Internet Shakespeare Editions

Shakespeare in Performance: Person

Perry Mucci

Credited as cast

  1. A Reading of The Merry Wives of Prescott (2009, St. Lawrence Shakespeare Festival, Canada) .... Nicholas Fenton
  2. Measure for Measure (2009, St. Lawrence Shakespeare Festival, Canada) .... Second Gentleman
  3. Measure for Measure (2009, St. Lawrence Shakespeare Festival, Canada) .... Froth
  4. Measure for Measure (2009, St. Lawrence Shakespeare Festival, Canada) .... Abhorson
  5. The Taming of the Shrew (2009, St. Lawrence Shakespeare Festival, Canada) .... Tranio
  6. A Midsummer Night's Dream (2007, St. Lawrence Shakespeare Festival, Canada) .... Francis Flute
  7. Romeo and Juliet (2007, St. Lawrence Shakespeare Festival, Canada) .... Romeo
  8. Much Adoe About Nothing (2006, St. Lawrence Shakespeare Festival, Canada) .... Count Claudio of Florence
  9. Twelfe Night, Or what you will (2005, St. Lawrence Shakespeare Festival, Canada) .... Sebastian
  10. The Comedie of Errors (2004, St. Lawrence Shakespeare Festival, Canada) .... Dromio of Syracuse

: Film production
: Performance

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