Not Peer Reviewed
- Edition: Henry VI, Part 3
Henry VI, Part 3 (Folio 1, 1623)
- Texts of this edition
- Facsimiles
The third Part of Henry the Sixt,vvith the death of the Duke ofYORKE.
1Actus Primus. Scoena Prima.
3Enter Plantagenet, Edward, Richard, Norfolke, Mount-
4ague, Warwicke, and Souldiers.
6I Wonder how the King escap'd our hands?
9Whereat the great Lord of Northumberland,
10Whose Warlike eares could neuer brooke retreat,
11Chear'd vp the drouping Army, and himselfe.
13Charg'd our maine Battailes Front: and breaking in,
14Were by the Swords of common Souldiers slaine.
16Is either slaine or wounded dangerous.
17I cleft his Beauer with a down-right blow:
18That this is true (Father) behold his blood.
20Whom I encountred as the Battels ioyn'd.
21Rich. Speake thou for me, and tell them what I did.
23But is your Grace dead, my Lord of Somerset?
24Nor. Such hope haue all the line of Iohn of Gaunt.
30This is the Pallace of the fearefull King,
32For this is thine, and not King Henries Heires.
34For hither we haue broken in by force.
37And Souldiers stay and lodge by me this Night.
38 They goe vp.
41Plant. The Queene this day here holds her Parliament,
43By words or blowes here let vs winne our right.
46Vnlesse Plantagenet, Duke of Yorke, be King,
48Hath made vs by-words to our enemies.
54Ile plant Plantagenet, root him vp who dares:
56Flourish. Enter King Henry, Clifford, Northumberland,
57Westmerland, Exeter, and the rest.
59Euen in the Chayre of State: belike he meanes,
60Backt by the power of Warwicke, that false Peere,
61To aspire vnto the Crowne, and reigne as King.
62Earle of Northumberland, he slew thy Father,
63And thine, Lord Clifford, & you both haue vow'd reuenge
64On him, his sonnes, his fauorites, and his friends.
65Northumb. If I be not, Heauens be reueng'd on me.
69My heart for anger burnes, I cannot brooke it.
73My gracious Lord, here in the Parliament
74Let vs assayle the Family of Yorke.
76Henry. Ah, know you not the Citie fauours them,
77And they haue troupes of Souldiers at their beck?
80 Henry. Farre be the thought of this from Henries heart,
81To make a Shambles of the Parliament House.
82Cousin of Exeter, frownes, words, and threats,
83Shall be the Warre that Henry meanes to vse.
85And kneele for grace and mercie at my feet,
86I am thy Soueraigne.
87Yorke. I am thine.
90Yorke. It was my Inheritance, as the Earledome was.
148The third Part of Henry the Sixt.
91Exet. Thy Father was a Traytor to the Crowne.
92Warw. Exeter thou art a Traytor to the Crowne,
93In following this vsurping Henry.
105Marcht through the Citie to the Pallace Gates.
106Northumb. Yes Warwicke, I remember it to my griefe,
109Thy Kinsmen, and thy Friends, Ile haue more liues
110Then drops of bloud were in my Fathers Veines.
119My Father was as thou art, Duke of Yorke,
120Thy Grandfather Roger Mortimer, Earle of March.
121I am the Sonne of Henry the Fift,
122Who made the Dolphin and the French to stoupe,
123And seiz'd vpon their Townes and Prouinces.
126When I was crown'd, I was but nine moneths old.
127Rich. You are old enough now,
128And yet me thinkes you loose:
129Father teare the Crowne from the Vsurpers Head.
131Mount. Good Brother,
134 Richard. Sound Drummes and Trumpets, and the
135King will flye.
136Plant. Sonnes peace.
137 Henry. Peace thou, and giue King Henry leaue to
140And be you silent and attentiue too,
141For he that interrupts him, shall not liue.
145I, and their Colours often borne in France,
146And now in England, to our hearts great sorrow,
147Shall be my Winding-sheet. Why faint you Lords?
148My Title's good, and better farre then his.
153Tell me, may not a King adopt an Heire?
154Plant. What then?
155Henry. And if he may, then am I lawfull King:
156For Richard, in the view of many Lords,
157Resign'd the Crowne to Henry the Fourth,
158Whose Heire my Father was, and I am his.
160And made him to resigne his Crowne perforce.
162Thinke you 'twere preiudiciall to his Crowne?
166Exet. His is the right, and therefore pardon me.
169Henry. All will reuolt from me, and turne to him.
173Northumb. Thou art deceiu'd:
174'Tis not thy Southerne power
176Which makes thee thus presumptuous and prowd,
178Clifford. King Henry, be thy Title right or wrong,
180May that ground gape, and swallow me aliue,
184What mutter you, or what conspire you Lords?
185Warw. Doe right vnto this Princely Duke of Yorke,
187And ouer the Chayre of State, where now he sits,
188Write vp his Title with vsurping blood.
189 He stampes with his foot, and the Souldiers
190shew themselues.
191Henry. My Lord of Warwick, heare but one word,
192Let me for this my life time reigne as King.
195Henry. I am content: Richard Plantagenet
196Enioy the Kingdome after my decease.
197 Clifford. What wrong is this vnto the Prince, your
203Northumb. Nor I.
206Westm. Farwell faint-hearted and degenerate King,
209And dye in Bands, for this vnmanly deed.
211Or liue in peace abandon'd and despis'd.
212Warw. Turne this way Henry, and regard them not.
215Henry. Ah Exeter.
218Whom I vnnaturally shall dis-inherite.
219But be it as it may: I here entayle
220The Crowne to thee and to thine Heires for euer,
221Conditionally, that heere thou take an Oath,
The third Part of Henry the Sixt.149
223To honor me as thy King, and Soueraigne:
226Plant. This Oath I willingly take, and will performe.
227 Warw. Long liue King Henry: Plantagenet embrace
233Senet. Here they come downe.
235Warw. And Ile keepe London with my Souldiers.
236Norf. And I to Norfolke with my followers.
237Mount. And I vnto the Sea, from whence I came.
239Enter the Queene.
240Exeter. Heere comes the Queene,
241Whose Lookes bewray her anger:
242Ile steale away.
244Queene. Nay, goe not from me, I will follow thee.
247Ah wretched man, would I had dy'de a Maid?
248And neuer seene thee, neuer borne thee Sonne,
252Or felt that paine which I did for him once,
253Or nourisht him, as I did with my blood;
255Rather then haue made that sauage Duke thine Heire,
256And dis-inherited thine onely Sonne.
257Prince. Father, you cannot dis-inherite me:
260The Earle of Warwick and the Duke enforc't me.
261 Quee. Enforc't thee? Art thou King, and wilt be forc't?
266To entayle him and his Heires vnto the Crowne,
267What is it, but to make thy Sepulcher,
268And creepe into it farre before thy time?
269Warwick is Chancelor, and the Lord of Callice,
270Sterne Falconbridge commands the Narrow Seas,
271The Duke is made Protector of the Realme,
273The trembling Lambe, inuironned with Wolues.
274Had I beene there, which am a silly Woman,
275The Souldiers should haue toss'd me on their Pikes,
276Before I would haue granted to that Act.
277But thou preferr'st thy Life, before thine Honor.
279Both from thy Table Henry, and thy Bed,
280Vntill that Act of Parliament be repeal'd,
281Whereby my Sonne is dis-inherited.
282The Northerne Lords, that haue forsworne thy Colours,
285And vtter ruine of the House of Yorke.
286Thus doe I leaue thee: Come Sonne, let's away,
287Our Army is ready; come, wee'le after them.
292Queene. I, to be murther'd by his Enemies.
294Ile see your Grace: till then, Ile follow her.
295Queene. Come Sonne away, we may not linger thus.
296Henry. Poore Queene,
297How loue to me, and to her Sonne,
298Hath made her breake out into termes of Rage.
299Reueng'd may she be on that hatefull Duke,
301Will cost my Crowne, and like an emptie Eagle,
304Ile write vnto them, and entreat them faire;
307Flourish. Enter Richard, Edward, and
311Edward. No, I can better play the Orator.
313Enter the Duke of Yorke.
317Yorke. About what?
318 Rich. About that which concernes your Grace and vs,
319The Crowne of England, Father, which is yours.
320Yorke. Mine Boy? not till King Henry be dead.
321 Richard. Your Right depends not on his life, or death.
322Edward. Now you are Heire, therefore enioy it now:
324It will out-runne you, Father, in the end.
327 Edward. But for a Kingdome any Oath may be broken:
328I would breake a thousand Oathes, to reigne one yeere.
332 Richard. Ile proue the contrary, if you'le heare mee
335Richard. An Oath is of no moment, being not tooke
336Before a true and lawfull Magistrate,
337That hath authoritie ouer him that sweares.
338Henry had none, but did vsurpe the place.
340Your Oath, my Lord, is vaine and friuolous.
341Therefore to Armes: and Father doe but thinke,
342How sweet a thing it is to weare a Crowne,
343Within whose Circuit is Elizium,
344And all that Poets faine of Blisse and Ioy.
345Why doe we linger thus? I cannot rest,
346Vntill the White Rose that I weare, be dy'de
347Euen in the luke-warme blood of Henries heart.
348Yorke. Richard ynough: I will be King, or dye.
350And whet on Warwick to this Enterprise.
150The third Part of Henry the Sixt.
351Thou Richard shalt to the Duke of Norfolke,
352And tell him priuily of our intent.
353You Edward shall vnto my Lord Cobham,
355In them I trust: for they are Souldiors,
356Wittie, courteous, liberall, full of spirit.
357While you are thus imploy'd, what resteth more?
359And yet the King not priuie to my Drift,
361Enter Gabriel.
364Gabriel. The Queene,
365With all the Northerne Earles and Lords,
367She is hard by, with twentie thousand men:
368And therefore fortifie your Hold, my Lord.
369Yorke. I, with my Sword.
370What? think'st thou, that we feare them?
373Let Noble Warwicke, Cobham, and the rest,
374Whom we haue left Protectors of the King,
377Mount. Brother, I goe: Ile winne them, feare it not.
378And thus most humbly I doe take my leaue.
379 Exit Mountague.
380Enter Mortimer, and his Brother.
381York. Sir Iohn, and Sir Hugh Mortimer, mine Vnckles,
382You are come to Sandall in a happie houre.
383The Armie of the Queene meane to besiege vs.
388A Woman's generall: what should we feare?
389 A March afarre off.
390Edward. I heare their Drummes:
391Let's set our men in order,
393 Yorke. Fiue men to twentie: though the oddes be great,
394I doubt not, Vnckle, of our Victorie.
395Many a Battaile haue I wonne in France,
396When as the Enemie hath beene tenne to one:
399Enter Rutland, and his Tutor.
401Ah Tutor, looke where bloody Clifford comes.
402Enter Clifford.
404As for the Brat of this accursed Duke,
406Tutor. And I, my Lord, will beare him company.
407Clifford. Souldiers, away with him.
410Clifford. How now? is he dead alreadie?
411Or is it feare, that makes him close his eyes?
412Ile open them.
413 Rutland. So looks the pent-vp Lyon o're the Wretch,
414That trembles vnder his deuouring Pawes:
417Ah gentle Clifford, kill me with thy Sword,
418And not with such a cruell threatning Looke.
421Be thou reueng'd on men, and let me liue.
424Where thy words should enter.
425Rutland. Then let my Fathers blood open it againe,
426He is a man, and Clifford cope with him.
427 Clifford. Had I thy Brethren here, their liues and thine
429No, if I digg'd vp thy fore-fathers Graues,
430And hung their rotten Coffins vp in Chaynes,
433Is as a furie to torment my Soule:
434And till I root out their accursed Line,
435And leaue not one aliue, I liue in Hell.
437Rutland. Oh let me pray, before I take my death:
442Clifford. Thy Father hath.
443Rutland. But 'twas ere I was borne.
447Ah, let me liue in Prison all my dayes,
451fore dye.
453Clifford. Plantagenet, I come Plantagenet:
454And this thy Sonnes blood cleauing to my Blade,
455Shall rust vpon my Weapon, till thy blood
457Alarum. Enter Richard, Duke of Yorke.
