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  • Title: Henry VI, Part 3 (Octavo 1, 1595)

  • Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Henry VI, Part 3 (Octavo 1, 1595)

    The Tragedie of Richard D. of
    K Ed. Widow come some other time to know our mind.
    La. May it please your grace I cannot brooke delaies,
    1520I beseech your highnesse to dispatch me now.
    K Ed. Lords giue vs leaue, wee meane to trie this wi-
    dowes wit.
    Cla. I, good leaue haue you.
    Glo. For you will haue leaue till youth take leaue,
    1540And leaue you to your crouch.
    K Ed. Come hither widdow, howe many children haste
    Cla. I thinke he meanes to begge a child on her.
    1530Glo. Nay whip me then, heele rather giue hir two.
    La. Three my most gratious Lord.
    Glo. You shall haue foure and you wil be rulde by him.
    K Ed. Were it not pittie they shoulde loose their fathers
    1535La. Be pittifull then dread L. and grant it them.
    1550K Edw. Ile tell thee how these lands are to be got.
    La. So shall you bind me to your highnesse seruice.
    K Ed. What seruice wilt thou doe me if I grant it them?
    La. Euen what your highnesse shall command.
    Glo. Naie then widow Ile warrant you all your
    Husbands lands, if you grant to do what he
    Commands. Fight close or in good faith
    You catch a clap.
    1525Cla. Naie I feare her not vnlesse she fall.
    Glo. Marie godsforbot man, for heele take vantage
    La. Why stops my Lord, shall I not know my taske?
    K Ed. An easie taske, tis but to loue a king.
    1565La. Thats soone performde, because I am a subiect.
    K Edw.