for Reuenge.
    2. Cit. Would you proceede especially against Caius
    All. Against him first: He's a very dog to the Com-
    2. Cit. Consider you what Seruices he ha's done for his
    1. Cit. Very well, and could bee content to giue him
    good report for't, but that hee payes himselfe with bee-
    35ing proud.
    All. Nay, but speak not maliciously.
    1. Cit. I say vnto you, what he hath done Famouslie,
    he did it to that end: though soft conscienc'd men can be
    content to say it was for his Countrey, he did it to please
    40his Mother, and to be partly proud, which he is, euen to
    the altitude of his vertue.
    2. Cit. What he cannot helpe in his Nature, you ac-
    count a Vice in him: You must in no way say he is co-
    451. Cit. If I must not, I neede not be barren of Accusa-
    tions he hath faults (with surplus) to tyre in repetition.
    Showts within.
    What showts are these? The other side a'th City is risen:
    why stay we prating heere? To th' Capitoll.
    50All. Come, come.
    1 Cit. Soft, who comes heere?
    Enter Menenius Agrippa.
    2 Cit. Worthy Menenius Agrippa, one that hath al-
    wayes lou'd the people.
    551 Cit. He's one honest enough, wold al the rest wer so.
    Men. What work's my Countrimen in hand?
    Where go you with Bats and Clubs? The matter
    Speake I pray you.
    2 Cit. Our busines is not vnknowne to th' Senat, they
    60haue had inkling this fortnight what we intend to do, wt
    now wee'l shew em in deeds: they say poore Suters haue
    strong breaths, they shal know we haue strong arms too.
    Menen. Why Masters, my good Friends, mine honest
    Neighbours, will you vndo your selues?
    652 Cit. We cannot Sir, we are vndone already.
    Men. I tell you Friends, most charitable care
    Haue the Patricians of you for your wants.
    Your suffering in this dearth, you may as well
    Strike at the Heauen with your staues, as lift them
    70Against the Roman State, whose course will on
    The way it takes: cracking ten thousand Curbes
    Of more strong linke assunder, then can euer
    Appeare in your impediment. For the Dearth,
    The Gods, not the Patricians make it, and
    75Your knees to them (not armes) must helpe. Alacke,
    You are transported by Calamity
    Thether, where more attends you, and you slander
    The Helmes o'th State; who care for you like Fathers,
    When you curse them, as Enemies.
    802 Cit. Care for vs? True indeed, they nere car'd for vs
    yet. Suffer vs to famish, and their Store-houses cramm'd
    with Graine: Make Edicts for Vsurie, to support Vsu-
    rers; repeale daily any wholsome Act established against
    the rich, and prouide more piercing Statutes daily, to
    85chaine vp and restraine the poore. If the Warres eate vs
    not vppe, they will; and there's all the loue they beare
    Menen. Either you must
    Confesse your selues wondrous Malicious,
    90Or be accus'd of Folly. I shall tell you
    A pretty Tale, it may be you haue heard it,
    But since it serues my purpose, I will venture
    To scale't a little more.
    2 Citizen. Well,
    95Ile heare it Sir: yet you must not thinke
    To fobbe off our disgrace with a tale:
    But and't please you deliuer.
    Men. There was a time, when all the bodies members
    Rebell'd against the Belly; thus accus'd it:
    100That onely like a Gulfe it did remaine
    2The Tragedie of Coriolanus.
    I'th midd'st a th' body, idle and vnactiue,
    Still cubbording the Viand, neuer bearing
    Like labour with the rest, where th' other Instruments
    Did see, and heare, deuise, instruct, walke, feele,
    105And mutually participate, did minister
    Vnto the appetite; and affection common
    Of the whole body, the Belly answer'd.
    2. Cit. Well sir, what answer made the Belly.
    Men. Sir, I shall tell you with a kinde of Smile,
    110Which ne're came from the Lungs, but euen thus:
    For looke you I may make the belly Smile,
    As well as speake, it taintingly replyed
    To'th' discontented Members, the mutinous parts
    That enuied his receite: euen so most fitly,
    115As you maligne our Senators, for that
    They are not such as you.
    2. Cit. Your Bellies answer: What
    The Kingly crown'd head, the vigilant eye,
    The Counsailor Heart, the Arme our Souldier,
    120Our Steed the Legge, the Tongue our Trumpeter,
    With other Muniments and petty helpes
    In this our Fabricke, if that they---
    Men. What then? Fore me, this Fellow speakes.
    What then? What then?
    1252. Cit. Should by the Cormorant belly be restrain'd,
    Who is the sinke a th' body.
    Men. Well, what then?
    2. Cit. The former Agents, if they did complaine,
    What could the Belly answer?
    130Men. I will tell you,
    If you'l bestow a small (of what you haue little)
    Patience awhile; you'st heare the Bellies answer.
    2. Cit. Y'are long about it.
    Men. Note me this good Friend;
    135Your most graue Belly was deliberate,
    Not rash like his Accusers, and thus answered.
    True is it my Incorporate Friends (quoth he)
    That I receiue the generall Food at first
    Which you do liue vpon: and fit it is,
    140Because I am the Store-house, and the Shop
    Of the whole Body. But, if you do remember,
    I send it through the Riuers of your blood
    Euen to the Court, the Heart, to th' seate o'th' Braine,
    And through the Crankes and Offices of man,
    145The strongest Nerues, and small inferiour Veines
    From me receiue that naturall competencie
    Whereby they liue. And though that all at once
    (You my good Friends, this sayes the Belly) marke me.
    2. Cit. I sir, well, well.
    150Men. Though all at once, cannot
    See what I do deliuer out to each,
    Yet I can make my Awdit vp, that all
    From me do backe receiue the Flowre of all,
    And leaue me but the Bran. What say you too't?
    1552. Cit. It was an answer, how apply you this?
    Men. The Senators of Rome, are this good Belly,
    And you the mutinous Members: For examine
    Their Counsailes, and their Cares; disgest things rightly,
    Touching the Weale a'th Common, you shall finde
    160No publique benefit which you receiue
    But it proceeds, or comes from them to you,
    And no way from your selues. What do you thinke?
    You, the great Toe of this Assembly?
    2. Cit. I the great Toe? Why the great Toe?
    165Men. For that being one o'th lowest, basest, poorest
    Of this most wise Rebellion, thou goest formost:
    Thou Rascall, that art worst in blood to run,
    Lead'st first to win some vantage.
    But make you ready your stiffe bats and clubs,
    170Rome, and her Rats, are at the point of battell,
    The one side must haue baile.
    Enter Caius Martius.
    Hayle, Noble Martius.
    Mar. Thanks. What's the matter you dissentious rogues
    175That rubbing the poore Itch of your Opinion,
    Make your selues Scabs.
    2. Cit. We haue euer your good word.
    Mar. He that will giue good words to thee, wil flatter
    Beneath abhorring. What would you haue, you Curres,
    180That like nor Peace, nor Warre? The one affrights you,
    The other makes you proud. He that trusts to you,
    Where he should finde you Lyons, findes you Hares:
    Where Foxes, Geese you are: No surer, no,
    Then is the coale of fire vpon the Ice,
    185Or Hailstone in the Sun. Your Vertue is,
    To make him worthy, whose offence subdues him,
    And curse that Iustice did it. Who deserues Greatnes,
    Deserues your Hate: and your Affections are
    A sickmans Appetite; who desires most that
    190Which would encrease his euill. He that depends
    Vpon your fauours, swimmes with finnes of Leade,
    And hewes downe Oakes, with rushes. Hang ye: trust ye?
    With euery Minute you do change a Minde,
    And call him Noble, that was now your Hate:
    195Him vilde, that was your Garland. What's the matter,
    That in these seuerall places of the Citie,
    You cry against the Noble Senate, who
    (Vnder the Gods) keepe you in awe, which else
    Would feede on one another? What's their seeking?
    200Men. For Corne at their owne rates, wherof they say
    The Citie is well stor'd.
    Mar. Hang 'em: They say?
    They'l sit by th' fire, and presume to know
    What's done i'th Capitoll: Who's like to rise,
    205Who thriues, & who declines: Side factions, & giue out
    Coniecturall Marriages, making parties strong,
    And feebling such as stand not in their liking,
    Below their cobled Shooes. They say ther's grain enough?
    Would the Nobility lay aside their ruth,
    210And let me vse my Sword, I'de make a Quarrie
    With thousands of these quarter'd slaues, as high
    As I could picke my Lance.
    Menen. Nay these are almost thoroughly perswaded:
    For though abundantly they lacke discretion
    215Yet are they passing Cowardly. But I beseech you,
    What sayes the other Troope?
    Mar. They are dissolu'd: Hang em;
    They said they were an hungry, sigh'd forth Prouerbes
    That Hunger-broke stone wals: that dogges must eate
    220That meate was made for mouths. That the gods sent not
    Corne for the Richmen onely: With these shreds
    They vented their Complainings, which being answer'd
    And a petition granted them, a strange one,
    To breake the heart of generosity,
    225And make bold power looke pale, they threw their caps
    As they would hang them on the hornes a'th Moone,
    Shooting their Emulation.
    Menen. What is graunted them?
    Mar. Fiue Tribunes to defend their vulgar wisdoms
    230Of their owne choice. One's Iunius Brutus,
    Sicinius Velutus, and I know not. Sdeath,
    The Tragedie of Coriolanus. 3
    The rabble should haue first vnroo'st the City
    Ere so preuayl'd with me; it will in time
    Win vpon power, and throw forth greater Theames
    235For Insurrections arguing.
    Menen. This is strange.
    Mar. Go get you home you Fragments.
    Enter a Messenger hastily.
    Mess. Where's Caius Martius?
    240Mar. Heere: what's the matter?
    Mes. The newes is sir, the Volcies are in Armes.
    Mar. I am glad on't, then we shall ha meanes to vent
    Our mustie superfluity. See our best Elders.
    Enter Sicinius Velutus, Annius Brutus Cominius, Titus
    245Lartius, with other Senatours.
    1. Sen. Martius 'tis true, that you haue lately told vs,
    The Volces are in Armes.
    Mar. They haue a Leader,
    Tullus Auffidius that will put you too't:
    250I sinne in enuying his Nobility:
    And were I any thing but what I am,
    I would wish me onely he.
    Com. You haue fought together?
    Mar. Were halfe to halfe the world by th' eares, & he
    255vpon my partie, I'de reuolt to make
    Onely my warres with him. He is a Lion
    That I am proud to hunt.
    1. Sen. Then worthy Martius,
    Attend vpon Cominius to these Warres.
    260Com. It is your former promise.
    Mar. Sir it is,
    And I am constant: Titus Lucius, thou
    Shalt see me once more strike at Tullus face.
    What art thou stiffe? Stand'st out?
    265Tit. No Caius Martius,
    Ile leane vpon one Crutch, and fight with tother,
    Ere stay behinde this Businesse.
    Men. Oh true-bred.
    Sen. Your Company to'th' Capitoll, where I know
    270Our greatest Friends attend vs.
    Tit. Lead you on: Follow Cominius, we must followe
    you, right worthy you Priority.
    Com. Noble Martius.
    Sen. Hence to your homes, be gone.
    275Mar. Nay let them follow,
    The Volces haue much Corne: take these Rats thither,
    To gnaw their Garners. Worshipfull Mutiners,
    Your valour puts well forth: Pray follow. Exeunt.
    Citizens steale away. Manet Sicin. & Brutus.
    280Sicin. Was euer man so proud as is this Martius?
    Bru. He has no equall.
    Sicin. When we were chosen Tribunes for the people.
    Bru. Mark'd you his lip and eyes.
    Sicin. Nay, but his taunts.
    285Bru. Being mou'd, he will not spare to gird the Gods.
    Sicin. Bemocke the modest Moone.
    Bru. The present VVarres deuoure him, he is growne
    Too proud to be so valiant.
    Sicin. Such a Nature, tickled with good successe, dis-
    290daines the shadow which he treads on at noone, but I do
    wonder, his insolence can brooke to be commanded vn-
    der Cominius?
    Bru. Fame, at the which he aymes,
    In whom already he's well grac'd, cannot
    295Better be held, nor more attain'd then by
    A place below the first: for what miscarries
    Shall be the Generals fault, though he performe
    To th' vtmost of a man, and giddy censure
    Will then cry out of Martius: Oh, if he
    300Had borne the businesse.
    Sicin. Besides, if things go well,
    Opinion that so stickes on Martius, shall
    Of his demerits rob Cominius.
    Bru. Come: halfe all Cominius Honors are to Martius
    305Though Martius earn'd them not: and all his faults
    To Martius shall be Honors, though indeed
    In ought he merit not.
    Sicin. Let's hence, and heare
    How the dispatch is made, and in what fashion
    310More then his singularity, he goes
    Vpon this present Action.
    Bru. Let's along. Exeunt
    Enter Tullus Auffidius with Senators of Coriolus.
    1. Sen. So, your opinion is Auffidius,
    315That they of Rome are entred in our Counsailes,
    And know how we proceede,
    Auf. Is it not yours?
    What euer haue bin thought one in this State
    That could be brought to bodily act, ere Rome
    320Had circumuention: 'tis not foure dayes gone
    Since I heard thence, these are the words, I thinke
    I haue the Letter heere: yes, heere it is;
    They haue prest a Power, but it is not knowne
    Whether for East or West: the Dearth is great,
    325The people Mutinous: And it is rumour'd,
    Cominius, Martius your old Enemy
    (Who is of Rome worse hated then of you)
    And Titus Lartius, a most valiant Roman,
    These three leade on this Preparation
    330Whether 'tis bent: most likely, 'tis for you:
    Consider of it.
    1. Sen. Our Armie's in the Field:
    We neuer yet made doubt but Rome was ready
    To answer vs.
    335Auf. Nor did you thinke it folly,
    To keepe your great pretences vayl'd, till when
    They needs must shew themselues, which in the hatching
    It seem'd appear'd to Rome. By the discouery,
    We shalbe shortned in our ayme, which was
    340To take in many Townes, ere (almost) Rome
    Should know we were a-foot.
    2. Sen. Noble Auffidius,
    Take your Commission, hye you to your Bands,
    Let vs alone to guard Corioles
    345If they set downe before's: for the remoue
    Bring vp your Army: but (I thinke) you'l finde
    Th'haue not prepar'd for vs.
    Auf. O doubt not that,
    I speake from Certainties. Nay more,
    350Some parcels of their Power are forth already,
    And onely hitherward. I leaue your Honors.
    If we, and Caius Martius chance to meete,
    'Tis sworne betweene vs, we shall euer strike
    Till one can do no more.
    355All. The Gods assist you.
    Auf. And keepe your Honors safe.
    1. Sen. Farewell.
    2. Sen. Farewell.
    All. Farewell. Exeunt omnes.
    aa2 Enter
    4The Tragedie of Coriolanus.
    360Enter Volumnia and Virgilia, mother and wife to Martius:
    They set them downe on two lowe stooles and sowe.
    Volum. I pray you daughter sing, or expresse your selfe
    in a more comfortable sort: If my Sonne were my Hus-
    band, I should freelier reioyce in that absence wherein
    365he wonne Honor, then in the embracements of his Bed,
    where he would shew most loue. When yet hee was but
    tender-bodied, and the onely Sonne of my womb; when
    youth with comelinesse pluck'd all gaze his way; when
    for a day of Kings entreaties, a Mother should not sel him
    370an houre from her beholding; I considering how Honour
    would become such a person, that it was no better then
    Picture-like to hang by th' wall, if renowne made it not
    stirre, was pleas'd to let him seeke danger, where he was
    like to finde fame: To a cruell Warre I sent him, from
    375whence he return'd, his browes bound with Oake. I tell
    thee Daughter, I sprang not more in ioy at first hearing
    he was a Man-child, then now in first seeing he had pro-
    ued himselfe a man.
    Virg. But had he died in the Businesse Madame, how
    Volum. Then his good report should haue beene my
    Sonne, I therein would haue found issue. Heare me pro-
    fesse sincerely, had I a dozen sons each in my loue alike,
    and none lesse deere then thine, and my good Martius, I
    385had rather had eleuen dye Nobly for their Countrey, then
    one voluptuously surfet out of Action.
    Enter a Gentlewoman.
    Gent. Madam, the Lady Valeria is come to visit you.
    Virg. Beseech you giue me leaue to retire my selfe.
    390Volum. Indeed you shall not:
    Me thinkes, I heare hither your Husbands Drumme:
    See him plucke Auffidius downe by th' haire:
    (As children from a Beare) the Volces shunning him:
    Me thinkes I see him stampe thus, and call thus,
    395Come on you Cowards, you were got in feare
    Though you were borne in Rome; his bloody brow
    With his mail'd hand, then wiping, forth he goes
    Like to a Haruest man, that task'd to mowe
    Or all, or loose his hyre.
    400Virg. His bloody Brow? Oh Iupiter, no blood.
    Volum. Away you Foole; it more becomes a man
    Then gilt his Trophe. The brests of Hecuba
    When she did suckle Hector, look'd not louelier
    Then Hectors forhead, when it spit forth blood
    405At Grecian sword. Contenning, tell Valeria
    We are fit to bid her welcome. Exit Gent.
    Vir. Heauens blesse my Lord from fell Auffidius.
    Vol. Hee'l beat Auffidius head below his knee,
    And treade vpon his necke.
    410Enter Valeria with an Vsher, and a Gentlewoman.
    Val. My Ladies both good day to you.
    Vol. Sweet Madam.
    Vir. I am glad to see your Ladyship.
    Val. How do you both? You are manifest house-kee-
    415pers. What are you sowing heere? A fine spotte in good
    faith. How does your little Sonne?
    Vir. I thanke your Lady-ship: Well good Madam.
    Vol. He had rather see the swords, and heare a Drum,
    then looke vpon his Schoolmaster.
    420Val. A my word the Fathers Sonne: Ile sweare 'tis a
    very pretty boy. A my troth, I look'd vpon him a Wens-
    day halfe an houre together: ha's such a confirm'd coun-
    tenance. I saw him run after a gilded Butterfly, & when
    he caught it, he let it go againe, and after it againe, and o-
    425uer and ouer he comes, and vp againe: catcht it again: or
    whether his fall enrag'd him, or how 'twas, hee did so set
    his teeth, and teare it. Oh, I warrant how he mammockt
    Vol. One on's Fathers moods.
    430Val. Indeed la, tis a Noble childe.
    Virg. A Cracke Madam.
    Val. Come, lay aside your stitchery, I must haue you
    play the idle Huswife with me this afternoone.
    Virg. No (good Madam)
    435I will not out of doores.
    Val. Not out of doores?
    Volum. She shall, she shall.
    Virg. Indeed no, by your patience; Ile not ouer the
    threshold, till my Lord returne from the Warres.
    440Val. Fye, you confine your selfe most vnreasonably:
    Come, you must go visit the good Lady that lies in.
    Virg. I will wish her speedy strength, and visite her
    with my prayers: but I cannot go thither.
    Volum. Why I pray you.
    445Vlug. 'Tis not to saue labour, nor that I want loue.
    Val. You would be another Penelope: yet they say, all
    the yearne she spun in Vlisses absence, did but fill Athica
    full of Mothes. Come, I would your Cambrick were sen-
    sible as your finger, that you might leaue pricking it for
    450pitie. Come you shall go with vs.
    Vir. No good Madam, pardon me, indeed I will not
    Val. In truth la go with me, and Ile tell you excellent
    newes of your Husband.
    455Virg. Oh good Madam, there can be none yet.
    Val. Verily I do not iest with you: there came newes
    from him last night.
    Vir. Indeed Madam.
    Val. In earnest it's true; I heard a Senatour speake it.
    460Thus it is: the Volcies haue an Army forth, against whō
    Cominius the Generall is gone, with one part of our Ro-
    mane power. Your Lord, and Titus Lartius, are set down
    before their Citie Carioles, they nothing doubt preuai-
    ling, and to make it breefe Warres. This is true on mine
    465Honor, and so I pray go with vs.
    Virg. Giue me excuse good Madame, I will obey you
    in euery thing heereafter.
    Vol. Let her alone Ladie, as she is now:
    She will but disease our better mirth.
    470Valeria. In troth I thinke she would:
    Fare you well then. Come good sweet Ladie.
    Prythee Virgilia turne thy solemnesse out a doore,
    And go along with vs.
    Virgil. No
    475At a word Madam; Indeed I must not,
    I wish you much mirth.
    Val. Well, then farewell. Exeunt Ladies.
    Enter Martius, Titus Lartius, with Drumme and Co-
    lours, with Captaines and Souldiers, as
    480before the City Corialus: to them
    a Messenger.
    Martius. Yonder comes Newes:
    A Wager they haue met.
    Lar. My horse to yours, no.
    485Mar. Tis done.
    Lart. Agreed.
    The Tragedie of Corliolanus. 5
    Mar. Say, ha's our Generall met the Enemy?
    Mess. They lye in view, but haue not spoke as yet.
    Lart. So, the good Horse is mine.
    490Mart. Ile buy him of you.
    Lart. No, Ile nor sel, nor giue him: Lend you him I will
    For halfe a hundred yeares: Summon the Towne.
    Mar. How farre off lie these Armies?
    Mess. Within this mile and halfe.
    495Mar. Then shall we heare their Larum, & they Ours.
    Now Mars, I prythee make vs quicke in worke,
    That we with smoaking swords may march from hence
    To helpe our fielded Friends. Come, blow thy blast.
    They Sound a Parley:Enter two Senators with others on
    500the Walles of Corialus.
    Tullus Auffidious, is he within your Walles?
    1. Senat. No, nor a man that feares you lesse then he,
    That's lesser then a little: Drum a farre off.
