There are four kinds of links on the site.
- Links that have an asterisk after them (like this one*) will open up a "footnote" in a small popup. The popup will disappear when you click on the "close" button: . You can make the footnote popup larger for longer notes by clicking on the "grow" button: .
- Normal links will take you to a new page altogether
- Links to other sites on the Internet will open in a new window or tab
- Links that open up sound or video files
A sample footnote
Most footnotes on the site will be more interesting than this one. To make it worth your while, here's one of my favourite passages from the Sonnets:
That time of year thou mayst in me behold
When yellow leaves, or few, or none to hang
Upon those boughs which now do shake against the cold;
Bare ruined choirs where late the sweet birds sang.
(Sonnet 73)