460And all my followers, to the eager foe
461Turne back, and flye, like Ships before the Winde,
463My Sonnes, God knowes what hath bechanced them:
464But this I know, they haue demean'd themselues
465Like men borne to Renowne, by Life or Death.
466Three times did Richard make a Lane to me,
467And thrice cry'de, Courage Father, fight it out:
468And full as oft came Edward to my side,
469With Purple Faulchion, painted to the Hilt,
470In blood of those that had encountred him:
471And when the hardyest Warriors did retyre,
472Richard cry'de, Charge, and giue no foot of ground,
473And cry'de, A Crowne, or else a glorious Tombe,
The third Part of Henry the Sixt.151
474A Scepter, or an Earthly Sepulchre.
475With this we charg'd againe: but out alas,
476We bodg'd againe, as I haue seene a Swan
479 A short Alarum within.
480Ah hearke, the fatall followers doe pursue,
481And I am faint, and cannot flye their furie:
483The Sands are numbred, that makes vp my Life,
485Enter the Queene, Clifford, Northumberland,
486the young Prince, and Souldiers.
487Come bloody Clifford, rough Northumberland,
488I dare your quenchlesse furie to more rage:
489I am your Butt, and I abide your Shot.
490Northumb. Yeeld to our mercy, proud Plantagenet.
492With downe-right payment, shew'd vnto my Father.
493Now Phaeton hath tumbled from his Carre,
494And made an Euening at the Noone-tide Prick.
496A Bird, that will reuenge vpon you all:
497And in that hope, I throw mine eyes to Heauen,
499Why come you not? what, multitudes, and feare?
501So Doues doe peck the Faulcons piercing Tallons,
505And in thy thought ore-run my former time:
507And bite thy tongue, that slanders him with Cowardice,
509Clifford. I will not bandie with thee word for word,
510But buckler with thee blowes twice two for one.
512I would prolong a while the Traytors Life:
513Wrath makes him deafe; speake thou Northumberland.
515To prick thy finger, though to wound his heart.
516What valour were it, when a Curre doth grinne,
517For one to thrust his Hand betweene his Teeth,
518When he might spurne him with his Foot away?
519It is Warres prize, to take all Vantages,
520And tenne to one, is no impeach of Valour.
525 York. So triumph Theeues vpon their conquer'd Booty,
526So True men yeeld with Robbers, so o're-matcht.
527 Northumb. What would your Grace haue done vnto
528him now?
530Come make him stand vpon this Mole-hill here,
531That raught at Mountaines with out-stretched Armes,
532Yet parted but the shadow with his Hand.
533What, was it you that would be Englands King?
534Was't you that reuell'd in our Parliament,
535And made a Preachment of your high Descent?
536Where are your Messe of Sonnes, to back you now?
537The wanton Edward, and the lustie George?
538And where's that valiant Crook-back Prodigie.
539Dickie, your Boy, that with his grumbling voyce
540Was wont to cheare his Dad in Mutinies?
541Or with the rest, where is your Darling, Rutland?
542Looke Yorke, I stayn'd this Napkin with the blood
543That valiant Clifford, with his Rapiers point,
545And if thine eyes can water for his death,
546I giue thee this to drie thy Cheekes withall.
547Alas poore Yorke, but that I hate thee deadly,
549I prythee grieue, to make me merry, Yorke.
551That not a Teare can fall, for Rutlands death?
553And I, to make thee mad, doe mock thee thus.
554Stampe, raue, and fret, that I may sing and dance.
557A Crowne for Yorke; and Lords, bow lowe to him:
559I marry Sir, now lookes he like a King:
560I, this is he that tooke King Henries Chaire,
561And this is he was his adopted Heire.
562But how is it, that great Plantagenet
564As I bethinke me, you should not be King,
565Till our King Henry had shooke hands with Death.
566And will you pale your head in Henries Glory,
567And rob his Temples of the Diademe,
568Now in his Life, against your holy Oath?
569Oh 'tis a fault too too vnpardonable.
570Off with the Crowne; and with the Crowne, his Head,
571And whilest we breathe, take time to doe him dead.
575Yorke. Shee-Wolfe of France,
576But worse then Wolues of France,
578How ill-beseeming is it in thy Sex,
579To triumph like an Amazonian Trull,
580Vpon their Woes, whom Fortune captiuates?
581But that thy Face is Vizard-like, vnchanging,
582Made impudent with vse of euill deedes.
584To tell thee whence thou cam'st, of whom deriu'd,
587Thy Father beares the type of King of Naples,
588Of both the Sicils, and Ierusalem,
590Hath that poore Monarch taught thee to insult?
591It needes not, nor it bootes thee not, prowd Queene,
593That Beggers mounted, runne their Horse to death.
594'Tis Beautie that doth oft make Women prowd,
596'Tis Vertue, that doth make them most admir'd,
597The contrary, doth make thee wondred at.
598'Tis Gouernment that makes them seeme Diuine,
599The want thereof, makes thee abhominable.
600Thou art as opposite to euery good,
601As the Antipodes are vnto vs,
602Or as the South to the Septentrion.
603Oh Tygres Heart, wrapt in a Womans Hide,
152The third Part of Henry the Sixt.
604How could'st thou drayne the Life-blood of the Child,
605To bid the Father wipe his eyes withall,
606And yet be seene to beare a Womans face?
612And when the Rage allayes, the Raine begins.
614And euery drop cryes vengeance for his death,
617That hardly can I check my eyes from Teares.
618Yorke. That Face of his,
619The hungry Caniballs would not haue toucht,
620Would not haue stayn'd with blood:
621But you are more inhumane, more inexorable,
622Oh, tenne times more then Tygers of Hyrcania.
625And I with Teares doe wash the blood away.
626Keepe thou the Napkin, and goe boast of this,
628Vpon my Soule, the hearers will shed Teares:
630And say, Alas, it was a pittious deed.
631There, take the Crowne, and with the Crowne, my Curse,
632And in thy need, such comfort come to thee,
633As now I reape at thy too cruell hand.
634Hard-hearted Clifford, take me from the World,
635My Soule to Heauen, my Blood vpon your Heads.
637I should not for my Life but weepe with him,
638To see how inly Sorrow gripes his Soule.
639 Queen. What, weeping ripe, my Lord Northumberland?
640Thinke but vpon the wrong he did vs all,
641And that will quickly drie thy melting Teares.
642 Clifford. Heere's for my Oath, heere's for my Fathers
644 Queene. And heere's to right our gentle-hearted
646Yorke. Open thy Gate of Mercy, gracious God,
649So Yorke may ouer-looke the Towne of Yorke.
650Flourish. Exit.
651A March. Enter Edward, Richard,
652and their power.
654Or whether he be scap't away, or no,
656Had he been ta'ne, we should haue heard the newes;
659The happy tidings of his good escape.
662Where our right valiant Father is become.
663I saw him in the Battaile range about,
665Me thought he bore him in the thickest troupe,
666As doth a Lyon in a Heard of Neat,
667Or as a Beare encompass'd round with Dogges:
668Who hauing pincht a few, and made them cry,
670So far'd our Father with his Enemies,
671So fled his Enemies my Warlike Father:
672Me thinkes 'tis prize enough to be his Sonne.
673See how the Morning opes her golden Gates,
674And takes her farwell of the glorious Sunne.
675How well resembles it the prime of Youth,
676Trimm'd like a Yonker, prauncing to his Loue?
679Not seperated with the racking Clouds,
682As if they vow'd some League inuiolable.
683Now are they but one Lampe, one Light, one Sunne:
686The like yet neuer heard of.
687I thinke it cites vs (Brother) to the field,
688That wee, the Sonnes of braue Plantagenet,
689Each one alreadie blazing by our meedes,
690Should notwithstanding ioyne our Lights together,
691And ouer-shine the Earth, as this the World.
692What ere it bodes, hence-forward will I beare
693Vpon my Targuet three faire shining Sunnes.
694Richard. Nay, beare three Daughters:
695By your leaue, I speake it,
696You loue the Breeder better then the Male.
697Enter one blowing.
698But what art thou, whose heauie Lookes fore-tell
699Some dreadfull story hanging on thy Tongue?
700Mess. Ah, one that was a wofull looker on,
701When as the Noble Duke of Yorke was slaine,
702Your Princely Father, and my louing Lord.
705Richard. Say how he dy'de, for I will heare it all.
706Mess. Enuironed he was with many foes,
708Against the Greekes, that would haue entred Troy.
710And many stroakes, though with a little Axe,
711Hewes downe and fells the hardest-tymber'd Oake.
712By many hands your Father was subdu'd,
713But onely slaught'red by the irefull Arme
714Of vn-relenting Clifford, and the Queene:
715Who crown'd the gracious Duke in high despight,
716Laugh'd in his face: and when with griefe he wept,
717The ruthlesse Queene gaue him, to dry his Cheekes,
720And after many scornes, many foule taunts,
721They tooke his Head, and on the Gates of Yorke
724 Edward. Sweet Duke of Yorke, our Prop to leane vpon,
725Now thou art gone, wee haue no Staffe, no Stay.
727The flowre of Europe, for his Cheualrie,
729For hand to hand he would haue vanquisht thee.
730Now my Soules Pallace is become a Prison:
731Ah, would she breake from hence, that this my body
The third Part of Henry the Sixt.153
733For neuer henceforth shall I ioy againe:
737Nor can my tongue vnloade my hearts great burthen,
740And burnes me vp with flames, that tears would quench.
741To weepe, is to make lesse the depth of greefe:
742Teares then for Babes; Blowes, and Reuenge for mee.
743Richard, I beare thy name, Ile venge thy death,
744Or dye renowned by attempting it.
745Ed. His name that valiant Duke hath left with thee:
746His Dukedome, and his Chaire with me is left.
747Rich. Nay, if thou be that Princely Eagles Bird,
749For Chaire and Dukedome, Throne and Kingdome say,
750Either that is thine, or else thou wer't not his.
751March. Enter Warwicke, Marquesse Mountacute,
752and their Army.
753 Warwick. How now faire Lords? What faire? What
754 newes abroad?
756Our balefull newes, and at each words deliuerance
758The words would adde more anguish then the wounds.
759O valiant Lord, the Duke of Yorke is slaine.
760Edw. O Warwicke, Warwicke, that Plantagenet
761Which held thee deerely, as his Soules Redemption,
764And now to adde more measure to your woes,
765I come to tell you things sith then befalne.
766After the bloody Fray at Wakefield fought,
769Were brought me of your Losse, and his Depart.
770I then in London, keeper of the King,
772Marcht toward S. Albons, to intercept the Queene,
773Bearing the King in my behalfe along:
774For by my Scouts, I was aduertised
775That she was comming with a full intent
776To dash our late Decree in Parliament,
777Touching King Henries Oath, and your Succession:
778Short Tale to make, we at S. Albons met,
780But whether 'twas the coldnesse of the King,
781Who look'd full gently on his warlike Queene,
782That robb'd my Soldiers of their heated Spleene.
784Or more then common feare of Cliffords Rigour,
785Who thunders to his Captiues, Blood and Death,
786I cannot iudge: but to conclude with truth,
787Their Weapons like to Lightning, came and went:
788Our Souldiers like the Night-Owles lazie flight,
789Or like a lazie Thresher with a Flaile,
790Fell gently downe, as if they strucke their Friends.
792With promise of high pay, and great Rewards:
793But all in vaine, they had no heart to fight,
794And we (in them) no hope to win the day,
795So that we fled: the King vnto the Queene,
796Lord George, your Brother, Norfolke, and my Selfe,
798For in the Marches heere we heard you were,
799Making another Head, to fight againe.
800 Ed. Where is the Duke of Norfolke, gentle Warwick?
801And when came George from Burgundy to England?
803And for your Brother he was lately sent
804From your kinde Aunt Dutchesse of Burgundie,
805With ayde of Souldiers to this needfull Warre.
808But ne're till now, his Scandall of Retire.
