Internet Shakespeare Editions

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  • Title: Henry VI, Part 3 (Folio 1, 1623)

  • Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Henry VI, Part 3 (Folio 1, 1623)

    Enter Richard, Lord Hastings, and Sir William
    Rich. Now my Lord Hastings, and Sir William Stanley
    Leaue off to wonder why I drew you hither,
    2345Into this cheefest Thicket of the Parke.
    Thus stand the case: you know our King, my Brother,
    Is prisoner to the Bishop here, at whose hands
    He hath good vsage, and great liberty,
    And often but attended with weake guard,
    2350Come hunting this way to disport himselfe.
    I haue aduertis'd him by secret meanes,
    That if about this houre he make this way,
    Vnder the colour of his vsuall game,
    He shall heere finde his Friends with Horse and Men,
    2355To set him free from his Captiuitie.
    Enter King Edward, and a Huntsman
    with him.
    Huntsman. This way my Lord,
    For this way lies the Game.
    2360King Edw. Nay this way man,
    See where the Huntsmen stand.
    Now Brother of Gloster, Lord Hastings, and the rest,
    Stand you thus close to steale the Bishops Deere?
    Rich. Brother, the time and case, requireth hast,
    2365Your horse stands ready at the Parke-corner.
    King Ed. But whether shall we then?
    Hast. To Lyn my Lord,
    And shipt from thence to Flanders.
    Rich. Wel guest beleeue me, for that was my meaning
    2370K.Ed. Stanley, I will requite thy forwardnesse.
    Rich. But wherefore stay we? 'tis no time to talke.
    K.Ed. Huntsman, what say'st thou?
    Wilt thou go along?
    Hunts. Better do so, then tarry and be hang'd.
    2375Rich. Come then away, lets ha no more adoo.
    K.Ed. Bishop farwell,
    Sheeld thee from Warwickes frowne,
    And pray that I may re-possesse the Crowne. exeunt.