Internet Shakespeare Editions

Shakespeare in Performance: Stage Production

Antony and Cleopatra (1967, Stratford Festival of Canada)

TitleAntony and Cleopatra
Theater CompanyStratford Festival of Canada
Release LocationsCanada
Start Date1967-10-17
End Date1967-10-28
Play ConnectionsAntony and Cleopatra (performance)

Cast Overview

LepidusBernard Behrens
MardianJames Blendick
SeleucusDavid Bolt
CleopatraZoe Caldwell
DevinEric Christmas
PeasantEric Christmas
AgrippaLeo Ciceri
DiomedesNeil Dainard
GallusEric Donkin
OctaviaAnn Firbank
ProculeiusJohn Gardiner
CharmianDawn Greenhalgh
MenasMax Helpmann
EnobarbusWilliam Hutt
VarriusPeter Jobin
MaecenasJoel Kenyon
DecretasAl Kozlik
IrasMarilyn Lightstone
DolabellaBarry MacGregor
ErosRichard Monette
Sextus PompeiusChristopher Newton
AlexasBriain Petchey
Mark AntonyChristopher Plummer
VentidiusKenneth Pogue
ScarusLeon Pownall
AmbassadorAugust Schellenberg
Octavius CaesarKenneth Welsh
ThidiasJonathan White

Production Team and Crew Overview

DirectorMichael Langham
DesignerTanya Moiseiwitsch
ChoreographerPatricia Arnold
Fight ArrangerPatrick Crean
Light DesignerRobert Reinholdt
Music byLouis Applebaum

Company Overview

Theater Company Stratford Festival of Canada

Production information courtesy of: Alan Somerset