Internet Shakespeare Editions

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  • Title: The Adventures of Pericles (Quarto)
  • Editors: Tom Bishop, Andrew Forsberg

  • Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: George Wilkins
    Editors: Tom Bishop, Andrew Forsberg
    Not Peer Reviewed

    The Adventures of Pericles (Quarto)

    1300The ninth Chapter.
    How after the death of Lycorida the Nurse Dyonysa enuying at the beauty of Marina, hired a seruant of hers to haue murderd her, and how she was rescued by certaine Pyrates, and by them carried to the Cittie of Meteline, where among other 1305bondslaues, shee was solde to a common Bawde.
    Marina hauing thus by Lycoridaes meanes had knowledge of her parentes, and Lycorida hauing beene in her life, her most carefull Nurse, shee (not without iust cause) lamented her death, and caused her body to be solempnely interred, in a field without the walles of the Cittie, raising a monument in remembrance of her, 1310vowing to her selfe a yeares solemne sadnesse, and that her eies also for so long a time should daily pay their dewy offerings, as lamenting the losse of so good a friend.
    But this decree of hers being accomplished, and all the rites thereof faithfully fulfilled, she dismissed her bodie of her mourning attire, and againe apparrelled her selfe as before, in her most costly habilliment, frequenting the 1315Schooles, and diligently endeuouring the studies of the Liberall Sciences, wherein she so out-went in perfection, the labours of all that were studious with her, that shee was rather vsed amongst them as their Schoolemistris to instruct, than their fellow Scholler to learne, onely for her recreation betwixt the houres of study, dauncing, singing, sowing, or what experience soeuer (for in no action 1320was she vnexpert, as also euery morning, and at noone, before she made her meale) she forgotte not to reuisite her Nurses sepulchre: and entring into the monument, vpon her knees she there offered her funerall teares for the losse of her mother, and desiring the gods in their holy Synode to protect the safety of her father, accusing her selfe as an vnfortunate childe, whose beeing, caused the death of 1325her mother, so good a Queene, and the sorrow of her father, so curteous a Prince: and in very deede, the whole course of her life was so affable and curteous, that she wonne the loue of all and euery man, accompting his tongue (the father of speech) a trewant, which was not liberall in her prayses: so that it fortuned as she passed along the streete, with Dyonysa her daughter, who was her companion and Schoolefellow, 1330and who till then she supposed had beene her sister. The people, as at other times, came running out of their doores with greedy desire to looke vpon her; and beholding the beauty and comelinesse of Marina so farre to out-shine Dyonysaes daughter, who went side by side with her, could not containe themselues from crying out, Happy is that father who hath Marina to his daughter, but her Companion that goeth with her 1335is fowle and ill-fauoured. Which when Dyonysa heard, her enuy of those prayses bred in her a contempt, and that contempt soone transformed it selfe into wrath, all which shee for the instant dissembling, yet at her comming home withdrawing her selfe into a priuate walke, she in this maner with her selfe beganne to discourse; It is now quoth she, foureteene yeers since Pericles this out-shining gerles father departed 1340this our Citty, in all which time we haue not receiued so much as a Letter, to signifie that he remembers her, or any other token, to manifest he hath a desire to acknowledge her, whereby I haue reason to coniecture, that he is either surely dead, or not regardes her, though I must confesse, at his departure from hence, and his committing her to our protection, he left her not vnfurnished of all things 1345fitting the education of his childe, and a princesse of her birth, both of golde, plate, and apparrell, euen competent enough to foster her according to her degree, nay (if neede were) to marry her according to her blood. But what of all this? he is absent, and Lycorida her Nurse is dead: Shee in beauty out-shines my childe, and I haue her fathers treasure in possession, (though giuen for her vse) shall make my 1350daughter out-shine her. What though I knowe her father did releeue our Citty? I agayne doe knowe, that but few in these dayes requite benefites with thankes, longer than while they are in receiuing. In briefe, I enuy her, and she shall perish for it. With the which wordes she had no sooner concluded, but in comes a seruant of hers, and she now intended to make him the diuells. With this Leonine she thus began to 1355interprete her will: Leonine quoth she, thou knowst Marina. And madame, quoth he, for a most vertuous Gentlewoman. Talke not of vertue, quoth Dyonysa, for thats not the businesse which we haue in hand; but I must haue thee learne to know her now, that thou mayest neuer know her after ward, I vnderstand you not quoth Leonine. When she replied, Take this at large then, Thou art my bond-slaue, whom I haue power to 1360enfranchise or captiue, if thou wilt obey me, first then