811Can plucke the Diadem from faint Henries head,
812And wring the awefull Scepter from his Fist,
813Were he as famous, and as bold in Warre,
814As he is fam'd for Mildnesse, Peace, and Prayer.
815Rich. I know it well Lord Warwick, blame me not,
816'Tis loue I beare thy glories make me speake:
817But in this troublous time, what's to be done?
818Shall we go throw away our Coates of Steele,
819And wrap our bodies in blacke mourning Gownes,
820Numb'ring our Aue-Maries with our Beads?
821Or shall we on the Helmets of our Foes
822Tell our Deuotion with reuengefull Armes?
825And therefore comes my Brother Mountague:
826Attend me Lords, the proud insulting Queene,
827With Clifford, and the haught Northumberland,
828And of their Feather, many moe proud Birds,
829Haue wrought the easie-melting King, like Wax.
831His Oath enrolled in the Parliament.
832And now to London all the crew are gone,
836Now, if the helpe of Norfolke, and my selfe,
837With all the Friends that thou braue Earle of March,
840Why Via, to London will we march,
841And once againe, bestride our foaming Steeds,
842And once againe cry Charge vpon our Foes,
843But neuer once againe turne backe and flye.
846That cries Retire, if Warwicke bid him stay.
848And when thou failst (as God forbid the houre)
849Must Edward fall, which perill heauen forefend.
850 War. No longer Earle of March, but Duke of Yorke:
851The next degree, is Englands Royall Throne:
852For King of England shalt thou be proclaim'd
853In euery Burrough as we passe along,
854And he that throwes not vp his cap for ioy,
855Shall for the Fault make forfeit of his head.
856King Edward, valiant Richard Mountague:
857Stay we no longer, dreaming of Renowne,
861I come to pierce it, or to giue thee mine.
p War.
154The third Part of Henry the Sixt.
863Enter a Messenger.
864War. How now? what newes?
869 Exeunt Omnes.
870Flourish. Enter the King, the Queene, Clifford, Northum-
871and Yong Prince, with Drumme and
873 Qu. Welcome my Lord, to this braue town of Yorke,
874Yonders the head of that Arch-enemy,
876Doth not the obiect cheere your heart, my Lord.
877 K. I, as the rockes cheare them that feare their wrack,
879With-hold reuenge (deere God) 'tis not my fault,
880Nor wittingly haue I infring'd my Vow.
881Clif. My gracious Liege, this too much lenity
883To whom do Lyons cast their gentle Lookes?
886Not his that spoyles her yong before her face.
888Not he that sets his foot vpon her backe.
890And Doues will pecke in safegard of their Brood.
891Ambitious Yorke, did leuell at thy Crowne,
892Thou smiling, while he knit his angry browes.
893He but a Duke, would haue his Sonne a King,
897Which argued thee a most vnlouing Father.
898Vnreasonable Creatures feed their young,
899And though mans face be fearefull to their eyes,
900Yet in protection of their tender ones,
903Make warre with him that climb'd vnto their nest,
904Offering their owne liues in their yongs defence?
906Were it not pitty that this goodly Boy
907Should loose his Birth-right by his Fathers fault,
908And long heereafter say vnto his childe,
909What my great Grandfather, and Grandsire got,
910My carelesse Father fondly gaue away.
911Ah, what a shame were this? Looke on the Boy,
912And let his manly face, which promiseth
914To hold thine owne, and leaue thine owne with him.
916Inferring arguments of mighty force:
919And happy alwayes was it for that Sonne,
920Whose Father for his hoording went to hell:
921Ile leaue my Sonne my Vertuous deeds behinde,
922And would my Father had left me no more:
924As brings a thousand fold more care to keepe,
927How it doth greeue me that thy head is heere.
929And this soft courage makes your Followers faint:
932Edward, kneele downe.
934And learne this Lesson; Draw thy Sword in right.
935Prin. My gracious Father, by your Kingly leaue,
936Ile draw it as Apparant to the Crowne,
937And in that quarrell, vse it to the death.
939Enter a Messenger.
941For with a Band of thirty thousand men,
942Comes Warwicke backing of the Duke of Yorke,
943And in the Townes as they do march along,
944Proclaimes him King, and many flye to him,
945Darraigne your battell, for they are at hand.
948Qu. I good my Lord, and leaue vs to our Fortune.
953Vnsheath your Sword, good Father: Cry S. George.
954March. Enter Edward, Warwicke, Richard, Clarence,
955Norfolke, Mountague, and Soldiers.
956 Edw. Now periur'd Henry, wilt thou kneel for grace?
957And set thy Diadem vpon my head?
958Or bide the mortall Fortune of the field.
960Becomes it thee to be thus bold in termes,
961Before thy Soueraigne, and thy lawfull King?
963I was adopted Heire by his consent.
964Cla. Since when, his Oath is broke: for as I heare,
965You that are King, though he do weare the Crowne,
966Haue caus'd him by new Act of Parliament,
967To blot out me, and put his owne Sonne in.
973 Rich. 'Twas you that kill'd yong Rutland, was it not?
977Wilt thou yeeld the Crowne?
979When you and I, met at S. Albons last,
980Your legges did better seruice then your hands.
985Rich. Northumberland, I hold thee reuerently,
987The execution of my big-swolne heart
988Vpon that Clifford, that cruell Child-killer.
The third Part of Henry the Sixt.155
991As thou didd'st kill our tender Brother Rutland,
993 King. Haue done with words (my Lords) and heare
994me speake.
996King. I prythee giue no limits to my Tongue,
997I am a King, and priuiledg'd to speake.
998 Clif. My Liege, the wound that bred this meeting here,
999Cannot be cur'd by Words, therefore be still.
1001By him that made vs all, I am resolu'd,
1002That Cliffords Manhood, lyes vpon his tongue.
1006War. If thou deny, their Blood vpon thy head,
1007For Yorke in iustice put's his Armour on.
1009There is no wrong, but euery thing is right.
1011For well I vvot, thou hast thy Mothers tongue.
1012Qu. But thou art neyther like thy Sire nor Damme,
1013But like a foule mishapen Stygmaticke,
1014Mark'd by the Destinies to be auoided,
1015As venome Toades, or Lizards dreadfull stings.
1017Whose Father beares the Title of a King,
1018(As if a Channell should be call'd the Sea)
1019Sham'st thou not, knowing whence thou art extraught,
1023Helen of Greece was fayrer farre then thou,
1024Although thy Husband may be Menelaus;
1025And ne're was Agamemnons Brother wrong'd
1026By that false Woman, as this King by thee.
1027His Father reuel'd in the heart of France,
1028And tam'd the King, and made the Dolphin stoope:
1029And had he match'd according to his State,
1030He might haue kept that glory to this day.
1031But when he tooke a begger to his bed,
1032And grac'd thy poore Sire with his Bridall day,
1034That washt his Fathers fortunes forth of France,
1035And heap'd sedition on his Crowne at home:
1036For what hath broach'd this tumult but thy Pride?
1038And we in pitty of the Gentle King,
1039Had slipt our Claime, vntill another Age.
1041And that thy Summer bred vs no increase,
1045Wee'l neuer leaue, till we haue hewne thee downe,
1046Or bath'd thy growing, with our heated bloods.
1048Not willing any longer Conference,
1050Sound Trumpets, let our bloody Colours waue,
1052Qu. Stay Edward.
1055 Exeunt omnes.
1056Alarum. Excursions. Enter Warwicke.
1058I lay me downe a little while to breath:
1059For strokes receiu'd, and many blowes repaid,
1062Enter Edward running.
1064For this world frownes, and Edwards Sunne is clowded.
1065 War. How now my Lord, what happe? what hope of
1067Enter Clarence.
1069Our rankes are broke, and ruine followes vs.
1073Enter Richard.
1075Thy Brothers blood the thirsty earth hath drunk,
1076Broach'd with the Steely point of Cliffords Launce:
1077And in the very pangs of death, he cryde,
1078Like to a dismall Clangor heard from farre,
1079Warwicke, reuenge; Brother, reuenge my death.
1080So vnderneath the belly of their Steeds,
1082The Noble Gentleman gaue vp the ghost.
1083War. Then let the earth be drunken with our blood:
1086Wayling our losses, whiles the Foe doth Rage,
1087And looke vpon, as if the Tragedie
1089Heere on my knee, I vow to God aboue,
1091Till either death hath clos'd these eyes of mine,
1092Or Fortune giuen me measure of Reuenge.
1093Ed. Oh Warwicke, I do bend my knee with thine,
1094And in this vow do chaine my soule to thine:
1095And ere my knee rise from the Earths cold face,
1096I throw my hands, mine eyes, my heart to thee,
1097Thou setter vp, and plucker downe of Kings:
1099That to my Foes this body must be prey,
1100Yet that thy brazen gates of heauen may ope,
1102Now Lords, take leaue vntill we meete againe,
1103Where ere it be, in heauen, or in earth.
1104Rich. Brother,
1105Giue me thy hand, and gentle Warwicke,
1106Let me imbrace thee in my weary armes:
1107I that did neuer weepe, now melt with wo,
1109War. Away, away:
1110Once more sweet Lords farwell.
1111Cla. Yet let vs altogether to our Troopes,
1113And call them Pillars that will stand to vs:
1115As Victors weare at the Olympian Games.
1116This may plant courage in their quailing breasts,
1117For yet is hope of Life and Victory:
p2 Fore-
156The third Part of Henry the Sixt.
1119Excursions. Enter Richard and Clifford.
1121Suppose this arme is for the Duke of Yorke,
1122And this for Rutland, both bound to reuenge,
1123Wer't thou inuiron'd with a Brazen wall.
1124Clif. Now Richard, I am with thee heere alone,
1125This is the hand that stabb'd thy Father Yorke,
1126And this the hand, that slew thy Brother Rutland,
1127And here's the heart, that triumphs in their death,
1129To execute the like vpon thy selfe,
1130And so haue at thee.
1131They Fight, Warwicke comes, Clifford flies.
1134Alarum. Enter King Henry alone.
1135Hen. This battell fares like to the mornings Warre,
1136When dying clouds contend, with growing light,
1137What time the Shepheard blowing of his nailes,
1138Can neither call it perfect day, nor night.
1139Now swayes it this way, like a Mighty Sea,
1140Forc'd by the Tide, to combat with the Winde:
1142Forc'd to retyre by furie of the Winde.
1143Sometime, the Flood preuailes; and than the Winde:
1144Now, one the better: then, another best;
1146Yet neither Conqueror, nor Conquered.
1147So is the equall poise of this fell Warre.
1148Heere on this Mole-hill will I sit me downe,
1149To whom God will, there be the Victorie:
1150For Margaret my Queene, and Clifford too
1151Haue chid me from the Battell: Swearing both,
1153Would I were dead, if Gods good will were so;
1154For what is in this world, but Greefe and Woe.
1155Oh God! me thinkes it were a happy life,
1156To be no better then a homely Swaine,
1157To sit vpon a hill, as I do now,
1158To carue out Dialls queintly, point by point,
1159Thereby to see the Minutes how they runne:
1160How many makes the Houre full compleate,
1161How many Houres brings about the Day,
1163How many Yeares, a Mortall man may liue.
1164When this is knowne, then to diuide the Times:
1165So many Houres, must I tend my Flocke;
1167So many Houres, must I Contemplate:
1169So many Dayes, my Ewes haue bene with yong:
1170So many weekes, ere the poore Fooles will Eane:
1172So Minutes, Houres, Dayes, Monthes, and Yeares,
1173Past ouer to the end they were created,
1174Would bring white haires, vnto a Quiet graue.
1175Ah! what a life were this? How sweet? how louely?
1177To Shepheards, looking on their silly Sheepe,
1178Then doth a rich Imbroider'd Canopie
1179To Kings, that feare their Subiects treacherie?
1180Oh yes, it doth; a thousand fold it doth.
1181And to conclude, the Shepherds homely Curds,
1182His cold thinne drinke out of his Leather Bottle,
1185Is farre beyond a Princes Delicates:
1186His Viands sparkling in a Golden Cup,
1187His bodie couched in a curious bed,
1189 Alarum. Enter a Sonne that hath kill'd his Father, at
1190one doore: and a Father that hath kill'd his Sonne at ano-
1191 ther doore.