    Hearke, our Drummes
    505Are bringing forth our youth: Wee'l breake our Walles
    Rather then they shall pound vs vp our Gates,
    Which yet seeme shut, we haue but pin'd with Rushes,
    They'le open of themselues. Harke you, farre off
    Alarum farre off.
    510There is Auffidious. List what worke he makes
    Among'st your clouen Army.
    Mart. Oh they are at it.
    Lart. Their noise be our instruction. Ladders hoa.
    Enter the Army of the Volces.
    515Mar. They feare vs not, but issue forth their Citie.
    Now put your Shields before your hearts, and fight
    With hearts more proofe then Shields.
    Aduance braue Titus,
    They do disdaine vs much beyond our Thoughts,
    520which makes me sweat with wrath. Come on my fellows
    He that retires, Ile take him for a Volce,
    And he shall feele mine edge.
    Alarum, the Romans are beat back to their Trenches
    Enter Martius Cursing.
    525Mar. All the contagion of the South, light on you,
    You Shames of Rome: you Heard of Byles and Plagues
    Plaister you o're, that you may be abhorr'd
    Farther then seene, and one infect another
    Against the Winde a mile: you soules of Geese,
    530That beare the shapes of men, how haue you run
    From Slaues, that Apes would beate; Pluto and Hell,
    All hurt behinde, backes red, and faces pale
    With flight and agued feare, mend and charge home,
    Or by the fires of heauen, Ile leaue the Foe,
    535And make my Warres on you: Looke too't: Come on,
    If you'l stand fast, wee'l beate them to their Wiues,
    As they vs to our Trenches followes.
    Another Alarum, and Martius followes them to
    gates, and is shut in.
    540So, now the gates are ope: now proue good Seconds,
    'Tis for the followers Fortune, widens them,
    Not for the flyers: Marke me, and do the like.
    Enter the Gati.
    1. Sol. Foole-hardinesse, not I.
    5452. Sol. Nor I.
    1. Sol. See they haue shut him in. Alarum continues
    All. To th' pot I warrant him. Enter Titus Lartius
    Tit. What is become of Martius?
    All. Slaine (Sir) doubtlesse.
    5501. Sol. Following the Flyers at the very heeles,
    With them he enters: who vpon the sodaine
    Clapt to their Gates, he is himselfe alone,
    To answer all the City.
    Lar. Oh Noble Fellow!
    555Who sensibly out-dares his sencelesse Sword,
    And when it bowes, stand'st vp: Thou art left Martius,
    A Carbuncle intire: as big as thou art
    Weare not so rich a Iewell. Thou was't a Souldier
    Euen to Calues wish, not fierce and terrible
    560Onely in strokes, but with thy grim lookes, and
    The Thunder-like percussion of thy sounds
    Thou mad'st thine enemies shake, as if the World
    Were Feauorous, and did tremble.
    Enter Martius bleeding, assaulted by the Enemy.
    5651. Sol. Looke Sir.
    Lar. O 'tis Martius.
    Let's fetch him off, or make remaine alike.
    They fight, and all enter the City.
    Enter certaine Romanes with spoiles.
    5701. Rom. This will I carry to Rome.
    2. Rom. And I this.
    3. Rom. A Murrain on't, I tooke this for Siluer. exeunt.
    Alarum continues still a-farre off.
    Enter Martius, and Titus with a Trumpet.
    575Mar. See heere these mouers, that do prize their hours
    At a crack'd Drachme: Cushions, Leaden Spoones,
    Irons of a Doit, Dublets that Hangmen would
    Bury with those that wore them. These base slaues,
    Ere yet the fight be done, packe vp, downe with them.
    580And harke, what noyse the Generall makes: To him
    There is the man of my soules hate, Auffidious,
    Piercing our Romanes: Then Valiant Titus take
    Conuenient Numbers to make good the City,
    Whil'st I with those that haue the spirit, wil haste
    585To helpe Cominius.
    Lar. Worthy Sir, thou bleed'st,
    Thy exercise hath bin too violent,
    For a second course of Fight.
    Mar. Sir, praise me not:
    590My worke hath yet not warm'd me. Fare you well:
    The blood I drop, is rather Physicall
    Then dangerous to me: To Auffidious thus, I will appear (and fight.
    Lar. Now the faire Goddesse Fortune,
    Fall deepe in loue with thee, and her great charmes
    595Misguide thy Opposers swords, Bold Gentleman:
    Prosperity be thy Page.
    Mar. Thy Friend no lesse,
    Then those she placeth highest: So farewell.
    Lar. Thou worthiest Martius,
    600Go sound thy Trumpet in the Market place,
    Call thither all the Officers a'th' Towne,
    Where they shall know our minde. Away. Exeunt
    Enter Cominius as it were in retire, with soldiers.
    Com. Breath you my friends, wel fought, we are come (off,
    605Like Romans, neither foolish in our stands,
    Nor Cowardly in retyre: Beleeue me Sirs,
    We shall be charg'd againe. Whiles we haue strooke
    By Interims and conueying gusts, we haue heard
    The Charges of our Friends. The Roman Gods,
    610Leade their successes, as we wish our owne,
    That both our powers, with smiling Fronts encountring,
    May giue you thankfull Sacrifice. Thy Newes?
    Enter a Messenger.
    Mess. The Cittizens of Corioles haue yssued,
    615And giuen to Lartius and to Martius Battaile:
    aa3 I saw
    6The Tragedie of Coriolanus.
    I saw our party to their Trenches driuen,
    And then I came away.
    Com. Though thou speakest truth,
    Me thinkes thou speak'st not well. How long is't since?
    620Mes. Aboue an houre, my Lord.
    Com. 'Tis not a mile: briefely we heard their drummes.
    How could'st thou in a mile confound an houre,
    And bring thy Newes so late?
    Mes. Spies of the Volces
    625Held me in chace, that I was forc'd to wheele
    Three or foure miles about, else had I sir
    Halfe an houre since brought my report.
    Enter Martius.
    Com. Whose yonder,
    630That doe's appeare as he were Flead? O Gods,
    He has the stampe of Martius, and I haue
    Before time seene him thus.
    Mar. Come I too late?
    Com. The Shepherd knowes not Thunder frō a Taber,
    635More then I know the sound of Martius Tongue
    From euery meaner man.
    Martius. Come I too late?
    Com. I, if you come not in the blood of others,
    But mantled in your owne.
    640Mart. Oh! let me clip ye
    In Armes as sound, as when I woo'd in heart;
    As merry, as when our Nuptiall day was done,
    And Tapers burnt to Bedward.
    Com. Flower of Warriors, how is't with Titus Lartius?
    645Mar. As with a man busied about Decrees:
    Condemning some to death, and some to exile,
    Ransoming him, or pittying, threatning th' other;
    Holding Corioles in the name of Rome,
    Euen like a fawning Grey-hound in the Leash,
    650To let him slip at will.
    Com. Where is that Slaue
    Which told me they had beate you to your Trenches?
    Where is he? Call him hither.
    Mar. Let him alone,
    655He did informe the truth: but for our Gentlemen,
    The common file, (a plague-Tribunes for them)
    The Mouse ne're shunn'd the Cat, as they did budge
    From Rascals worse then they.
    Com. But how preuail'd you?
    660Mar. Will the time serue to tell, I do not thinke:
    Where is the enemy? Are you Lords a'th Field?
    If not, why cease you till you are so?
    Com. Martius, we haue at disaduantage fought,
    And did retyre to win our purpose.
    665Mar. How lies their Battell? Know you on wt side
    They haue plac'd their men of trust?
    Com. As I guesse Martius,
    Their Bands i'th Vaward are the Antients
    Of their best trust: O're them Auffidious,
    670Their very heart of Hope.
    Mar. I do beseech you,
    By all the Battailes wherein we haue fought,
    By th' Blood we haue shed together,
    By th' Vowes we haue made
    675To endure Friends, that you directly set me
    Against Affidious, and his Antiats,
    And that you not delay the present (but
    Filling the aire with Swords aduanc'd) and Darts,
    We proue this very houre.
    680Com. Though I could wish,
    You were conducted to a gentle Bath,
    And Balmes applyed to you, yet dare I neuer
    Deny your asking, take your choice of those
    That best can ayde your action.
    685Mar. Those are they
    That most are willing; if any such be heere,
    (As it were sinne to doubt) that loue this painting
    Wherein you see me smear'd, if any feare
    Lessen his person, then an ill report:
    690If any thinke, braue death out-weighes bad life,
    And that his Countries deerer then himselfe,
    Let him alone: Or so many so minded,
    Waue thus to expresse his disposition,
    And follow Martius.
    695 They all shout and waue their swords, take him vp in their
    Armes, and cast vp their Caps.
    Oh me alone, make you a sword of me:
    If these shewes be not outward, which of you
    But is foure Volces? None of you, but is
    700Able to beare against the great Auffidious
    A Shield, as hard as his. A certaine number
    (Though thankes to all) must I select from all:
    The rest shall beare the businesse in some other fight
    (As cause will be obey'd:) please you to March,
    705And foure shall quickly draw out my Command,
    Which men are best inclin'd.
    Com. March on my Fellowes:
    Make good this ostentation, and you shall
    Diuide in all, with vs. Exeunt
    710 Titus Lartius, hauing set a guard vpon Carioles, going with
    Drum and Trumpet toward Cominius, and Caius Mar-
    tius, Enters with a Lieutenant, other Souldiours, and a
    Lar. So, let the Ports be guarded; keepe your Duties
    715As I haue set them downe. If I do send, dispatch
    Those Centuries to our ayd, the rest will serue
    For a short holding, if we loose the Field,
    We cannot keepe the Towne.
    Lieu. Feare not our care Sir.
    720Lart. Hence; and shut your gates vpon's:
    Our Guider come, to th' Roman Campe conduct vs. Exit
    Alarum, as in Battaile.
    Enter Martius and Auffidius at seueral doores.
    Mar. Ile fight with none but thee, for I do hate thee
    725Worse then a Promise-breaker.
    Auffid. We hate alike:
    Not Affricke ownes a Serpent I abhorre
    More then thy Fame and Enuy: Fix thy foot.
    Mar. Let the first Budger dye the others Slaue,
    730And the Gods doome him after.
    Auf. If I flye Martius, hollow me like a Hare.
    Mar. Within these three houres Tullus
    Alone I fought in your Corioles walles,
    And made what worke I pleas'd: 'Tis not my blood,
    735Wherein thou seest me maskt, for thy Reuenge
    Wrench vp thy power to th' highest.
    Auf. Wer't thou the Hector,
    That was the whip of your bragg'd Progeny,
    Thou should'st not scape me heere.
    740Heere they fight, and certaine Volces come in the ayde
    of Auffi. Martius fights til they be driuen in breathles.
    Officious and not valiant, you haue sham'd me
    In your condemned Seconds.
    The Tragedie of Coriolanus. 7
    Flourish. Alarum. A Retreat is sounded. Enter at
    745one Doore Cominius, with the Romanes: At
    another Doore Martius, with his
    Arme in a Scarfe.
    Com. If I should tell thee o're this thy dayes Worke,
    Thou't not beleeue thy deeds: but Ile report it,
    750Where Senators shall mingle teares with smiles,
    Where great Patricians shall attend, and shrug,
    I'th' end admire: where Ladies shall be frighted,
    And gladly quak'd, heare more: where the dull Tribunes,
    That with the fustie Plebeans, hate thine Honors,
    755Shall say against their hearts, We thanke the Gods
    Our Rome hath such a Souldier.
    Yet cam'st thou to a Morsell of this Feast,
    Hauing fully din'd before.
    Enter Titus with his Power, from the Pursuit.
    760Titus Lartius. Oh Generall:
    Here is the Steed, wee the Caparison:
    Hadst thou beheld---
    Martius. Pray now, no more:
    My Mother, who ha's a Charter to extoll her Bloud,
    765When she do's prayse me, grieues me:
    I haue done as you haue done, that's what I can,
    Induc'd as you haue beene, that's for my Countrey:
    He that ha's but effected his good will,
    Hath ouerta'ne mine Act.
    770Com. You shall not be the Graue of your deseruing,
    Rome must know the value of her owne:
    'Twere a Concealement worse then a Theft,
    No lesse then a Traducement,
    To hide your doings, and to silence that,
    775Which to the spire, and top of prayses vouch'd,
    Would seeme but modest: therefore I beseech you,
    In signe of what you are, not to reward
    What you haue done, before our Armie heare me.
    Martius. I haue some Wounds vpon me, and they smart
    780To heare themselues remembred.
    Com. Should they not:
    Well might they fester 'gainst Ingratitude,
    And tent themselues with death: of all the Horses,
    Whereof we haue ta'ne good, and good store of all,
    785The Treasure in this field atchieued, and Citie,
    We render you the Tenth, to be ta'ne forth,
    Before the common distribution,
    At your onely choyse.
    Martius. I thanke you Generall:
    790But cannot make my heart consent to take
    A Bribe, to pay my Sword: I doe refuse it,
    And stand vpon my common part with those,
    That haue beheld the doing.
    A long flourish. They all cry, Martius, Martius,
    795cast vp their Caps and Launces: Cominius
    and Lartius stand bare.
    Mar. May these same Instruments, which you prophane,
    Neuer sound more: when Drums and Trumpets shall
    I'th' field proue flatterers, let Courts and Cities be
    800Made all of false-fac'd soothing:
    When Steele growes soft, as the Parasites Silke,
    Let him be made an Ouerture for th' Warres:
    No more I say, for that I haue not wash'd
    My Nose that bled, or foyl'd some debile Wretch,
    805Which without note, here's many else haue done,
    You shoot me forth in acclamations hyperbolicall,
    As if I lou'd my little should be dieted
    In prayses, sawc'st with Lyes.
    Com. Too modest are you:
    810More cruell to your good report, then gratefull
    To vs, that giue you truly: by your patience,
    If 'gainst your selfe you be incens'd, wee'le put you
    (Like one that meanes his proper harme) in Manacles,
    Then reason safely with you: Therefore be it knowne,
    815As to vs, to all the World, That Caius Martius
    Weares this Warres Garland: in token of the which,
    My Noble Steed, knowne to the Campe, I giue him,
    With all his trim belonging; and from this time,
    For what he did before Corioles, call him,
    820With all th' applause and Clamor of the Hoast,
    Marcus Caius Coriolanus. Beare th' addition Nobly euer?
    Flourish. Trumpets sound, and Drums.
    Omnes. Marcus Caius Coriolanus.
    Martius. I will goe wash:
    825And when my Face is faire, you shall perceiue
    Whether I blush or no: howbeit, I thanke you,
    I meane to stride your Steed, and at all times
    To vnder-crest your good Addition,
    To th' fairenesse of my power.
    830Com. So, to our Tent:
    Where ere we doe repose vs, we will write
    To Rome of our successe: you Titus Lartius
    Must to Corioles backe, send vs to Rome
    The best, with whom we may articulate,
    835For their owne good, and ours.
    Lartius. I shall, my Lord.
    Martius. The Gods begin to mocke me:
    I that now refus'd most Princely gifts,
    Am bound to begge of my Lord Generall.
    840Com. Tak't, 'tis yours: what is't?
    Martius. I sometime lay here in Corioles,
    At a poore mans house: he vs'd me kindly,
    He cry'd to me: I saw him Prisoner:
    But then Auffidius was within my view,
    845And Wrath o're-whelm'd my pittie: I request you
    To giue my poore Host freedome.
    Com. Oh well begg'd:
    Were he the Butcher of my Sonne, he should
    Be free, as is the Winde: deliuer him, Titus.
    850Lartius. Martius, his Name.
    Martius. By Iupiter forgot:
    I am wearie, yea, my memorie is tyr'd:
    Haue we no Wine here?
    Com. Goe we to our Tent:
    855The bloud vpon your Visage dryes, 'tis time
    It should be lookt too: come. Exeunt.
    A flourish. Cornets. Enter Tullus Auffidius
    bloudie, with two or three Souldiors.
    Auffi. The Towne is ta'ne.
    860Sould. 'Twill be deliuer'd backe on good Condition.
    Auffid. Condition?
    I would I were a Roman, for I cannot,
    Being a Volce, be that I am. Condition?
    What good Condition can a Treatie finde
    865I'th' part that is at mercy? fiue times, Martius,
    I haue fought with thee; so often hast thou beat me:
    And would'st doe so, I thinke, should we encounter
    8The Tragedie of Coriolanus.
    As often as we eate. By th' Elements,
    If ere againe I meet him beard to beard,
    870He's mine, or I am his: Mine Emulation
    Hath not that Honor in't it had: For where
    I thought to crush him in an equall Force,
    True Sword to Sword: Ile potche at him some way,
    Or Wrath, or Craft may get him.
    875Sol. He's the diuell.
    Auf. Bolder, though not so subtle: my valors poison'd,
    With onely suff'ring staine by him: for him
    Shall flye out of it selfe, nor sleepe, nor sanctuary,
    Being naked, sicke; nor Phane, nor Capitoll,
    880The Prayers of Priests, nor times of Sacrifice:
    Embarquements all of Fury, shall lift vp
    Their rotten Priuiledge, and Custome 'gainst
    My hate to Martius. Where I finde him, were it
    At home, vpon my Brothers Guard, euen there
    885Against the hospitable Canon, would I
    Wash my fierce hand in's heart. Go you to th' Citie,
    Learne how 'tis held, and what they are that must
    Be Hostages for Rome.
    Soul. Will not you go?
    890Auf. I am attended at the Cyprus groue. I pray you
    ('Tis South the City Mils) bring me word thither
    How the world goes: that to the pace of it
    I may spurre on my iourney.
    Soul. I shall sir.
    895Actus Secundus.
    Enter Menenius with the two Tribunes of the
    people, Sicinius & Brutus.
    Men. The Agurer tels me, wee shall haue Newes to
    900Bru. Good or bad?
    Men. Not according to the prayer of the people, for
    they loue not Martius.
    Sicin. Nature teaches Beasts to know their Friends.
    Men. Pray you, who does the Wolfe loue?
    905Sicin. The Lambe.
    Men. I, to deuour him, as the hungry Plebeians would
    the Noble Martius.
    Bru. He's a Lambe indeed, that baes like a Beare.
    Men. Hee's a Beare indeede, that liues like a Lambe.
    910You two are old men, tell me one thing that I shall aske
    Both. Well sir.
    Men. In what enormity is Martius poore in, that you
    two haue not in abundance?
    915Bru. He's poore in no one fault, but stor'd withall.
    Sicin. Especially in Pride.
    Bru. And topping all others in boasting.
    Men. This is strange now: Do you two know, how
    you are censured heere in the City, I mean of vs a'th' right
    920hand File, do you?
    Both. Why? how are we censur'd?
    Men. Because you talke of Pride now, will you not
    be angry.
    Both. Well, well sir, well.
    925Men. Why 'tis no great matter: for a very little theefe
    of Occasion, will rob you of a great deale of Patience:
    Giue your dispositions the reines, and bee angry at your
    pleasures (at the least) if you take it as a pleasure to you, in
    being so: you blame Martius for being proud.
    930Brut. We do it not alone, sir.
    Men. I know you can doe very little alone, for your
    helpes are many, or else your actions would growe won-
    drous single: your abilities are to Infant-like, for dooing
    much alone. You talke of Pride: Oh, that you could turn
    935your eyes toward the Napes of your neckes, and make
    but an Interiour suruey of your good selues. Oh that you
    Both. What then sir?
    Men. Why then you should discouer a brace of vn-
    940meriting, proud, violent, testie Magistrates (alias Fooles)
    as any in Rome.
    Sicin. Menenius, you are knowne well enough too.
    Men. I am knowne to be a humorous Patritian, and
    one that loues a cup of hot Wine, with not a drop of alay-
    945ing Tiber in't: Said, to be something imperfect in fauou-
    ring the first complaint, hasty and Tinder-like vppon, to
    triuiall motion: One, that conuerses more with the But-
    tocke of the night, then with the forhead of the morning.
    What I think, I vtter, and spend my malice in my breath.
    950Meeting two such Weales men as you are (I cannot call
    you Licurgusses,) if the drinke you giue me, touch my Pa-
    lat aduersly, I make a crooked face at it, I can say, your
    Worshippes haue deliuer'd the matter well, when I finde
    the Asse in compound, with the Maior part of your sylla-
    955bles. And though I must be content to beare with those,
    that say you are reuerend graue men, yet they lye deadly,
    that tell you haue good faces, if you see this in the Map
    of my Microcosme, followes it that I am knowne well e-
    nough too? What harme can your beesome Conspectui-
    960ties gleane out of this Charracter, if I be knowne well e-
    nough too.
    Bru. Come sir come, we know you well enough.
    Menen. You know neither mee, your selues, nor any
    thing: you are ambitious, for poore knaues cappes and
    965legges: you weare out a good wholesome Forenoone, in
    hearing a cause betweene an Orendge wife, and a Forfet-
    seller, and then reiourne the Controuersie of three-pence
    to a second day of Audience. When you are hearing a
    matter betweene party and party, if you chaunce to bee
    970pinch'd with the Collicke, you make faces like Mum-
    mers, set vp the bloodie Flagge against all Patience, and
    in roaring for a Chamber-pot, dismisse the Controuersie
    bleeding, the more intangled by your hearing: All the
    peace you make in their Cause, is calling both the parties
    975Knaues. You are a payre of strange ones.
    Bru. Come, come, you are well vnderstood to bee a
    perfecter gyber for the Table, then a necessary Bencher in
    the Capitoll.
