Internet Shakespeare Editions

About this text

  • Title: Twelfth Night (Folio 1, 1623)
  • Editors: David Carnegie, Mark Houlahan
  • ISBN: 978-1-55058-372-4

    Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editors: David Carnegie, Mark Houlahan
    Peer Reviewed

    Twelfth Night (Folio 1, 1623)

    1465Scaena Tertia.
    Enter Sebastian and Anthonio.
    Seb. I would not by my will haue troubled you,
    But since you make your pleasure of your paines,
    I will no further chide you.
    1470Ant. I could not stay behinde you: my desire
    (More sharpe then filed steele) did spurre me forth,
    And not all loue to see you (though so much
    As might haue drawne one to a longer voyage)
    But iealousie, what might befall your rrauell,
    1475Being skillesse in these parts: which to a stranger,
    Vnguided, and vnfriended, often proue
    Rough, and vnhospitable. My willing loue,
    The rather by these arguments of feare
    Set forth in your pursuite.
    1480Seb. My kinde Anthonio,
    I can no other answer make, but thankes,
    And thankes: and euer oft good turnes,
    Are shuffel'd off with such vncurrant pay:
    But were my worth, as is my conscience firme,
    Twelfe Night, or, What you will. 267
    1485You should finde better dealing: what's to do?
    Shall we go see the reliques of this Towne?
    Ant. To morrow sir, best first go see your Lodging?
    Seb. I am not weary, and 'tis long to night
    I pray you let vs satisfie our eyes
    1490With the memorials, and the things of fame
    That do renowne this City.
    Ant. Would youl'd pardon me:
    I do not without danger walke these streetes.
    Once in a sea-fight 'gainst the Count his gallies,
    1495I did some seruice, of such note indeede,
    That were I tane heere, it would scarse be answer'd.
    Seb. Belike you slew great number of his people.
    Ant. Th offence is not of such a bloody nature,
    Albeit the quality of the time, and quarrell
    1500Might well haue giuen vs bloody argument:
    It might haue since bene answer'd in repaying
    What we tooke from them, which for Traffiques sake
    Most of our City did. Onely my selfe stood out,
    For which if I be lapsed in this place
    1505I shall pay deere.
    Seb. Do not then walke too open.
    Ant. It doth not fit me: hold sir, here's my purse,
    In the South Suburbes at the Elephant
    Is best to lodge: I will bespeake our dyet,
    1510Whiles you beguile the time, and feed your knowledge
    With viewing of the Towne, there shall you haue me.
    Seb. Why I your purse?
    Ant. Haply your eye shall light vpon some toy
    You haue desire to purchase: and your store
    1515I thinke is not for idle Markets, sir.
    Seb. Ile be your purse-bearer, and leaue you
    For an houre.
    Ant. To th'Elephant.
    Seb. I do remember. Exeunt.