1195And I that (haply) take them from him now,
1196May yet (ere night) yeeld both my Life and them
1198Who's this? Oh God! It is my Fathers face,
1200Oh heauy times! begetting such Euents.
1201From London, by the King was I prest forth,
1202My Father being the Earle of Warwickes man,
1204And I, who at his hands receiu'd my life,
1205Haue by my hands, of Life bereaued him.
1206Pardon me God, I knew not what I did:
1207And pardon Father, for I knew not thee.
1211Whiles Lyons Warre, and battaile for their Dennes,
1212Poore harmlesse Lambes abide their enmity.
1213Weepe wretched man: Ile ayde thee Teare for Teare,
1214And let our hearts and eyes, like Ciuill Warre,
1215Be blinde with teares, and break ore-charg'd with griefe
1216Enter Father, bearing of his Sonne.
1218Giue me thy Gold, if thou hast any Gold:
1219For I haue bought it with an hundred blowes.
1220But let me see: Is this our Foe-mans face?
1221Ah, no, no, no, it is mine onely Sonne.
1222Ah Boy, if any life be left in thee,
1224Blowne with the windie Tempest of my heart,
1225Vpon thy wounds, that killes mine Eye, and Heart.
1226O pitty God, this miserable Age!
1227What Stragems? how fell? how Butcherly?
1228Erreoneous, mutinous, and vnnaturall,
1229This deadly quarrell daily doth beget?
1230O Boy! thy Father gaue thee life too soone,
1231And hath bereft thee of thy life too late.
1232 King. Wo aboue wo: greefe, more thẽ common greefe
1234O pitty, pitty, gentle heauen pitty:
1235The Red Rose and the White are on his face,
1237The one, his purple Blood right well resembles,
1238The other his pale Cheekes (me thinkes) presenteth:
1241Son. How will my Mother, for a Fathers death
The third Part of Henry the Sixt.157
1254For from my heart, thine Image ne're shall go.
1257Men for the losse of thee, hauing no more,
1258As Priam was for all his Valiant Sonnes,
1259Ile beare thee hence, and let them fight that will,
1261Hen. Sad-hearted-men, much ouergone with Care;
1262Heere sits a King, more wofull then you are.
1263Alarums. Excursions. Enter the Queen, the
1264Prince, and Exeter.
1266And Warwicke rages like a chafed Bull:
1267Away, for death doth hold vs in pursuite.
1269 maine:
1270Edward and Richard like a brace of Grey-hounds,
1274Are at our backes, and therefore hence amaine.
1275 Exet. Away: for vengeance comes along with them.
1277Or else come after, Ile away before.
1279Not that I feare to stay, but loue to go
1280Whether the Queene intends. Forward, away. Exeunt
1281A lowd alarum. Enter Clifford Wounded.
1282Clif. Heere burnes my Candle out; I, heere it dies,
1283Which whiles it lasted, gaue King Henry light.
1284O Lancaster! I feare thy ouerthrow,
1285More then my Bodies parting with my Soule:
1286My Loue and Feare, glew'd many Friends to thee,
1287And now I fall. Thy tough Commixtures melts,
1289And whether flye the Gnats, but to the Sunne?
1290And who shines now, but Henries Enemies?
1293Thy burning Carre neuer had scorch'd the earth.
1295Or as thy Father, and his Father did,
1296Giuing no ground vnto the house of Yorke,
1297They neuer then had sprung like Sommer Flyes:
1299Hed left no mourning Widdowes for our death,
1300And thou this day, had'st kept thy Chaire in peace.
1301For what doth cherrish Weeds, but gentle ayre?
1302And what makes Robbers bold, but too much lenity?
1305The Foe is mercilesse, and will not pitty:
1306For at their hands I haue deseru'd no pitty.
1307The ayre hath got into my deadly Wounds,
1309Come Yorke, and Richard, Warwicke, and the rest,
1311Alarum & Retreat. Enter Edward, Warwicke, Richard, and
1312Soldiers, Montague, & Clarence.
1314And smooth the frownes of War, with peacefull lookes:
1315Some Troopes pursue the bloody-minded Queene,
1316That led calme Henry, though he were a King,
1321(For though before his face I speake the words)
1322Your Brother Richard markt him for the Graue.
1325A deadly grone, like life and deaths departing.
1326See who it is.
1327Ed. And now the Battailes ended,
1328If Friend or Foe, let him be gently vsed.
1330Who not contented that he lopp'd the Branch
1331In hewing Rutland, when his leaues put forth,
1332But set his murth'ring knife vnto the Roote,
1334I meane our Princely Father, Duke of Yorke.
1336Your Fathers head, which Clifford placed there:
1340That nothing sung but death, to vs and ours:
1345Darke cloudy death ore-shades his beames of life,
1348'Tis but his policy to counterfet,
1350Which in the time of death he gaue our Father.
1352Vex him with eager Words.
1359 Cla. Where's Captaine Margaret, to fence you now?
1361Sweare as thou was't wont.
1362 Ric. What, not an Oath? Nay then the world go's hard
1364I know by that he's dead, and by my Soule,
1365If this right hand would buy two houres life,
1366That I (in all despight) might rayle at him,
1370War. I, but he's dead. Of with the Traitors head,
1371And reare it in the place your Fathers stands.
1372And now to London with Triumphant march,
p3 There
158The third Part of Henry the Sixt.
1373There to be crowned Englands Royall King:
1374From whence, shall Warwicke cut the Sea to France,
1375And aske the Ladie Bona for thy Queene:
1377And hauing France thy Friend, thou shalt not dread
1379For though they cannot greatly sting to hurt,
1380Yet looke to haue them buz to offend thine eares:
1382And then to Britanny Ile crosse the Sea,
1385For in thy shoulder do I builde my Seate;
1386And neuer will I vndertake the thing
1388Richard, I will create thee Duke of Gloucester,
1389And George of Clarence; Warwicke as our Selfe,
1392For Glosters Dukedome is too ominous.
1394Richard, be Duke of Gloster: Now to London,
1396Enter Sinklo, and Humfrey, with Crosse-bowes
1397in their hands.
1399For through this Laund anon the Deere will come,
1400And in this couert will we make our Stand,
1401Culling the principall of all the Deere.
1407Ile tell thee what befell me on a day,
1410Enter the King with a Prayer booke.
1413No Harry, Harry, 'tis no Land of thine,
1414Thy place is fill'd, thy Scepter wrung from thee,
1418No, not a man comes for redresse of thee:
1419For how can I helpe them, and not my selfe?
1421This is the quondam King; Let's seize vpon him.
1424Hum. Why linger we? Let vs lay hands vpon him.
1425Sink. Forbeare a-while, wee'l heare a little more.
1426 Hen. My Queene and Son are gone to France for aid:
1427And (as I heare) the great Commanding Warwicke
1428I: thither gone, to craue the French Kings Sister
1429To wife for Edward. If this newes be true,
1430Poore Queene, and Sonne, your labour is but lost:
1431For Warwicke is a subtle Orator:
1432And Lewis a Prince soone wonne with mouing words:
1433By this account then, Margaret may winne him,
1434For she's a woman to be pittied much:
1436Her teares will pierce into a Marble heart:
1437The Tyger will be milde, whiles she doth mourne;
1438And Nero will be tainted with remorse,
1440I, but shee's come to begge, Warwicke to giue:
1441Shee on his left side, crauing ayde for Henrie;
1442He on his right, asking a wife for Edward.
1443Shee Weepes, and sayes, her Henry is depos'd:
1446Whiles Warwicke tels his Title, smooths the Wrong,
1447Inferreth arguments of mighty strength,
1448And in conclusion winnes the King from her,
1451O Margaret, thus 'twill be, and thou (poore soule)
1456And men may talke of Kings, and why not I?
1459Hum. But if thou be a King, where is thy Crowne?
1460King. My Crowne is in my heart, not on my head:
1461Not deck'd with Diamonds, and Indian stones:
1462Nor to be seene: my Crowne, is call'd Content,
1463A Crowne it is, that sildome Kings enioy.
1464Hum. Well, if you be a King crown'd with Content,
1465Your Crowne Content, and you, must be contented
1466To go along with vs. For (as we thinke)
1467You are the king King Edward hath depos'd:
1469Will apprehend you, as his Enemie.
1472 King. Where did you dwell when I was K. of England?
1473 Hum. Heere in this Country, where we now remaine.
1474King. I was annointed King at nine monthes old,
1475My Father, and my Grandfather were Kings:
1477And tell me then, haue you not broke your Oathes?
1479King. Why? Am I dead? Do I not breath a Man?
1481Looke, as I blow this Feather from my Face,
1482And as the Ayre blowes it to me againe,
1483Obeying with my winde when I do blow,
1484And yeelding to another, when it blowes,
1485Commanded alwayes by the greater gust:
1486Such is the lightnesse of you, common men.
1487But do not breake your Oathes, for of that sinne,
1488My milde intreatie shall not make you guiltie.
1489Go where you will, the king shall be commanded,
1490And be you kings, command, and Ile obey.
1492King Edward.
1493King. So would you be againe to Henrie,
1494If he were seated as king Edward is.
1495Sinklo. We charge you in Gods name & the Kings,
1496To go with vs vnto the Officers.
1497 King. In Gods name lead, your Kings name be obeyd,
1498And what God will, that let your King performe.
1499And what he will, I humbly yeeld vnto. Exeunt
1500Enter K. Edward, Gloster, Clarence, Lady Gray.
The third Part of Henry the Sixt.159
1503His Land then seiz'd on by the Conqueror,
1505Which wee in Iustice cannot well deny,
1507The worthy Gentleman did lose his Life.
1509It were dishonor to deny it her.
1512I see the Lady hath a thing to graunt,
1513Before the King will graunt her humble suit.
1514 Clarence. Hee knowes the Game, how true hee keepes
1515the winde?
1516Rich. Silence.
1518And come some other time to know our minde.
1519Wid. Right gracious Lord, I cannot brooke delay:
1522Rich. I Widow? then Ile warrant you all your Lands,
1524Fight closer, or good faith you'le catch a Blow.
1526Rich. God forbid that, for hee'le take vantages.
1529Clarence. I thinke he meanes to begge a Child of her.
1530Rich. Nay then whip me: hee'le rather giue her two.
1535Wid. Be pittifull, dread Lord, and graunt it then.
1536 King. Lords giue vs leaue, Ile trye this Widowes
1538 Rich. I, good leaue haue you, for you will haue leaue,
1539Till Youth take leaue, and leaue you to the Crutch.
1540 King. Now tell me, Madame, doe you loue your
1543 King. And would you not doe much to doe them
1554King. But you will take exceptions to my Boone.
1555Wid. No, gracious Lord, except I cannot doe it.
1559 Rich. Hee plyes her hard, and much Raine weares the
1571Wid. The fruits of Loue, I meane, my louing Liege.
1574 Wid. My loue till death, my humble thanks, my prayers,
1575That loue which Vertue begges, and Vertue graunts.
1577 Wid. Why then you meane not, as I thought you did.
1578King. But now you partly may perceiue my minde.
1579Wid. My minde will neuer graunt what I perceiue
1580Your Highnesse aymes at, if I ayme aright.
1581King. To tell thee plaine, I ayme to lye with thee.
1589But mightie Lord, this merry inclination
1600Her Words doth shew her Wit incomparable,
1601All her perfections challenge Soueraigntie,
1602One way, or other, shee is for a King,
1604Say, that King Edward take thee for his Queene?
1607But farre vnfit to be a Soueraigne.
1609I speake no more then what my Soule intends,
1610And that is, to enioy thee for my Loue.
1611Wid. And that is more then I will yeeld vnto:
1612I know, I am too meane to be your Queene,
1613And yet too good to be your Concubine.
1614King. You cauill, Widow, I did meane my Queene.
1616you Father.
1617King. No more, then when my Daughters
1618Call thee Mother.
1620And by Gods Mother, I being but a Batchelor,
1621Haue other-some. Why, 'tis a happy thing,
1622To be the Father vnto many Sonnes:
1632Clarence. To who, my Lord?
