Internet Shakespeare Editions


Printing and publishing

  1. Arber, Edward, ed. A Transcript of the Registers of the Company of Stationers of London: 1554-1640. 5 vols. New York: P. Smith, 1950 [1875-77].
  2. Barker, Nicolas. The Oxford University Press and the Spread of Learning, 1478-1978: An Illustrated History. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1978.
  3. Bergeron, David M. Shakespeare: A Study and Research Guide. New York: Saint Martin's Press, 1975.
  4. Bowers, Fredson T. On Editing Shakespeare and the Elizabethan Dramatists. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1955.
  5. Bowers, Fredson T. Textual Study and Literature Criticism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1959.
  6. Bowers, Fredson Thayer. Bibliography and Textual Criticism. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1964.
  7. Champion, Larry S.. The Essential Shakespeare: An Annotated Bibliography of Major Modern Studies.. Boston: G.K. Hall, 1986.
  8. Clanchy, M. T.. From Memory to Written Record: England 1066-1307. 2nd ed. Oxford: Blackwell, 1993.
  9. Clare, Janet. 'Art Made Tongue-Tied by Authority': Elizabethan and Jacobean Dramatic Censorship. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1990.
  10. Clayton, Thomas, ed. The Hamlet First Published (Q1, 1603): Origins, Form, Intertextualities. Newark: University of Delaware Press, 1992.
  11. Clegg, Cyndia Susan. Press Censorship in Elizabethan England. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997.
  12. Dawson, Giles E, and Laetitia Kennedy-Skipton. Elizabethan Handwriting 1500-1650. London: Faber and Faber, 1966.
  13. Greg, W. W. Some Aspects and Problems of London Publishing between 1550 and 1650. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1956.
  14. Hammersmith, James P. "'This Son of Yorke': Textual and Literature Criticism Again." Shakespeare Quarterly 37 (1986): 359-65.
  15. Hammond, Antony. "Encounters of the Third Kind in Stage-Directions in Elizabethan and Jacobean Drama." Studies in Philology 89 (1992): 71-99.
  16. Harris, Michael and Robin Myers. The Stationers' Company and the Book Trade, 1550-1990. Winchester: St Paul's Bibliographies, 1997.
  17. Hellinga, Lotte. Caxton in Focus: The Beginning of Printing in England. London: British Library, 1982.
  18. Huffman, Clifford Chalmers. Elizabethan Impressions: John Wolfe and His Press. New York: AMS Press, 1988.
  19. MacDonald, Michael. Bibliography on the Family from the Fields of Theology and Philosophy. Ottawa: Vanier Institute of the Family, 1964.
  20. Marotti, Arthur F.. Manuscript, Print, and the English Renaissance Lyric. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1995.
  21. McKerrow, R. B. An Introduction to Bibliography for Literature Students. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1928.
  22. McKitterick, David. A History of Cambridge University Press. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992.
  23. McManaway, James G, and Jeanne Addison Roberts, eds. A Selective Bibliography of Shakespeare. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 1974.
  24. Noyes, Gertrude E. Bibliogaphy of Courtesy and Conduct Books in Seventeenth-Century England. New Haven, Conn.: Tuttle, Morehouse and Taylor Co., 1937.
  25. Oastler, Christopher Lewis. John Day, the Elizabethan Printer. Oxford: Oxford Bibliographical Society, 1975.
  26. Quinn, Edward. The Major Shakespearean Tragedies: A Critical Bibliography. New York: Free Press, 1973.
  27. Rostenberg, Leona. The Minority Press & the English Crown; a Study in Repression, 1558-1625. Nieuwkoop: B. De Graaf, 1971.
  28. Sheavyn, Phoebe Anne. The Literature Profession in the Elizabethan Age. 2nd ed. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1967.
  29. Tanselle, G. Thomas. "The Achievement of Fredson Bowers." The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 79.2 (1985): 175-90.
  30. Taylor, Gary, and Michael Warren, eds. The Division of the Kingdoms: Shakespeare's Two Versions of "King Lear". Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1983.
  31. Trousdale, Marion. "A Second Look at Critical Bibliography and the Acting of Plays." Shakespeare Quarterly 41 (1990): 87-96.
  32. Tyson, Gerald P. and Sylvia S. Wagonheim, eds.. Print and Culture in the Renaissance: Essays on the Advent of Printing in Europe. Newark: University of Delaware Press, 1986.
  33. Urkowitz, Steven. Shakespeare's Revision of King Lear. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1980.
  34. Wells, Stanley. Shakespeare: Select Bibliographical Guides. London: Oxford University Press, 1973.
  35. Wells, Stanley W. Re-Editing Shakespeare for the Modern Reader: Based on Lectures Given at the Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington Dc. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1984.
  36. Wells, Stanley W, and Gary Taylor. Modernizing Shakespeare's Spelling [with] Three Studies in the Text of Henry V. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1979.
  37. Wells, Stanley W., and Gary et al. Taylor, eds. William Shakespeare: A Textual Companion. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1986.
  38. West, Anthony James. The Shakespeare First Folio: The History of the Book. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2001-.
  39. Williams, George Walton. The Craft of Printing and the Publication of Shakespeare's Works. Washington: Folger Shakespeare Library, 1985.