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- Edition: Henry IV, Part 2
Henry IV, Part 2 (Modern)
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More rushes, more rushes!
The trumpets have sounded twice.
'Twill be two o'clock ere they come from the 3209.1coronation. Dispatch, dispatch. sound, and the king and his train pass over the 3209.3stage. After them enter Falstaff, Shallow, Pistol, 3209.4Bardolph, and the [Page].
Stand here by me, Master Shallow, I will make the 3213king do you grace. I will leer upon him as 'a comes by, and 3214do but mark the countenance that he will give me.
God bless thy lungs, good knight.
Come here, Pistol, stand behind me. [To Shallow] Oh, if I had 3218had time to have made new liveries, I would have bestowed 3219the thousand pound I borrowed of you. But 'tis no matter, this 3220poor show doth better; this doth infer the zeal I had to see 3221him.
It doth so.
It shows my earnestness of affection --
It doth so.
My devotion --
It doth, it doth, it doth.
As it were, to ride day and night, and not to deliberate, 3228not to remember, not to have patience to shift me --
It is best, certain.
But to stand, stained with travel and sweating 3232with desire to see him, thinking of nothing else, putting 3233all affairs else in oblivion, as if there were nothing else to be 3234done but to see him.
'Tis so indeed.
My knight, I will inflame thy noble liver,
5.5.19Thy Doll, and Helen of thy noble thoughts,
5.5.21Haled thither
I will deliver her.
[Cheering within. Trumpets sound.]
There roared the sea, and trumpet-clangor sounds.
God save thy grace, King Hal, my royal Hal!
The heavens thee guard and keep, most royal imp of 3252fame!
God save thee, my sweet boy!
My Lord Chief Justice, speak to that vain man.
Have you your wits? Know you what 'tis you speak?
My king, my Jove, I speak to thee, my heart!
I know thee not, old man. Fall to thy prayers.[Exeunt the king and his train.]
Master Shallow, I owe you a thousand pound.
Yea, marry, Sir John, which I beseech you to let me have 3287home with me.
That can hardly be, Master Shallow. Do not you grieve 3289at this. I shall be sent for in private to him. Look you, he must 3290seem thus to the world. Fear not your advancements, I will 3291be the man yet that shall make you great.
I cannot perceive how, unless you give me your 3293doublet and stuff me out with straw. I beseech you, good Sir 3294John, let me have five hundred of my thousand.
Sir, I will be as good as my word. This that you heard 3297was but a color.
A color that I fear you will die in, Sir John.
Fear no colors. Go with me to dinner. 3300Come lieutenant Pistol; come Bardolph. 3301I shall be sent for soon at night. Justice and Prince John [of Lancaster, with officers.]
[To officers] Go, carry Sir John Falstaff to the Fleet.
My lord, my lord --
I cannot now speak. I will hear you soon.
Si fortuna me tormenta spero contenta. [all but Lancaster and Justice].
I like this fair proceeding of the king's,
And so they are.
The king hath called his parliament, my lord.
He hath.
I will lay odds that, ere this year expire,[Exeunt.]