Not Peer Reviewed
- Edition: Antony and Cleopatra
Anthony and Cleopatra (Folio 1, 1623)
- Texts of this edition
- Facsimiles
678Enter Enobarbus and Lepidus.
680And shall become you well, to intreat your Captaine
685And speake as lowd as Mars. By Iupiter,
686Were I the wearer of Anthonio's Beard,
687I would not shaue't to day.
690borne in't.
694No Embers vp. Heere comes the Noble Anthony.
695Enter Anthony and Ventidius.
697Enter Caesar, Mecenas, and Agrippa.
699Hearke Ventidius.
701Lep. Noble Friends:
702That which combin'd vs was most great, and let not
704May it be gently heard. When we debate
705Our triuiall difference loud, we do commit
706Murther in healing wounds. Then Noble Partners,
711Were we before our Armies, and to fight,
713Caes. Welcome to Rome.
714Ant. Thanke you.
715Caes. Sit.
717Caes. Nay then.
719Or being, concerne you not.
722Chiefely i'th'world. More laught at, that I should
723Once name you derogately: when to sound your name
724It not concern'd me.
726Caes. No more then my reciding heere at Rome
727Might be to you in Egypt: yet if you there
729Might be my question.
731Caes. You may be pleas'd to catch at mine intent,
732By what did heere befall me. Your Wife and Brother
733Made warres vpon me, and their contestation
734Was Theame for you, you were the word of warre.
736Did vrge me in his Act: I did inquire it,
737And haue my Learning from some true reports
738That drew their swords with you, did he not rather
739Discredit my authority with yours,
741Hauing alike your cause. Of this, my Letters
743As matter whole you haue to make it with,
x3 It
346The Tragedie of
744It must not be with this.
746ment to me: but you patcht vp your excuses.
748I know you could not lacke, I am certaine on't,
749Very necessity of this thought, that I
751Could not with gracefull eyes attend those Warres
752Which fronted mine owne peace. As for my wife,
754The third oth'world is yours, which with a Snaffle,
757might go to Warres with the women.
759Made out of her impatience: which not wanted
760Shrodenesse of policie to: I greeuing grant,
762But say I could not helpe it.
763Caesar. I wrote to you, when rioting in Alexandria you
764Did pocket vp my Letters: and with taunts
765Did gibe my Misiue out of audience.
766Ant. Sir, he fell vpon me, ere admitted, then:
767Three Kings I had newly feasted, and did want
768Of what I was i'th'morning: but next day
769I told him of my selfe, which was as much
770As to haue askt him pardon. Let this Fellow
771Be nothing of our strife: if we contend
772Out of our question wipe him.
773Caesar. You haue broken the Article of your oath,
774which you shall neuer haue tongue to charge me with.
777The Honour is Sacred which he talks on now,
779The Article of my oath.
780Caesar. To lend me Armes, and aide when I requir'd
781them, the which you both denied.
783And then when poysoned houres had bound me vp
784From mine owne knowledge, as neerely as I may,
785Ile play the penitent to you. But mine honesty,
786Shall not make poore my greatnesse, nor my power
787Worke without it. Truth is, that Fuluia,
788To haue me out of Egypt, made Warres heere,
789For which my selfe, the ignorant motiue, do
790So farre aske pardon, as befits mine Honour
794The griefes betweene ye: to forget them quite,
795Were to remember: that the present neede,
796Speakes to attone you.
798Enobar. Or if you borrow one anothers Loue for the
799instant, you may when you heare no more words of
800Pompey returne it againe: you shall haue time to wrangle
801in, when you haue nothing else to do.
809The manner of his speech: for't cannot be,
813Ath'world: I would persue it.
815Caesar. Speake Agrippa.
817Octauia: Great Mark Anthony is now a widdower.
821further speake.
822Agri. To hold you in perpetuall amitie,
823To make you Brothers, and to knit your hearts
824With an vn-slipping knot, take Anthony,
828That which none else can vtter. By this marriage,
830And all great feares, which now import their dangers,
831Would then be nothing. Truth's would be tales,
832Where now halfe tales be truth's: her loue to both,
833Would each to other, and all loues to both
834Draw after her. Pardon what I haue spoke,
836By duty ruminated.
838Caesar. Not till he heares how Anthony is toucht,
839With what is spoke already.
840Anth. What power is in Agrippa,
842To make this good?
844And his power, vnto Octauia.
845Anth. May I neuer
847Dreame of impediment: let me haue thy hand
848Further this act of Grace: and from this houre,
849The heart of Brothers gouerne in our Loues,
851Caesar. There's my hand:
852A Sister I bequeath you, whom no Brother
853Did euer loue so deerely. Let her liue
854To ioyne our kingdomes, and our hearts, and neuer
855Flie off our Loues againe.
856Lepi. Happily, Amen.
859Of late vpon me. I must thanke him onely,
861At heele of that, defie him.
862Lepi. Time cals vpon's,
865Anth. Where lies he?
870Anth. So is the Fame,
875And do inuite you to my Sisters view,
Anthony and Cleopatra. 347
876Whether straight Ile lead you.
880 Flourish. Exit omnes.
881Manet Enobarbus, Agrippa, Mecenas.
884honourable Friend Agrippa.
889and made the night light with drinking.
892Eno. This was but as a Flye by an Eagle: we had much
894ued noting.
896square to her.
898vp his heart vpon the Riuer of Sidnis.
900uis'd well for her.
901Eno. I will tell you,
903Burnt on the water: the Poope was beaten Gold,
904Purple the Sailes: and so perfumed that
905The Windes were Loue-sicke.
906With them the Owers were Siluer,
907Which to the tune of Flutes kept stroke, and made
908The water which they beate, to follow faster;
911In her Pauillion, cloth of Gold, of Tissue,
913The fancie out-worke Nature. On each side her,
914Stood pretty Dimpled Boyes, like smiling Cupids,
916To gloue the delicate cheekes which they did coole,
917And what they vndid did.
918Agrip. Oh rare for Anthony.
919Eno. Her Gentlewoman, like the Nereides,
920So many Mer-maides tended her i'th'eyes,
921And made their bends adornings. At the Helme.
924That yarely frame the office. From the Barge
926Of the adiacent Wharfes. The Citty cast
927Her people out vpon her: and Anthony
928Enthron'd i'th'Market-place, did sit alone,
929Whisling to'th'ayre: which but for vacancie,
930Had gone to gaze on Cleopater too,
931And made a gap in Nature.
932Agri. Rare Egiptian.
934Inuited her to Supper: she replyed,
936Which she entreated, our Courteous Anthony,
937Whom nere the word of no woman hard speake,
938Being barber'd ten times o're, goes to the Feast;
939And for his ordinary, paies his heart,
940For what his eyes eate onely.
941Agri. Royall Wench:
943He ploughed her, and she cropt.
945Hop forty Paces through the publicke streete,
948And breathlesse powre breath forth.
950Eno. Neuer he will not:
952Her infinite variety: other women cloy
953The appetites they feede, but she makes hungry,
958The heart of Anthony: Octauia is
959A blessed Lottery to him.