Internet Shakespeare Editions

About this text

  • Title: The Famous Victories of Henry the Fifth (Quarto, 1598)
  • Editors: Karen Sawyer Marsalek, Mathew Martin
  • Coordinating editor: Janelle Jenstad

  • Copyright Queen's Men Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: Anonymous
    Editors: Karen Sawyer Marsalek, Mathew Martin
    Peer Reviewed

    The Famous Victories of Henry the Fifth (Quarto, 1598)

    of Henry the fifth.
    My Lord and King his father,
    Will not let him come into the field.
    Hen.5. Why then he doth me great iniurie,
    1175I thought that he & I shuld haue plaid at tennis togither,
    Therefore I haue brought tennis balles for him,
    But other maner of ones then he sent me.
    And Herald, tell my Lord Prince Dolphin,
    That I haue inured my hãds with other kind of weapons
    1180Then tennis balles, ere this time a day,
    And that he shall finde it ere it be long,
    And so adue my friend:
    And tell my Lord, that I am readie when he will.
    Exit Herald.
    1185Come my Lords, I care not and I go to our Captaines,
    And ile see the number of the French army my selfe.
    Strike vp the Drumme.
    Exeunt omnes.
    Enter French Souldiers.
    11901. Soul. Come away Iack Drummer, come away all,
    And me will tel you what me wil doo
    Me wil tro one chance on the dice,
    Who shall haue the king of England and his lords.
    2. Soul. Come away Iacke Drummer,
    1195And tro your chance, and lay downe your Drumme.
    Enter Drummer.
    Drum. Oh the braue apparel that the English mans
    Hay broth ouer, I wil tel you what
    Me ha donue, me ha prouided a hundreth trunkes,
    1200And all to put the fine parel of the English mans in.
    1. Soul. What do thou meane by trunkea?
    2. Soul. A shest man, a hundred shests.
    1. Soul. Awee, awee, awee, Me wil tel you what,
    Me ha put fiue shildren out of my house,
    1205And all too litle to put the fine apparel of the
    English mans in.
    E3 Drum