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  • Title: Romeo and Juliet (Quarto 1, 1597)
  • Editor: Roger Apfelbaum
  • ISBN: 1-55058-299-2

    Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editor: Roger Apfelbaum
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Romeo and Juliet (Quarto 1, 1597)

    The most excellent Tragedie,

    Ca: Goe too, you are a saucie knaue.
    This tricke will scath you one day I know what.
    Well said my hartes. Be quiet:
    More light Ye knaue, or I will make you quiet.
    Tibalt: Patience perforce with wi full choller mee- (ting.
    Makes my flesh tremble in their different greetings:
    I will withdraw, but this intrusion shall
    Now seeming sweet, conuert to bitter gall.
    670Rom: If I prophane with my vnworthie hand,
    This holie shrine, the gentle sinne is this:
    My lips two blushing Pilgrims ready stand,
    To smooth the rough touch with a gentle kisse.
    Iuli: Good Pilgrime you doe wrong your hand too (much,
    Which mannerly deuotion shewes in this:
    For Saints haue hands which holy Palmers touch,
    And Palme to Palme is holy Palmers kisse.
    Rom: Haue not Saints lips, and holy Palmers too?
    680Iuli: Yes Pilgrime lips that they must vse in praier.
    Ro: Why then faire saint, let lips do what hands doo,
    They pray, yeeld thou, least faith turne to dispaire.
    Iu: Saints doe not mooue though: grant nor praier
    685Ro: Then mooue not till my praiers effect I take.
    Thus from my lips, by yours my sin is purgde.
    Iu: Then haue my lips the sin that they haue tooke.
    Ro: Sinne from my lips, O trespasse sweetly vrgde!
    Giue me my sinne againe.
    690Iu: You kisse by the booke.
    Nurse: Madame your mother calles.
    Rom: What is her mother?
    Nurse: Marrie Batcheler her mother is the Ladie of the
    house, and a good Lady, and a wise, and a vertuous. I nurst