receiue this golde as the earnest which promiseth vnto thee a greater reward: but if thou deny to accomplish my desire, in bondage and imprisonment, I will fetter thee, and by no other meanes conclude my reuenge, but by thy death. Speake on my taske then good Madam, quoth Leonine, For what is it that a bondman will not attempt for liberty, which is deerer 1365to man then life, and what not I then ? Thou knowest, quoth Dyonysa then, that Marina hath a custome,as soone as shee returneth home from schoole, not to eate meate before she haue gone to visite the sepulchre of her nurse. There at her next deuotion, doe thou meete her, stand ready, and with thy weapon drawen, sodainely kill her. How kill her quoth Leonine, why tiz an acte vnconscionable, and deserues 1370damnation but to conspire in thought, since she is a creature so harmlesse, that euen Innocencie it selfe cannot be more pure, nor inwardly be more decently arrayed than is her minde: yet to fulfill your pleasure, for the hope of golde, and the releasement of my bondage, were she as spotlesse as Trueth, heere are two monsters (drawing his sworde into his hand) shall effect it for you, when she rewarding him 1375with more golde, and commending his resolution, he goes forward to attend for her at Lycoridaes Toombe, and Marina being returned from Schoole, is also come thither to offer on the monument her diurnall deuotion, when on the sodaine, while her knees kissed the earth, and her eyes saluted heauen, while prayers were in her mouth, and teares in her eyes, all tributary offerings, giuen vnto the gods for the prosperitie 1380of her father, on the sodaine toward her, out rushed this Leonine, and with a looke as cruell as his heart, and speech as harsh as his intent, he resolued her in blunt wordes, that he was come to kill her, that hee was hired vnto it by Dyonysa her foster mother, that she was too good for men, and therefore he would send her to the gods, that if she would pray, pray, for hee had sworne to kill her, and he would 1385kill her, and a thousand more, ere he would be damned for periury. When she that was on her knees before making her orisons to heauen, was now com-pelled to turne her intreaties to him: and first demaunded of him what offence her ignoraunce had done (for wittingly shee knew shee coulde doe none) eyther to him, that (as himselfe said) came to murther her, or to her that hired him. But the villaine neyther 1390regarding her innocencie or teares, though showred in aboundaunce, but drawing out his sword wherewith to haue shed her blood, and haue damned his own soule, there were certaine pyrates that were newly put to water, in at a Creeke neare adioyning, where the villaine intended this most inhumane murther, and being come vp ashoare to forrage, for what pillage soeuer they could happen vpon, euen as he 1395was about to haue giuen the fatall blow, whom all her intreaties could not perswade him from, beholding so bloudy a villaine, offering violence to so goodly a beauty, they running all at once toward him cried out aloude; Holde monstrous wretch, as thou louest thy life, hold, for that Mayden is our prey, and not thy victory. Which when the villaine heard, and perceiuing his intent to be intercepted, making his heeles 1400his best defence, till hauing fledde some distance from them, and obseruing them not to pursue, he secretly stole backe, to note what the euent would be, which was, that the pyrates who had thus rescued Marina, carried her to their shippes, hoysed sayles, and departed. At which the vilaine returned home to his Mistris, declaring to her that he had doone what she commaunded him to doe, namely murthered Marina, 1405and from the toppe of a high cliffe, throwne her body downe for buriall into the Sea, aduising her withall, that since it was done, the chiefest meanes to auoyde suspition, was, to put on mourning garments, and by counterfeiting a great sorrow, in the sight of the people report, that she was dead of some daungerous disease: and withall, to bleare the eies of the multitude (who with faire shewes are soone 1410flattered) neere to her fathers Statue to erect a monument for her. According whereunto, she attyred her selfe and her daughter in solempne attire, and counterfeiting a fained sorrow, and dissembling teares. And going now to erect her monument (to the view of which, all the Cittizens flocked) She in publike assembly thus spake vnto them. Deere Friends and Cittizens of Tharsus, If you 1415shall happly wonder, why we thus vnwoontedly weep and mourne in your sight, it is because the ioy of our eyes and staffe of our olde age Marina is dead, whose absence hath left vnto vs nothing but salt teares, and sorrowfull harts, as if by her death we were diuided from all comfort, yet haue we here taken order for her funeralls, and buried her (as heere you see) according to her degree, which 1420losse of hers was right grieuous to all the people, nor was there any that was capable of sorrowe, but spent it for her, so that with one voyce and willing handes, they attended Dyonysa to the Market place whereas her fathers Image stoode, made of brasse, and erected also another to her with this Inscription:
    Marinaes Epitaph.
