Internet Shakespeare Editions

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  • Title: Two Noble Kinsmen (Quarto, 1634)

  • Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Two Noble Kinsmen (Quarto, 1634)

    The Two Noble Kinsmen.
    Then will she be out of love with Eneas.
    Doct. What stuff's here? pore soule.
    2545Ioy. Ev'n thus all day long.
    Daugh. Now for this Charme, that I told you of, you must
    Bring a peece of silver on the tip of your tongue,
    Or no ferry: then if it be your chance to come where
    The blessed spirits, as the'rs a sight now; we maids
    2550That have our Lyvers, perish'd, crakt to peeces with
    Love, we shall come there, and doe nothing all day long
    But picke flowers with Proserpine, then will I make
    Palamon a Nosegay, then let him marke me,---then.
    Doct. How prettily she's amisse? note her a little further.
    2555Dau. Faith ile tell you, sometime we goe to Barly breake,
    We of the blessed; alas, tis a sore life they have i'th
    Thother place, such burning, frying, boyling, hissing,
    Howling, chattring, cursing, oh they have shrowd
    Measure, take heede; if one be mad, or hang or
    2560Drowne themselves, thither they goe, Iupiter blesse
    Vs, and there shall we be put in a Caldron of
    Lead, and Vsurers grease, amongst a whole million of
    Cutpurses, and there boyle like a Gamon of Bacon
    That will never be enough. Exit.
    2565Doct. How her braine coynes?
    Daugh. Lords and Courtiers, that have got maids with
    Child, they are in this place, they shall stand in fire up to the
    Nav'le, and in yce up to 'th hart, and there th' offending part
    burnes, and the deceaving part freezes; in troth a very gree-
    2570vous punishment, as one would thinke, for such a Trifle, be-
    leve me one would marry a leaprous witch, to be rid on't
    Ile assure you.
    Doct. How she continues this fancie? Tis not an engraffed
    Madnesse, but a most thicke, and profound mellencholly.
    2575Daugh. To heare there a proud Lady, and a proud Citty
    wiffe, howle together: I were a beast and il'd call it good
    sport: one cries, o this smoake, another this fire; One cries, o,
    that ever I did it behind the arras, and then howles; th' other
    curses a suing fellow and her garden house.
    2580Sings. I will be true, my stars, my fate, &c. Exit. Daugh.