Internet Shakespeare Editions

About this text

  • Title: The Famous Victories of Henry the Fifth (Quarto, 1598)
  • Editors: Karen Sawyer Marsalek, Mathew Martin
  • Coordinating editor: Janelle Jenstad

  • Copyright Queen's Men Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: Anonymous
    Editors: Karen Sawyer Marsalek, Mathew Martin
    Peer Reviewed

    The Famous Victories of Henry the Fifth (Quarto, 1598)

    of Henry the fifth.
    Enters Lord Chiefe Iustice of England.
    965Exe. Here is the King my Lord.
    Iustice. God preserue your Maiestie.
    Hen.5. Why how now my Lord, what is the matter?
    Iust. I would it were vnknowne to your Maiestie.
    Hen.5. Why what ayle you?
    970Iust. Your Maiestie knoweth my griefe well.
    Hen.5. Oh my Lord, you remember you sent me to the
    Fleete, did you not?
    Iust. I trust your grace haue forgotten that.
    Hen.5. I truly my Lord, and for reuengement,
    975I haue chosen you to be my Protector ouer my Realme,
    Until it shall please God to giue me speedie returne
    Out of France.
    Iust. And if it please your Maiestie, I am far vnworthie
    Of so high a dignitie.
    980Hen.5. Tut my Lord, you are not vnworthie,
    Because I thinke you worthie.
    For you that would not spare me,
    I thinke wil not spare another.
    It must needs be so, and therefore come,
    985Let vs be gone, and get our men in a readinesse.
    Exeunt omnes.

    Enter a Captaine, Iohn Cobler and his wife.
    Cap. Come, come, there's no remedie,
    Thou must needs serue the King.
    990Iohn. Good maister Captaine let me go,
    I am not able to go so farre.
    Wife. I pray you good maister Captaine,
    Be good to my husband.
    Cap. Why I am sure he is not too goo d to serue y^e king?
    995Iohn. Alasse no, but a greate deale toobad,
    Therefore I pray you let me go.
    Cap. No, no, thou shalt go.