Internet Shakespeare Editions

About this text

  • Title: Anthony and Cleopatra (Folio 1, 1623)
  • Editor: Randall Martin
  • ISBN: 978-1-55058-433-2

    Copyright Randall Martin. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editor: Randall Martin
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Anthony and Cleopatra (Folio 1, 1623)

    Anthony and Cleopatra. 363
    Enter a Guard.
    1. Guard. What's the noise?
    Ant. I haue done my worke ill Friends:
    2950Oh make an end of what I haue begun.
    2 The Starre is falne.
    1 And time is at his Period.
    All. Alas, and woe.
    Ant. Let him that loues me, strike me dead.
    29551 Not I.
    2 Nor I.
    3 Nor any one. exeunt
    Dercetus. Thy death and fortunes bid thy folowers fly
    This sword but shewne to Caesar with this tydings,
    2960Shall enter me with him.
    Enter Diomedes.
    Dio. Where's Anthony?
    Decre. There Diomed there.
    Diom. Liues he: wilt thou not answer man?
    2965Ant. Art thou there Diomed?
    Draw thy sword, and giue mee,
    Suffising strokes for death.
    Diom. Most absolute Lord:
    My Mistris Cleopatra sent me to thee.
    2970Ant. When did shee send thee?
    Diom. Now my Lord.
    Anth. Where is she?
    Diom. Lockt in her Monument: she had a Prophesying (feare
    Of what hath come to passe: for when she saw
    2975(Which neuer shall be found) you did suspect
    She had dispos'd with Caesar, and that your rage
    Would not be purg'd, she sent you word she was dead:
    But fearing since how it might worke, hath sent
    Me to proclaime the truth, and I am come
    2980I dread, too late.
    Ant. Too late good Diomed: call my Guard I prythee.
    Dio. What hoa: the Emperors Guard,
    The Guard, what hoa? Come, your Lord calles.
    Enter 4. or 5. of the Guard of Anthony.
    2985Ant. Beare me good Friends where Cleopatra bides,
    'Tis the last seruice that I shall command you.
    1 Woe, woe are we sir, you may not liue to weare
    All your true Followers out.
    All. Most heauy day.
    2990Ant. Nay good my Fellowes, do not please sharp fate
    To grace it with your sorrowes. Bid that welcome
    Which comes to punish vs, and we punish it
    Seeming to beare it lightly. Take me vp,
    I haue led you oft, carry me now good Friends,
    2995And haue my thankes for all. Exit bearing Anthony

    Enter Cleopatra, and her Maides aloft, with
    Charmian & Iras.

    Cleo. Oh Charmian, I will neuer go from hence.
    Char. Be comforted deere Madam.
    3000Cleo. No, I will not:
    All strange and terrible euents are welcome,
    But comforts we dispise; our size of sorrow
    Proportion'd to our cause, must be as great
    As that which makes it.
    3005Enter Diomed.
    How now? is he dead?
    Diom. His death's vpon him, but not dead.
    Looke out o'th other side your Monument,
    His Guard haue brought him thither.
    3010Enter Anthony, and the Guard.

    Cleo. Oh Sunne,
    Burne the great Sphere thou mou'st in, darkling stand
    The varrying shore o'th'world. O Antony, Antony, Antony
    Helpe Charmian, helpe Iras helpe: helpe Friends
    3015Below, let's draw him hither.
    Ant. Peace,
    Not Caesars Valour hath o'rethrowne Anthony,
    But Anthonie's hath Triumpht on it selfe.
    Cleo. So it should be,
    3020That none but Anthony should conquer Anthony,
    But woe 'tis so.
    Ant. I am dying Egypt, dying; onely
    I heere importune death a-while, vntill
    Of many thousand kisses, the poore last
    3025I lay vpon thy lippes.
    Cleo. I dare not Deere,
    Deere my Lord pardon: I dare not,
    Least I be taken: not th'Imperious shew
    Of the full-Fortun'd Caesar, euer shall
    3030Be brooch'd with me, if Knife, Drugges, Serpents haue
    Edge, sting, or operation. I am safe:
    Your Wife Octauia, with her modest eyes,
    And still Conclusion, shall acquire no Honour
    Demuring vpon me: but come, come Anthony,
    3035Helpe me my women, we must draw thee vp:
    Assist good Friends.
    Ant. Oh quicke, or I am gone.
    Cleo. Heere's sport indeede:
    How heauy weighes my Lord?
    3040Our strength is all gone into heauinesse,
    That makes the waight. Had I great Iuno's power,
    The strong wing'd Mercury should fetch thee vp,
    And set thee by Ioues side. Yet come a little,
    Wishers were euer Fooles. Oh come, come, come,
    3045 They heaue Anthony aloft to Cleopatra.
    And welcome, welcome. Dye when thou hast liu'd,
    Quicken with kissing: had my lippes that power,
    Thus would I weare them out.
    All. A heauy sight.
    3050Ant. I am dying Egypt, dying.
    Giue me some Wine, and let me speake a little.
    Cleo. No, let me speake, and let me rayle so hye,
    That the false Huswife Fortune, breake her Wheele,
    Prouok'd by my offence.
    3055Ant. One word (sweet Queene)
    Of Caesar seeke your Honour, with your safety. Oh.
    Cleo. They do not go together.
    Ant. Gentle heare me,
    None about Caesar trust, but Proculeius.
    3060Cleo. My Resolution, and my hands, Ile trust,
    None about Caesar.
    Ant. The miserable change now at my end,
    Lament nor sorrow at: but please your thoughts
    In feeding them with those my former Fortunes
    3065Wherein I liued. The greatest Prince o'th'world,
    The Noblest: and do now not basely dye,
    Not Cowardly put off my Helmet to
    My Countreyman. A Roman, by a Roman
    Valiantly vanquish'd. Now my Spirit is going,
    3070I can no more.
    Cleo. Noblest of men, woo't dye?
    Hast thou no care of me, shall I abide
    In this dull world, which in thy absence is
    No better then a Stye? Oh see my women:
    3075The Crowne o'th'earth doth melt. My Lord?
    Oh wither'd is the Garland of the Warre,