    Men. Our very Priests must become Mockers, if they
    980shall encounter such ridiculous Subiects as you are, when
    you speake best vnto the purpose. It is not woorth the
    wagging of your Beards, and your Beards deserue not so
    honourable a graue, as to stuffe a Botchers Cushion, or to
    be intomb'd in an Asses Packe-saddle; yet you must bee
    985saying, Martius is proud: who in a cheape estimation, is
    worth all your predecessors, since Deucalion, though per-
    aduenture some of the best of 'em were hereditarie hang-
    men. Godden to your Worships, more of your conuer-
    sation would infect my Braine, being the Heardsmen of
    990the Beastly Plebeans. I will be bold to take my leaue of
    Bru. and Scic. Aside.
    The Tragedie of Coriolanus. 9
    Enter Volumnia, Virgilia, and Valeria.
    How now (my as faire as Noble) Ladyes, and the Moone
    995were shee Earthly, no Nobler; whither doe you follow
    your Eyes so fast?
    Volum. Honorable Menenius, my Boy Martius appro-
    ches: for the loue of Iuno let's goe.
    Menen. Ha? Martius comming home?
    1000Volum. I, worthy Menenius, and with most prosperous
    Menen. Take my Cappe Iupiter, and I thanke thee:
    hoo, Martius comming home?
    2. Ladies. Nay, 'tis true.
    1005Volum. Looke, here's a Letter from him, the State hath
    another, his Wife another, and (I thinke) there's one at
    home for you.
    Menen. I will make my very house reele to night:
    A Letter for me?
    1010Virgil. Yes certaine, there's a Letter for you, I saw't.
    Menen. A Letter for me? it giues me an Estate of se-
    uen yeeres health; in which time, I will make a Lippe at
    the Physician: The most soueraigne Prescription in Galen,
    is but Emperickqutique; and to this Preseruatiue, of no
    1015better report then a Horse-drench. Is he not wounded?
    he was wont to come home wounded?
    Virgil. Oh no, no, no.
    Volum. Oh, he is wounded, I thanke the Gods for't.
    Menen. So doe I too, if it be not too much: brings a
    1020Victorie in his Pocket? the wounds become him.
    Volum. On's Browes: Menenius, hee comes the third
    time home with the Oaken Garland.
    Menen. Ha's he disciplin'd Auffidius soundly?
    Volum. Titus Lartius writes, they fought together, but
    1025Auffidius got off.
    Menen. And 'twas time for him too, Ile warrant him
    that: and he had stay'd by him, I would not haue been so
    fiddious'd, for all the Chests in Carioles, and the Gold
    that's in them. Is the Senate possest of this?
    1030Volum. Good Ladies let's goe. Yes, yes, yes: The
    Senate ha's Letters from the Generall, wherein hee giues
    my Sonne the whole Name of the Warre: he hath in this
    action out-done his former deeds doubly.
    Valer. In troth, there's wondrous things spoke of him.
    1035Menen. Wondrous: I, I warrant you, and not with-
    out his true purchasing.
    Virgil. The Gods graunt them true.
    Volum. True? pow waw.
    Mene. True? Ile be sworne they are true: where is
    1040hee wounded, God saue your good Worships? Martius
    is comming home: hee ha's more cause to be prowd:
    where is he wounded?
    Volum. Ith' Shoulder, and ith' left Arme: there will be
    large Cicatrices to shew the People, when hee shall stand
    1045for his place: he receiued in the repulse of Tarquin seuen
    hurts ith' Body.
    Mene. One ith' Neck, and two ith' Thigh, there's nine
    that I know.
    Volum. Hee had, before this last Expedition, twentie
    1050fiue Wounds vpon him.
    Mene. Now it's twentie seuen; euery gash was an
    Enemies Graue. Hearke, the Trumpets.
    A showt, and flourish.
    Volum. These are the Vshers of Martius:
    1055Before him, hee carryes Noyse;
    And behinde him, hee leaues Teares:
    Death, that darke Spirit, in's neruie Arme doth lye,
    Which being aduanc'd, declines, and then men dye.
    A Sennet. Trumpets sound.
    1060Enter Cominius the Generall, and Titus Latius: be-
    tweene them Coriolanus, crown'd with an Oaken
    Garland, with Captaines and Soul-
    diers, and a Herauld.
    Herauld. Know Rome, that all alone Martius did fight
    1065Within Corioles Gates: where he hath wonne,
    With Fame, a Name to Martius Caius:
    These in honor followes Martius Caius Coriolanus.
    Welcome to Rome, renowned Coriolanus.
    Sound. Flourish.
    1070All. Welcome to Rome, renowned Coriolanus.
    Coriol. No more of this, it does offend my heart: pray
    now no more.
    Com. Looke, Sir, your Mother.
    Coriol. Oh! you haue, I know, petition'd all the Gods
    1075for my prosperitie. Kneeles.
    Volum. Nay, my good Souldier, vp:
    My gentle Martius, worthy Caius,
    And by deed-atchieuing Honor newly nam'd,
    What is it (Coriolanus) must I call thee?
    1080But oh, thy Wife.
    Corio. My gracious silence, hayle:
    Would'st thou haue laugh'd, had I come Coffin'd home,
    That weep'st to see me triumph? Ah my deare,
    Such eyes the Widowes in Carioles were,
    1085And Mothers that lacke Sonnes.
    Mene. Now the Gods Crowne thee.
    Com. And liue you yet? Oh my sweet Lady, pardon.
    Volum. I know not where to turne.
    Oh welcome home: and welcome Generall,
    1090And y'are welcome all.
    Mene. A hundred thousand Welcomes:
    I could weepe, and I could laugh,
    I am light, and heauie; welcome:
    A Curse begin at very root on's heart,
    1095That is not glad to see thee.
    Yon are three, that Rome should dote on:
    Yet by the faith of men, we haue
    Some old Crab-trees here at home,
    That will not be grafted to your Rallish.
    1100Yet welcome Warriors:
    Wee call a Nettle, but a Nettle;
    And the faults of fooles, but folly.
    Com. Euer right.
    Cor. Menenius, euer, euer.
    1105Herauld. Giue way there, and goe on.
    Cor. Your Hand, and yours?
    Ere in our owne house I doe shade my Head,
    The good Patricians must be visited,
    From whom I haue receiu'd not onely greetings,
    1110But with them, change of Honors.
    Volum. I haue liued,
    To see inherited my very Wishes,
    And the Buildings of my Fancie:
    Onely there's one thing wanting,
    1115Which (I doubt not) but our Rome
    Will cast vpon thee.
    Cor. Know, good Mother,
    I had rather be their seruant in my way,
    Then sway with them in theirs.
    1120Com. On, to the Capitall. Flourish. Cornets.
    Exeunt in State, as before.
    10The Tragedie of Coriolanus.
    Enter Brutus and Scicinius.
    Bru. All tongues speake of him, and the bleared sights
    Are spectacled to see him. Your pratling Nurse
    1125Into a rapture lets her Baby crie,
    While she chats him: the Kitchin Malkin pinnes
    Her richest Lockram 'bout her reechie necke,
    Clambring the Walls to eye him:
    Stalls, Bulkes, Windowes, are smother'd vp,
    1130Leades fill'd, and Ridges hors'd
    With variable Complexions; all agreeing
    In earnestnesse to see him: seld-showne Flamins
    Doe presse among the popular Throngs, and puffe
    To winne a vulgar station: our veyl'd Dames
    1135Commit the Warre of White and Damaske
    In their nicely gawded Cheekes, to th'wanton spoyle
    Of Phoebus burning Kisses: such a poother,
    As if that whatsoeuer God, who leades him,
    Were slyly crept into his humane powers,
    1140And gaue him gracefull posture.
    Scicin. On the suddaine, I warrant him Consull.
    Brutus. Then our Office may, during his power, goe
    Scicin. He cannot temp'rately transport his Honors,
    1145From where he should begin, and end, but will
    Lose those he hath wonne.
    Brutus. In that there's comfort.
    Scici. Doubt not,
    The Commoners, for whom we stand, but they
    1150Vpon their ancient mallice, will forget
    With the least cause, these his new Honors,
    Which that he will giue them, make I as little question,
    As he is prowd to doo't.
    Brutus. I heard him sweare,
    1155Were he to stand for Consull, neuer would he
    Appeare i'th' Market place, nor on him put
    The Naples Vesture of Humilitie,
    Nor shewing (as the manner is) his Wounds
    To th' People, begge their stinking Breaths.
    1160Scicin. 'Tis right.
    Brutus. It was his word:
    Oh he would misse it, rather then carry it,
    But by the suite of the Gentry to him,
    And the desire of the Nobles.
    1165Scicin. I wish no better, then haue him hold that pur-
    pose, and to put it in execution.
    Brutus. 'Tis most like he will.
    Scicin. It shall be to him then, as our good wills; a
    sure destruction.
    1170Brutus. So it must fall out
    To him, or our Authorities, for an end.
    We must suggest the People, in what hatred
    He still hath held them: that to's power he would
    Haue made them Mules, silenc'd their Pleaders,
    1175And dispropertied their Freedomes; holding them,
    In humane Action, and Capacitie,
    Of no more Soule, nor fitnesse for the World,
    Then Cammels in their Warre, who haue their Prouand
    Onely for bearing Burthens, and sore blowes
    1180For sinking vnder them.
    Scicin. This (as you say) suggested,
    At some time, when his soaring Insolence
    Shall teach the People, which time shall not want,
    If he be put vpon't, and that's as easie,
    1185As to set Dogges on Sheepe, will be his fire
    To kindle their dry Stubble: and their Blaze
    Shall darken him for euer.
    Enter a Messenger.
    Brutus. What's the matter?
    1190Mess. You are sent for to the Capitoll:
    'Tis thought, that Martius shall be Consull:
    I haue seene the dumbe men throng to see him,
    And the blind to heare him speak: Matrons flong Gloues,
    Ladies and Maids their Scarffes, and Handkerchers,
    1195Vpon him as he pass'd: the Nobles bended
    As to Ioues Statue, and the Commons made
    A Shower, and Thunder, with their Caps, and Showts:
    I neuer saw the like.
    Brutus. Let's to the Capitoll,
    1200And carry with vs Eares and Eyes for th' time,
    But Hearts for the euent.
    Scicin. Haue with you. Exeunt.
    Enter two Officers, to lay Cushions, as it were,
    in the Capitoll.
    12051. Off. Come, come, they are almost here: how many
    stand for Consulships?
    2. Off. Three, they say: but 'tis thought of euery one,
    Coriolanus will carry it.
    1. Off. That's a braue fellow: but hee's vengeance
    1210prowd, and loues not the common people.
    2. Off. 'Faith, there hath beene many great men that
    haue flatter'd the people, who ne're loued them; and there
    be many that they haue loued, they know not wherefore:
    so that if they loue they know not why, they hate vpon
    1215no better a ground. Therefore, for Coriolanus neyther to
    care whether they loue, or hate him, manifests the true
    knowledge he ha's in their disposition, and out of his No-
    ble carelesnesse lets them plainely see't.
    1. Off. If he did not care whether he had their loue, or
    1220no, hee waued indifferently, 'twixt doing them neyther
    good, nor harme: but hee seekes their hate with greater
    deuotion, then they can render it him; and leaues nothing
    vndone, that may fully discouer him their opposite. Now
    to seeme to affect the mallice and displeasure of the Peo-
    1225ple, is as bad, as that which he dislikes, to flatter them for
    their loue.
    2. Off. Hee hath deserued worthily of his Countrey,
    and his assent is not by such easie degrees as those, who
    hauing beene supple and courteous to the People, Bon-
    1230netted, without any further deed, to haue them at all into
    their estimation, and report: but hee hath so planted his
    Honors in their Eyes, and his actions in their Hearts, that
    for their Tongues to be silent, and not confesse so much,
    were a kinde of ingratefull Iniurie: to report otherwise,
    1235were a Mallice, that giuing it selfe the Lye, would plucke
    reproofe and rebuke from euery Eare that heard it.
    1. Off. No more of him, hee's a worthy man: make
    way, they are comming.
    A Sennet. Enter the Patricians, and the Tribunes of
    1240the People, Lictors before them: Coriolanus, Mene-
    nius, Cominius the Consul: Scicinius and Brutus
    take their places by themselues: Corio-
    lanus stands.
    Menen. Hauing determin'd of the Volces,
    1245And to send for Titus Lartius: it remaines,
    As the maine Point of this our after-meeting,
    The Tragedie of Coriolanus. 11
    To gratifie his Noble seruice, that hath
    Thus stood for his Countrey. Therefore please you,
    Most reuerend and graue Elders, to desire
    1250The present Consull, and last Generall,
    In our well-found Successes, to report
    A little of that worthy Worke, perform'd
    By Martius Caius Coriolanus: whom
    We met here, both to thanke, and to remember,
    1255With Honors like himselfe.
    1. Sen. Speake, good Cominius:
    Leaue nothing out for length, and make vs thinke
    Rather our states defectiue for requitall,
    Then we to stretch it out. Masters a'th' People,
    1260We doe request your kindest eares: and after
    Your louing motion toward the common Body,
    To yeeld what passes here.
    Scicin. We are conuented vpon a pleasing Treatie, and
    haue hearts inclinable to honor and aduance the Theame
    1265of our Assembly.
    Brutus. Which the rather wee shall be blest to doe, if
    he remember a kinder value of the People, then he hath
    hereto priz'd them at.
    Menen. That's off, that's off: I would you rather had
    1270been silent: Please you to heare Cominius speake?
    Brutus. Most willingly: but yet my Caution was
    more pertinent then the rebuke you giue it.
    Menen. He loues your People, but tye him not to be
    their Bed-fellow: Worthie Cominius speake.
    1275 Coriolanus rises, and offers to goe away.
    Nay, keepe your place.
    Senat. Sit Coriolanus: neuer shame to heare
    What you haue Nobly done.
    Coriol. Your Honors pardon:
    1280I had rather haue my Wounds to heale againe,
    Then heare say how I got them.
    Brutus. Sir, I hope my words dis-bench'd you not?
    Coriol. No Sir: yet oft,
    When blowes haue made me stay, I fled from words.
    1285You sooth'd not, therefore hurt not: but your People,
    I loue them as they weigh---
    Menen. Pray now sit downe.
    Corio. I had rather haue one scratch my Head i'th' Sun,
    When the Alarum were strucke, then idly sit
    1290To heare my Nothings monster'd. Exit Coriolanus
    Menen. Masters of the People,
    Your multiplying Spawne, how can he flatter?
    That's thousand to one good one, when you now see
    He had rather venture all his Limbes for Honor,
    1295Then on ones Eares to heare it. Proceed Cominius.
    Com. I shall lacke voyce: the deeds of Coriolanus
    Should not be vtter'd feebly: it is held,
    That Valour is the chiefest Vertue,
    And most dignifies the hauer: if it be,
    1300The man I speake of, cannot in the World
    Be singly counter-poys'd. At sixteene yeeres,
    When Tarquin made a Head for Rome, he fought
    Beyond the marke of others: our then Dictator,
    Whom with all prayse I point at, saw him fight,
    1305When with his Amazonian Shinne he droue
    The brizled Lippes before him: he bestrid
    An o're-prest Roman, and i'th' Consuls view
    Slew three Opposers: Tarquins selfe he met,
    And strucke him on his Knee: in that dayes feates,
    1310When he might act the Woman in the Scene,
    He prou'd best man i'th' field, and for his meed
    Was Brow-bound with the Oake. His Pupill age
    Man-entred thus, he waxed like a Sea,
    And in the brunt of seuenteene Battailes since,
    1315He lurcht all Swords of the Garland: for this last,
    Before, and in Corioles, let me say
    I cannot speake him home: he stopt the flyers,
    And by his rare example made the Coward
    Turne terror into sport: as Weeds before
    1320A Vessell vnder sayle, so men obey'd,
    And fell below his Stem: his Sword, Deaths stampe,
    Where it did marke, it tooke from face to foot:
    He was a thing of Blood, whose euery motion
    Was tim'd with dying Cryes: alone he entred
    1325The mortall Gate of th' Citie, which he painted
    With shunlesse destinie: aydelesse came off,
    And with a sudden re-inforcement strucke
    Carioles like a Planet: now all's his,
    When by and by the dinne of Warre gan pierce
    1330His readie sence: then straight his doubled spirit
    Requickned what in flesh was fatigate,
    And to the Battaile came he, where he did
    Runne reeking o're the liues of men, as if 'twere
    A perpetuall spoyle: and till we call'd
    1335Both Field and Citie ours, he neuer stood
    To ease his Brest with panting.
    Menen. Worthy man.
    Senat. He cannot but with measure fit the Honors
    which we deuise him.
    1340Com. Our spoyles he kickt at,
    And look'd vpon things precious, as they were
    The common Muck of the World: he couets lesse
    Then Miserie it selfe would giue, rewards his deeds
    With doing them, and is content
    1345To spend the time, to end it.
    Menen. Hee's right Noble, let him be call'd for.
    Senat. Call Coriolanus.
    Off. He doth appeare.
    Enter Coriolanus.
    1350Menen. The Senate, Coriolanus, are well pleas'd to make
    thee Consull.
    Corio. I doe owe them still my Life, and Seruices.
    Menen. It then remaines, that you doe speake to the
    1355Corio. I doe beseech you,
    Let me o're-leape that custome: for I cannot
    Put on the Gowne, stand naked, and entreat them
    For my Wounds sake, to giue their sufferage:
    Please you that I may passe this doing.
    1360Scicin. Sir, the People must haue their Voyces,
    Neyther will they bate one iot of Ceremonie.
    Menen. Put them not too't:
    Pray you goe fit you to the Custome,
    And take to you, as your Predecessors haue,
    1365Your Honor with your forme.
    Corio. It is a part that I shall blush in acting,
    And might well be taken from the People.
    Brutus. Marke you that.
    Corio. To brag vnto them, thus I did, and thus
    1370Shew them th' vnaking Skarres, which I should hide,
    As if I had receiu'd them for the hyre
    Of their breath onely.
    Menen. Doe not stand vpon't:
    We recommend to you Tribunes of the People
    1375Our purpose to them, and to our Noble Consull
    Wish we all Ioy, and Honor.
    Senat. To
    12The Tragedie of Coriolanus.
    Senat. To Coriolanus come all ioy and Honor.
    Flourish Cornets.
    Then Exeunt. Manet Sicinius and Brutus.
    1380Bru. You see how he intends to vse the people.
    Scicin. May they perceiue's intent: he wil require them
    As if he did contemne what he requested,
    Should be in them to giue.
    Bru. Come, wee'l informe them
    1385Of our proceedings heere on th' Market place,
    I know they do attend vs.
    Enter seuen or eight Citizens.
    1. Cit. Once if he do require our voyces, wee ought
    not to deny him.
    13902. Cit. We may Sir if we will.
    3. Cit. We haue power in our selues to do it, but it is
    a power that we haue no power to do: For, if hee shew vs
    his wounds, and tell vs his deeds, we are to put our ton-
    gues into those wounds, and speake for them: So if he tel
    1395vs his Noble deeds, we must also tell him our Noble ac-
    ceptance of them. Ingratitude is monstrous, and for the
    multitude to be ingratefull, were to make a Monster of
    the multitude; of the which, we being members, should
    bring our selues to be monstrous members.
    14001. Cit. And to make vs no better thought of a little
    helpe will serue: for once we stood vp about the Corne,
    he himselfe stucke not to call vs the many-headed Multi-
    3. Cit. We haue beene call'd so of many, not that our
    1405heads are some browne, some blacke, some Abram, some
    bald; but that our wits are so diuersly Coulord; and true-
    ly I thinke, if all our wittes were to issue out of one Scull,
    they would flye East, West, North, South, and their con-
    sent of one direct way, should be at once to all the points
    1410a'th Compasse.
    2. Cit. Thinke you so? Which way do you iudge my
    wit would flye.
    3. Cit. Nay your wit will not so soone out as another
    mans will, 'tis strongly wadg'd vp in a blocke-head: but
    1415if it were at liberty, 'twould sure Southward.
    2 Cit. Why that way?
    3 Cit. To loose it selfe in a Fogge, where being three
    parts melted away with rotten Dewes, the fourth would
    returne for Conscience sake, to helpe to get thee a Wife.
    14202 Cit. You are neuer without your trickes, you may,
    you may.
    3 Cit. Are you all resolu'd to giue your voyces? But
    that's no matter, the greater part carries it, I say. If hee
    would incline to the people, there was neuer a worthier
    Enter Coriolanus in a gowne of Humility, with
    Heere he comes, and in the Gowne of humility, marke
    his behauiour: we are not to stay altogether, but to come
    1430by him where he stands, by ones, by twoes, & by threes.
    He's to make his requests by particulars, wherein euerie
    one of vs ha's a single Honor, in giuing him our own voi-
    ces with our owne tongues, therefore follow me, and Ile
    direct you how you shall go by him.
    1435All. Content, content.
    Men. Oh Sir, you are not right: haue you not knowne
    The worthiest men haue done't?
    Corio. What must I say, I pray Sir?
    Plague vpon't, I cannot bring
    1440My tongue to such a pace. Looke Sir, my wounds,
    I got them in my Countries Seruice, when
    Some certaine of your Brethren roar'd, and ranne
    From th' noise of our owne Drummes.
    Menen. Oh me the Gods, you must not speak of that,
    1445You must desire them to thinke vpon you.
    Coriol. Thinke vpon me? Hang 'em,
    I would they would forget me, like the Vertues
    Which our Diuines lose by em.
    Men. You'l marre all,
    1450Ile leaue you: Pray you speake to em, I pray you
    In wholsome manner. Exit
    Enter three of the Citizens.
    Corio. Bid them wash their Faces,
    And keepe their teeth cleane: So, heere comes a brace,
    1455You know the cause (Sir) of my standing heere.
