Internet Shakespeare Editions

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  • Title: Pericles, Prince of Tyre (Quarto)
  • Editor: Tom Bishop

  • Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editor: Tom Bishop
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Pericles, Prince of Tyre (Quarto)

    The Play of
    Tha. A Prince of Macedon (my royall father)
    735And the deuice he beares vpon his Shield,
    Is an Armed Knight, that's conquered by a Lady:
    The motto thus in Spanish. Pue per doleera kee per forsa.
    3.Knight. Kin. And with the third?
    Thai. The third, of Antioch; and his deuice,
    740A wreath of Chiually: the word: Me Pompey prouexit apex.
    4.Knight.Kin. What is the fourth.
    Thai. A burning Torch that's turned vpside downe;
    The word: Qui me alit me extinguit.
    Kin. Which shewes that Beautie hath his power & will,
    745Which can as well enflame, as it can kill.
    5.Knight.Thai. The fift, an Hand enuironed with Clouds,
    Holding out Gold, that's by the Touch-stone tride:
    The motto thus: Sic spectanda fides.
    6.Knight.Kin. And what's the sixt, and last; the which,
    750The knight himself with such a graceful courtesie deliuered?
    Thai. Hee seemes to be a Stranger: but his Present is
    A withered Branch, that's onely greene at top,
    The motto: In hac spe viuo.
    Kin. A pretty morrall frõ the deiected state wherein he is,
    755He hopes by you, his fortunes yet may flourish.
    1. Lord. He had need meane better, then his outward shew
    Can any way speake in his iust commend:
    For by his rustie outside, he appeares,
    To haue practis'd more the Whipstocke, then the Launce.
    7602.Lord. He well may be a Stranger, for he comes
    To an honour'd tryumph, strangly furnisht.
    3. Lord. And on set purpose let his Armour rust
    Vntill this day, to scowre it in the dust.
    Kin. Opinion's but a foole, that makes vs scan
    765The outward habit, by the inward man.
    But stay, the Knights are comming,
    We will with-draw into the Gallerie.
    Great shoutes, and all cry, the meane Knight.