Rich. That
160The third Part of Henry the Sixt.
1639Enter a Noble man.
1640Nob. My gracious Lord, Henry your Foe is taken,
1641And brought your Prisoner to your Pallace Gate.
1642King. See that he be conuey'd vnto the Tower:
1643And goe wee Brothers to the man that tooke him,
1645Widow goe you along: Lords vse her honourable.
1646 Exeunt.
1647Manet Richard.
1649Would he were wasted, Marrow, Bones, and all,
1650That from his Loynes no hopefull Branch may spring,
1651To crosse me from the Golden time I looke for:
1652And yet, betweene my Soules desire, and me,
1653The lustfull Edwards Title buryed,
1654Is Clarence, Henry, and his Sonne young Edward,
1655And all the vnlook'd-for Issue of their Bodies,
1656To take their Roomes, ere I can place my selfe:
1657A cold premeditation for my purpose.
1658Why then I doe but dreame on Soueraigntie,
1659Like one that stands vpon a Promontorie,
1661Wishing his foot were equall with his eye,
1662And chides the Sea, that sunders him from thence,
1663Saying, hee'le lade it dry, to haue his way:
1665And so I chide the meanes that keepes me from it,
1667Flattering me with impossibilities:
1668My Eyes too quicke, my Heart o're-weenes too much,
1669Vnlesse my Hand and Strength could equall them.
1670Well, say there is no Kingdome then for Richard:
1672Ile make my Heauen in a Ladies Lappe,
1673And decke my Body in gay Ornaments,
1674And 'witch sweet Ladies with my Words and Lookes.
1675Oh miserable Thought! and more vnlikely,
1676Then to accomplish twentie Golden Crownes.
1677Why Loue forswore me in my Mothers Wombe:
1679Shee did corrupt frayle Nature with some Bribe,
1680To shrinke mine Arme vp like a wither'd Shrub,
1681To make an enuious Mountaine on my Back,
1682Where sits Deformitie to mocke my Body;
1684To dis-proportion me in euery part:
1685Like to a Chaos, or an vn-lick'd Beare-whelpe,
1686That carryes no impression like the Damme.
1687And am I then a man to be belou'd?
1690But to command, to check, to o're-beare such,
1692Ile make my Heauen, to dreame vpon the Crowne,
1693And whiles I liue, t'account this World but Hell,
1694Vntill my mis-shap'd Trunke, that beares this Head,
1695Be round impaled with a glorious Crowne.
1696And yet I know not how to get the Crowne,
1697For many Liues stand betweene me and home:
1698And I, like one lost in a Thornie Wood,
1699That rents the Thornes, and is rent with the Thornes,
1700Seeking a way, and straying from the way,
1701Not knowing how to finde the open Ayre,
1704And from that torment I will free my selfe,
1705Or hew my way out with a bloody Axe.
1707And cry, Content, to that which grieues my Heart,
1708And wet my Cheekes with artificiall Teares,
1709And frame my Face to all occasions.
1710Ile drowne more Saylers then the Mermaid shall,
1712Ile play the Orator as well as Nestor,
1714And like a Synon, take another Troy.
1715I can adde Colours to the Camelion,
1716Change shapes with Proteus, for aduantages,
1717And set the murtherous Macheuill to Schoole.
1718Can I doe this, and cannot get a Crowne?
1721Enter Lewis the French King, his Sister Bona, his
1722Admirall, call'd Bourbon: Prince Edward,
1723Queene Margaret, and the Earle of Oxford.
1724Lewis sits, and riseth vp againe.
1725Lewis. Faire Queene of England, worthy Margaret,
1726Sit downe with vs: it ill befits thy State,
1728Marg. No, mightie King of France: now Margaret
1731Great Albions Queene, in former Golden dayes:
1732But now mischance hath trod my Title downe,
1733And with dis-honor layd me on the ground,
1734Where I must take like Seat vnto my fortune,
1735And to my humble Seat conforme my selfe.
1737deepe despaire?
1739And stops my tongue, while heart is drown'd in cares.
1742Yeeld not thy necke to Fortunes yoake,
1744Ouer all mischance.
1745Be plaine, Queene Margaret, and tell thy griefe,
1746It shall be eas'd, if France can yeeld reliefe.
1748Reuiue my drooping thoughts,
1750Now therefore be it knowne to Noble Lewis,
1752Is, of a King, become a banisht man,
1753And forc'd to liue in Scotland a Forlorne;
1754While prowd ambitious Edward, Duke of Yorke,
1755Vsurpes the Regall Title, and the Seat
1756Of Englands true anoynted lawfull King.
1757This is the cause that I, poore Margaret,
1758With this my Sonne, Prince Edward, Henries Heire,
1759Am come to craue thy iust and lawfull ayde:
1760And if thou faile vs, all our hope is done.
1761Scotland hath will to helpe, but cannot helpe:
The third Part of Henry the Sixt.161
1762Our People, and our Peeres, are both mis-led,
1765Lewis. Renowned Queene,
1766With patience calme the Storme,
1767While we bethinke a meanes to breake it off.
1773Enter Warwicke.
1778 Lewis. Welcome braue Warwicke, what brings thee
1779to France? Hee descends. Shee ariseth.
1781For this is hee that moues both Winde and Tyde.
1782Warw. From worthy Edward, King of Albion,
1783My Lord and Soueraigne, and thy vowed Friend,
1784I come (in Kindnesse, and vnfayned Loue)
1786And then to craue a League of Amitie:
1788With Nuptiall Knot, if thou vouchsafe to graunt
1789That vertuous Lady Bona, thy faire Sister,
1790To Englands King, in lawfull Marriage.
1791Marg. If that goe forward, Henries hope is done.
1793In our Kings behalfe,
1794I am commanded, with your leaue and fauor,
1795Humbly to kisse your Hand, and with my Tongue
1796To tell the passion of my Soueraignes Heart;
1797Where Fame, late entring at his heedfull Eares,
1798Hath plac'd thy Beauties Image, and thy Vertue.
1800Before you answer Warwicke. His demand
1801Springs not from Edwards well-meant honest Loue,
1802But from Deceit, bred by Necessitie:
1803For how can Tyrants safely gouerne home,
1806That Henry liueth still: but were hee dead,
1807Yet here Prince Edward stands, King Henries Sonne.
1808Looke therefore Lewis, that by this League and Mariage
1809Thou draw not on thy Danger, and Dis-honor:
1812Warw. Iniurious Margaret.
1813Edw. And why not Queene?
1815And thou no more art Prince, then shee is Queene.
1818And after Iohn of Gaunt, Henry the Fourth,
1820And after that wise Prince, Henry the Fift,
1821Who by his Prowesse conquered all France:
1824You told not, how Henry the Sixt hath lost
1825All that, which Henry the Fift had gotten:
1827But for the rest: you tell a Pedigree
1829To make prescription for a Kingdomes worth.
1833Warw. Can Oxford, that did euer fence the right,
1834Now buckler Falsehood with a Pedigree?
1835For shame leaue Henry, and call Edward King.
1837My elder Brother, the Lord Aubrey Vere
1838Was done to death? and more then so, my Father,
1839Euen in the downe-fall of his mellow'd yeeres,
1840When Nature brought him to the doore of Death?
1841No Warwicke, no: while Life vpholds this Arme,
1844Lewis. Queene Margaret, Prince Edward, and Oxford,
1846While I vse further conference with Warwicke.
1847They stand aloofe.
1849witch him not.
1851Is Edward your true King? for I were loth
1852To linke with him, that were not lawfull chosen.
1855Lewis. But is hee gracious in the Peoples eye?
1856Warw. The more, that Henry was vnfortunate.
1858Tell me for truth, the measure of his Loue
1859Vnto our Sister Bona.
1863That this his Loue was an externall Plant,
1864Whereof the Root was fixt in Vertues ground,
1865The Leaues and Fruit maintain'd with Beauties Sunne,
1866Exempt from Enuy, but not from Disdaine,
1867Vnlesse the Lady Bona quit his paine.
1871When I haue heard your Kings desert recounted,
1872Mine eare hath tempted iudgement to desire.
1873Lewis. Then Warwicke, thus:
1875And now forthwith shall Articles be drawne,
1876Touching the Ioynture that your King must make,
1877Which with her Dowrie shall be counter-poys'd:
1878Draw neere, Queene Margaret, and be a witnesse,
1881Marg. Deceitfull Warwicke, it was thy deuice,
1882By this alliance to make void my suit:
1883Before thy comming, Lewis was Henries friend.
1885But if your Title to the Crowne be weake,
1887Then 'tis but reason, that I be releas'd
1888From giuing ayde, which late I promised.
1890That your Estate requires, and mine can yeeld.
162The third Part of Henry the Sixt.
1892Where hauing nothing, nothing can he lose.
1893And as for you your selfe (our quondam Queene)
1894You haue a Father able to maintaine you,
1895And better 'twere, you troubled him, then France.
1897Proud setter vp, and puller downe of Kings,
1898I will not hence, till with my Talke and Teares
1899(Both full of Truth) I make King Lewis behold
1901 Post blowing a horne Within.
1904Enter the Poste.
1907Sent from your Brother Marquesse Montague.
1910From whom, I know not.
1911They all reade their Letters.
1913Smiles at her newes, while Warwicke frownes at his.
1915netled. I hope, all's for the best.
1916Lew. Warwicke, what are thy Newes?
1917And yours, faire Queene.
1920Lew. What? has your King married the Lady Grey?
1921And now to sooth your Forgery, and his,
1922Sends me a Paper to perswade me Patience?
1923Is this th' Alliance that he seekes with France?
1926This proueth Edwards Loue, and Warwickes honesty.
1928And by the hope I haue of heauenly blisse,
1929That I am cleere from this misdeed of Edwards;
1930No more my King, for he dishonors me,
1932Did I forget, that by the House of Yorke
1933My Father came vntimely to his death?
1935Did I impale him with the Regall Crowne?
1936Did I put Henry from his Natiue Right?
1937And am I guerdon'd at the last, with Shame?
1939And to repaire my Honor lost for him,
1940I heere renounce him, and returne to Henry.
1941My Noble Queene, let former grudges passe,
1942And henceforth, I am thy true Seruitour:
1943I will reuenge his wrong to Lady Bona,
1944And replant Henry in his former state.
1945Mar. Warwicke,
1946These words haue turn'd my Hate, to Loue,
1947And I forgiue, and quite forget old faults,
1948And ioy that thou becom'st King Henries Friend.
1949War. So much his Friend, I, his vnfained Friend,
1952Ile vndertake to Land them on our Coast,
1953And force the Tyrant from his seat by Warre.
1955And as for Clarence, as my Letters tell me,
1956Hee's very likely now to fall from him,
1957For matching more for wanton Lust, then Honor,
1964War. And mine faire Lady Bona, ioynes with yours.
1965Lew. And mine, with hers, and thine, and Margarets.
1967You shall haue ayde.
1968Mar. Let me giue humble thankes for all, at once.
1972To reuell it with him, and his new Bride.
1975I weare the Willow Garland for his sake.
1977And I am ready to put Armor on.
1978 War. Tell him from me, that he hath done me wrong,
1979And therefore Ile vn-Crowne him, er't be long.
1980There's thy reward, be gone. Exit Post.
1981Lew. But Warwicke,
1986Yet ere thou go, but answer me one doubt:
1987What Pledge haue we of thy firme Loyalty?
1989That if our Queene, and this young Prince agree,
1990Ile ioyne mine eldest daughter, and my Ioy,
1991To him forthwith, in holy Wedlocke bands.
1992 Mar. Yes, I agree, and thanke you for your Motion.
1993Sonne Edward, she is Faire and Vertuous,
1994Therefore delay not, giue thy hand to Warwicke,
1995And with thy hand, thy faith irreuocable,
1996That onely Warwickes daughter shall be thine.
1998And heere to pledge my Vow, I giue my hand.
1999 He giues his hand to Warw.
2001And thou Lord Bourbon, our High Admirall
2002Shall waft them ouer with our Royall Fleete.