    3 Cit. We do Sir, tell vs what hath brought you too't.
    Corio. Mine owne desert.
    2 Cit. Your owne desert.
    Corio. I, but mine owne desire.
    14603 Cit. How not your owne desire?
    Corio. No Sir, 'twas neuer my desire yet to trouble the
    poore with begging.
    3 Cit. You must thinke if we giue you any thing, we
    hope to gaine by you.
    1465Corio. Well then I pray, your price a'th' Consulship.
    1 Cit. The price is, to aske it kindly.
    Corio. Kindly sir, I pray let me ha't: I haue wounds to
    shew you, which shall bee yours in priuate: your good
    voice Sir, what say you?
    14702 Cit. You shall ha't worthy Sir.
    Corio. A match Sir, there's in all two worthie voyces
    begg'd: I haue your Almes, Adieu.
    3 Cit. But this is something odde.
    2 Cit. And 'twere to giue againe: but 'tis no matter.
    1475Exeunt. Enter two other Citizens.
    Coriol. Pray you now, if it may stand with the tune
    of your voices, that I may bee Consull, I haue heere the
    Customarie Gowne.
    1. You haue deserued Nobly of your Countrey, and
    1480you haue not deserued Nobly.
    Coriol. Your AEnigma.
    1. You haue bin a scourge to her enemies, you haue
    bin a Rod to her Friends, you haue not indeede loued the
    Common people.
    1485Coriol. You should account mee the more Vertuous,
    that I haue not bin common in my Loue, I will sir flatter
    my sworne Brother the people to earne a deerer estima-
    tion of them, 'tis a condition they account gentle: & since
    the wisedome of their choice, is rather to haue my Hat,
    1490then my Heart, I will practice the insinuating nod, and be
    off to them most counterfetly, that is sir, I will counter-
    fet the bewitchment of some popular man, and giue it
    bountifull to the desirers: Therefore beseech you, I may
    be Consull.
    14952. Wee hope to finde you our friend: and therefore
    giue you our voices heartily.
    1. You haue receyued many wounds for your Coun-
    Coriol. I wil not Seale your knowledge with shewing
    1500them. I will make much of your voyces, and so trouble
    you no farther.
    Both. The Gods giue you ioy Sir heartily.
    Coriol. Most sweet Voyces:
    Better it is to dye, better to sterue,
    1505Then craue the higher, which first we do deserue.
    Why in this Wooluish tongue should I stand heere,
    To begge of Hob and Dicke, that does appeere
    The Tragedie of Coriolanus. 13
    Their needlesse Vouches: Custome calls me too't.
    What Custome wills in all things, should we doo't?
    1510The Dust on antique Time would lye vnswept,
    And mountainous Error be too highly heapt,
    For Truth to o're-peere. Rather then foole it so,
    Let the high Office and the Honor go
    To one that would doe thus. I am halfe through,
    1515The one part suffered, the other will I doe.
    Enter three Citizens more.
    Here come moe Voyces.
    Your Voyces? for your Voyces I haue fought,
    Watcht for your Voyces: for your Voyces, beare
    1520Of Wounds, two dozen odde: Battailes thrice six
    I haue seene, and heard of: for your Voyces,
    Haue done many things, some lesse, some more:
    Your Voyces? Indeed I would be Consull.
    1. Cit. Hee ha's done Nobly, and cannot goe without
    1525any honest mans Voyce.
    2. Cit. Therefore let him be Consull: the Gods giue him
    ioy, and make him good friend to the People.
    All. Amen, Amen. God saue thee, Noble Consull.
    Corio. Worthy Voyces.
    1530 Enter Menenius, with Brutus and Scicinius.
    Mene. You haue stood your Limitation:
    And the Tribunes endue you with the Peoples Voyce,
    Remaines, that in th' Officiall Markes inuested,
    You anon doe meet the Senate.
    1535Corio. Is this done?
    Scicin. The Custome of Request you haue discharg'd:
    The People doe admit you, and are summon'd
    To meet anon, vpon your approbation.
    Corio. Where? at the Senate-house?
    1540Scicin. There, Coriolanus.
    Corio. May I change these Garments?
    Scicin. You may, Sir.
    Cori. That Ile straight do: and knowing my selfe again,
    Repayre to th'Senate-
    1545house. Mene. Ile keepe you company. Will you along?
    Brut. We stay here for the People.
    Scicin. Fare you well. Exeunt Coriol. and Mene.
    He ha's it now: and by his Lookes, me thinkes,
    'Tis warme at's heart.
    1550Brut. With a prowd heart he wore his humble Weeds:
    Will you dismisse the People?
    Enter the Plebeians.
    Scici. How now, my Masters, haue you chose this man?
    1. Cit. He ha's our Voyces, Sir.
    1555Brut. We pray the Gods, he may deserue your loues.
    2. Cit. Amen, Sir: to my poore vnworthy notice,
    He mock'd vs, when he begg'd our Voyces.
    3. Cit. Certainely, he flowted vs downe-right.
    1. Cit. No, 'tis his kind of speech, he did not mock vs.
    15602. Cit. Not one amongst vs, saue your selfe, but sayes
    He vs'd vs scornefully: he should haue shew'd vs
    His Marks of Merit, Wounds receiu'd for's Countrey.
    Scicin. Why so he did, I am sure.
    All. No, no: no man saw 'em.
    15653. Cit. Hee said hee had Wounds,
    Which he could shew in priuate:
    And with his Hat, thus wauing it in scorne,
    I would be Consull, sayes he: aged Custome,
    But by your Voyces, will not so permit me.
    1570Your Voyces therefore: when we graunted that,
    Here was, I thanke you for your Voyces, thanke you
    Your most sweet Voyces: now you haue left your Voyces,
    I haue no further with you. Was not this mockerie?
    Scicin. Why eyther were you ignorant to see't?
    1575Or seeing it, of such Childish friendlinesse,
    To yeeld your Voyces?
    Brut. Could you not haue told him,
    As you were lesson'd: When he had no Power,
    But was a pettie seruant to the State,
    1580He was your Enemie, euer spake against
    Your Liberties, and the Charters that you beare
    I'th' Body of the Weale: and now arriuing
    A place of Potencie, and sway o'th' State,
    If he should still malignantly remaine
    1585Fast Foe to th'Plebeij, your Voyces might
    Be Curses to your selues. You should haue said,
    That as his worthy deeds did clayme no lesse
    Then what he stood for: so his gracious nature
    Would thinke vpon you, for your Voyces,
    1590And translate his Mallice towards you, into Loue,
    Standing your friendly Lord.
    Scicin. Thus to haue said,
    As you were fore-aduis'd, had toucht his Spirit,
    And try'd his Inclination: from him pluckt
    1595Eyther his gracious Promise, which you might
    As cause had call'd you vp, haue held him to;
    Or else it would haue gall'd his surly nature,
    Which easily endures not Article,
    Tying him to ought, so putting him to Rage,
    1600You should haue ta'ne th' aduantage of his Choller,
    And pass'd him vnelected.
    Brut. Did you perceiue,
    He did sollicite you in free Contempt,
    When he did need your Loues: and doe you thinke,
    1605That his Contempt shall not be brusing to you,
    When he hath power to crush? Why, had your Bodyes
    No Heart among you? Or had you Tongues, to cry
    Against the Rectorship of Iudgement?
    Scicin. Haue you, ere now, deny'd the asker:
    1610And now againe, of him that did not aske, but mock,
    Bestow your su'd-for Tongues?
    3. Cit. Hee's not confirm'd, we may deny him yet.
    2. Cit. And will deny him:
    Ile haue fiue hundred Voyces of that sound.
    16151. Cit. I twice fiue hundred, & their friends, to piece 'em.
    Brut. Get you hence instantly, and tell those friends,
    They haue chose a Consull, that will from them take
    Their Liberties, make them of no more Voyce
    Then Dogges, that are as often beat for barking,
    1620As therefore kept to doe so.
    Scici. Let them assemble: and on a safer Iudgement,
    All reuoke your ignorant election: Enforce his Pride,
    And his old Hate vnto you: besides, forget not
    With what Contempt he wore the humble Weed,
    1625How in his Suit he scorn'd you: but your Loues,
    Thinking vpon his Seruices, tooke from you
    Th' apprehension of his present portance,
    Which most gibingly, vngrauely, he did fashion
    After the inueterate Hate he beares you.
    1630Brut. Lay a fault on vs, your Tribunes,
    That we labour'd (no impediment betweene)
    But that you must cast your Election on him.
    Scici. Say you chose him, more after our commandment,
    Then as guided by your owne true affections, and that
    1635Your Minds pre-occupy'd with what you rather must do,
    Then what you should, made you against the graine
    To Voyce him Consull. Lay the fault on vs.
    bb Brut. I,
    14The Tragedie of Coriolanus.
    Brut. I, spare vs not: Say, we read Lectures to you,
    How youngly he began to serue his Countrey,
    1640How long continued, and what stock he springs of,
    The Noble House o'th' Martians: from whence came
    That Ancus Martius, Numaes Daughters Sonne:
    Who after great Hostilius here was King,
    Of the same House Publius and Quintus were,
    1645That our best Water, brought by Conduits hither,
    And Nobly nam'd, so twice being Censor,
    Was his great Ancestor.
    Scicin. One thus descended,
    That hath beside well in his person wrought,
    1650To be set high in place, we did commend
    To your remembrances: but you haue found,
    Skaling his present bearing with his past,
    That hee's your fixed enemie; and reuoke
    Your suddaine approbation.
    1655Brut. Say you ne're had don't,
    (Harpe on that still) but by our putting on:
    And presently, when you haue drawne your number,
    Repaire to th'Capitoll.
    All. We will so: almost all repent in their election.
    1660 Exeunt Plebeians.
    Brut. Let them goe on:
    This Mutinie were better put in hazard,
    Then stay past doubt, for greater:
    If, as his nature is, he fall in rage
    1665With their refusall, both obserue and answer
    The vantage of his anger.
    Scicin. To th'Capitoll, come:
    We will be there before the streame o'th' People:
    And this shall seeme, as partly 'tis, their owne,
    1670Which we haue goaded on-ward. Exeunt.
    Actus Tertius.
    Cornets. Enter Coriolanus, Menenius, all the Gentry,
    Cominius, Titus Latius, and other Senators.
    Corio. Tullus Auffidius then had made new head.
    1675Latius. He had, my Lord, and that it was which caus'd
    Our swifter Composition.
    Corio. So then the Volces stand but as at first,
    Readie when time shall prompt them, to make roade
    Vpon's againe.
    1680Com. They are worne (Lord Consull) so,
    That we shall hardly in our ages see
    Their Banners waue againe.
    Corio. Saw you Auffidius?
    Latius. On safegard he came to me, and did curse
    1685Against the Volces, for they had so vildly
    Yeelded the Towne: he is retyred to Antium.
    Corio. Spoke he of me?
    Latius. He did, my Lord.
    Corio. How? what?
    1690Latius. How often he had met you Sword to Sword:
    That of all things vpon the Earth, he hated
    Your person most: That he would pawne his fortunes
    To hopelesse restitution, so he might
    Be call'd your Vanquisher.
    1695Corio. At Antium liues he?
    Latius. At Antium.
    Corio. I wish I had a cause to seeke him there,
    To oppose his hatred fully. Welcome home.
    Enter Scicinius and Brutus.
    1700Behold, these are the Tribunes of the People,
    The Tongues o'th' Common Mouth. I do despise them:
    For they doe pranke them in Authoritie,
    Against all Noble sufferance.
    Scicin. Passe no further.
    1705Cor. Hah? what is that?
    Brut. It will be dangerous to goe on--- No further.
    Corio. What makes this change?
    Mene. The matter?
    Com. Hath he not pass'd the Noble, and the Common?
    1710Brut. Cominius, no.
    Corio. Haue I had Childrens Voyces?
    Senat. Tribunes giue way, he shall to th'Market place.
    Brut. The People are incens'd against him.
    Scicin. Stop, or all will fall in broyle.
    1715Corio. Are these your Heard?
    Must these haue Voyces, that can yeeld them now,
    And straight disclaim their toungs? what are your Offices?
    You being their Mouthes, why rule you not their Teeth?
    Haue you not set them on?
    1720Mene. Be calme, be calme.
    Corio. It is a purpos'd thing, and growes by Plot,
    To curbe the will of the Nobilitie:
    Suffer't, and liue with such as cannot rule,
    Nor euer will be ruled.
    1725Brut. Call't not a Plot:
    The People cry you mockt them: and of late,
    When Corne was giuen them gratis, you repin'd,
    Scandal'd the Suppliants: for the People, call'd them
    Time-pleasers, flatterers, foes to Noblenesse.
    1730Corio. Why this was knowne before.
    Brut. Not to them all.
    Corio. Haue you inform'd them sithence?
    Brut. How? I informe them?
    Com. You are like to doe such businesse.
    1735Brut. Not vnlike each way to better yours.
    Corio. Why then should I be Consull? by yond Clouds
    Let me deserue so ill as you, and make me
    Your fellow Tribune.
    Scicin. You shew too much of that,
    1740For which the People stirre: if you will passe
    To where you are bound, you must enquire your way,
    Which you are out of, with a gentler spirit,
    Or neuer be so Noble as a Consull,
    Nor yoake with him for Tribune.
    1745Mene. Let's be calme.
    Com. The People are abus'd: set on, this paltring
    Becomes not Rome: nor ha's Coriolanus
    Deseru'd this so dishonor'd Rub, layd falsely
    I'th' plaine Way of his Merit.
    1750Corio. Tell me of Corne: this was my speech,
    And I will speak't againe.
    Mene. Not now, not now.
    Senat. Not in this heat, Sir, now.
    Corio. Now as I liue, I will.
    1755My Nobler friends, I craue their pardons:
    For the mutable ranke-sented Meynie,
    Let them regard me, as I doe not flatter,
    And therein behold themselues: I say againe,
    In soothing them, we nourish 'gainst our Senate
    1760The Cockle of Rebellion, Insolence, Sedition,
    Which we our selues haue plowed for, sow'd, & scatter'd,
    By mingling them with vs, the honor'd Number,
    Who lack not Vertue, no, nor Power, but that
    Which they haue giuen to Beggers.
    1765Mene. Well, no more.
    Senat. No more words, we beseech you.
    Corio. How? no more?
    The Tragedie of Coriolanus. 15
    As for my Country, I haue shed my blood,
    Not fearing outward force: So shall my Lungs
    1770Coine words till their decay, against those Meazels
    Which we disdaine should Tetter vs, yet sought
    The very way to catch them.
    Bru. You speake a'th' people, as if you were a God,
    To punish; Not a man, of their Infirmity.
    1775Sicin. 'Twere well we let the people know't.
    Mene. What, what? His Choller?
    Cor. Choller? Were I as patient as the midnight sleep,
    By Ioue, 'twould be my minde.
    Sicin. It is a minde that shall remain a poison
    1780Where it is: not poyson any further.
    Corio. Shall remaine?
    Heare you this Triton of the Minnoues? Marke you
    His absolute Shall?
    Com. 'Twas from the Cannon.
    1785Cor. Shall? O God! but most vnwise Patricians: why
    You graue, but wreaklesse Senators, haue you thus
    Giuen Hidra heere to choose an Officer,
    That with his peremptory Shall, being but
    The horne, and noise o'th' Monsters, wants not spirit
    1790To say, hee'l turne your Current in a ditch,
    And make your Channell his? If he haue power,
    Then vale your Ignorance: If none, awake
    Your dangerous Lenity: If you are Learn'd,
    Be not as common Fooles; if you are not,
    1795Let them haue Cushions by you. You are Plebeians,
    If they be Senators: and they are no lesse,
    When both your voices blended, the great'st taste
    Most pallates theirs. They choose their Magistrate,
    And such a one as he, who puts his Shall,
    1800His popular Shall, against a grauer Bench
    Then euer frown'd in Greece. By Ioue himselfe,
    It makes the Consuls base; and my Soule akes
    To know, when two Authorities are vp,
    Neither Supreame; How soone Confusion
    1805May enter 'twixt the gap of Both, and take
    The one by th' other.
    Com. Well, on to'th' Market place.
    Corio. Who euer gaue that Counsell, to giue forth
    The Corne a'th' Store-house gratis, as 'twas vs'd
    1810Sometime in Greece.
    Mene. Well, well, no more of that.
    Cor. Thogh there the people had more absolute powre
    I say they norisht disobedience: fed, the ruin of the State.
    Bru. Why shall the people giue
    1815One that speakes thus, their voyce?
    Corio. Ile giue my Reasons,
    More worthier then their Voyces. They know the Corne
    Was not our recompence, resting well assur'd
    They ne're did seruice for't; being prest to'th' Warre,
    1820Euen when the Nauell of the State was touch'd,
    They would not thred the Gates: This kinde of Seruice
    Did not deserue Corne gratis. Being i'th' Warre,
    There Mutinies and Reuolts, wherein they shew'd
    Most Valour spoke not for them. Th'Accusation
    1825Which they haue often made against the Senate,
    All cause vnborne, could neuer be the Natiue
    Of our so franke Donation. Well, what then?
    How shall this Bosome-multiplied, digest
    The Senates Courtesie? Let deeds expresse
    1830What's like to be their words, We did request it,
    We are the greater pole, and in true feare
    They gaue vs our demands. Thus we debase
    The Nature of our Seats, and make the Rabble
    Call our Cares, Feares; which will in time
    1835Breake ope the Lockes a'th' Senate, and bring in
    The Crowes to pecke the Eagles.
    Mene. Come enough.
    Bru. Enough, with ouer measure.
    Corio. No, take more.
    1840What may be sworne by, both Diuine and Humane,
    Seale what I end withall. This double worship,
    Whereon part do's disdaine with cause, the other
    Insult without all reason: where Gentry, Title, wisedom
    Cannot conclude, but by the yea and no
    1845Of generall Ignorance, it must omit
    Reall Necessities, and giue way the while
    To vnstable Slightnesse. Purpose so barr'd, it followes,
    Nothing is done to purpose. Therefore beseech you,
    You that will be lesse fearefull, then discreet,
    1850That loue the Fundamentall part of State
    More then you doubt the change on't: That preferre
    A Noble life, before a Long, and Wish,
    To iumpe a Body with a dangerous Physicke,
    That's sure of death without it: at once plucke out
    1855The Multitudinous Tongue, let them not licke
    The sweet which is their poyson. Your dishonor
    Mangles true iudgement, and bereaues the State
    Of that Integrity which should becom't:
    Not hauing the power to do the good it would
    1860For th' ill which doth controul't.
    Bru. Has said enough.
    Sicin. Ha's spoken like a Traitor, and shall answer
    As Traitors do.
    Corio. Thou wretch, despight ore-whelme thee:
    1865What should the people do with these bald Tribunes?
    On whom depending, their obedience failes
    To'th' greater Bench, in a Rebellion:
    When what's not meet, but what must be, was Law,
    Then were they chosen: in a better houre,
    1870Let what is meet, be saide it must be meet,
    And throw their power i'th' dust.
    Bru. Manifest Treason.
    Sicin. This a Consull? No.
    Enter an AEdile.
    1875Bru. The Ediles hoe: Let him be apprehended:
    Sicin. Go call the people, in whose name my Selfe
    Attach thee as a Traitorous Innouator:
    A Foe to'th' publike Weale. Obey I charge thee,
    And follow to thine answer.
    1880Corio. Hence old Goat.
    All. Wee'l Surety him.
    Com. Ag'd sir, hands off.
    Corio. Hence rotten thing, or I shall shake thy bones
    Out of thy Garments.
    1885Sicin. Helpe ye Citizens.
    Enter a rabble of Plebeians with the AEdiles.
    Mene. On both sides more respect.
    Sicin. Heere's hee, that would take from you all your
    1890Bru. Seize him AEdiles.
    All. Downe with him, downe with him.
    2 Sen. Weapons, weapons, weapons:
    They all bustle about Coriolanus.
    Tribunes, Patricians, Citizens: what ho:
    1895Sicinius, Brutus, Coriolanus, Citizens.
    All. Peace, peace, peace, stay, hold, peace.
    Mene. What is about to be? I am out of Breath,
    Confusions neere, I cannot speake. You, Tribunes
    To'th' people: Coriolanus, patience: Speak good Sicinius.
    Bb2 Sicin.
    16The Tragedie of Coriolanus.
    1900Scici. Heare me, People peace.
    All. Let's here our Tribune: peace, speake, speake,
    Scici. You are at point to lose your Liberties:
    Martius would haue all from you; Martius,
    1905Whom late you haue nam'd for Consull.
    Mene. Fie, fie, fie, this is the way to kindle, not to
    Sena. To vnbuild the Citie, and to lay all flat.
    Scici. What is the Citie, but the People?
    1910All. True, the People are the Citie.
    Brut. By the consent of all, we were establish'd the
    Peoples Magistrates.
    All. You so remaine.
    Mene. And so are like to doe.
    1915Com. That is the way to lay the Citie flat,
    To bring the Roofe to the Foundation,
    And burie all, which yet distinctly raunges
    In heapes, and piles of Ruine.
    Scici. This deserues Death.
    1920Brut. Or let vs stand to our Authoritie,
    Or let vs lose it: we doe here pronounce,
    Vpon the part o'th' People, in whose power
    We were elected theirs, Martius is worthy
    Of present Death.
    1925Scici. Therefore lay hold of him:
    Beare him to th'Rock Tarpeian, and from thence
    Into destruction cast him.
    Brut. AEdiles seize him.
    All Ple. Yeeld Martius, yeeld.
    1930Mene. Heare me one word, 'beseech you Tribunes,
    heare me but a word.
