Internet Shakespeare Editions

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  • Title: Edward III (Modern)
  • Editors: Amy Lidster, Sonia Massai

  • Copyright Sonia Massai and Amy Lidster. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editors: Amy Lidster, Sonia Massai
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Edward III (Modern)

    [Scene 4]
    Enter at one door Derby from France, at another door 820Audley with a drum.
    Thrice noble Audley, well encountered here.
    How is it with our sovereign and his peers?
    'Tis full a fortnight since I saw his highness,
    What time he sent me forth to muster men,
    825Which I accordingly have done and bring them hither
    In fair array before his majesty.
    What news, my lord of Derby, from the emperor?
    As good as we desire: the emperor
    Hath yielded to his highness' friendly aid,
    830And makes our king lieutenant-general
    In all his lands and large dominions.
    Then via for the spacious bounds of France!
    What, doth his highness leap to hear this news?
    I have not yet found time to open them.
    835The King is in his closet malcontent,
    For what, I know not, but he gave in charge
    Till after dinner none should interrupt him.
    The Countess Salisbury and her father Warwick,
    Artois, and all, look underneath the brows.
    Undoubtedly then something is amiss.
    [Trumpets sound within.]
    The trumpets sound -- the King is now abroad.
    Enter the King.
    Here comes his highness.
    Befall my sovereign all my sovereign's wish.
    845King Edward
    Ah, that thou wert a witch to make it so.
    The emperor greeteth you.
    King Edward
    Would it were the Countess.
    And hath accorded to your highness' suit.
    King Edward
    Thou liest, she hath not, but I would she had.
    All love and duty to my lord the king.
    King Edward
    Well, all but one is none -- what news with you?
    I have, my liege, levied those horse and foot
    According as your charge, and brought them hither.
    King Edward
    Then let those foot trudge hence upon those horse,
    855According to our discharge and be gone. --
    Derby, I'll look upon the Countess' mind anon.
    The Countess' mind, my liege?
    King Edward
    I mean the emperor -- leave me alone.
    What's in his mind?
    Let's leave him to his humor.
    Exeunt [Derby and Artois].
    King Edward
    Thus from the heart's abundance speaks the tongue:
    'Countess' for 'emperor', and indeed why not?
    She is as imperator over me, and I to her
    Am as a kneeling vassal that observes
    865The pleasure or displeasure of her eye.
    Enter Lodowick.
    What says the more than Cleopatra's match
    To Caesar now?
    That yet my liege ere night,
    870She will resolve your majesty.
    [Drums within.]
    King Edward
    What drum is this that thunders forth this march
    To start the tender Cupid in my bosom?
    Poor sheepskin, how it brawls with him that beateth it.
    Go break the thund'ring parchment bottom out,
    875And I will teach it to conduct sweet lines
    Unto the bosom of a heavenly nymph,
    For I will use it as my writing paper,
    And so reduce him from a scolding drum
    To be the herald and dear counsel-bearer
    880Betwixt a goddess and a mighty king.
    Go bid the drummer learn to touch the lute
    Or hang him in the braces of his drum,
    For now we think it an uncivil thing
    To trouble heaven with such harsh resounds. Away. --
    Exit Lodowick.
    885The quarrel that I have requires no arms
    But these of mine, and these shall meet my foe
    In a deep march of penetrable groans;
    My eyes shall be my arrows, and my sighs
    Shall serve me as the vantage of the wind
    890To whirl away my sweetest artillery.
    Ah, but alas, she wins the sun of me,
    For that is she herself, and thence it comes
    That poets' term the wanton warrior blind.
    But love hath eyes as judgement to his steps,
    895Till too much lovèd glory dazzles them. --
    How now?
    Enter Lodowick.
    My liege, the drum that stroke the lusty march
    Stands with Prince Edward, your thrice valiant son.
    [Exit Lodowick.]
    900Enter Prince Edward.
    King Edward
    [Aside] I see the boy. Oh, how his mother's face
    Modelled in his, corrects my strayed desire,
    And rates my heart and chides my thievish eye,
    Who being rich enough in seeing her
    905Yet seeks elsewhere, and basest theft is that
    Which cannot cloak itself on poverty.
    [To Prince Edward] Now boy, what news?
    I have assembled, my dear lord and father,
    The choicest buds of all our English blood
    910For our affairs to France, and here we come
    To take direction from your majesty.
    King Edward
    [Aside] Still do I see in him delineate
    His mother's visage; those his eyes are hers,
    Who looking wistly on me make me blush
    915For faults against themselves give evidence;
    Lust is a fire, and men like lanthorns show
    Light lust within themselves, even through themselves.
    Away loose silks of wavering vanity!
    Shall the large limit of fair Brittany
    920By me be overthrown, and shall I not
    Master this little mansion of myself?
    Give me an armor of eternal steel,
    I go to conquer kings, and shall I not then
    Subdue myself and be my enemies' friend?
    925It must not be. [To Prince Edward] Come boy, forward, advance.
    Let's with our colors sweet the air of France.
