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  • Title: Henry IV, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1600)
  • Editor: Rosemary Gaby

  • Copyright Rosemary Gaby. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editor: Rosemary Gaby
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Henry IV, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1600)

    The second part of
    1680and the whole frame stands vpon pins, pricke him no more.
    Shal. Ha, ha, ha, you can do it sir, you can do it, I commend
    you well: Francis Feeble.
    1685Feeble Here sir.
    Shal. What trade art thou Feeble?
    Feeble A womans tailer sir.
    Shal. Shall I pricke him sir?
    Fal. You may, but if he had bin a mans tailer hee'd a prickt
    you: wilt thou make as manie holes in an enemies battaile, as
    thou hast done in a womans peticoate.
    Feeble I will do my good will sir, you can haue no more.
    1695Fal. Well saide good womans tailer, well saide couragious
    Feeble, thou wilt be as valiant as the wrathfull doue, or most
    magnanimous mouse, pricke the womans tailer: wel M. Shal-
    low, deepe M. Shallow.
    1700Feeble I would Wart might haue gone sir.
    Fal. I would thou wert a mans tailer, that thou mightst
    mend him and make him fit to goe, I cannot put him to a pri-
    uate souldier, that is the leader of so many thousands, let that
    suffice most forcible Feeble.
    1705Feeble It shall suffice sir.
    Fal. I am bound to thee reuerend Feeble, who is next?
    Shal. Peter Bul-calfe o'th greene.
    Fal. Yea mary, lets see Bul-calfe.
    1710Bul. Here sir.
    Eal. Fore God a likely fellow, come pricke Bul-calfe til hee(roare againe.
    Bul. O Lord, good my lord captaine.
    Falst. What, dost thou roare before thou art prickt?
    1715Bul. O Lord sir, I am a diseased man.
    Fal. What disease hast thou?
    Bul. A horson cold sir, a cough sir, which I cought with
    ringing in the Kings affaires vpon his coronation day sir.
    1720Fal. Come, thou shalt go to the warres in a gowne, we wil
    haue away thy cold, and I wil take such order that thy friendes
    shal ring for thee. Is here all?
    Shal. Here is two more cald then your number, you must