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  • Title: Henry VI, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1594)

  • Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Henry VI, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1594)

    The first part of the contention of the two famous
    Nor shall proud Lancaster vsurpe my right,
    Nor hold the scepter in his childish fist,
    Nor vveare the Diademe vpon his head,
    Whose church-like humours fits not for a Crovvne:
    260Then Yorke be still a vvhile till time do serue,
    Watch thou, and vvake vvhen others be asleepe,
    To prie into the secrets of the state,
    Till Henry surfeiting in ioyes of loue,
    With his nevv bride, and Englands dear bought queene,
    265And Humphrey vvith the Peeres be falne at iarres,
    Then vvill I raise aloft the milke-vvhite Rose,
    With vvhose svveete smell the aire shall be perfumde,
    And in my Standard beare the Armes of Yorke,
    To graffle vvith the House of Lancaster:
    270And force perforce, ile make him yeeld the Crovvne,
    Whose bookish rule hath puld faire England dovvne.
    Exet Yorke.

    Enter Duke Humphrey, and Dame Ellanor,
    273.1Cobham his vvife

    Elnor. Why droopes my Lord like ouer ripened corne,
    275Hanging the head at Cearies plentious loade,
    280What seest thou Duke Humphrey King Henries Crovvne?
    Reach at it, and if thine arme be too short,
    285Mine shall lengthen it. Art not thou a Prince,
    285.1Vnckle to the King, and his Protector?
    Then vvhat shouldst thou lacke that might content thy minde.
    Humph. My louely Nell, far be it from my heart,
    To thinke of Treasons gainst my soueraigne Lord,
    295But I vvas troubled vvith a dreame to night,
    295.1And God I pray, it do betide no ill.
    Elnor. What drempt my Lord. Good Humphrey tell it me,
    296.1And ile interpret it, and vvhen thats done,
    Ile tell thee then, vvhat I did dreame to night.
    Humphrey. This night vvhen I vvas laid in bed, I dreampt that