    Enter Lodowick.
    My liege, the Countess, with a smiling cheer
    Desires access unto your majesty.
    930King Edward
    [Aside] Why there it goes; that very smile of hers
    Hath ransomed captive France and set the King,
    The Dauphin and the peers at liberty. --
    [To Prince Edward] Go, leave me Ned, and revel with thy friends.
    Exit Prince Edward.
    Thy mother is but black, and thou like her
    935Dost put it in my mind how foul she is. --
    Go fetch the Countess hither in thy hand,
    Exit Lodowick.
    And let her chase away these winter clouds,
    For she gives beauty both to heaven and earth.
    The sin is more to hack and hew poor men
    940Than to embrace in an unlawful bed
    The register of all rarities
    Since leathern Adam till this youngest hour.
    Enter [Lodowick with the] Countess.
    Go Lod'wick, put thy hand into thy purse,
    945Play, spend, give, riot, waste, do what thou wilt,
    So thou wilt hence a while and leave me here.
    [Exit Lodowick.]
    Now, my soul's playfellow, art thou come
    To speak the more than heavenly word of 'yea'
    To my objection in thy beauteous love?
    My father on his blessing hath commanded --
    King Edward
    That thou shalt yield to me.
    Ay, dear my liege, your due.
    King Edward
    And that, my dearest love, can be no less
    Than right for right, and render love for love.
    Than wrong for wrong, and endless hate for hate.
    But sith I see your majesty so bent,
    That my unwillingness, my husband's love,
    Your high estate, nor no respect respected
    Can be my help, but that your mightiness
    960Will overbear and awe these dear regards,
    I bind my discontent to my content,
    And what I would not, I'll compel I will,
    Provided that yourself remove those lets
    That stand between your highness' love and mine.
    965King Edward
    Name them, fair Countess, and by heaven, I will.
    It is their lives that stand between our love
    That I would have choked up, my sovereign.
    King Edward
    Whose lives, my lady?
    My thrice loving liege,
    970Your queen, and Salisbury, my wedded husband,
    Who living have that title in our love
    That we cannot bestow but by their death.
    King Edward
    Thy opposition is beyond our law.
    So is your desire. If the law
    975Can hinder you to execute the one,
    Let it forbid you to attempt the other.
    I cannot think you love me as you say
    Unless you do make good what you have sworn.
    King Edward
    No more: thy husband and the queen shall die.
    980Fairer thou art by far than Hero was,
    Beardless Leander not so strong as I;
    He swum an easy current for his love,
    But I will through a Hellespont of blood
    To arrive at Sestos where my Hero lies.
    Nay, you'll do more, you'll make the river too
    With their heart bloods that keep our love asunder,
    Of which my husband and your wife are twain.
    King Edward
    Thy beauty makes them guilty of their death,
    And gives in evidence that they shall die,
    990Upon which verdict I, their judge, condemn them.
    O perjured beauty, more corrupted judge!
    When to the great Star Chamber o'er our heads
    The universal sessions calls to 'count
    This packing evil, we both shall tremble for it.
    995King Edward
    What says my fair love? Is she resolute?
    Resolute to be dissolved, and therefore this:
    Keep but thy word, great king, and I am thine.
    Stand where thou dost, I'll part a little from thee,
    And see how I will yield me to thy hands.
    1000Here by my side doth hang my wedding knives:
    Take thou the one, and with it kill thy queen,
    And learn by me to find her where she lies;
    And with this other, I'll dispatch my love,
    Which now lies fast asleep within my heart;
    1005When they are gone, then I'll consent to love.
    Stir not, lascivious king, to hinder me.
    My resolution is more nimbler far
    Than thy prevention can be in my rescue,
    And if thou stir, I strike; therefore stand still,
    1010And hear the choice that I will put thee to:
    Either swear to leave thy most unholy suit
    And never henceforth to solicit me,
    Or else, by heaven, this sharp-pointed knife
    Shall stain thy earth with that which thou wouldst stain,
    1015My poor chaste blood. Swear, Edward, swear,
    Or I will strike and die before thee here.
    King Edward
    Even by that power I swear, that gives me now
    The power to be ashamèd of myself;
    I never mean to part my lips again
    1020In any words that tends to such a suit.
    Arise, true English lady, whom our isle
    May better boast of than ever Roman might
    Of her whose ransacked treasury hath tasked
    The vain endeavor of so many pens.
    1025Arise and be my fault thy honor's fame,
    Which after ages shall enrich thee with.
    I am awakèd from this idle dream. --
    Warwick, my son, Derby, Artois and Audley,
    Brave warriors all, where are you all this while?
    1030Enter all.
    Warwick, I make thee Warden of the North;
    Thou, Prince of Wales, and Audley, straight to sea,
    Scour to Newhaven -- some there stay for me.
    Myself, Artois and Derby will through Flanders
    1035To greet our friends there and to crave their aid.
    This night will scarce suffice me to discover
    My folly's siege against a faithful lover,
    For ere the sun shall gild the eastern sky
    We'll wake him with our martial harmony.