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  • Title: Hamlet (Quarto 1, 1603)
  • Textual editor: Eric Rasmussen
  • ISBN: 978-1-55058-434-9

    Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Hamlet (Quarto 1, 1603)

    The Tragedy of Hamlet
    947.1This will hee say, let mee see what hee will say,
    Mary this, I saw him yesterday, or tother day,
    950Or then, or at such a time, a dicing,
    Or at Tennis, I or drincking drunke, or entring
    Of a howse of lightnes viz. brothell,
    Thus sir do wee that know the world, being men of reach,
    By indirections, finde directions forth,
    And so shall you my sonne; you ha me, ha you not?
    Mon. I haue my lord.
    Cor. Wel, fare you well, commend mee to him.
    965Mon. I will my lord.
    Cor. And bid him ply his musicke
    Mon. My lord I wil. exit.
    Enter, Ofelia.
    Cor. Farewel, how now Ofelia, what's the news with you?
    Ofe. O my deare father, such a change in nature,
    971.1So great an alteration in a Prince,
    So pitifull to him, fearefull to mee,
    978.1A maidens eye ne're looked on.
    970Cor. Why what's the matter my Ofelia?
    Of. O yong Prince Hamlet, the only floure of Denmark,
    974.1Hee is bereft of all the wealth he had,
    The Iewell that ador'nd his feature most
    Is filcht and stolne away, his wit's bereft him,
    Hee found mee walking in the gallery all alone,
    There comes hee to mee, with a distracted looke,
    His garters lagging downe, his shooes vntide,
    And fixt his eyes so stedfast on my face,
    987.1As if they had vow'd, this is their latest obiect.
    Small while he stoode, but gripes me by the wrist,
    984.1And there he holdes my pulse till with a sigh
    He doth vnclaspe his holde, and parts away
    993.1Silent, as is the mid time of the night:
    And as he went, his eie was still on mee,
    For thus his head ouer his shoulder looked,
    995He seemed to finde the way without his eies: