Shakespeare in Performance: Person
William Hutt
Credited as cast
The Tempest (2005, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... Prospero
All's Well That Ends Well (2002, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... The King of France
Twelfth Night (2001, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... Feste
The Tempest (1999, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... Prospero
Much Ado About Nothing (1998, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... Leonato
King Lear (1996, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... King Lear (a)
The Merry Wives of Windsor (1995, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... Falstaff
Hamlet (1994, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... 1st Gravedigger
Hamlet (1994, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... Ghost
King Lear (1988, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... King Lear
Much Ado About Nothing (1988, Peter Moss, Canada) .... Leonato
Much Ado About Nothing (1987, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... Leonato (a)
King Henry VIII (1986, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... Wolsey
King Lear (1980, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... Fool
Titus Andronicus (1980, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... Titus Andronicus
Twelfth Night (1980, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... Feste
King Lear (1979, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... Fool
The Merry Wives of Windsor (1978, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... Falstaff
Titus Andronicus (1978, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... Titus Andronicus
All's Well That Ends Well (1977, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... King of France
Measure for Measure (1976, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... Duke Vincentio
The Tempest (1976, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... Prospero
The Tempest (1976, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... Prospero
Measure for Measure (1975, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... Duke Vincentio
Love's Labour's Lost (1974, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... Don Armado (a)
King Lear (1973, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... King Lear
King Lear (1972, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... King Lear
Measure for Measure (1969, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... Duke Vincentio
The Tempest: O Brave New World (1969, Canada) .... Prospero
Antony and Cleopatra (1967, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... Enobarbus
Antony and Cleopatra (1967, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... Enobarbus
Henry V (1967, Lorne Freed, Canada) .... Chorus
Henry V (1967, Michael Langham, Canada) .... Chorus
Richard III (1967, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... Clarence
Twelfth Night (1967, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... Feste
Henry V (1966, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... Chorus
Henry VI (1966, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... Warwick
Falstaff (2 Henry IV) (1965, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... Shallow
Julius Caesar (1965, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... Marcus Brutus
Love's Labour's Lost (1964, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... Don Armado
Richard II (1964, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... King Richard II
Timon of Athens (1964, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... Alcibiades
Timon of Athens (1963, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... Alcibiades
Troilus and Cressida (1963, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... Pandarus
Macbeth (1962, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... Banquo
The Tempest (1962, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... Prospero
Macbeth (1960, George Schaefer, USA) .... Ross
As You Like It (1959, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... Jaques
Othello (1959, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... Lodovico
I Henry IV (1958, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... Worcester
Much Ado About Nothing (1958, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... Don Pedro
Hamlet (1957, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... Polonius
Henry V (1956, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... Archbishop of Cant.
Henry V (1956, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... Archbishop of Cant.
The Merry Wives of Windsor (1956, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... Ford
Julius Caesar (1955, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... Cinna the Poet
Julius Caesar (1955, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... Ligarius
The Merchant of Venice (1955, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... Old Gobbo
Measure for Measure (1954, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... Froth
The Taming of the Shrew (1954, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... Hortensio
All's Well That Ends Well (1953, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... Minister of State
Richard III (1953, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... Brakenbury
Richard III (1953, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... Blunt
Credited as production or crew
Hamlet (1994, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... Consultant Director
Hamlet (1976, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... Director
Hamlet (1976, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... Director
The Tempest (1976, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... Director
The Tempest (1976, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... Director
As You Like It (1972, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... Director
As You Like It (1972, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... Director
Much Ado About Nothing (1971, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... Director
Much Ado About Nothing (1971, Stratford Festival of Canada, Canada) .... Director
: Film production
: Performance