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  • Title: Henry VI, Part 3 (Octavo 1, 1595)

  • Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Henry VI, Part 3 (Octavo 1, 1595)

    Yorke, and Henrie the Sixt.
    Our battels ioinde, and both sides fiercelie fought,
    780But whether twas the coldnesse of the king,
    He lookt full gentlie on his warlike Queene,
    That robde my souldiers of their heated spleene.
    Or whether twas report of his successe,
    Or more then common feare of Cliffords rigor,
    785Who thunders to his captaines bloud and death,
    I cannot tell. But to conclude with truth,
    Their weapons like to lightnings went and came.
    Our souldiers like the night Owles lasie flight,
    Or like an idle thresher with a flaile,
    790Fel gentlie downe as if they smote their friends.
    I cheerd them vp with iustice of the cause,
    With promise of hie paie and great rewardes,
    But all in vaine, they had no harts to fight,
    Nor we in them no hope to win the daie,
    795So that We fled. The king vnto the Queene,
    Lord George your brother, Norffolke, and my selfe,
    In hast, post hast, are come to ioine with you,
    For in the marches here we heard you were,
    Making another head to fight againe.
    800Edw. Thankes gentle Warwike.
    How farre hence is the Duke with his power?
    And when came George from Burgundie to England?
    War. Some fiue miles off the Duke is with his power,
    But as for your brother he was latelie sent
    From your kind Aunt, Duches of Burgundie,
    805With aide of souldiers gainst this needfull warre.
    Rich. Twas ods belike, when valiant Warwike fled.
    Oft haue I heard thy praises in pursute,
    But nere till now thy scandall of retire.