    AEdiles. Peace, peace.
    Mene. Be that you seeme, truly your Countries friend,
    And temp'rately proceed to what you would
    1935Thus violently redresse.
    Brut. Sir, those cold wayes,
    That seeme like prudent helpes, are very poysonous,
    Where the Disease is violent. Lay hands vpon him,
    And beare him to the Rock. Corio. drawes his Sword.
    1940Corio. No, Ile die here:
    There's some among you haue beheld me fighting,
    Come trie vpon your selues, what you haue seene me.
    Mene. Downe with that Sword, Tribunes withdraw
    a while.
    1945Brut. Lay hands vpon him.
    Mene. Helpe Martius, helpe: you that be noble, helpe
    him young and old.
    All. Downe with him, downe with him. Exeunt.
    In this Mutinie, the Tribunes, the AEdiles, and the
    1950People are beat in.
    Mene. Goe, get you to our House: be gone, away,
    All will be naught else.
    2. Sena. Get you gone.
    Com. Stand fast, we haue as many friends as enemies.
    1955Mene. Shall it be put to that?
    Sena. The Gods forbid:
    I prythee noble friend, home to thy House,
    Leaue vs to cure this Cause.
    Mene. For 'tis a Sore vpon vs,
    1960You cannot Tent your selfe: be gone, 'beseech you.
    Corio. Come Sir, along with vs.
    Mene. I would they were Barbarians, as they are,
    Though in Rome litter'd: not Romans, as they are not,
    Though calued i'th' Porch o'th' Capitoll:
    1965Be gone, put not your worthy Rage into your Tongue,
    One time will owe another.
    Corio. On faire ground, I could beat fortie of them.
    Mene. I could my selfe take vp a Brace o'th' best of
    them, yea, the two Tribunes.
    1970Com. But now 'tis oddes beyond Arithmetick,
    And Manhood is call'd Foolerie, when it stands
    Against a falling Fabrick. Will you hence,
    Before the Tagge returne? whose Rage doth rend
    Like interrupted Waters, and o're-beare
    1975What they are vs'd to beare.
    Mene. Pray you be gone:
    Ile trie whether my old Wit be in request
    With those that haue but little: this must be patcht
    With Cloth of any Colour.
    1980Com. Nay, come away. Exeunt Coriolanus and
    Patri. This man ha's marr'd his fortune.
    Mene. His nature is too noble for the World:
    He would not flatter Neptune for his Trident,
    1985Or Ioue, for's power to Thunder: his Heart's his Mouth:
    What his Brest forges, that his Tongue must vent,
    And being angry, does forget that euer
    He heard the Name of Death. A Noise within.
    Here's goodly worke.
    1990Patri. I would they were a bed.
    Mene. I would they were in Tyber.
    What the vengeance, could he not speake 'em faire?
    Enter Brutus and Sicinius with the rabble againe.
    Sicin. Where is this Viper,
    1995That would depopulate the city, & be euery man himself
    Mene. You worthy Tribunes.
    Sicin. He shall be throwne downe the Tarpeian rock
    With rigorous hands: he hath resisted Law,
    And therefore Law shall scorne him further Triall
    2000Then the seuerity of the publike Power,
    Which he so sets at naught.
    1 Cit. He shall well know the Noble Tribunes are
    The peoples mouths, and we their hands.
    All. He shall sure ont.
    2005Mene. Sir, sir. Sicin. Peace.
    Me. Do not cry hauocke, where you shold but hunt
    With modest warrant.
    Sicin. Sir, how com'st that you haue holpe
    To make this rescue?
    2010Mene. Heere me speake? As I do know
    The Consuls worthinesse, so can I name his Faults.
    Sicin. Consull? what Consull?
    Mene. The Consull Coriolanus.
    Bru. He Consull.
    2015All. No, no, no, no, no.
    Mene. If by the Tribunes leaue,
    And yours good people,
    I may be heard, I would craue a word or two,
    The which shall turne you to no further harme,
    2020Then so much losse of time.
    Sic. Speake breefely then,
    For we are peremptory to dispatch
    This Viporous Traitor: to eiect him hence
    Were but one danger, and to keepe him heere
    2025Our certaine death: therefore it is decreed,
    He dyes to night.
    Menen. Now the good Gods forbid,
    That our renowned Rome, whose gratitude
    Towards her deserued Children, is enroll'd
    2030In Ioues owne Booke, like an vnnaturall Dam
    Should now eate vp her owne.
    The Tragedie of Coriolanus. 17
    Sicin. He's a Disease that must be cut away.
    Mene. Oh he's a Limbe, that ha's but a Disease
    Mortall, to cut it off: to cure it, easie.
    2035What ha's he done to Rome, that's worthy death?
    Killing our Enemies, the blood he hath lost
    (Which I dare vouch, is more then that he hath
    By many an Ounce) he dropp'd it for his Country:
    And what is left, to loose it by his Countrey,
    2040Were to vs all that doo't, and suffer it
    A brand to th' end a'th World.
    Sicin. This is cleane kamme.
    Brut. Meerely awry:
    When he did loue his Country, it honour'd him.
    2045Menen. The seruice of the foote
    Being once gangren'd, is not then respected
    For what before it was.
    Bru. Wee'l heare no more:
    Pursue him to his house, and plucke him thence,
    2050Least his infection being of catching nature,
    Spred further.
    Menen. One word more, one word:
    This Tiger-footed-rage, when it shall find
    The harme of vnskan'd swiftnesse, will (too late)
    2055Tye Leaden pounds too's heeles. Proceed by Processe,
    Least parties (as he is belou'd) breake out,
    And sacke great Rome with Romanes.
    Brut. If it were so?
    Sicin. What do ye talke?
    2060Haue we not had a taste of his Obedience?
    Our Ediles smot: our selues resisted: come.
    Mene. Consider this: He ha's bin bred i'th' Warres
    Since a could draw a Sword, and is ill-school'd
    In boulted Language: Meale and Bran together
    2065He throwes without distinction. Giue me leaue,
    Ile go to him, and vndertake to bring him in peace,
    Where he shall answer by a lawfull Forme
    (In peace) to his vtmost perill.
    1. Sen. Noble Tribunes,
    2070It is the humane way: the other course
    Will proue to bloody: and the end of it,
    Vnknowne to the Beginning.
    Sic. Noble Menenius, be you then as the peoples officer:
    Masters, lay downe your Weapons.
    2075Bru. Go not home.
    Sic. Meet on the Market place: wee'l attend you there:
    Where if you bring not Martius, wee'l proceede
    In our first way.
    Menen. Ile bring him to you.
    2080Let me desire your company: he must come,
    Or what is worst will follow.
    Sena. Pray you let's to him. Exeunt Omnes.
    Enter Coriolanus with Nobles.
    Corio. Let them pull all about mine eares, present me
    2085Death on the Wheele, or at wilde Horses heeles,
    Or pile ten hilles on the Tarpeian Rocke,
    That the precipitation might downe stretch
    Below the beame of sight; yet will I still
    Be thus to them.
    2090Enter Volumnia.
    Noble. You do the Nobler.
    Corio. I muse my Mother
    Do's not approue me further, who was wont
    To call them Wollen Vassailes, things created
    2095To buy and sell with Groats, to shew bare heads
    In Congregations, to yawne, be still, and wonder,
    When one but of my ordinance stood vp
    To speake of Peace, or Warre. I talke of you,
    Why did you wish me milder? Would you haue me
    2100False to my Nature? Rather say, I play
    The man I am.
    Volum. Oh sir, sir, sir,
    I would haue had you put your power well on
    Before you had worne it out.
    2105Corio. Let go.
    Vol. You might haue beene enough the man you are,
    With striuing lesse to be so: Lesser had bin
    The things of your dispositions, if
    You had not shew'd them how ye were dispos'd
    2110Ere they lack'd power to crosse you.
    Corio. Let them hang.
    Volum. I, and burne too.
    Enter Menenius with the Senators.
    Men. Come, come, you haue bin too rough, somthing
    2115too rough: you must returne, and mend it.
    Sen. There's no remedy,
    Vnlesse by not so doing, our good Citie
    Cleaue in the midd'st, and perish.
    Volum. Pray be counsail'd;
    2120I haue a heart as little apt as yours,
    But yet a braine, that leades my vse of Anger
    To better vantage.
    Mene. Well said, Noble woman:
    Before he should thus stoope to'th' heart, but that
    2125The violent fit a'th' time craues it as Physicke
    For the whole State; I would put mine Armour on,
    Which I can scarsely beare.
    Corio. What must I do?
    Mene. Returne to th' Tribunes.
    2130Corio. Well, what then? what then?
    Mene. Repent, what you haue spoke.
    Corio. For them, I cannot do it to the Gods,
    Must I then doo't to them?
    Volum. You are too absolute,
    2135Though therein you can neuer be too Noble,
    But when extremities speake. I haue heard you say,
    Honor and Policy, like vnseuer'd Friends,
    I'th' Warre do grow together: Grant that, and tell me
    In Peace, what each of them by th' other loose,
    2140That they combine not there?
    Corio. Tush, tush.
    Mene. A good demand.
    Volum. If it be Honor in your Warres, to seeme
    The same you are not, which for your best ends
    2145You adopt your policy: How is it lesse or worse
    That it shall hold Companionship in Peace
    With Honour, as in Warre; since that to both
    It stands in like request.
    Corio. Why force you this?
    2150Volum. Because, that
    Now it lyes you on to speake to th' people:
    Not by your owne instruction, nor by'th' matter
    Which your heart prompts you, but with such words
    That are but roated in your Tongue;
    2155Though but Bastards, and Syllables
    Of no allowance, to your bosomes truth.
    Now, this no more dishonors you at all,
    Then to take in a Towne with gentle words,
    Which else would put you to your fortune, and
    2160The hazard of much blood.
    I would dissemble with my Nature, where
    My Fortunes and my Friends at stake, requir'd
    I should do so in Honor. I am in this
    bb3 Your
    18The Tragedie of Coriolanus.
    Your Wife, your Sonne: These Senators, the Nobles,
    2165And you, will rather shew our generall Lowts,
    How you can frowne, then spend a fawne vpon 'em,
    For the inheritance of their loues, and safegard
    Of what that want might ruine.
    Menen. Noble Lady,
    2170Come goe with vs, speake faire: you may salue so,
    Not what is dangerous present, but the losse
    Of what is past.
    Volum. I pry thee now, my Sonne,
    Goe to them, with this Bonnet in thy hand,
    2175And thus farre hauing stretcht it (here be with them)
    Thy Knee bussing the stones: for in such businesse
    Action is eloquence, and the eyes of th' ignorant
    More learned then the eares, wauing thy head,
    Which often thus correcting thy stout heart,
    2180Now humble as the ripest Mulberry,
    That will not hold the handling: or say to them,
    Thou art their Souldier, and being bred in broyles,
    Hast not the soft way, which thou do'st confesse
    Were fit for thee to vse, as they to clayme,
    2185In asking their good loues, but thou wilt frame
    Thy selfe (forsooth) hereafter theirs so farre,
    As thou hast power and person.
    Menen. This but done,
    Euen as she speakes, why their hearts were yours:
    2190For they haue Pardons, being ask'd, as free,
    As words to little purpose.
    Volum. Prythee now,
    Goe, and be rul'd: although I know thou hadst rather
    Follow thine Enemie in a fierie Gulfe,
    2195Then flatter him in a Bower. Enter Cominius.
    Here is Cominius.
    Com. I haue beene i'th' Market place: and Sir 'tis fit
    You make strong partie, or defend your selfe
    By calmenesse, or by absence: all's in anger.
    2200Menen. Onely faire speech.
    Com. I thinke 'twill serue, if he can thereto frame his
    Volum. He must, and will:
    Prythee now say you will, and goe about it.
    2205Corio. Must I goe shew them my vnbarb'd Sconce?
    Must I with my base Tongue giue to my Noble Heart
    A Lye, that it must beare well? I will doo't:
    Yet were there but this single Plot, to loose
    This Mould of Martius, they to dust should grinde it,
    2210And throw't against the Winde. To th' Market place:
    You haue put me now to such a part, which neuer
    I shall discharge to th' Life.
    Com. Come, come, wee'le prompt you.
    Volum. I prythee now sweet Son, as thou hast said
    2215My praises made thee first a Souldier; so
    To haue my praise for this, performe a part
    Thou hast not done before.
    Corio. Well, I must doo't:
    Away my disposition, and possesse me
    2220Some Harlots spirit: My throat of Warre be turn'd,
    Which quier'd with my Drumme into a Pipe,
    Small as an Eunuch, or the Virgin voyce
    That Babies lull a-sleepe: The smiles of Knaues
    Tent in my cheekes, and Schoole-boyes Teares take vp
    2225The Glasses of my sight: A Beggars Tongue
    Make motion through my Lips, and my Arm'd knees
    Who bow'd but in my Stirrop, bend like his
    That hath receiu'd an Almes. I will not doo't,
    Least I surcease to honor mine owne truth,
    2230And by my Bodies action, teach my Minde
    A most inherent Basenesse.
    Volum. At thy choice then:
    To begge of thee, it is my more dis-honor,
    Then thou of them. Come all to ruine, let
    2235Thy Mother rather feele thy Pride, then feare
    Thy dangerous Stoutnesse: for I mocke at death
    With as bigge heart as thou. Do as thou list,
    Thy Valiantnesse was mine, thou suck'st it from me:
    But owe thy Pride thy selfe.
    2240Corio. Pray be content:
    Mother, I am going to the Market place:
    Chide me no more. Ile Mountebanke their Loues,
    Cogge their Hearts from them, and come home belou'd
    Of all the Trades in Rome. Looke, I am going:
    2245Commend me to my Wife, Ile returne Consull,
    Or neuer trust to what my Tongue can do
    I'th way of Flattery further.
    Volum. Do your will. Exit Volumnia
    Com. Away, the Tribunes do attend you: arm your self
    2250To answer mildely: for they are prepar'd
    With Accusations, as I heare more strong
    Then are vpon you yet.
    Corio. The word is, Mildely. Pray you let vs go,
    Let them accuse me by inuention: I
    2255Will answer in mine Honor.
    Menen. I, but mildely.
    Corio. Well mildely be it then, Mildely. Exeunt.
    Enter Sicinius and Brutus.
    Bru. In this point charge him home, that he affects
    2260Tyrannicall power: If he euade vs there,
    Inforce him with his enuy to the people,
    And that the Spoile got on the Antiats
    Was ne're distributed. What, will he come?
    Enter an Edile.
    2265Edile. Hee's comming.
    Bru. How accompanied?
    Edile. With old Menenius, and those Senators
    That alwayes fauour'd him.
    Sicin. Haue you a Catalogue
    2270Of all the Voices that we haue procur'd, set downe by'th (Pole?
    Edile. I haue: 'tis ready.
    Sicin. Haue you collected them by Tribes?
    Edile. I haue.
    Sicin. Assemble presently the people hither:
    2275And when they heare me say, it shall be so,
    I'th' right and strength a'th' Commons: be it either
    For death, for fine, or Banishment, then let them
    If I say Fine, cry Fine; if Death, cry Death,
    Insisting on the olde prerogatiue
    2280And power i'th Truth a'th Cause.
    Edile. I shall informe them.
    Bru. And when such time they haue begun to cry,
    Let them not cease, but with a dinne confus'd
    Inforce the present Execution
    2285Of what we chance to Sentence.
    Edi. Very well.
    Sicin. Make them be strong, and ready for this hint
    When we shall hap to giu't them.
    Bru. Go about it,
    2290Put him to Choller straite, he hath bene vs'd
    Euer to conquer, and to haue his worth
    Of contradiction. Being once chaft, he cannot
    Be rein'd againe to Temperance, then he speakes
    The Tragedie of Coriolanus. 19
    What's in his heart, and that is there which lookes
    2295With vs to breake his necke.
    Enter Coriolanus, Menenius, and Comi-
    nius, with others.
    Sicin. Well, heere he comes.
    Mene. Calmely, I do beseech you.
    2300Corio. I, as an Hostler, that fourth poorest peece
    Will beare the Knaue by'th Volume:
    Th' honor'd Goddes
    Keepe Rome in safety, and the Chaires of Iustice
    Supplied with worthy men, plant loue amongs
    2305Through our large Temples with ye shewes of peace
    And not our streets with Warre.
    1 Sen. Amen, Amen.
    Mene. A Noble wish.
    Enter the Edile with the Plebeians.
    2310Sicin. Draw neere ye people.
    Edile. List to your Tribunes. Audience:
    Peace I say.
    Corio. First heare me speake.
    Both Tri. Well, say: Peace hoe.
    2315Corio. Shall I be charg'd no further then this present?
    Must all determine heere?
    Sicin. I do demand,
    If you submit you to the peoples voices,
    Allow their Officers, and are content
    2320To suffer lawfull Censure for such faults
    As shall be prou'd vpon you.
    Corio. I am Content.
    Mene. Lo Citizens, he sayes he is Content.
    The warlike Seruice he ha's done, consider: Thinke
    2325Vpon the wounds his body beares, which shew
    Like Graues i'th holy Church-yard.
    Corio. Scratches with Briars, scarres to moue
    Laughter onely.
    Mene. Consider further:
    2330That when he speakes not like a Citizen,
    You finde him like a Soldier: do not take
    His rougher Actions for malicious sounds:
    But as I say, such as become a Soldier,
    Rather then enuy you.
    2335Com. Well, well, no more.
    Corio. What is the matter,
    That being past for Consull with full voyce:
    I am so dishonour'd, that the very houre
    You take it off againe.
    2340Sicin. Answer to vs.
    Corio. Say then: 'tis true, I ought so
    Sicin. We charge you, that you haue contriu'd to take
    From Rome all season'd Office, and to winde
    Your selfe into a power tyrannicall,
    2345For which you are a Traitor to the people.
    Corio. How? Traytor?
    Mene. Nay temperately: your promise.
    Corio. The fires i'th' lowest hell. Fould in the people:
    Call me their Traitor, thou iniurious Tribune.
    2350Within thine eyes sate twenty thousand deaths
    In thy hands clutcht: as many Millions in
    Thy lying tongue, both numbers. I would say
    Thou lyest vnto thee, with a voice as free,
    As I do pray the Gods.
    2355Sicin. Marke you this people?
    All. To'th' Rocke, to'th' Rocke with him.
    Sicin. Peace:
    We neede not put new matter to his charge:
    What you haue seene him do, and heard him speake:
    2360Beating your Officers, cursing your selues,
    Opposing Lawes with stroakes, and heere defying
    Those whose great power must try him.
    Euen this so criminall, and in such capitall kinde
    Deserues th' extreamest death.
    2365Bru. But since he hath seru'd well for Rome.
    Corio. What do you prate of Seruice.
    Brut. I talke of that, that know it.
    Corio. You?
    Mene. Is this the promise that you made your mother.
    2370Com. Know, I pray you.
    Corio. Ile know no further:
    Let them pronounce the steepe Tarpeian death,
    Vagabond exile, Fleaing, pent to linger
    But with a graine a day, I would not buy
    2375Their mercie, at the price of one faire word,
    Nor checke my Courage for what they can giue,
    To haue't with saying, Good morrow.
    Sicin. For that he ha's
    (As much as in him lies) from time to time
    2380Enui'd against the people; seeking meanes
    To plucke away their power: as now at last,
    Giuen Hostile strokes, and that not in the presence
    Of dreaded Iustice, but on the Ministers
    That doth distribute it. In the name a'th' people,
    2385And in the power of vs the Tribunes, wee
    (Eu'n from this instant) banish him our Citie
    In perill of precipitation
    From off the Rocke Tarpeian, neuer more
    To enter our Rome gates. I'th' Peoples name,
    2390I say it shall bee so.
    All. It shall be so, it shall be so: let him away:
    Hee's banish'd, and it shall be so.
    Com. Heare me my Masters, and my common friends.
    Sicin. He's sentenc'd: No more hearing.
    2395Com. Let me speake:
    I haue bene Consull, and can shew from Rome
    Her Enemies markes vpon me. I do loue
    My Countries good, with a respect more tender,
    More holy, and profound, then mine owne life,
    2400My deere Wiues estimate, her wombes encrease,
    And treasure of my Loynes: then if I would
    Speake that.
    Sicin. We know your drift. Speake what?
    Bru. There's no more to be said, but he is banish'd
    2405As Enemy to the people, and his Countrey.
    It shall bee so.
    All. It shall be so, it shall be so.
    Corio. You common cry of Curs, whose breath I hate,
    As reeke a'th' rotten Fennes: whose Loues I prize,
    2410As the dead Carkasses of vnburied men,
    That do corrupt my Ayre: I banish you,
    And heere remaine with your vncertaintie.
    Let euery feeble Rumor shake your hearts:
    Your Enemies, with nodding of their Plumes
    2415Fan you into dispaire: Haue the power still
    To banish your Defenders, till at length
    Your ignorance (which findes not till it feeles,
    Making but reseruation of your selues,
    Still your owne Foes) deliuer you
    2420As most abated Captiues, to some Nation
    That wonne you without blowes, despising
    For you the City. Thus I turne my backe;
    There is a world elsewhere.
    Exeunt Coriolanus, Cominius, with Cumalijs.
    2425They all shout, and throw vp their Caps.
    20The Tragedie of Coriolanus.
    Edile. The peoples Enemy is gone, is gone.
    All. Our enemy is banish'd, he is gone: Hoo, oo.
    Sicin. Go see him out at Gates, and follow him
    As he hath follow'd you, with all despight
    2430Giue him deseru'd vexation. Let a guard
    Attend vs through the City.
    All. Come, come, lets see him out at gates, come:
    The Gods preserue our Noble Tribunes, come. Exeunt.
