Shakespeare in Performance: Person
Parnelli Parnes
Credited as cast
Julius Caesar (2007, Bard on the Beach, Canada) .... Marullus/Artemidorus/Octavius
Timon of Athens (2007, Bard on the Beach, Canada) .... Ensemble
A Midsummer Night's Dream (2006, Bard on the Beach, Canada) .... Lysander
Measure for Measure (2006, Bard on the Beach, Canada) .... Barnardine
The Comedy of Errors (2003, Bard on the Beach, Canada) .... Officer
The Merchant of Venice (2003, Bard on the Beach, Canada) .... The Prince of Morocco
The Merchant of Venice (2003, Bard on the Beach, Canada) .... Slave
: Film production
: Performance