Internet Shakespeare Editions

Shakespeare in Performance: Stage Production

Macbeth (2000, Theatre Nomad)

Theater CompanyTheatre Nomad
Release LocationsCanada
South Africa
Start Date2000-01-28
Play ConnectionsMacbeth (performance)
Media Collections


"This production began with workshops in the eastern Cape of South Africa, moved to Kent in England to finish rehearsals, and opened at the Hong Kong City Festival on 28 January 2000. The production toured to Dartford, Deal, Dover, Brighton and Margate in England; The Africa Centre and the Royal Commonwealth Society in London; Calgary in Canada; Grahamstown, Port Elizabeth and towns in the Karoo in South Africa. Hannah Buvik and Jean Pagni alternated in the parts of Macbeth and Lady in the first tour of this production. In later performances Louise Barrett and Ava Taylor played Lady Macbeth."

Judith Shakespeare Company — Added 2008-11-14

Cast Overview

MacbethHannah Buvik
MacbethJean Pagni
MacbethAva Taylor
Lady MacbethLouise Barrett
Lady MacbethHannah Buvik
Lady MacbethJean Pagni
BanquoLouise Barrett
BanquoXolani Blou
BanquoClaudio Hope
MacduffPaul Huntley-Thomas
MacduffKevin Kruchkywich
SeytonPaola Cavallin

Production Team and Crew Overview

DirectorLuke Dixon
Assistant DirectorRamiro Silveira
DramaturgBirte Twisselmann
Production DesignerLuke Dixon
Production DesignerJoanie Magill
MovementJane Turner
FightingRebecca Hall
FightingCameron MacKenzie
Voice CoachSue Henry
MusicDavid Baird
Drumming CoachXolani Blou
PhotographerSarah Ainslie
Top BirdJane Hutchison
AdministratorLiz Turner

Company Overview

Theater Company Theatre Nomad

Production information courtesy of: Judith Shakespeare Company [website]