    Actus Quartus.
    2435 Enter Coriolanus, Volumnia, Virgilia, Menenius, Cominius,
    with the yong Nobility of Rome.
    Corio. Come leaue your teares: a brief farwel: the beast
    With many heads butts me away. Nay Mother,
    Where is your ancient Courage? You were vs'd
    2440To say, Extreamities was the trier of spirits,
    That common chances. Common men could beare,
    That when the Sea was calme, all Boats alike
    Shew'd Mastership in floating. Fortunes blowes,
    When most strooke home, being gentle wounded, craues
    2445A Noble cunning. You were vs'd to load me
    With Precepts that would make inuincible
    The heart that conn'd them.
    Virg. Oh heauens! O heauens!
    Corio. Nay, I prythee woman.
    2450Vol. Now the Red Pestilence strike al Trades in Rome,
    And Occupations perish.
    Corio. What, what, what:
    I shall be lou'd when I am lack'd. Nay Mother,
    Resume that Spirit, when you were wont to say,
    2455If you had beene the Wife of Hercules,
    Six of his Labours youl'd haue done, and sau'd
    Your Husband so much swet. Cominius,
    Droope not, Adieu: Farewell my Wife, my Mother,
    Ile do well yet. Thou old and true Menenius,
    2460Thy teares are salter then a yonger mans,
    And venomous to thine eyes. My (sometime) Generall,
    I haue seene the Sterne, and thou hast oft beheld
    Heart-hardning spectacles. Tell these sad women,
    'Tis fond to waile ineuitable strokes,
    2465As 'tis to laugh at 'em. My Mother, you wot well
    My hazards still haue beene your solace, and
    Beleeu't not lightly, though I go alone
    Like to a lonely Dragon, that his Fenne
    Makes fear'd, and talk'd of more then seene: your Sonne
    2470Will or exceed the Common, or be caught
    With cautelous baits and practice.
    Volum. My first sonne,
    Whether will thou go? Take good Cominius
    With thee awhile: Determine on some course
    2475More then a wilde exposture, to each chance
    That start's i'th' way before thee.
    Corio. O the Gods!
    Com. Ile follow thee a Moneth, deuise with thee
    Where thou shalt rest, that thou may'st heare of vs,
    2480And we of thee. So if the time thrust forth
    A cause for thy Repeale, we shall not send
    O're the vast world, to seeke a single man,
    And loose aduantage, which doth euer coole
    Ith' absence of the needer.
    2485Corio. Fare ye well:
    Thou hast yeares vpon thee, and thou art too full
    Of the warres surfets, to go roue with one
    That's yet vnbruis'd: bring me but out at gate.
    Come my sweet wife, my deerest Mother, and
    2490My Friends of Noble touch: when I am forth,
    Bid me farewell, and smile. I pray you come:
    While I remaine aboue the ground, you shall
    Heare from me still, and neuer of me ought
    But what is like me formerly.
    2495Menen. That's worthily
    As any eare can heare. Come, let's not weepe,
    If I could shake off but one seuen yeeres
    From these old armes and legges, by the good Gods
    I'ld with thee, euery foot.
    2500Corio. Giue me thy hand, come. Exeunt
    Enter the two Tribunes, Sicinius, and Brutus,
    with the Edile.
    Sicin. Bid them all home, he's gone: & wee'l no further,
    The Nobility are vexed, whom we see haue sided
    2505In his behalfe.
    Brut. Now we haue shewne our power,
    Let vs seeme humbler after it is done,
    Then when it was a dooing.
    Sicin. Bid them home: say their great enemy is gone,
    2510And they, stand in their ancient strength.
    Brut. Dismisse them home. Here comes his Mother.
    Enter Volumnia, Virgilia, and Menenius.
    Sicin. Let's not meet her.
    Brut Why?
    2515Sicin. They say she's mad.
    Brut. They haue tane note of vs: keepe on your way.
    Volum. Oh y'are well met:
    Th'hoorded plague a'th' Gods requit your loue.
    Menen. Peace, peace, be not so loud.
    2520Volum. If that I could for weeping, you should heare,
    Nay, and you shall heare some. Will you be gone?
    Virg. You shall stay too: I would I had the power
    To say so to my Husband.
    Sicin. Are you mankinde?
    2525Volum. I foole, is that a shame. Note but this Foole,
    Was not a man my Father? Had'st thou Foxship
    To banish him that strooke more blowes for Rome
    Then thou hast spoken words.
    Sicin. Oh blessed Heauens!
    2530Volum. Moe Noble blowes, then euer yu wise words.
    And for Romes good, Ile tell thee what: yet goe:
    Nay but thou shalt stay too: I would my Sonne
    Were in Arabia, and thy Tribe before him,
    His good Sword in his hand.
    2535Sicin. What then?
    Virg. What then? Hee'ld make an end of thy posterity
    Volum. Bastards, and all.
    Good man, the Wounds that he does beare for Rome!
    Menen. Come, come, peace.
    2540Sicin. I would he had continued to his Country
    As he began, and not vnknit himselfe
    The Noble knot he made.
    Bru. I would he had.
    Volum. I would he had? Twas you incenst the rable.
    2545Cats, that can iudge as fitly of his worth,
    As I can of those Mysteries which heauen
    Will not haue earth to know.
    Brut. Pray let's go.
    Volum. Now pray sir get you gone.
    2550You haue done a braue deede: Ere you go, heare this:
    As farre as doth the Capitoll exceede
    The meanest house in Rome; so farre my Sonne
    The Tragedie of Coriolanus. 21
    This Ladies Husband heere; this (do you see)
    Whom you haue banish'd, does exceed you all.
    2555Bru. Well, well, wee'l leaue you.
    Sicin. Why stay we to be baited
    With one that wants her Wits. Exit Tribunes.
    Volum. Take my Prayers with you.
    I would the Gods had nothing else to do,
    2560But to confirme my Cursses. Could I meete 'em
    But once a day, it would vnclogge my heart
    Of what lyes heauy too't.
    Mene. You haue told them home,
    And by my troth you haue cause: you'l Sup with me.
    2565Volum. Angers my Meate: I suppe vpon my selfe,
    And so shall sterue with Feeding: Come, let's go,
    Leaue this faint-puling, and lament as I do,
    In Anger, Iuno-like: Come, come, come. Exeunt
    Mene. Fie, fie, fie. Exit.
    2570Enter a Roman, and a Volce.
    Rom. I know you well sir, and you know mee: your
    name I thinke is Adrian.
    Volce. It is so sir, truly I haue forgot you.
    Rom. I am a Roman, and my Seruices are as you are,
    2575against 'em. Know you me yet.
    Volce. Nicanor: no.
    Rom. The same sir.
    Volce. You had more Beard when I last saw you, but
    your Fauour is well appear'd by your Tongue. What's
    2580the Newes in Rome: I haue a Note from the Volcean
    state to finde you out there. You haue well saued mee a
    dayes iourney.
    Rom. There hath beene in Rome straunge Insurrecti-
    ons: The people, against the Senatours, Patricians, and
    Vol. Hath bin; is it ended then? Our State thinks not
    so, they are in a most warlike preparation, & hope to com
    vpon them, in the heate of their diuision
    Rom. The maine blaze of it is past, but a small thing
    2590would make it flame againe. For the Nobles receyue so
    to heart, the Banishment of that worthy Coriolanus, that
    they are in a ripe aptnesse, to take al power from the peo-
    ple, and to plucke from them their Tribunes for euer.
    This lyes glowing I can tell you, and is almost mature for
    2595the violent breaking out.
    Vol. Coriolanus Banisht?
    Rom. Banish'd sir.
    Vol. You will be welcome with this intelligence Ni-
    2600Rom. The day serues well for them now. I haue heard
    it saide, the fittest time to corrupt a mans Wife, is when
    shee's falne out with her Husband. Your Noble Tullus
    Auffidius well appeare well in these Warres, his great
    Opposer Coriolanus being now in no request of his coun-
    Volce. He cannot choose: I am most fortunate, thus
    accidentally to encounter you. You haue ended my Bu-
    sinesse, and I will merrily accompany you home.
    Rom. I shall betweene this and Supper, tell you most
    2610strange things from Rome: all tending to the good of
    their Aduersaries. Haue you an Army ready say you?
    Vol. A most Royall one: The Centurions, and their
    charges distinctly billetted already in th' entertainment,
    and to be on foot at an houres warning.
    2615Rom. I am ioyfull to heare of their readinesse, and am
    the man I thinke, that shall set them in present Action. So
    sir, heartily well met, and most glad of your Company.
    Volce. You take my part from me sir, I haue the most
    cause to be glad of yours.
    2620Rom. Well, let vs go together. Exeunt.
    Enter Coriolanus in meane Apparrell, Dis-
    guisd, and muffled.
    Corio. A goodly City is this Antium. Citty,
    'Tis I that made thy Widdowes: Many an heyre
    2625Of these faire Edifices fore my Warres
    Haue I heard groane, and drop: Then know me not,
    Least that thy Wiues with Spits, and Boyes with stones
    In puny Battell slay me. Saue you sir.
    Enter a Citizen.
    2630Cit. And you.
    Corio. Direct me, if it be your will, where great Auf-
    fidius lies: Is he in Antium?
    Cit. He is, and Feasts the Nobles of the State, at his
    house this night.
    2635Corio. Which is his house, beseech you?
    Cit. This heere before you.
    Corio. Thanke you sir, farewell. Exit Citizen
    Oh World, thy slippery turnes! Friends now fast sworn,
    Whose double bosomes seemes to weare one heart,
    2640Whose Houres, whose Bed, whose Meale and Exercise
    Are still together: who Twin (as 'twere) in Loue,
    Vnseparable, shall within this houre,
    On a dissention of a Doit, breake out
    To bitterest Enmity: So fellest Foes,
    2645Whose Passions, and whose Plots haue broke their sleep
    To take the one the other, by some chance,
    Some tricke not worth an Egge, shall grow deere friends
    And inter-ioyne their yssues. So with me,
    My Birth-place haue I, and my loues vpon
    2650This Enemie Towne: Ile enter, if he slay me
    He does faire Iustice: if he giue me way,
    Ile do his Country Seruice. Exit.
    Musicke playes. Enter a Seruingman.
    1 Ser. Wine, Wine, Wine: What seruice is heere? I
    2655thinke our Fellowes are asleepe.
    Enter another Seruingman.
    2 Ser. Where's Cotus: my M. cals for him: Cotus. Exit
    Enter Coriolanus.
    Corio. A goodly House:
    2660The Feast smels well: but I appeare not like a Guest.
    Enter the first Seruingman.
    1 Ser. What would you haue Friend? whence are you?
    Here's no place for you: Pray go to the doore? Exit
    Corio. I haue deseru'd no better entertainment, in be-
    2665ing Coriolanus. Enter second Seruant.
    2 Ser. Whence are you sir? Ha's the Porter his eyes in
    his head, that he giues entrance to such Companions?
    Pray get you out.
    Corio. Away.
    26702 Ser. Away? Get you away.
    Corio. Now th'art troublesome.
    2 Ser. Are you so braue: Ile haue you talkt with anon
    Enter 3 Seruingman, the 1 meets him.
    3 What Fellowes this?
    26751 A strange one as euer I look'd on: I cannot get him
    out o'th' house: Prythee call my Master to him.
    3 What haue you to do here fellow? Pray you auoid
    the house.
    Corio. Let me but stand, I will not hurt your Harth.
    26803 What are you?
    Corio. A Gentleman.
    3 A maru'llous poore one.
    Corio. True, so I am.
    3 Pray you poore Gentleman, take vp some other sta-
    22The Tragedie of Coriolanus.
    2685tion: Heere's no place for you, pray you auoid: Come.
    Corio. Follow your Function, go, and batten on colde
    bits. Pushes him away from him.
    3 What you will not? Prythee tell my Maister what
    a strange Guest he ha's heere.
    26902 And I shall. Exit second Seruingman.
    3 Where dwel'st thou?
    Corio. Vnder the Canopy.
    3 Vnder the Canopy?
    Corio. I.
    26953 Where's that?
    Corio. I'th City of Kites and Crowes.
    3 I'th City of Kites and Crowes? What an Asse it is,
    then thou dwel'st with Dawes too?
    Corio. No, I serue not thy Master.
    27003 How sir? Do you meddle with my Master?
    Corio. I, tis an honester seruice, then to meddle with
    thy Mistris: Thou prat'st, and prat'st, serue with thy tren-
    cher: Hence. Beats him away
    Enter Auffidius with the Seruingman.
    2705Auf. Where is this Fellow?
    2 Here sir, I'de haue beaten him like a dogge, but for
    disturbing the Lords within.
    Auf. Whence com'st thou? What wouldst yu? Thy name?
    Why speak'st not? Speake man: What's thy name?
    2710Corio. If Tullus not yet thou know'st me, and seeing
    me, dost not thinke me for the man I am, necessitie com-
    mands me name my selfe.
    Auf. What is thy name?
    Corio. A name vnmusicall to the Volcians eares,
    2715And harsh in sound to thine.
    Auf. Say, what's thy name?
    Thou hast a Grim apparance, and thy Face
    Beares a Command in't: Though thy Tackles torne,
    Thou shew'st a Noble Vessell: What's thy name?
    2720Corio. Prepare thy brow to frowne: knowst yu me yet?
    Auf. I know thee not? Thy Name?
    Corio. My name is Caius Martius, who hath done
    To thee particularly, and to all the Volces
    Great hurt and Mischiefe: thereto witnesse may
    2725My Surname Coriolanus. The painfull Seruice,
    The extreme Dangers, and the droppes of Blood
    Shed for my thanklesse Country, are requitted:
    But with that Surname, a good memorie
    And witnesse of the Malice and Displeasure
    2730Which thou should'st beare me, only that name remains.
    The Cruelty and Enuy of the people,
    Permitted by our dastard Nobles, who
    Haue all forsooke me, hath deuour'd the rest:
    And suffer'd me by th' voyce of Slaues to be
    2735Hoop'd out of Rome. Now this extremity,
    Hath brought me to thy Harth, not out of Hope
    (Mistake me not) to saue my life: for if
    I had fear'd death, of all the Men i'th' World
    I would haue voided thee. But in meere spight
    2740To be full quit of those my Banishers,
    Stand I before thee heere: Then if thou hast
    A heart of wreake in thee, that wilt reuenge
    Thine owne particular wrongs, and stop those maimes
    Of shame seene through thy Country, speed thee straight
    2745And make my misery serue thy turne: So vse it,
    That my reuengefull Seruices may proue
    As Benefits to thee. For I will fight
    Against my Cankred Countrey, with the Spleene
    Of all the vnder Fiends. But if so be,
    2750Thou dar'st not this, and that to proue more Fortunes
    Th'art tyr'd, then in a word, I also am
    Longer to liue most wearie: and present
    My throat to thee, and to thy Ancient Malice:
    Which not to cut, would shew thee but a Foole,
    2755Since I haue euer followed thee with hate,
    Drawne Tunnes of Blood out of thy Countries brest,
    And cannot liue but to thy shame, vnlesse
    It be to do thee seruice.
    Auf. Oh Martius, Martius;
    2760Each word thou hast spoke, hath weeded from my heart
    A roote of Ancient Enuy. If Iupiter
    Should from yond clowd speake diuine things,
    And say 'tis true; I'de not beleeue them more
    Then thee all-Noble Martius. Let me twine
    2765Mine armes about that body, where against
    My grained Ash an hundred times hath broke,
    And scarr'd the Moone with splinters: heere I cleep
    The Anuile of my Sword, and do contest
    As hotly, and as Nobly with thy Loue,
    2770As euer in Ambitious strength, I did
    Contend against thy Valour. Know thou first,
    I lou'd the Maid I married: neuer man
    Sigh'd truer breath. But that I see thee heere
    Thou Noble thing, more dances my rapt heart,
    2775Then when I first my wedded Mistris saw
    Bestride my Threshold. Why, thou Mars I tell thee,
    We haue a Power on foote: and I had purpose
    Once more to hew thy Target from thy Brawne,
    Or loose mine Arme for't: Thou hast beate mee out
    2780Twelue seuerall times, and I haue nightly since
    Dreamt of encounters 'twixt thy selfe and me:
    We haue beene downe together in my sleepe,
    Vnbuckling Helmes, fisting each others Throat,
    And wak'd halfe dead with nothing. Worthy Martius,
    2785Had we no other quarrell else to Rome, but that
    Thou art thence Banish'd, we would muster all
    From twelue, to seuentie: and powring Warre
    Into the bowels of vngratefull Rome,
    Like a bold Flood o're-beate. Oh come, go in,
    2790And take our Friendly Senators by'th' hands
    Who now are heere, taking their leaues of mee,
    Who am prepar'd against your Territories,
    Though not for Rome it selfe.
    Corio. You blesse me Gods.
    2795Auf. Therefore most absolute Sir, if thou wilt haue
    The leading of thine owne Reuenges, take
    Th'one halfe of my Commission, and set downe
    As best thou art experienc'd, since thou know'st
    Thy Countries strength and weaknesse, thine own waies
    2800Whether to knocke against the Gates of Rome,
    Or rudely visit them in parts remote,
    To fright them, ere destroy. But come in,
    Let me commend thee first, to those that shall
    Say yea to thy desires. A thousand welcomes,
    2805And more a Friend, then ere an Enemie,
    Yet Martius that was much. Your hand: most welcome.
    Enter two of the Seruingmen.
    1 Heere's a strange alteration?
    28102 By my hand, I had thoght to haue stroken him with
    a Cudgell, and yet my minde gaue me, his cloathes made
    a false report of him.
    1 What an Arme he has, he turn'd me about with his
    finger and his thumbe, as one would set vp a Top.
    28152 Nay, I knew by his face that there was some-thing
    in him. He had sir, a kinde of face me thought, I cannot
    The Tragedie of Coriolanus. 23
    tell how to tearme it.
    1 He had so, looking as it were, would I were hang'd
    but I thought there was more in him, then I could think.
    28202 So did I, Ile be sworne: He is simply the rarest man
    i'th' world.
    1 I thinke he is: but a greater soldier then he,
    You wot one.
    2 Who my Master?
    28251 Nay, it's no matter for that.
    2 Worth six on him.
    1 Nay not so neither: but I take him to be the greater
    2 Faith looke you, one cannot tell how to say that: for
    2830the Defence of a Towne, our Generall is excellent.
    1 I, and for an assault too.
    Enter the third Seruingman.
    3 Oh Slaues, I can tell you Newes, News you Rascals
    Both. What, what, what? Let's partake.
    28353 I would not be a Roman of all Nations; I had as
    liue be a condemn'd man.
    Both. Wherefore? Wherefore?
    3 Why here's he that was wont to thwacke our Ge-
    nerall, Caius Martius.
    28401 Why do you say, thwacke our Generall?
    3 I do not say thwacke our Generall, but he was al-
    wayes good enough for him
    2 Come we are fellowes and friends: he was euer too
    hard for him, I haue heard him say so himselfe.
    28451 He was too hard for him directly, to say the Troth
    on't before Corioles, he scotcht him, and notcht him like a
    2 And hee had bin Cannibally giuen, hee might haue
    boyld and eaten him too.
    28501 But more of thy Newes.
    3 Why he is so made on heere within, as if hee were
    Son and Heire to Mars, set at vpper end o'th' Table: No
    question askt him by any of the Senators, but they stand
    bald before him. Our Generall himselfe makes a Mistris
    2855of him, Sanctifies himselfe with's hand, and turnes vp the
    white o'th' eye to his Discourse. But the bottome of the
    Newes is, our Generall is cut i'th' middle, & but one halfe
    of what he was yesterday. For the other ha's halfe, by
    the intreaty and graunt of the whole Table. Hee'l go he
    2860sayes, and sole the Porter of Rome Gates by th' eares. He
    will mowe all downe before him, and leaue his passage
    2 And he's as like to do't, as any man I can imagine.
    3 Doo't? he will doo't: for look you sir, he has as ma-
    2865ny Friends as Enemies: which Friends sir as it were, durst
    not (looke you sir) shew themselues (as we terme it) his
    Friends, whilest he's in Directitude.
    1 Directitude? What's that?
    3 But when they shall see sir, his Crest vp againe, and
    2870the man in blood, they will out of their Burroughes (like
    Conies after Raine) and reuell all with him.
    1 But when goes this forward:
    3 To morrow, to day, presently, you shall haue the
    Drum strooke vp this afternoone: 'Tis as it were a parcel
    2875of their Feast, and to be executed ere they wipe their lips.
    2 Why then wee shall haue a stirring World againe:
    This peace is nothing, but to rust Iron, encrease Taylors,
    and breed Ballad-makers.
    1 Let me haue Warre say I, it exceeds peace as farre
    2880as day do's night: It's sprightly walking, audible, and full
    of Vent. Peace, is a very Apoplexy, Lethargie, mull'd,
    deafe, sleepe, insensible, a getter of more bastard Chil-
    dren, then warres a destroyer of men.
    2 'Tis so, and as warres in some sort may be saide to
    2885be a Rauisher, so it cannot be denied, but peace is a great
    maker of Cuckolds.
    1 I, and it makes men hate one another.
    3 Reason, because they then lesse neede one another:
    The Warres for my money. I hope to see Romanes as
    2890cheape as Volcians. They are rising, they are rising.
    Both. In, in, in, in. Exeunt
    Enter the two Tribunes, Sicinius, and Brutus.
    Sicin. We heare not of him, neither need we fear him,
    His remedies are tame, the present peace,
    2895And quietnesse of the people, which before
    Were in wilde hurry. Heere do we make his Friends
    Blush, that the world goes well: who rather had,
    Though they themselues did suffer by't, behold
    Dissentious numbers pestring streets, then see
    2900Our Tradesmen singing in their shops, and going
    About their Functions friendly.