2003I long till Edward fall by Warres mischance,
2004For mocking Marriage with a Dame of France.
2007But I returne his sworne and mortall Foe:
2008Matter of Marriage was the charge he gaue me,
2012I was the Cheefe that rais'd him to the Crowne,
2013And Ile be Cheefe to bring him downe againe:
2014Not that I pitty Henries misery,
2016Enter Richard, Clarence, Somerset, and
2018 Rich. Now tell me Brother Clarence, what thinke you
2019Of this new Marriage with the Lady Gray?
2020Hath not our Brother made a worthy choice?
2021Cla. Alas, you know, tis farre from hence to France,
The third Part of Henry the Sixt.163
2022How could he stay till Warwicke made returne?
2023 Som. My Lords, forbeare this talke: heere comes the
2026Enter King Edward, Lady Grey, Penbrooke, Staf-
2027ford, Hastings: foure stand on one side,
2028and foure on the other.
2030Clarence. I minde to tell him plainly what I thinke.
2031King. Now Brother of Clarence,
2032How like you our Choyce,
2034Clarence. As well as Lewis of France,
2035Or the Earle of Warwicke,
2036Which are so weake of courage, and in iudgement,
2039They are but Lewis and Warwicke, I am Edward,
2040Your King and Warwickes, and must haue my will.
2044Rich. Not I: no:
2046Whom God hath ioyn'd together:
2047I, and 'twere pittie, to sunder them,
2048That yoake so well together.
2051Should not become my Wife, and Englands Queene?
2052And you too, Somerset, and Mountague,
2053Speake freely what you thinke.
2054Clarence. Then this is mine opinion:
2055That King Lewis becomes your Enemie,
2056For mocking him about the Marriage
2057Of the Lady Bona.
2058 Rich. And Warwicke, doing what you gaue in charge,
2059Is now dis-honored by this new Marriage.
2060King. What, if both Lewis and Warwick be appeas'd,
2063Would more haue strength'ned this our Commonwealth
2069Let vs be back'd with God, and with the Seas,
2070Which he hath giu'n for fence impregnable,
2071And with their helpes, onely defend our selues:
2074To haue the Heire of the Lord Hungerford.
2075King. I, what of that? it was my will, and graunt,
2077 Rich. And yet me thinks, your Grace hath not done well,
2078To giue the Heire and Daughter of Lord Scales
2079Vnto the Brother of your louing Bride;
2080Shee better would haue fitted me, or Clarence:
2081But in your Bride you burie Brotherhood.
2083Of the Lord Bonuill on your new Wiues Sonne,
2085King. Alas, poore Clarence: is it for a Wife
2086That thou art malecontent? I will prouide thee.
2088You shew'd your iudgement:
2090To play the Broker in mine owne behalfe;
2091And to that end, I shortly minde to leaue you.
2092King. Leaue me, or tarry, Edward will be King,
2093And not be ty'd vnto his Brothers will.
2095To rayse my State to Title of a Queene,
2097That I was not ignoble of Descent,
2098And meaner then my selfe haue had like fortune.
2099But as this Title honors me and mine,
2101Doth cloud my ioyes with danger, and with sorrow.
2102 King. My Loue, forbeare to fawne vpon their frownes:
2103What danger, or what sorrow can befall thee,
2104So long as Edward is thy constant friend,
2105And their true Soueraigne, whom they must obey?
2106Nay, whom they shall obey, and loue thee too,
2108Which if they doe, yet will I keepe thee safe,
2109And they shall feele the vengeance of my wrath.
2111Enter a Poste.
2113from France?
2114 Post. My Soueraigne Liege, no Letters, & few words,
2116Dare not relate.
2117King. Goe too, wee pardon thee:
2118Therefore, in briefe, tell me their words,
2120What answer makes King Lewis vnto our Letters?
2124To reuell it with him, and his new Bride.
2126But what said Lady Bona to my Marriage?
2128Tell him, in hope hee'le proue a Widower shortly,
2129Ile weare the Willow Garland for his sake.
2131She had the wrong. But what said Henries Queene?
2132For I haue heard, that she was there in place.
2134My mourning Weedes are done,
2135And I am readie to put Armour on.
2140Tell him from me, that he hath done me wrong,
2141And therefore Ile vncrowne him, er't be long.
2143Well, I will arme me, being thus fore-warn'd:
2145But say, is Warwicke friends with Margaret?
2146Post. I, gracious Soueraigne,
2148That yong Prince Edward marryes Warwicks Daughter.
2149Clarence. Belike, the elder;
2150Clarence will haue the younger.
164The third Part of Henry the Sixt.
2152For I will hence to Warwickes other Daughter,
2153That though I want a Kingdome, yet in Marriage
2154I may not proue inferior to your selfe.
2155You that loue me, and Warwicke, follow me.
2156Exit Clarence, and Somerset followes.
2157Rich. Not I:
2158My thoughts ayme at a further matter:
2159I stay not for the loue of Edward, but the Crowne.
2163Pembrooke and Stafford, you in our behalfe
2164Goe leuie men, and make prepare for Warre;
2165They are alreadie, or quickly will be landed:
2167Exeunt Pembrooke and Stafford.
2168But ere I goe, Hastings and Mountague
2170Are neere to Warwicke, by bloud, and by allyance:
2171Tell me, if you loue Warwicke more then me;
2172If it be so, then both depart to him:
2173I rather wish you foes, then hollow friends.
2174But if you minde to hold your true obedience,
2177 Mount. So God helpe Mountague, as hee proues
2183Now therefore let vs hence, and lose no howre,
2184Till wee meet Warwicke, with his forreine powre.
2185 Exeunt.
2186Enter Warwicke and Oxford in England,
2187with French Souldiors.
2189The common people by numbers swarme to vs.
2190Enter Clarence and Somerset.
2192Speake suddenly, my Lords, are wee all friends?
2193Clar. Feare not that, my Lord.
2194 Warw. Then gentle Clarence, welcome vnto Warwicke,
2195And welcome Somerset: I hold it cowardize,
2197Hath pawn'd an open Hand, in signe of Loue;
2198Else might I thinke, that Clarence, Edwards Brother,
2199Were but a fained friend to our proceedings:
2201And now, what rests? but in Nights Couerture,
2202Thy Brother being carelessely encamp'd,
2203His Souldiors lurking in the Towne about,
2204And but attended by a simple Guard,
2206Our Scouts haue found the aduenture very easie:
2209And brought from thence the Thracian fatall Steeds;
2210So wee, well couer'd with the Nights black Mantle,
2211At vnawares may beat downe Edwards Guard,
2213For I intend but onely to surprize him.
2214You that will follow me to this attempt,
2215Applaud the Name of Henry, with your Leader.
2216They all cry, Henry.
2218For Warwicke and his friends, God and Saint George.
2219 Exeunt.
2220Enter three Watchmen to guard the Kings Tent.
22232. Watch. What, will he not to Bed?
2225Neuer to lye and take his naturall Rest,
2228If Warwicke be so neere as men report.
2230That with the King here resteth in his Tent?
2234That his chiefe followers lodge in Townes about him,
2239I like it better then a dangerous honor.
2241'Tis to be doubted he would waken him.
2245But to defend his Person from Night-foes?
2246Enter Warwicke, Clarence, Oxford, Somerset,
2247and French Souldiors, silent all.
2249Courage my Masters: Honor now, or neuer:
2250But follow me, and Edward shall be ours.
22511. Watch. Who goes there?
2253 Warwicke and the rest cry all, Warwicke, Warwicke,
2254and set vpon the Guard, who flye, crying, Arme, Arme,
2255 Warwicke and the rest following them.
2256The Drumme playing, and Trumpet sounding.
2257Enter Warwicke, Somerset, and the rest, bringing the King
2258out in his Gowne, sitting in a Chaire: Richard
2259and Hastings flyes ouer the Stage.
2262the Duke.
2263K.Edw. The Duke?
2264Why Warwicke, when wee parted,
2265Thou call'dst me King.
2268Then I degraded you from being King,
2269And come now to create you Duke of Yorke.
2270Alas, how should you gouerne any Kingdome,
2272Nor how to be contented with one Wife,
2273Nor how to vse your Brothers Brotherly,
2274Nor how to studie for the Peoples Welfare,
K.Edw. Yea,
The third Part of Henry the Sixt.167
2276K.Edw. Yea, Brother of Clarence,
2277Art thou here too?
2280Of thee thy selfe, and all thy Complices,
2281Edward will alwayes beare himselfe as King:
2282Though Fortunes mallice ouerthrow my State,
2283My minde exceedes the compasse of her Wheele.
2284 Warw. Then for his minde, be Edward Englands King,
2285Takes off his Crowne.
2287And be true King indeede: thou but the shadow.
2289See that forthwith Duke Edward be conuey'd
2290Vnto my Brother Arch-Bishop of Yorke:
2291When I haue fought with Pembrooke, and his fellowes,
2292Ile follow you, and tell what answer
2293Lewis and the Lady Bona send to him.
2294Now for a-while farewell good Duke of Yorke.
2295They leade him out forcibly.
2298Oxf. What now remaines my Lords for vs to do,
2299But march to London with our Soldiers?
2301To free King Henry from imprisonment,
2303Enter Riuers, and Lady Gray.
2305Gray. Why Brother Riuers, are you yet to learne
2306What late misfortune is befalne King Edward?
2308Against Warwicke?
2312Either betrayd by falshood of his Guard,
2313Or by his Foe surpriz'd at vnawares:
2314And as I further haue to vnderstand,
2315Is new committed to the Bishop of Yorke,
2316Fell Warwickes Brother, and by that our Foe.
2318Yet gracious Madam, beare it as you may,
2319Warwicke may loose, that now hath wonne the day.
2321And I the rather waine me from dispaire
2323This is it that makes me bridle passion,
2325I, I, for this I draw in many a teare,
2328King Edwards Fruite, true heyre to th' English Crowne.
2329Riu. But Madam,
2330Where is Warwicke then become?
2331 Gray. I am inform'd that he comes towards London,
2332To set the Crowne once more on Henries head,
2334But to preuent the Tyrants violence,
2335(For trust not him that hath once broken Faith)
2336Ile hence forthwith vnto the Sanctuary,
2341Enter Richard, Lord Hastings, and Sir William
2344Leaue off to wonder why I drew you hither,
2345Into this cheefest Thicket of the Parke.
2348He hath good vsage, and great liberty,
2349And often but attended with weake guard,
2351I haue aduertis'd him by secret meanes,
2352That if about this houre he make this way,
2353Vnder the colour of his vsuall game,
2355To set him free from his Captiuitie.
2356Enter King Edward, and a Huntsman
2357with him.
2358Huntsman. This way my Lord,
2359For this way lies the Game.
2360King Edw. Nay this way man,
2367Hast. To Lyn my Lord,
2368And shipt from thence to Flanders.
2373Wilt thou go along?
2375Rich. Come then away, lets ha no more adoo.
2377Sheeld thee from Warwickes frowne,
2379Flourish. Enter King Henry the sixt, Clarence, Warwicke,
2380Somerset, young Henry, Oxford, Mountague,
2381and Lieutenant.
2382K.Hen. M. Lieutenant, now that God and Friends
2384And turn'd my captiue state to libertie,
2385My feare to hope, my sorrowes vnto ioyes,
2386At our enlargement what are thy due Fees?
2388But, if an humble prayer may preuaile,
2389I then craue pardon of your Maiestie.
2394Conceiue; when after many moody Thoughts,
2396They quite forget their losse of Libertie.
q But
168The third Part of Henry the Sixt.
2398And chiefely therefore, I thanke God, and thee,
2399He was the Author, thou the Instrument.
2400Therefore that I may conquer Fortunes spight,
2401By liuing low, where Fortune cannot hurt me,
2402And that the people of this blessed Land
2404Warwicke, although my Head still weare the Crowne,
2405I here resigne my Gouernment to thee,
2406For thou art fortunate in all thy deeds.
2409By spying and auoiding Fortunes malice,
2410For few men rightly temper with the Starres:
2411Yet in this one thing let me blame your Grace,
2412For chusing me, when Clarence is in place.
