A 2. The modern edition
Several tags will be the same as in the early editions. For the modern edition, however, all tagging is "logical" rather than "representational" -- in other words, you will not indicate whether a word should be emphasized or italicized, but will indicate the function of the word, allowing the software to do the formatting. For this reason, you will not be using tags like <I></I>, <C></C>, or <RA></RA>, even if you expect the final text to be italic, centered or right aligned.
A 2.1. Hierarchical tags
<ACT n="[number]"> Act division. <SCENE n="[number]"> Scene division. <S> Speech. <SP> </SP> Speech Prefix. <STANZA> </STANZA> <DIV> </DIV> Defines patterns of rhyming verse. There are five descriptions of rhyme scheme. form="couplet | coupletSequence | sonnet | quatrain | rhymeSequence" for rhymeSequence you can add: rhyme="[pattern]" (for example) Example: <DIV form="rhymeSequence" rhyme="aabbcddc"> . . . </DIV> <QUOTE source="[source]"> </QUOTE> Quotation (e.g. quoted letter, or a song). the MODE tag indicates whether it is verse or prose. <FOREIGN lang="[language]"> </FOREIGN> Surrounds a word or phrase in a language other than English. <TITLE> </TITLE> Surrounds the title of a book or other work. <I> </I> Surrounds words to be italicized. </S> </SCENE> </ACT>
A 2.2. Tags which may be used within the boundaries of more than one level of the hierarchical tags, but may not cross those boundaries
<LD></LD> Surrounds the text of a heading (act, scene etc.).
<L n="n" part="i | m | f"/> See 4.4.8 above on division into lines. Part may optionally be indicated by tabs: one tab = medial, two tabs = final.
<PROP item="item" desc="description"></PROP> (or when no word is enclosed by the tags: <PROP item="item" desc="description"/>).
<SPACE n="[number]"/> Indicates significant space to be left in the text. The most common instance of this will be in formatting the lines of verse in a song or sonnet, where some lines will be indented further than others. The number of m-spaces should be indicated. There is no </SPACE> tag. Note that this is the only representational tag in the modern text.
<SD t="entrance | exit | setting | sound | delivery | whoto | action | other | optional | uncertain"> </SD>
<TLN n="[number]"/> Through Line Number.
A 2.3. Tags which have no hierarchical structure, and may cross the boundaries of those listed above
One tag does not have to follow a hierarchical structure: that which records the current mode of the work (verse or prose):
<MODE t="[mode]"> </MODE> Type: "verse | prose | uncertain".
A 2.4. The notes to the modern edition
The notes to the modern edition will be in a separate file, keyed by act, scene, and line number of the modern edition. Editors will be provided with a template with basic tagging, and may add italics, boldface type, and superscripts in their word processor. See 5.3.1 above, where there are a number of examples.
A 2.5. The collation
Like the Notes, the Collation will be in a separate file, keyed by act, scene, and line number of the modern edition. The Collation will also use the same method of indicating the passage to which it refers. See 4.6.8-9 for the template and some examples of collations.
A 2.6. The annotated bibliography
Bibliographies are formatted in HTML as ordered lists.
<OL> </OL> surrounds the whole bibliography. <li> </li> surrounds each entry.
For those editors with access to the bibliography program (IBM or Mac) EndNote, the Coordinating Editor will provide a "style" that will automatically tag the entries; the Annotated Bibliography may be submitted as an Endnote file.
A 2.7. The glossary
The Glossary will use standard HTML tags for a "Definition List" with one modification: the Definition Terms will be numbered in order to provide an anchor for cross references.
<DL> </DL> Surrounds the whole glossary.
<DT> </DT> Definition Term: surrounds the word to be glossed.
<DD> </DD> Definition Data: Surrounds the definition.