A 3. Supporting texts
Supporting texts will include the Textual Introduction, Critical Introduction, sources, and any other supporting textual materials. Where possible, passages in these texts will use the tags outlined above, especially in quoting from the plays. Each document within an edition is considered a separate entity; thus there is no hierarchical relationship between separate documents.
A 3.1. Header
Each file should have a header of the same kind as is found with the texts. A bare minimum will be an HTML comment with information about the author, date of creation, and date of most recent revision.
Example: <!--Julius Caesar, Textual Introduction by John Cox. Created 2007-10-01; most recent revision 2007-06-12.-->.
It is a good idea to include the date of most recent revision in the file name so that you can be sure not to work on an older file.
Example: JC_textintro 2007-06-12.rtf
A 3.2. Headings
Remember that Internet users are used to having headings to interrupt the flow of text on longer pages. The ISE site automatically creates a table of contents for each page from its headings.
You are encouraged to use up to three levels of headings. The first level is required; others are optional.
- A level one heading is the title of the essay or page; thus there will be only one for each.
- Level two headings break the page into its major sections.
- Within a level two section you may wish to have sub-headings.
If you are familiar with the built-in "styles" of your word processor you should use these. Otherwise make a clear distinction between levels by using bold face or italic and varying font size. The key is to be consistent.
A 3.3. Quotations
As well as setting off longer quotations in your essays, it will be helpful if you use the standard HTML/ISE tags:
<BLOCKQUOTE> </BLOCKQUOTE> (for both prose and verse)
Note that these tags should only be used for longer quotations when a passage is to be set off from the body of your paragraph.
A 3.4. Italics and other font faces
In general, you should use your word processor to create italic text. Your document will be converted to standard tagging when you submit it in final form. In addition, it is helpful to add this tag:
<FOREIGN lang="[language]"> </FOREIGN>
Surrounds a word or phrase in a language other than English.
A 3.5. Lists
Although uncommon in scholarly discourse, you should consider organizing your materials in bulleted or numbered lists, since these are a common visual syntax on Web pages.
A 3.6. Cross references and links
Cross-references in the electronic medium are a quick and intuitive way for readers to branch to related topics or materials. Use them freely, and often.
Please indicate clearly where you wish cross-references to be inserted. You can use the normal conventions for indicating cross-references ("See xxx below" or "See the Textual Introduction"), but it will be helpful if you put the reference in angle brackets rather than normal brackets, since this will be clearer to our assistants: "<See xxx below>." See 6.1.4 for further examples. When your introductory essays are displayed on the Web, they will have paragraph numbers; you can make a cross reference more specific for a longer essay by indicating the paragraph number for the content you are referring to.