    Enter Menenius.
    Bru. We stood too't in good time. Is this Menenius?
    Sicin. 'Tis he, 'tis he: O he is grown most kind of late:
    2905Haile Sir. Mene. Haile to you both.
    Sicin. Your Coriolanus is not much mist, but with his
    Friends: the Commonwealth doth stand, and so would
    do, were he more angry at it.
    Mene. All's well, and might haue bene much better,
    2910if he could haue temporiz'd.
    Sicin. Where is he, heare you?
    Mene. Nay I heare nothing:
    His Mother and his wife, heare nothing from him.
    Enter three or foure Citizens.
    2915All. The Gods preserue you both.
    Sicin. Gooden our Neighbours.
    Bru. Gooden to you all, gooden to you all.
    1 Our selues, our wiues, and children, on our knees,
    Are bound to pray for you both.
    2920Sicin. Liue, and thriue.
    Bru. Farewell kinde Neighbours:
    We wisht Coriolanus had lou'd you as we did.
    All. Now the Gods keepe you.
    Both Tri. Farewell, farewell. Exeunt Citizens
    2925Sicin. This is a happier and more comely time,
    Then when these Fellowes ran about the streets,
    Crying Confusion.
    Bru. Caius Martius was
    A worthy Officer i'th' Warre, but Insolent,
    2930O'recome with Pride, Ambitious, past all thinking
    Sicin. And affecting one sole Throne, without assistāce
    Mene. I thinke not so.
    Sicin. We should by this, to all our Lamention,
    2935If he had gone forth Consull, found it so.
    Bru. The Gods haue well preuented it, and Rome
    Sits safe and still, without him.
    Enter an AEdile.
    AEdile. Worthy Tribunes,
    2940There is a Slaue whom we haue put in prison,
    Reports the Volces with two seuerall Powers
    Are entred in the Roman Territories,
    And with the deepest malice of the Warre,
    Destroy, what lies before 'em.
    2945Mene. 'Tis Auffidius,
    Who hearing of our Martius Banishment,
    Thrusts forth his hornes againe into the world
    Which were In-shell'd, when Martius stood for Rome,
    24The Tragedie of Coriolanus.
    And durst not once peepe out.
    2950Sicin. Come, what talke you of Martius.
    Bru. Go see this Rumorer whipt, it cannot be,
    The Volces dare breake with vs.
    Mene. Cannot be?
    We haue Record, that very well it can,
    2955And three examples of the like, hath beene
    Within my Age. But reason with the fellow
    Before you punish him, where he heard this,
    Least you shall chance to whip your Information,
    And beate the Messenger, who bids beware
    2960Of what is to be dreaded.
    Sicin. Tell not me: I know this cannot be.
    Bru. Not possible.
    Enter a Messenger.
    Mes. The Nobles in great earnestnesse are going
    2965All to the Senate-house: some newes is comming
    That turnes their Countenances.
    Sicin. 'Tis this Slaue:
    Go whip him fore the peoples eyes: His raising,
    Nothing but his report.
    2970Mes. Yes worthy Sir,
    The Slaues report is seconded, and more
    More fearfull is deliuer'd.
    Sicin. What more fearefull?
    Mes. It is spoke freely out of many mouths,
    2975How probable I do not know, that Martius
    Ioyn'd with Auffidius, leads a power 'gainst Rome,
    And vowes Reuenge as spacious, as betweene
    The yong'st and oldest thing.
    Sicin. This is most likely.
    2980Bru. Rais'd onely, that the weaker sort may wish
    Good Martius home againe.
    Sicin. The very tricke on't.
    Mene. This is vnlikely,
    He, and Auffidius can no more attone
    2985Then violent'st Contrariety.
    Enter Messenger.
    Mes. You are sent for to the Senate:
    A fearefull Army, led by Caius Martius,
    Associated with Auffidius, Rages
    2990Vpon our Territories, and haue already
    O're-borne their way, consum'd with fire, and tooke
    What lay before them.
    Enter Cominius.
    Com. Oh you haue made good worke.
    2995Mene. What newes? What newes?
    Com. You haue holp to rauish your owne daughters, &
    To melt the Citty Leades vpon your pates,
    To see your Wiues dishonour'd to your Noses.
    Mene. What's the newes? What's the newes?
    3000Com. Your Temples burned in their Ciment, and
    Your Franchises, whereon you stood, confin'd
    Into an Augors boare.
    Mene. Pray now, your Newes:
    You haue made faire worke I feare me: pray your newes,
    3005If Martius should be ioyn'd with Volceans.
    Com. If? He is their God, he leads them like a thing
    Made by some other Deity then Nature,
    That shapes man Better: and they follow him
    Against vs Brats, with no lesse Confidence,
    3010Then Boyes pursuing Summer Butter-flies,
    Or Butchers killing Flyes.
    Mene. You haue made good worke,
    You and your Apron men: you, that stood so much
    Vpon the voyce of occupation, and
    3015The breath of Garlicke-eaters.
    Com. Hee'l shake your Rome about your eares.
    Mene. As Hercules did shake downe Mellow Fruite:
    You haue made faire worke.
    Brut. But is this true sir?
    3020Com, I, and you'l looke pale
    Before you finde it other. All the Regions
    Do smilingly Reuolt, and who resists
    Are mock'd for valiant Ignorance,
    And perish constant Fooles: who is't can blame him?
    3025Your Enemies and his, finde something in him.
    Mene. We are all vndone, vnlesse
    The Noble man haue mercy.
    Com. Who shall aske it?
    The Tribunes cannot doo't for shame; the people
    3030Deserue such pitty of him, as the Wolfe
    Doe's of the Shepheards: For his best Friends, if they
    Should say be good to Rome, they charg'd him, euen
    As those should do that had deseru'd his hate,
    And therein shew'd like Enemies.
    3035Me. 'Tis true, if he were putting to my house, the brand
    That should consume it, I haue not the face
    To say, beseech you cease. You haue made faire hands,
    You and your Crafts, you haue crafted faire.
    Com. You haue brought
    3040A Trembling vpon Rome, such as was neuer
    S'incapeable of helpe.
    Tri. Say not, we brought it.
    Mene. How? Was't we? We lou'd him,
    But like Beasts, and Cowardly Nobles,
    3045Gaue way vnto your Clusters, who did hoote
    Him out o'th' Citty.
    Com. But I feare
    They'l roare him in againe. Tullus Auffidius,
    The second name of men, obeyes his points
    3050As if he were his Officer: Desperation,
    Is all the Policy, Strength, and Defence
    That Rome can make against them.
    Enter a Troope of Citizens.
    Mene. Heere come the Clusters.
    3055And is Auffidius with him? You are they
    That made the Ayre vnwholsome, when you cast
    Your stinking, greasie Caps, in hooting
    At Coriolanus Exile. Now he's comming,
    And not a haire vpon a Souldiers head
    3060Which will not proue a whip: As many Coxcombes
    As you threw Caps vp, will he tumble downe,
    And pay you for your voyces. 'Tis no matter,
    If he could burne vs all into one coale,
    We haue deseru'd it.
    3065Omnes. Faith, we heare fearfull Newes.
    1 Cit. For mine owne part,
    When I said banish him, I said 'twas pitty.
    2 And so did I.
    3 And so did I: and to say the truth, so did very ma-
    3070ny of vs, that we did we did for the best, and though wee
    willingly consented to his Banishment, yet it was against
    our will.
    Com. Y'are goodly things, you Voyces.
    Mene. You haue made good worke
    3075You and your cry. Shal's to the Capitoll?
    Com. Oh I, what else? Exeunt both.
    Sicin. Go Masters get you home, be not dismaid,
    These are a Side, that would be glad to haue
    This true, which they so seeme to feare. Go home,
    3080And shew no signe of Feare.
    1. Cit.
    The Tragedie of Coriolanus. 25
    1 Cit. The Gods bee good to vs: Come Masters let's
    home, I euer said we were i'th wrong, when we banish'd
    2 Cit. So did we all. But come, let's home. Exit Cit.
    3085Bru. I do not like this Newes.
    Sicin. Nor I.
    Bru. Let's to the Capitoll: would halfe my wealth
    Would buy this for a lye.
    Sicin. Pray let's go. Exeunt Tribunes.
    3090Enter Auffidius with his Lieutenant.
    Auf. Do they still flye to'th' Roman?
    Lieu. I do not know what Witchcraft's in him: but
    Your Soldiers vse him as the Grace 'fore meate,
    Their talke at Table, and their Thankes at end,
    3095And you are darkned in this action Sir,
    Euen by your owne.
    Auf. I cannot helpe it now,
    Vnlesse by vsing meanes I lame the foote
    Of our designe. He beares himselfe more proudlier,
    3100Euen to my person, then I thought he would
    When first I did embrace him. Yet his Nature
    In that's no Changeling, and I must excuse
    What cannot be amended.
    Lieu. Yet I wish Sir,
    3105(I meane for your particular) you had not
    Ioyn'd in Commission with him: but either haue borne
    The action of your selfe, or else to him, had left it soly.
    Auf. I vnderstand thee well, and be thou sure
    When he shall come to his account, he knowes not
    3110What I can vrge against him, although it seemes
    And so he thinkes, and is no lesse apparant
    To th' vulgar eye, that he beares all things fairely:
    And shewes good Husbandry for the Volcian State,
    Fights Dragon-like, and does atcheeue as soone
    3115As draw his Sword: yet he hath left vndone
    That which shall breake his necke, or hazard mine,
    When ere we come to our account.
    Lieu. Sir, I beseech you, think you he'l carry Rome?
    Auf. All places yeelds to him ere he sits downe,
    3120And the Nobility of Rome are his:
    The Senators and Patricians loue him too:
    The Tribunes are no Soldiers: and their people
    Will be as rash in the repeale, as hasty
    To expell him thence. I thinke hee'l be to Rome
    3125As is the Aspray to the Fish, who takes it
    By Soueraignty of Nature. First, he was
    A Noble seruant to them, but he could not
    Carry his Honors eeuen: whether 'was Pride
    Which out of dayly Fortune euer taints
    3130The happy man; whether detect of iudgement,
    To faile in the disposing of those chances
    Which he was Lord of: or whether Nature,
    Not to be other then one thing, not moouing
    From th' Caske to th' Cushion: but commanding peace
    3135Euen with the same austerity and garbe,
    As he controll'd the warre. But one of these
    (As he hath spices of them all) not all,
    For I dare so farre free him, made him fear'd,
    So hated, and so banish'd: but he ha's a Merit
    3140To choake it in the vtt'rance: So our Vertue,
    Lie in th' interpretation of the time,
    And power vnto it selfe most commendable,
    Hath not a Tombe so euident as a Chaire
    T'extoll what it hath done.
    3145One fire driues out one fire; one Naile, one Naile;
    Rights by rights fouler, strengths by strengths do faile.
    Come let's away: when Caius Rome is thine,
    Thou art poor'st of all; then shortly art thou mine. exeunt
    Actus Quintus.
    3150Enter Menenius, Cominius, Sicinius, Brutus,
    the two Tribunes, with others.
    Menen. No, Ile not go: you heare what he hath said
    Which was sometime his Generall: who loued him
    In a most deere particular. He call'd me Father:
    3155But what o'that? Go you that banish'd him
    A Mile before his Tent, fall downe, and knee
    The way into his mercy: Nay, if he coy'd
    To heare Cominius speake, Ile keepe at home.
    Com. He would not seeme to know me.
    3160Menen. Do you heare?
    Com. Yet one time he did call me by my name:
    I vrg'd our old acquaintance, and the drops
    That we haue bled together. Coriolanus
    He would not answer too: Forbad all Names,
    3165He was a kinde of Nothing, Titlelesse,
    Till he had forg'd himselfe a name a'th' fire
    Of burning Rome.
    Menen. Why so: you haue made good worke:
    A paire of Tribunes, that haue wrack'd for Rome,
    3170To make Coales cheape: A Noble memory.
    Com. I minded him, how Royall 'twas to pardon
    When it was lesse expected. He replyed
    It was a bare petition of a State
    To one whom they had punish'd.
    3175Menen. Very well, could he say lesse.
    Com. I offered to awaken his regard
    For's priuate Friends. His answer to me was
    He could not stay to picke them, in a pile
    Of noysome musty Chaffe. He said, 'twas folly
    3180For one poore graine or two, to leaue vnburnt
    And still to nose th' offence.
    Menen. For one poore graine or two?
    I am one of those: his Mother, Wife, his Childe,
    And this braue Fellow too: we are the Graines,
    3185You are the musty Chaffe, and you are smelt
    Aboue the Moone. We must be burnt for you.
    Sicin. Nay, pray be patient: If you refuse your ayde
    In this so neuer-needed helpe, yet do not
    Vpbraid's with our distresse. But sure if you
    3190Would be your Countries Pleader, your good tongue
    More then the instant Armie we can make
    Might stop our Countryman.
    Mene. No: Ile not meddle.
    Sicin. Pray you go to him.
    3195Mene. What should I do?
    Bru. Onely make triall what your Loue can do,
    For Rome, towards Martius.
    Mene. Well, and say that Martius returne mee,
    As Cominius is return'd, vnheard: what then?
    3200But as a discontented Friend, greefe-shot
    With his vnkindnesse. Say't be so?
    Sicin. Yet your good will
    Must haue that thankes from Rome, after the measure
    As you intended well.
    3205Mene. Ile vndertak't:
    I thinke hee'l heare me. Yet to bite his lip,
    And humme at good Cominius, much vnhearts mee.
    cc Hee
    26The Tragedie of Coriolanus.
    He was not taken well, he had not din'd,
    The Veines vnfill'd, our blood is cold, and then
    3210We powt vpon the Morning, are vnapt
    To giue or to forgiue; but when we haue stufft
    These Pipes, and these Conueyances of our blood
    With Wine and Feeding, we haue suppler Soules
    Then in our Priest-like Fasts: therefore Ile watch him
    3215Till he be dieted to my request,
    And then Ile set vpon him.
    Bru. You know the very rode into his kindnesse,
    And cannot lose your way.
    Mene. Good faith Ile proue him,
    3220Speed how it will. I shall ere long, haue knowledge
    Of my successe. Exit.
    Com. Hee'l neuer heare him.
    Sicin. Not.
    Com. I tell you, he doe's sit in Gold, his eye
    3225Red as 'twould burne Rome: and his Iniury
    The Gaoler to his pitty. I kneel'd before him,
    'Twas very faintly he said Rise: dismist me
    Thus with his speechlesse hand. What he would do
    He sent in writing after me: what he would not,
    3230Bound with an Oath to yeeld to his conditions:
    So that all hope is vaine, vnlesse his Noble Mother,
    And his Wife, who (as I heare) meane to solicite him
    For mercy to his Countrey: therefore let's hence,
    And with our faire intreaties hast them on. Exeunt
    3235Enter Menenius to the Watch or Guard.
    1. Wat. Stay: whence are you.
    2. Wat. Stand, and go backe.
    Me. You guard like men, 'tis well. But by your leaue,
    I am an Officer of State, & come to speak with Coriolanus
    32401 From whence? Mene. From Rome.
    1 You may not passe, you must returne: our Generall
    will no more heare from thence.
    2 You'l see your Rome embrac'd with fire, before
    You'l speake with Coriolanus.
    3245Mene. Good my Friends,
    If you haue heard your Generall talke of Rome,
    And of his Friends there, it is Lots to Blankes,
    My name hath touch't your eares: it is Menenius.
    1 Be it so, go back: the vertue of your name,
    3250Is not heere passable.
    Mene. I tell thee Fellow,
    Thy Generall is my Louer: I haue beene
    The booke of his good Acts, whence men haue read
    His Fame vnparalell'd, happely amplified:
    3255For I haue euer verified my Friends,
    (Of whom hee's cheefe) with all the size that verity
    Would without lapsing suffer: Nay, sometimes,
    Like to a Bowle vpon a subtle ground
    I haue tumbled past the throw: and in his praise
    3260Haue (almost) stampt the Leasing. Therefore Fellow,
    I must haue leaue to passe.
    1 Faith Sir, if you had told as many lies in his behalfe,
    as you haue vttered words in your owne, you should not
    passe heere: no, though it were as vertuous to lye, as to
    3265liue chastly. Therefore go backe.
    Men. Prythee fellow, remember my name is Menenius,
    alwayes factionary on the party of your Generall.
    2 Howsoeuer you haue bin his Lier, as you say you
    haue, I am one that telling true vnder him, must say you
    3270cannot passe. Therefore go backe.
    Mene. Ha's he din'd can'st thou tell? For I would not
    speake with him, till after dinner.
    1 You are a Roman, are you?
    Mene. I am as thy Generall is.
    32751 Then you should hate Rome, as he do's. Can you,
    when you haue pusht out your gates, the very Defender
    of them, and in a violent popular ignorance, giuen your
    enemy your shield, thinke to front his reuenges with the
    easie groanes of old women, the Virginall Palms of your
    3280daughters, or with the palsied intercession of such a de-
    cay'd Dotant as you seeme to be? Can you think to blow
    out the intended fire, your City is ready to flame in, with
    such weake breath as this? No, you are deceiu'd, therfore
    backe to Rome, and prepare for your execution: you are
    3285condemn'd, our Generall has sworne you out of repreeue
    and pardon.
    Mene. Sirra, if thy Captaine knew I were heere,
    He would vse me with estimation.
    1 Come, my Captaine knowes you not.
    3290Mene. I meane thy Generall.
    1 My Generall cares not for you. Back I say, go: least
    I let forth your halfe pinte of blood. Backe, that's the vt-
    most of your hauing, backe.
    Mene. Nay but Fellow, Fellow.
    3295Enter Coriolanus with Auffidius.
    Corio. What's the matter?
    Mene. Now you Companion: Ile say an arrant for you:
    you shall know now that I am in estimation: you shall
    perceiue, that a Iacke gardant cannot office me from my
    3300Son Coriolanus, guesse but my entertainment with him: if
    thou stand'st not i'th state of hanging, or of some death
    more long in Spectatorship, and crueller in suffering, be-
    hold now presently, and swoond for what's to come vpon
    thee. The glorious Gods sit in hourely Synod about thy
    3305particular prosperity, and loue thee no worse then thy old
    Father Menenius do's. O my Son, my Son! thou art pre-
    paring fire for vs: looke thee, heere's water to quench it.
    I was hardly moued to come to thee: but beeing assured
    none but my selfe could moue thee, I haue bene blowne
    3310out of your Gates with sighes: and coniure thee to par-
    don Rome, and thy petitionary Countrimen. The good
    Gods asswage thy wrath, and turne the dregs of it, vpon
    this Varlet heere: This, who like a blocke hath denyed
    my accesse to thee.
    3315Corio. Away.
    Mene. How? Away?
    Corio. Wife, Mother, Child, I know not. My affaires
    Are Seruanted to others: Though I owe
    My Reuenge properly, my remission lies
    3320In Volcean brests. That we haue beene familiar,
    Ingrate forgetfulnesse shall poison rather
    Then pitty: Note how much, therefore be gone.
    Mine eares against your suites, are stronger then
    Your gates against my force. Yet for I loued thee,
    3325Take this along, I writ it for thy sake,
    And would haue sent it. Another word Menenius,
    I will not heare thee speake. This man Auffidius
    Was my belou'd in Rome: yet thou behold'st.
    Auffid. You keepe a constant temper. Exeunt
    3330Manet the Guard and Menenius.
    1 Now sir, is your name Menenius?
    2 'Tis a spell you see of much power:
    You know the way home againe.
    1 Do you heare how wee are shent for keeping your
    3335greatnesse backe?
    2 What cause do you thinke I haue to swoond?
    Menen. I neither care for th' world, nor your General:
    for such things as you. I can scarse thinke ther's any, y'are
    so slight. He that hath a will to die by himselfe, feares it
    The Tragedie of Coriolanus. 27
    3340not from another: Let your Generall do his worst. For
    you, bee that you are, long; and your misery encrease
    with your age. I say to you, as I was said to, Away. Exit
    1 A Noble Fellow I warrant him.
    2 The worthy Fellow is our General. He's the Rock,
    3345The Oake not to be winde-shaken. Exit Watch.
    Enter Coriolanus and Auffidius.
    Corio. We will before the walls of Rome to morrow
    Set downe our Hoast. My partner in this Action,
    You must report to th' Volcian Lords, how plainly
    3350I haue borne this Businesse.
    Auf. Onely their ends you haue respected,
    Stopt your eares against the generall suite of Rome:
    Neuer admitted a priuat whisper, no not with such frends
    That thought them sure of you.
    3355Corio. This last old man,
    Whom with a crack'd heart I haue sent to Rome,
    Lou'd me, aboue the measure of a Father,
    Nay godded me indeed. Their latest refuge
    Was to send him: for whose old Loue I haue
    3360(Though I shew'd sowrely to him) once more offer'd
    The first Conditions which they did refuse,
    And cannot now accept, to grace him onely,
    That thought he could do more: A very little
    I haue yeelded too. Fresh Embasses, and Suites,
    3365Nor from the State, nor priuate friends heereafter
    Will I lend eare to. Ha? what shout is this? Shout within
    Shall I be tempted to infringe my vow
    In the same time 'tis made? I will not.
    Enter Virgilia, Volumnia, Valeria, yong Martius,
    3370with Attendants.
    My wife comes formost, then the honour'd mould
    Wherein this Trunke was fram'd, and in her hand
    The Grandchilde to her blood. But out affection,
    All bond and priuiledge of Nature breake;
    3375Let it be Vertuous to be Obstinate.