    1425The fairest, chastest, and most best lies heere,
    Who wythred in her spring of yeere:
    In Natures garden, though by growth a Bud,
    Shee was the chiefest flower, she was good.
    So with this flattery, (which is like a Skreene before the grauest 1430ludgements) deceiuing the Cittizens, and all doone, vnsuspected she returned home, when Cleon, who not at all consented to this treason, but so soone as he heard therof, being strucke into amazement, he apparelled himselfe in mourning garments, lamenting the vntimely ruine of so goodly a Lady, saying to himselfe, Alas now, what mischiefe am I wrapped in, what might I do or say heerein? The 1435Father of that Virgine deliuered this Citty from the perill of death, for this Citties sake hee suffered shipwracke, lost his goodes, and endured penury, and now he is requited with euill for good, his daughter which hee committed by my care to be brought vp, is now deuoured by the cruelty of my wife, so that I am depriued, as it were, of mine owne eyes, and forced to bewaile the death 1440of that Innocent, she in whose presence, as in the fortune of mine own posterity I should haue had delight. And then demaunding of Dyonysa how she could giue prince Pericles accompt of his childe, hauing robbed him of his childe, how she could appease the fury of his wrath, if her acte were knowne to him? or how alay the displeasure of the gods, from whome nothing can be hid. For 1445Pericles quoth she, if such a pious innocent as your selfe do not reueale it vnto him, how should he come to the knowledge thereof, since that the whole Citty is satisfied by the monument I caused to be erected, and by our dissembling outside, that she died naturally, and for the gods, let them that list be of the minde to thinke they can make stones speake, and raise them vp 1450in euidence, for my parte I haue my wish, I haue my safety, and feare no daunger till it fall vpon me. But Cleon rather cursing then commending this obduracy in her, he continued mourning vnfainedly, but she according to her sinful condition. By this time the pirats (who before rescued Marina, when she should haue beene slaine by trecherous Leonine) are now ariued at Meteline, 1455and in the Market place of the Cittie, according to the custome, amongst other bondslaues, offered her to be solde, whither all sorts of people, comming to supply their purposes, Marina was not without much commendations gazed vpon of the buyers, some commending her beauty, others her sober countenaunce, all pittying her mishap, and praysing her perfections, which 1460prayses of her, were so spread through the Citty, that from all parts they came crowding to see her, amongst the number of which, was a Leno or bawde, yet one who had not set vp shop, and kept trade for himselfe, but was yet but iourney-man to the deuill. This Leno amongst others, staring vpon her, and knowing her face to be a fit faire signe for his maisters house, and 1465with which signe he made no doubt, but to lodge vnder their roofe, all th'intemperate (euen from youth to age) thorow the whole Citty, hee foorthwith demaunded the price, intending to buy her, at what rate soeuer, and in the end, went thorow, and bargained to haue her, paying a hundred Sestercies of golde, and so presently hauing giuen earnest, he takes 1470Marina, and the rest of the Pirates home with him to his Maisters house, Marina was there to be taught how to giue her body vppe a prostitute to sinne, and the Pirates for their new stuffe to receiue their money.