Internet Shakespeare Editions

About this text

  • Title: The Famous Victories of Henry the Fifth (Quarto, 1598)
  • Editors: Karen Sawyer Marsalek, Mathew Martin
  • Coordinating editor: Janelle Jenstad

  • Copyright Queen's Men Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: Anonymous
    Editors: Karen Sawyer Marsalek, Mathew Martin
    Peer Reviewed

    The Famous Victories of Henry the Fifth (Quarto, 1598)

    Enters King of England, and his Lords.
    Hen.5. Come my Lords come, by this time our
    Swords are almost drunke with French blood,
    But my Lords, which of you can tell me how many of our
    1340Army be slaine in the battell?
    Oxf. And it please your Maiestie,
    There are of the French armie slaine,
    Aboue ten thousand, twentie sixe hundred,
    Whereof are Princes and Nobles bearing banners:
    1345Besides, all the Nobilitie of France are taken prisoners.
    F Of
    The famous victories
    Of your Maiesties Armie, are slaine none but the good
    Duke of Yorke, and not aboue fiue or six and twentie
    Common souldiers.
    Hen.5. For the good Duke of Yorke my vnckle,
    1350I am heartily sorie, and greatly lament his misfortune,
    Yet the honourable victorie which the Lord hath giuen vs,
    Doth make me much reioyce. But staie,
    Here comes another French message.
    Sound Trumpet.
    1355Enters a Herald and kneeleth.
    Her. God saue the life of the most mightie Conqueror,
    The honourable king of England.
    Hen.5. Now Herald, me thinks the world is changed
    With you now, what I am sure it is a great disgrace for a
    1360Herald to kneele to the king of England,
    What is thy message?
    Her. My Lord & maister, the conquered king of France,
    Sends thee long health, with heartie greeting.
    Hen.5. Herald, his greetings are welcome,
    1365But I thanke God for my health:
    Well Herald, say on.
    Herald. He hath sent me to desire your Maiestie,
    To giue him leaue to go into the field to view his poore
    Country men, that they may all be honourably buried.
    1370Hen.5. Why Herald, doth thy Lord and maister
    Send to me to burie the dead?
    Let him bury them a Gods name.
    But I pray thee Herald, where is my Lord hie Constable,
    And those that would haue had my ransome?
    1375Herald. And it please your maiestie,
    He was slaine in the battell.
    Hen.5. Why you may see, you will make your selues
    Sure before the victorie be wonne, but Herald,
    What Castle is this so neere adioyning to our Campe?
    1380Herald. And it please your Maiestie,
    of Henry the fifth.
    Tis cald the Castle of Agincourt.
    Hen.5. Well then my lords of England,
    For the more honour of our English men,
    I will that this be for euer cald the battell of Agincourt.
    1385Herald. And it please your Maiestie,
    I haue a further message to deliuer to your Maiestie.
    Hen.5. What is that Herald? say on.
    Her. And it please your Maiestie, my Lord and maister,
    Craues to parley with your Maiestie.
    1390Hen.5. With a good will, so some of my Nobles
    Uiew the place for feare of trecherie and treason.
    Herald. Your grace needs not to doubt that.
    Exit Herald.
    Hen.5. Well, tell him then, I will come.
    1395Now my lords, I will go into the field my selfe,
    To view my Country men, and to haue them honourably
    Buried, for the French King shall neuer surpasse me in
    Curtesie, whiles I am Harry King of England.
    Come on my lords.
    1400Exeunt omnes.