2414To whom the Heau'ns in thy Natiuitie,
2415Adiudg'd an Oliue Branch, and Lawrell Crowne,
2416As likely to be blest in Peace and Warre:
2417And therefore I yeeld thee my free consent.
2419 King. Warwick and Clarence, giue me both your Hands:
2420Now ioyne your Hands, & with your Hands your Hearts,
2421That no dissention hinder Gouernment:
2422I make you both Protectors of this Land,
2423While I my selfe will lead a priuate Life,
2424And in deuotion spend my latter dayes,
2431Wee'le yoake together, like a double shadow
2432To Henries Body, and supply his place;
2433I meane, in bearing weight of Gouernment,
2434While he enioyes the Honor, and his ease.
2435And Clarence, now then it is more then needfull,
2436Forthwith that Edward be pronounc'd a Traytor,
2441Let me entreat (for I command no more)
2442That Margaret your Queene, and my Sonne Edward,
2444For till I see them here, by doubtfull feare,
2445My ioy of libertie is halfe eclips'd.
2452King. Come hither, Englands Hope:
2453Layes his Hand on his Head.
2455To my diuining thoughts,
2456This prettie Lad will proue our Countries blisse.
2457His Lookes are full of peacefull Maiestie,
2458His Head by nature fram'd to weare a Crowne,
2459His Hand to wield a Scepter, and himselfe
2460Likely in time to blesse a Regall Throne:
2461Make much of him, my Lords; for this is hee
2462Must helpe you more, then you are hurt by mee.
2463Enter a Poste.
2464Warw. What newes, my friend?
2469And the Lord Hastings, who attended him
2472For Hunting was his dayly Exercise.
2474But let vs hence, my Soueraigne, to prouide
2476Manet Somerset, Richmond, and Oxford.
2478For doubtlesse, Burgundie will yeeld him helpe,
2479And we shall haue more Warres befor't be long.
2480As Henries late presaging Prophecie
2481Did glad my heart, with hope of this young Richmond:
2483What may befall him, to his harme and ours.
2484Therefore, Lord Oxford, to preuent the worst,
2485Forthwith wee'le send him hence to Brittanie,
2491Flourish. Enter Edward, Richard, Hastings,
2492and Souldiers.
2494Yet thus farre Fortune maketh vs amends,
2496My wained state, for Henries Regall Crowne.
2497Well haue we pass'd, and now re-pass'd the Seas,
2498And brought desired helpe from Burgundie.
2499What then remaines, we being thus arriu'd
2500From Rauenspurre Hauen, before the Gates of Yorke,
2501But that we enter, as into our Dukedome?
2503Brother, I like not this.
2505Are well fore-told, that danger lurkes within.
2507By faire or foule meanes we must enter in,
2508For hither will our friends repaire to vs.
2511Enter on the Walls, the Maior of Yorke,
2512and his Brethren.
2513Maior. My Lords,
2514We were fore-warned of your comming,
2516For now we owe allegeance vnto Henry.
2518Yet Edward, at the least, is Duke of Yorke.
2519 Maior. True, my good Lord, I know you for no
2521 Edw. Why, and I challenge nothing but my Dukedome,
2522As being well content with that alone.
Rich. But
The third Part of Henry the Sixt.167
2526Open the Gates, we are King Henries friends.
2528 He descends.
2530 Hast. The good old man would faine that all were wel,
2531So 'twere not long of him: but being entred,
2533Both him, and all his Brothers, vnto reason.
2534Enter the Maior, and two Aldermen.
2536But in the Night, or in the time of Warre.
2537What, feare not man, but yeeld me vp the Keyes,
2538 Takes his Keyes.
2539For Edward will defend the Towne, and thee,
2540And all those friends, that deine to follow mee.
2541March. Enter Mountgomerie, with Drumme
2542and Souldiers.
2543Rich. Brother, this is Sir Iohn Mountgomerie,
2545 Edw. Welcome Sir Iohn: but why come you in
2548As euery loyall Subiect ought to doe.
2549Edw. Thankes good Mountgomerie:
2550But we now forget our Title to the Crowne,
2551And onely clayme our Dukedome,
2553Mount. Then fare you well, for I will hence againe,
2554I came to serue a King, and not a Duke:
2555Drummer strike vp, and let vs march away.
2556The Drumme begins to march.
2558By what safe meanes the Crowne may be recouer'd.
2559 Mount. What talke you of debating? in few words,
2560If you'le not here proclaime your selfe our King,
2561Ile leaue you to your fortune, and be gone,
2562To keepe them back, that come to succour you.
2567Then wee'le make our Clayme:
2568Till then, 'tis wisdome to conceale our meaning.
2572Brother, we will proclaime you out of hand,
2573The bruit thereof will bring you many friends.
2574Edw. Then be it as you will: for 'tis my right,
2575And Henry but vsurpes the Diademe.
2577And now will I be Edwards Champion.
2579Come, fellow Souldior, make thou proclamation.
2580Flourish. Sound.
2581 Soul. Edward the Fourth, by the Grace of God, King of
2582England and France, and Lord of Ireland, &c.
2585Throwes downe his Gauntlet.
2586All. Long liue Edward the Fourth.
2587Edw. Thankes braue Mountgomery,
2588And thankes vnto you all:
2590Now for this Night, let's harbor here in Yorke:
2592Aboue the Border of this Horizon,
2593Wee'le forward towards Warwicke, and his Mates;
2594For well I wot, that Henry is no Souldier.
2595Ah froward Clarence, how euill it beseemes thee,
2597Yet as wee may, wee'le meet both thee and Warwicke.
2598Come on braue Souldiors: doubt not of the Day,
2599And that once gotten, doubt not of large Pay. Exeunt.
2600Flourish. Enter the King, Warwicke, Mountague,
2601Clarence, Oxford, and Somerset.
2603With hastie Germanes, and blunt Hollanders,
2604Hath pass'd in safetie through the Narrow Seas,
2605And with his troupes doth march amaine to London,
2606And many giddie people flock to him.
2607King. Let's leuie men, and beat him backe againe.
2611Not mutinous in peace, yet bold in Warre,
2614The Knights and Gentlemen, to come with thee.
2615Thou Brother Mountague, in Buckingham,
2617Men well enclin'd to heare what thou command'st.
2618And thou, braue Oxford, wondrous well belou'd,
2620My Soueraigne, with the louing Citizens,
2621Like to his Iland, gyrt in with the Ocean,
2622Or modest Dyan, circled with her Nymphs,
2623Shall rest in London, till we come to him:
2624Faire Lords take leaue, and stand not to reply.
2625Farewell my Soueraigne.
2628King. Well-minded Clarence, be thou fortunate.
2631King. Sweet Oxford, and my louing Mountague,
2632And all at once, once more a happy farewell.
2634 Exeunt.
2637Me thinkes, the Power that Edward hath in field,
2638Should not be able to encounter mine.
2640 King. That's not my feare, my meed hath got me fame:
2641I haue not stopt mine eares to their demands,
2643My pittie hath beene balme to heale their wounds,
2645My mercie dry'd their water-flowing teares.
2646I haue not been desirous of their wealth,
2648Nor forward of reuenge, though they much err'd.
2649Then why should they loue Edward more then me?
2650No Exeter, these Graces challenge Grace:
q2 And
168The third Part of Henry the Sixt.
2651And when the Lyon fawnes vpon the Lambe,
2652The Lambe will neuer cease to follow him.
2653 Shout within, A Lancaster, A Lancaster.
2654 Exet. Hearke, hearke, my Lord, what Shouts are
2656Enter Edward and his Souldiers.
2658And once againe proclaime vs King of England.
2662Hence with him to the Tower, let him not speake.
2663 Exit with King Henry.
2664And Lords, towards Couentry bend we our course,
2665Where peremptorie Warwicke now remaines:
2667Cold biting Winter marres our hop'd-for Hay.
2668Rich. Away betimes, before his forces ioyne,
2669And take the great-growne Traytor vnawares:
2670Braue Warriors, march amaine towards Couentry.
2671 Exeunt.
2672Enter Warwicke, the Maior of Couentry, two
2673Messengers, and others vpon the Walls.
2675How farre hence is thy Lord, mine honest fellow?
2678Where is the Post that came from Mountague?
2680Enter Someruile.
2682And by thy guesse, how nigh is Clarence now?
2683Someru. At Southam I did leaue him with his forces,
2685War. Then Clarence is at hand, I heare his Drumme.
2686Someru. It is not his, my Lord, here Southam lyes:
2687The Drum your Honor heares, marcheth from Warwicke.
2690March. Flourish. Enter Edward, Richard,
2691and Souldiers.
2696That we could heare no newes of his repayre.
2697Edw. Now Warwicke, wilt thou ope the Citie Gates,
2698Speake gentle words, and humbly bend thy Knee,
2699Call Edward King, and at his hands begge Mercy,
2701War. Nay rather, wilt thou draw thy forces hence,
2703Call Warwicke Patron, and be penitent,
2707War. Is not a Dukedome, Sir, a goodly gift?
2708Rich. I, by my faith, for a poore Earle to giue,
2712Edw. Why then 'tis mine, if but by Warwickes gift.
2714And Weakeling, Warwicke takes his gift againe,
2715And Henry is my King, Warwicke his Subiect.
2717And gallant Warwicke, doe but answer this,
2718What is the Body, when the Head is off?
2722You left poore Henry at the Bishops Pallace,
2723And tenne to one you'le meet him in the Tower.
2725Rich. Come Warwicke,
2726Take the time, kneele downe, kneele downe:
2729And with the other, fling it at thy face,
2732Haue Winde and Tyde thy friend,
2733This Hand, fast wound about thy coale-black hayre,
2734Shall, whiles thy Head is warme, and new cut off,
2735Write in the dust this Sentence with thy blood,
2736Wind-changing Warwicke now can change no more.
2737Enter Oxford, with Drumme and Colours.
2740Rich. The Gates are open, let vs enter too.
2742Stand we in good array: for they no doubt
2743Will issue out againe, and bid vs battaile;
2744If not, the Citie being but of small defence,
2745Wee'le quickly rowze the Traitors in the same.
2746War. Oh welcome Oxford, for we want thy helpe.
2747Enter Mountague, with Drumme and Colours.
2750Euen with the dearest blood your bodies beare.
2753Enter Somerset, with Drumme and Colours.
2757And thou shalt be the third, if this Sword hold.
2758Enter Clarence, with Drumme and Colours.
2760Of force enough to bid his Brother Battaile:
2761With whom, in vpright zeale to right, preuailes
2762More then the nature of a Brothers Loue.
2763Come Clarence, come: thou wilt, if Warwicke call.
2764 Clar. Father of Warwick, know you what this meanes?
2765Looke here, I throw my infamie at thee:
2766I will not ruinate my Fathers House,
2767Who gaue his blood to lyme the stones together,
2770To bend the fatall Instruments of Warre
The third Part of Henry the Sixt.169
2771Against his Brother, and his lawfull King.
2772Perhaps thou wilt obiect my holy Oath:
2773To keepe that Oath, were more impietie,
2776That to deserue well at my Brothers hands,
2777I here proclayme my selfe thy mortall foe:
2779(As I will meet thee, if thou stirre abroad)
2780To plague thee, for thy foule mis-leading me.
2782And to my Brother turne my blushing Cheekes.
2783Pardon me Edward, I will make amends:
2784And Richard, doe not frowne vpon my faults,
2785For I will henceforth be no more vnconstant.
2786 Edw. Now welcome more, and ten times more belou'd,
2788Rich. Welcome good Clarence, this is Brother-like.
2790Edw. What Warwicke,
2791Wilt thou leaue the Towne, and fight?
2792Or shall we beat the Stones about thine Eares?
2793Warw. Alas, I am not coop'd here for defence:
2794I will away towards Barnet presently,
2795And bid thee Battaile, Edward, if thou dar'st.
2796 Edw. Yes Warwicke, Edward dares, and leads the way:
2798March. Warwicke and his companie followes.
2799Alarum, and Excursions. Enter Edward bringing
2800forth Warwicke wounded.
2801Edw. So, lye thou there: dye thou, and dye our feare,
2802For Warwicke was a Bugge that fear'd vs all.
2804That Warwickes Bones may keepe thine companie.
2805 Exit.
2806Warw. Ah, who is nigh? come to me, friend, or foe,
2807And tell me who is Victor, Yorke, or Warwicke?
2810That I must yeeld my body to the Earth,
2811And by my fall, the conquest to my foe.
2812Thus yeelds the Cedar to the Axes edge,
2816And kept low Shrubs from Winters pow'rfull Winde.
2817These Eyes, that now are dim'd with Deaths black Veyle,
2818Haue beene as piercing as the Mid-day Sunne,
2820The Wrinckles in my Browes, now fill'd with blood,
2821Were lik'ned oft to Kingly Sepulchers:
2822For who liu'd King, but I could digge his Graue?
2825My Parkes, my Walkes, my Mannors that I had,
2826Euen now forsake me; and of all my Lands,
2827Is nothing left me, but my bodies length.
2828Why, what is Pompe, Rule, Reigne, but Earth and Dust?
2829And liue we how we can, yet dye we must.
2830Enter Oxford and Somerset.
2831Som. Ah Warwicke, Warwicke, wert thou as we are,
2832We might recouer all our Losse againe:
2833The Queene from France hath brought a puissant power.
2836If thou be there, sweet Brother, take my Hand,
2837And with thy Lippes keepe in my Soule a while.
2839Thy teares would wash this cold congealed blood,
2840That glewes my Lippes, and will not let me speake.
2841Come quickly Mountague, or I am dead.
2844And said, Commend me to my valiant Brother.
2846Which sounded like a Cannon in a Vault,
2848I well might heare, deliuered with a groane,
2849Oh farewell Warwicke.
2852For Warwicke bids you all farewell, to meet in Heauen.
2853 Oxf. Away, away, to meet the Queenes great power.
2854Here they beare away his Body. Exeunt.
2855Flourish. Enter King Edward in triumph, with
2856Richard, Clarence, and the rest.
2858And we are grac'd with wreaths of Victorie:
2861That will encounter with our glorious Sunne,
2863I meane, my Lords, those powers that the Queene
2864Hath rays'd in Gallia, haue arriued our Coast,
2865And, as we heare, march on to fight with vs.
2867And blow it to the Source from whence it came,
2868Thy very Beames will dry those Vapours vp,
2869For euery Cloud engenders not a Storme.
2874King. We are aduertis'd by our louing friends,
2878And as we march, our strength will be augmented:
2879In euery Countie as we goe along,
2880Strike vp the Drumme, cry courage, and away. Exeunt.
2881Flourish. March. Enter the Queene, young
2882Edward, Somerset, Oxford, and
2886What though the Mast be now blowne ouer-boord,
2887The Cable broke, the holding-Anchor lost,
2889Yet liues our Pilot still. Is't meet, that hee
2890Should leaue the Helme, and like a fearefull Lad,
2891With tearefull Eyes adde Water to the Sea,
2892And giue more strength to that which hath too much,
2893Whiles in his moane, the Ship splits on the Rock,
2895Ah what a shame, ah what a fault were this.
2896Say Warwicke was our Anchor: what of that?
q3 And
170The third Part of Henry the Sixt.
2897And Mountague our Top-Mast: what of him?
2899Why is not Oxford here, another Anchor?
2901The friends of France our Shrowds and Tacklings?
2902And though vnskilfull, why not Ned and I,
2903For once allow'd the skilfull Pilots Charge?
2904We will not from the Helme, to sit and weepe,
2906From Shelues and Rocks, that threaten vs with Wrack.
2907As good to chide the Waues, as speake them faire.
2908And what is Edward, but a ruthlesse Sea?
2909What Clarence, but a Quick-sand of Deceit?
2910And Richard, but a raged fatall Rocke?
2911All these, the Enemies to our poore Barke.
2912Say you can swim, alas 'tis but a while:
2913Tread on the Sand, why there you quickly sinke,
2918That there's no hop'd-for Mercy with the Brothers,
2919More then with ruthlesse Waues, with Sands and Rocks.
2920Why courage then, what cannot be auoided,
2922Prince. Me thinkes a Woman of this valiant Spirit,
2925And make him, naked, foyle a man at Armes.
2926I speake not this, as doubting any here:
2928He should haue leaue to goe away betimes,
2931If any such be here, as God forbid,
2932Let him depart, before we neede his helpe.
2934And Warriors faint, why 'twere perpetuall shame.
2935Oh braue young Prince: thy famous Grandfather
2936Doth liue againe in thee; long may'st thou liue,
2937To beare his Image, and renew his Glories.
2939Goe home to Bed, and like the Owle by day,
2940If he arise, be mock'd and wondred at.
2942 Prince. And take his thankes, that yet hath nothing
2944Enter a Messenger.
2945Mess. Prepare you Lords, for Edward is at hand,
2951 Oxf. Here pitch our Battaile, hence we will not budge.
2952Flourish, and march. Enter Edward, Richard,
2953Clarence, and Souldiers.
2956Must by the Roots be hew'ne vp yet ere Night.
2957I need not adde more fuell to your fire,
2958For well I wot, ye blaze, to burne them out:
2962Ye see I drinke the water of my eye.
2963Therefore no more but this: Henry your Soueraigne
2967And yonder is the Wolfe, that makes this spoyle.
2971Flourish. Enter Edward, Richard, Queene, Clarence,
2972Oxford, Somerset.
2973Edw. Now here a period of tumultuous Broyles.
2976Goe beare them hence, I will not heare them speake.
2977Oxf. For my part, Ile not trouble thee with words.
2979 Exeunt.
2983Shall haue a high Reward, and he his Life?
2984Rich. It is, and loe where youthfull Edward comes.
2985Enter the Prince.
2987What? can so young a Thorne begin to prick?
2990And all the trouble thou hast turn'd me to?
2992Suppose that I am now my Fathers Mouth,
3001Rich. By Heauen, Brat, Ile plague ye for that word.
3006 Edw. Peace wilfull Boy, or I will charme your tongue.
3007Clar. Vntutor'd Lad, thou art too malapert.
3008Prince. I know my dutie, you are all vndutifull:
3009Lasciuious Edward, and thou periur'd George,
3010And thou mis-shapen Dicke, I tell ye all,
3011I am your better, Traytors as ye are,
3014 Stabs him.
3016 Rich. stabs him.
3017Clar. And ther's for twitting me with periurie.
3018 Clar. stabs him.
3019Qu. Oh, kill me too.
3021 Edw. Hold, Richard, hold, for we haue done too much.
Rich. Why
The third Part of Henry the Sixt.171
3027Ile hence to London on a serious matter,
3029Cla. What? what?
3034Did not offend, nor were not worthy Blame,
3035If this foule deed were by, to equall it.
3037And Men, ne're spend their fury on a Childe.
3038What's worse then Murtherer, that I may name it?
3041Butchers and Villaines, bloudy Caniballes,
3042How sweet a Plant haue you vntimely cropt:
3043You haue no children (Butchers) if you had,
3045But if you euer chance to haue a Childe,
3048King. Away with her, go beare her hence perforce.
3050Here sheath thy Sword, Ile pardon thee my death:
3051What? wilt thou not? Then Clarence do it thou.
3056'Twas Sin before, but now 'tis Charity.
3057What wilt yu not? Where is that diuels butcher Richard?
3058Hard fauor'd Richard? Richard, where art thou?
3059Thou art not heere; Murther is thy Almes-deed:
3060Petitioners for Blood, thou ne're put'st backe.
3062Qu. So come to you, and yours, as to this Prince.
3063 Exit Queene.
3064Ed. Where's Richard gone.
3066To make a bloody Supper in the Tower.
3069With Pay and Thankes, and let's away to London,
3072Enter Henry the sixt, and Richard, with the Lieutenant
3073on the Walles.
3078'Good Gloster, and good Deuill, were alike,
3079And both preposterous: therefore, not Good Lord.
3083And next his Throate, vnto the Butchers Knife.
3090Haue now the fatall Obiect in my eye,
3091Where my poore yong was lim'd, was caught, and kill'd.
3093That taught his Sonne the office of a Fowle,
3094And yet for all his wings, the Foole was drown'd.
3095Hen. I Dedalus, my poore Boy Icarus,
3096Thy Father Minos, that deni'de our course,
3098Thy Brother Edward, and thy Selfe, the Sea
3100Ah, kill me with thy Weapon, not with words,
3101My brest can better brooke thy Daggers point,
3102Then can my eares that Tragicke History.
3103But wherefore dost thou come? Is't for my Life?
3106If murthering Innocents be Executing,
3107Why then thou art an Executioner.
3110Thou had'st not liu'd to kill a Sonne of mine:
3113And many an old mans sighe, and many a Widdowes,
3114And many an Orphans water-standing-eye,
3115Men for their Sonnes, Wiues for their Husbands,
3116Orphans, for their Parents timeles death,
3117Shall rue the houre that euer thou was't borne.
3119The Night-Crow cry'de, aboding lucklesse time,
3121The Rauen rook'd her on the Chimnies top,
3123Thy Mother felt more then a Mothers paine,
3124And yet brought forth lesse then a Mothers hope,
3125To wit, an indigested and deformed lumpe,
3126Not like the fruit of such a goodly Tree.
3127Teeth had'st thou in thy head, when thou was't borne,
3129And if the rest be true, which I haue heard,
3130Thou cam'st----
3131Rich. Ile heare no more:
3137Sinke in the ground? I thought it would haue mounted.
3138See how my sword weepes for the poore Kings death.
3141If any sparke of Life be yet remaining,
3143 Stabs him againe.
3144I that haue neyther pitty, loue, nor feare,
3145Indeed 'tis true that Henrie told me of:
3146For I haue often heard my Mother say,
3147I came into the world with my Legges forward.
3150The Midwife wonder'd, and the Women cri'de
172The third Part of Henry the Sixt.
3155Let Hell make crook'd my Minde to answer it.
3156I haue no Brother, I am like no Brother:
3157And this word (Loue) which Gray-beards call Diuine,
3158Be resident in men like one another,
3159And not in me: I am my selfe alone.
3160Clarence beware, thou keept'st me from the Light,
3161But I will sort a pitchy day for thee:
3163That Edward shall be fearefull of his life,
3164And then to purge his feare, Ile be thy death.
3165King Henry, and the Prince his Son are gone,
3166Clarence thy turne is next, and then the rest,
3168Ile throw thy body in another roome,
3169And Triumph Henry, in thy day of Doome. Exit.
3170Flourish. Enter King, Queene, Clarence, Richard, Hastings,
3171Nurse, and Attendants.
3173Re-purchac'd with the Blood of Enemies:
3174What valiant Foe-men, like to Autumnes Corne,
3175Haue we mow'd downe in tops of all their pride?
3176Three Dukes of Somerset, threefold Renowne,
3177For hardy and vndoubted Champions:
3178Two Cliffords, as the Father and the Sonne,
3179And two Northumberlands: two brauer men,
3181With them, the two braue Beares, Warwick & Montague,
3182That in their Chaines fetter'd the Kingly Lyon,
3183And made the Forrest tremble when they roar'd.
3185And made our Footstoole of Security.
3187Yong Ned, for thee, thine Vnckles, and my selfe,
3188Haue in our Armors watcht the Winters night,
3189Went all afoote in Summers scalding heate,
3191And of our Labours thou shalt reape the gaine.
3193For yet I am not look'd on in the world.
3196Worke thou the way, and that shalt execute.
3198And kis your Princely Nephew Brothers both.
3200I Seale vpon the lips of this sweet Babe.
3201 Cla. Thanke Noble Clarence, worthy brother thanks.
3205And cried all haile, when as he meant all harme.
3207Hauing my Countries peace, and Brothers loues.
3208 Cla. What will your Grace haue done with Margaret,
3209Reynard her Father, to the King of France
3210Hath pawn'd the Sicils and Ierusalem,
3212 King. Away with her, and waft her hence to France:
3216Sound Drums and Trumpets, farwell sowre annoy,