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  • Title: Henry VI, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1594)

  • Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Henry VI, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1594)

    The first part of the contention of the two famous
    May honourable peace attend thy throne.
    King. Vnkle Gloster, stand vp and go in peace,
    No lesse beloued of vs, then when
    Thou weart Protector ouer my land. Exet Gloster.
    Queene. Take vp the staffe, for here it ought to stand,
    1100Where should it be, but in King Henries hand?
    Yorke. Please it your Maiestie, this is the day
    That was appointed for the combating
    Betweene the Armourer and his man, my Lord,
    And they are readie when your grace doth please.
    1110King. Then call them forth, that they may trie their rightes.

    1115 Enter at one doore the Armourer and his neighbours, drinking
    to him so much that he is drunken, and he enters with a drum
    before him, and his staffe with a sand-bag fastened to it, and
    at the other doore, his man with a drum and sand-bagge, and
    Prentises drinking to him.
    11201. Neighbor. Here neighbor Hornor, I drink to you in a cup of
    And feare not neighbor, you shall do well inough. (Sacke.
    2. Neigh. And here neighbor, heres a cup of Charneco.
    11253. Neigh. Heres a pot of good double beere, neighbor drinke
    And be merry, and feare not your man.
    Armourer. Let it come, yfaith ile pledge you all,
    And a figge for Peter.
    1. Prentise. Here Peter I drinke to thee, and be not affeard.
    1129.12. Pren. Here Peter, heres a pinte of Claret-wine for thee.
    3. Pren. And heres a quart for me, and be merry Peter,
    And feare not thy maister, fight for credit of the Prentises.
    Peter. I thanke you all, but ile drinke no more,
    1135Here Robin, and if I die, here I giue thee my hammer,
    And Will, thou shalt haue my aperne, and here Tom,
    Take all the mony that I haue.
    O Lord blesse me, I pray God, for I am neuer able to deale with
    my maister, he hath learnt so much fence alreadie.
    1140Salb. Come leaue your drinking, and fall to blowes.
    Sirrha, whats thy name?
    Pettr. Peter forsooth.
    Salbury. Peter, what more?