    What is that Curt'sie worth? Or those Doues eyes,
    Which can make Gods forsworne? I melt, and am not
    Of stronger earth then others: my Mother bowes,
    As if Olympus to a Mole-hill should
    3380In supplication Nod: and my yong Boy
    Hath an Aspect of intercession, which
    Great Nature cries, Deny not. Let the Volces
    Plough Rome, and harrow Italy, Ile neuer
    Be such a Gosling to obey instinct; but stand
    3385As if a man were Author of himself, & knew no other kin
    Virgil. My Lord and Husband.
    Corio. These eyes are not the same I wore in Rome.
    Virg. The sorrow that deliuers vs thus chang'd,
    Makes you thinke so.
    3390Corio. Like a dull Actor now, I haue forgot my part,
    And I am out, euen to a full Disgrace. Best of my Flesh,
    Forgiue my Tyranny: but do not say,
    For that forgiue our Romanes. O a kisse
    Long as my Exile, sweet as my Reuenge!
    3395Now by the iealous Queene of Heauen, that kisse
    I carried from thee deare; and my true Lippe
    Hath Virgin'd it ere since. You Gods, I pray,
    And the most noble Mother of the world
    Leaue vnsaluted: Sinke my knee i'th' earth, Kneeles
    3400Of thy deepe duty, more impression shew
    Then that of common Sonnes.
    Volum. Oh stand vp blest!
    Whil'st with no softer Cushion then the Flint
    I kneele before thee, and vnproperly
    3405Shew duty as mistaken, all this while,
    Betweene the Childe, and Parent.
    Corio. What's this? your knees to me?
    To your Corrected Sonne?
    Then let the Pibbles on the hungry beach
    3410Fillop the Starres: Then, let the mutinous windes
    Strike the proud Cedars 'gainst the fiery Sun:
    Murd'ring Impossibility, to make
    What cannot be, slight worke.
    Volum. Thou art my Warriour, I hope to frame thee
    3415Do you know this Lady?
    Corio. The Noble Sister of Publicola;
    The Moone of Rome: Chaste as the Isicle
    That's curdied by the Frost, from purest Snow,
    And hangs on Dians Temple: Deere Valeria.
    3420Volum. This is a poore Epitome of yours,
    Which by th' interpretation of full time,
    May shew like all your selfe.
    Corio. The God of Souldiers:
    With the consent of supreame Ioue, informe
    3425Thy thoughts with Noblenesse, that thou mayst proue
    To shame vnvulnerable, and sticke i'th Warres
    Like a great Sea-marke standing euery flaw,
    And sauing those that eye thee.
    Volum. Your knee, Sirrah.
    3430Corio. That's my braue Boy.
    Volum. Euen he, your wife, this Ladie, and my selfe,
    Are Sutors to you.
    Corio. I beseech you peace:
    Or if you'ld aske, remember this before;
    3435The thing I haue forsworne to graunt, may neuer
    Be held by you denials. Do not bid me
    Dismisse my Soldiers, or capitulate
    Againe, with Romes Mechanickes. Tell me not
    Wherein I seeme vnnaturall: Desire not t'allay
    3440My Rages and Reuenges, with your colder reasons.
    Volum. Oh no more, no more:
    You haue said you will not grant vs any thing:
    For we haue nothing else to aske, but that
    Which you deny already: yet we will aske,
    3445That if you faile in our request, the blame
    May hang vpon your hardnesse, therefore heare vs.
    Corio. Auffidius, and you Volces marke, for wee'l
    Heare nought from Rome in priuate. Your request?
    Volum. Should we be silent & not speak, our Raiment
    3450And state of Bodies would bewray what life
    We haue led since thy Exile. Thinke with thy selfe,
    How more vnfortunate then all liuing women
    Are we come hither; since that thy sight, which should
    Make our eies flow with ioy, harts dance with comforts,
    3455Constraines them weepe, and shake with feare & sorow,
    Making the Mother, wife, and Childe to see,
    The Sonne, the Husband, and the Father tearing
    His Countries Bowels out; and to poore we
    Thine enmities most capitall: Thou barr'st vs
    3460Our prayers to the Gods, which is a comfort
    That all but we enioy. For how can we?
    Alas! how can we, for our Country pray?
    Whereto we are bound, together with thy victory:
    Whereto we are bound: Alacke, or we must loose
    3465The Countrie our deere Nurse, or else thy person
    Our comfort in the Country. We must finde
    An euident Calamity, though we had
    Our wish, which side should win. For either thou
    Must as a Forraine Recreant be led
    3470With Manacles through our streets, or else
    Triumphantly treade on thy Countries ruine,
    cc2 And
    28The Tragedie of Coriolanus.
    And beare the Palme, for hauing brauely shed
    Thy Wife and Childrens blood: For my selfe, Sonne,
    I purpose not to waite on Fortune, till
    3475These warres determine: If I cannot perswade thee,
    Rather to shew a Noble grace to both parts,
    Then seeke the end of one; thou shalt no sooner
    March to assault thy Country, then to treade
    (Trust too't, thou shalt not) on thy Mothers wombe
    3480That brought thee to this world.
    Virg. I, and mine, that brought you forth this boy,
    To keepe your name liuing to time.
    Boy. A shall not tread on me: Ile run away
    Till I am bigger, but then Ile fight.
    3485Corio. Not of a womans tendernesse to be,
    Requires nor Childe, nor womans face to see:
    I haue sate too long.
    Volum. Nay, go not from vs thus:
    If it were so, that our request did tend
    3490To saue the Romanes, thereby to destroy
    The Volces whom you serue, you might condemne vs
    As poysonous of your Honour. No, our suite
    Is that you reconcile them: While the Volces
    May say, this mercy we haue shew'd: the Romanes,
    3495This we receiu'd, and each in either side
    Giue the All-haile to thee, and cry be Blest
    For making vp this peace. Thou know'st (great Sonne)
    The end of Warres vncertaine: but this certaine,
    That if thou conquer Rome, the benefit
    3500Which thou shalt thereby reape, is such a name
    Whose repetition will be dogg'd with Curses:
    Whose Chronicle thus writ, The man was Noble,
    But with his last Attempt, he wip'd it out:
    Destroy'd his Country, and his name remaines
    3505To th' insuing Age, abhorr'd. Speake to me Son:
    Thou hast affected the fiue straines of Honor,
    To imitate the graces of the Gods.
    To teare with Thunder the wide Cheekes a'th' Ayre,
    And yet to change thy Sulphure with a Boult
    3510That should but riue an Oake. Why do'st not speake?
    Think'st thou it Honourable for a Nobleman
    Still to remember wrongs? Daughter, speake you:
    He cares not for your weeping. Speake thou Boy,
    Perhaps thy childishnesse will moue him more
    3515Then can our Reasons. There's no man in the world
    More bound to's Mother, yet heere he let's me prate
    Like one i'th' Stockes. Thou hast neuer in thy life,
    Shew'd thy deere Mother any curtesie,
    When she (poore Hen) fond of no second brood,
    3520Ha's clock'd thee to the Warres: and safelie home
    Loden with Honor. Say my Request's vniust,
    And spurne me backe: But, if it be not so
    Thou art not honest, and the Gods will plague thee
    That thou restrain'st from me the Duty, which
    3525To a Mothers part belongs. He turnes away:
    Down Ladies: let vs shame him with him with our knees
    To his sur-name Coriolanus longs more pride
    Then pitty to our Prayers. Downe: an end,
    This is the last. So, we will home to Rome,
    3530And dye among our Neighbours: Nay, behold's,
    This Boy that cannot tell what he would haue,
    But kneeles, and holds vp hands for fellowship,
    Doe's reason our Petition with more strength
    Then thou hast to deny't. Come, let vs go:
    3535This Fellow had a Volcean to his Mother:
    His Wife is in Corioles, and his Childe
    Like him by chance: yet giue vs our dispatch:
    I am husht vntill our City be afire, & then Ile speak a litle
    Holds her by the hand silent.
    3540Corio. O Mother, Mother!
    What haue you done? Behold, the Heauens do ope,
    The Gods looke downe, and this vnnaturall Scene
    They laugh at. Oh my Mother, Mother: Oh!
    You haue wonne a happy Victory to Rome.
    3545But for your Sonne, beleeue it: Oh beleeue it,
    Most dangerously you haue with him preuail'd,
    If not most mortall to him. But let it come:
    Auffidius, though I cannot make true Warres,
    Ile frame conuenient peace. Now good Auffidius,
    3550Were you in my steed, would you haue heard
    A Mother lesse? or granted lesse Auffidius?
    Auf. I was mou'd withall.
    Corio. I dare be sworne you were:
    And sir, it is no little thing to make
    3555Mine eyes to sweat compassion. But (good sir)
    What peace you'l make, aduise me: For my part,
    Ile not to Rome, Ile backe with you, and pray you
    Stand to me in this cause. Oh Mother! Wife!
    Auf. I am glad thou hast set thy mercy, & thy Honor
    3560At difference in thee: Out of that Ile worke
    My selfe a former Fortune.
    Corio. I by and by; But we will drinke together:
    And you shall beare
    A better witnesse backe then words, which we
    3565On like conditions, will haue Counter-seal'd.
    Come enter with vs: Ladies you deserue
    To haue a Temple built you: All the Swords
    In Italy, and her Confederate Armes
    Could not haue made this peace. Exeunt.
    3570Enter Menenius and Sicinius.
    Mene. See you yon'd Coin a'th Capitol, yon'd corner (stone?
    Sicin. Why what of that?
    Mene. If it be possible for you to displace it with your
    little finger, there is some hope the Ladies of Rome, espe-
    3575cially his Mother, may preuaile with him. But I say, there
    is no hope in't, our throats are sentenc'd, and stay vppon
    Sicin. Is't possible, that so short a time can alter the
    condition of a man.
    3580Mene. There is differency between a Grub & a But-
    terfly, yet your Butterfly was a Grub: this Martius, is
    growne from Man to Dragon: He has wings, hee's more
    then a creeping thing.
    Sicin. He lou'd his Mother deerely.
    3585Mene. So did he mee: and he no more remembers his
    Mother now, then an eight yeare old horse. The tartnesse
    of his face, sowres ripe Grapes. When he walks, he moues
    like an Engine, and the ground shrinkes before his Trea-
    ding. He is able to pierce a Corslet with his eye: Talkes
    3590like a knell, and his hum is a Battery. He sits in his State,
    as a thing made for Alexander. What he bids bee done, is
    finisht with his bidding. He wants nothing of a God but
    Eternity, and a Heauen to Throne in.
    Sicin. Yes, mercy, if you report him truly.
    3595Mene. I paint him in the Character. Mark what mer-
    cy his Mother shall bring from him: There is no more
    mercy in him, then there is milke in a male-Tyger, that
    shall our poore City finde: and all this is long of you.
    Sicin. The Gods be good vnto vs.
    3600Mene. No, in such a case the Gods will not bee good
    vnto vs. When we banish'd him, we respected not them:
    and he returning to breake our necks, they respect not vs.
    Enter a Messenger.
    The Tragedie of Coriolanus. 29
    Mes. Sir, if you'ld saue your life, flye to your House,
    3605The Plebeians haue got your Fellow Tribune,
    And hale him vp and downe; all swearing, if
    The Romane Ladies bring not comfort home,
    They'l giue him death by Inches.
    Enter another Messenger.
    3610Sicin. What's the Newes?
    Mess. Good Newes, good newes, the Ladies haue (preuayl'd,
    The Volcians are dislodg'd, and Martius gone:
    A merrier day did neuer yet greet Rome,
    No, not th' expulsion of the Tarquins.
    3615Sicin. Friend, art thou certaine this is true?
    Is't most certaine.
    Mes. As certaine as I know the Sun is fire:
    Where haue you lurk'd that you make doubt of it:
    Ne're through an Arch so hurried the blowne Tide,
    3620As the recomforted through th' gates. Why harke you:
    Trumpets, Hoboyes, Drums beate, altogether.
    The Trumpets, Sack-buts, Psalteries, and Fifes,
    Tabors, and Symboles, and the showting Romans,
    Make the Sunne dance. Hearke you. A shout within
    3625Mene. This is good Newes:
    I will go meete the Ladies. This Volumnia,
    Is worth of Consuls, Senators, Patricians,
    A City full: Of Tribunes such as you,
    A Sea and Land full: you haue pray'd well to day:
    3630This Morning, for ten thousand of your throates,
    I'de not haue giuen a doit. Harke, how they ioy.
    Sound still with the Shouts.
    Sicin. First, the Gods blesse you for your tydings:
    Next, accept my thankefulnesse.
    3635Mess. Sir, we haue all great cause to giue great thanks.
    Sicin. They are neere the City.
    Mes. Almost at point to enter.
    Sicin. Wee'l meet them, and helpe the ioy. Exeunt.
    Enter two Senators, with Ladies, passing ouer
    3640the Stage, with other Lords.
    Sena. Behold our Patronnesse, the life of Rome:
    Call all your Tribes together, praise the Gods,
    And make triumphant fires, strew Flowers before them:
    Vnshoot the noise that Banish'd Martius;
    3645Repeale him, with the welcome of his Mother:
    Cry welcome Ladies, welcome.
    All. Welcome Ladies, welcome.
    A Flourish with Drummes & Trumpets.
    Enter Tullus Auffidius, with Attendants.
    3650Auf. Go tell the Lords a'th' City, I am heere:
    Deliuer them this Paper: hauing read it,
    Bid them repayre to th' Market place, where I
    Euen in theirs, and in the Commons eares
    Will vouch the truth of it. Him I accuse:
    3655The City Ports by this hath enter'd, and
    Intends t'appeare before the People, hoping
    To purge himselfe with words. Dispatch.
    Enter 3 or 4 Conspirators of Auffidius Faction.
    Most Welcome.
    36601. Con. How is it with our Generall?
    Auf. Euen so, as with a man by his owne Almes im-
    poyson'd, and with his Charity slaine.
    2. Con. Most Noble Sir, If you do hold the same intent
    Wherein you wisht vs parties: Wee'l deliuer you
    3665Of your great danger.
    Auf. Sir, I cannot tell,
    We must proceed as we do finde the People.
    3. Con. The People will remaine vncertaine, whil'st
    'Twixt you there's difference: but the fall of either
    3670Makes the Suruiuor heyre of all.
    Auf. I know it:
    And my pretext to strike at him, admits
    A good construction. I rais'd him, and I pawn'd
    Mine Honor for his truth: who being so heighten'd,
    3675He watered his new Plants with dewes of Flattery,
    Seducing so my Friends: and to this end,
    He bow'd his Nature, neuer knowne before,
    But to be rough, vnswayable, and free.
    3. Consp. Sir, his stoutnesse
    3680When he did stand for Consull, which he lost
    By lacke of stooping.
    Auf. That I would haue spoke of:
    Being banish'd for't, he came vnto my Harth,
    Presented to my knife his Throat: I tooke him,
    3685Made him ioynt-seruant with me: Gaue him way
    In all his owne desires: Nay, let him choose
    Out of my Files, his proiects, to accomplish
    My best and freshest men, seru'd his designements
    In mine owne person: holpe to reape the Fame
    3690Which he did end all his; and tooke some pride
    To do my selfe this wrong: Till at the last
    I seem'd his Follower, not Partner; and
    He wadg'd me with his Countenance, as if
    I had bin Mercenary.
    36951. Con. So he did my Lord:
    The Army marueyl'd at it, and in the last,
    When he had carried Rome, and that we look'd
    For no lesse Spoile, then Glory.
    Auf. There was it:
    3700For which my sinewes shall be stretcht vpon him,
    At a few drops of Womens rhewme, which are
    As cheape as Lies; he sold the Blood and Labour
    Of our great Action; therefore shall he dye,
    And Ile renew me in his fall. But hearke.
    3705Drummes and Trumpets sounds, with great
    showts of the people.
    1. Con. Your Natiue Towne you enter'd like a Poste,
    And had no welcomes home, but he returnes
    Splitting the Ayre with noyse.
    37102. Con. And patient Fooles,
    Whose children he hath slaine, their base throats teare
    With giuing him glory.
    3. Con. Therefore at your vantage,
    Ere he expresse himselfe, or moue the people
    3715With what he would say, let him feele your Sword:
    Which we will second, when he lies along
    After your way. His Tale pronounc'd, shall bury
    His Reasons, with his Body.
    Auf. Say no more. Heere come the Lords,
    3720Enter the Lords of the City.
    All Lords. You are most welcome home.
    Auff. I haue not deseru'd it.
    But worthy Lords, haue you with heede perused
    What I haue written to you?
    3725All. We haue.
    1. Lord. And greeue to heare't:
    What faults he made before the last, I thinke
    Might haue found easie Fines: But there to end
    Where he was to begin, and giue away
    3730The benefit of our Leuies, answering vs
    With our owne charge: making a Treatie, where
    There was a yeelding; this admits no excuse.
    cc3 Auf.
    30The Tragedie of Coriolanus.
    Auf. He approaches, you shall heare him.
    Enter Coriolanus marching with Drumme, and Colours. The
    3735Commoners being with him.
    Corio. Haile Lords, I am return'd your Souldier:
    No more infected with my Countries loue
    Then when I parted hence: but still subsisting
    Vnder your great Command. You are to know,
    3740That prosperously I haue attempted, and
    With bloody passage led your Warres, euen to
    The gates of Rome: Our spoiles we haue brought home
    Doth more then counterpoize a full third part
    The charges of the Action. We haue made peace
    3745With no lesse Honor to the Antiates
    Then shame to th' Romaines. And we heere deliuer
    Subscrib'd by'th' Consuls, and Patricians,
    Together with the Seale a'th Senat, what
    We haue compounded on.
    3750Auf. Read it not Noble Lords,
    But tell the Traitor in the highest degree
    He hath abus'd your Powers.
    Corio. Traitor? How now?
    Auf. I Traitor, Martius.
    3755Corio. Martius?
    Auf. I Martius, Caius Martius: Do'st thou thinke
    Ile grace thee with that Robbery, thy stolne name
    Coriolanus in Corioles?
    You Lords and Heads a'th' State, perfidiously
    3760He ha's betray'd your businesse, and giuen vp
    For certaine drops of Salt, your City Rome:
    I say your City to his Wife and Mother,
    Breaking his Oath and Resolution, like
    A twist of rotten Silke, neuer admitting
    3765Counsaile a'th' warre: But at his Nurses teares
    He whin'd and roar'd away your Victory,
    That Pages blush'd at him, and men of heart
    Look'd wond'ring each at others.
    Corio. Hear'st thou Mars?
    3770Auf. Name not the God, thou boy of Teares.
    Corio. Ha?
    Aufid. No more.
    Corio. Measurelesse Lyar, thou hast made my heart
    Too great for what containes it. Boy? Oh Slaue,
    3775Pardon me Lords, 'tis the first time that euer
    I was forc'd to scoul'd. Your iudgments my graue Lords
    Must giue this Curre the Lye: and his owne Notion,
    Who weares my stripes imprest vpon him, that
    Must beare my beating to his Graue, shall ioyne
    3780To thrust the Lye vnto him.
    1 Lord. Peace both, and heare me speake.
    Corio. Cut me to peeces Volces men and Lads,
    Staine all your edges on me. Boy, false Hound:
    If you haue writ your Annales true, 'tis there,
    3785That like an Eagle in a Doue-coat, I
    Flatter'd your Volcians in Corioles.
    Alone I did it, Boy.
    Auf. Why Noble Lords,
    Will you be put in minde of his blinde Fortune,
    3790Which was your shame, by this vnholy Braggart?
    'Fore your owne eyes, and eares?
    All Consp. Let him dye for't.
    All People. Teare him to peeces, do it presently:
    He kill'd my Sonne, my daughter, he kill'd my Cosine
    3795Marcus, he kill'd my Father.
    2 Lord. Peace hoe: no outrage, peace:
    The man is Noble, and his Fame folds in
    This Orbe o'th' earth: His last offences to vs
    Shall haue Iudicious hearing. Stand Auffidius,
    3800And trouble not the peace.
    Corio. O that I had him, with six Auffidiusses, or more:
    His Tribe, to vse my lawfull Sword.
    Auf. Insolent Villaine.
    All Consp. Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill him.
    3805 Draw both the Conspirators, and kils Martius, who
    falles, Auffidius stands on him.
    Lords. Hold, hold, hold, hold.
    Auf. My Noble Masters, heare me speake.
    1. Lord. O Tullus.
    38102. Lord. Thou hast done a deed, whereat
    Valour will weepe.
    3. Lord. Tread not vpon him Masters, all be quiet,
    Put vp your Swords.
    Auf. My Lords,
    3815When you shall know (as in this Rage
    Prouok'd by him, you cannot) the great danger
    Which this mans life did owe you, you'l reioyce
    That he is thus cut off. Please it your Honours
    To call me to your Senate, Ile deliuer
    3820My selfe your loyall Seruant, or endure
    Your heauiest Censure.
    1. Lord. Beare from hence his body,
    And mourne you for him. Let him be regarded
    As the most Noble Coarse, that euer Herald
    3825Did follow to his Vrne.
    2. Lord. His owne impatience,
    Takes from Auffidius a great part of blame:
    Let's make the Best of it.
    Auf. My Rage is gone,
    3830And I am strucke with sorrow. Take him vp:
    Helpe three a'th' cheefest Souldiers, Ile be one.
    Beate thou the Drumme that it speake mournfully:
    Traile your steele Pikes. Though in this City hee
    Hath widdowed and vnchilded many a one,
    3835Which to this houre bewaile the Iniury,
    Yet he shall haue a Noble Memory. Assist.
    Exeunt bearing the Body of Martius. A dead March