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  • Title: Henry IV, Part 1 (Quarto 1, 1598)
  • Editor: Rosemary Gaby
  • ISBN: 978-1-55058-371-7

    Copyright Rosemary Gaby. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editor: Rosemary Gaby
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Henry IV, Part 1 (Quarto 1, 1598)

    of Henrie the fourth.
    ought him a thousand pound.
    Prin. Sirrha, do I owe you a thousand pound?
    Falst. A thousand pound Hall? a million, thy loue is worth a
    million, thou owest me thy loue.
    2145Host. Nay my Lord, he cald you iacke, and saide hee woulde
    cudgel you.
    Falst. Did I Bardol?
    Bar. Indeed sir Iohn you said so.
    Fal. Yea, if he said my ring was copper.
    2150Prin. I say tis copper, darest thou be as good as thy word now?
    Falst. Why Hall? Thou knowest as thou art but man I dare,
    but as thou art prince, I feare thee as I feare the roaring of the
    Lyons whelpe.
    2155Prin. And why not as the Lyon?
    Fal. The king himselfe is to be feared as the Lion, doest thou
    thinke ile feare thee as I feare thy father? nay and I doo, I pray
    God my girdle breake.
    Prin. O, if it should, howe woulde thy guts fall about thy
    2160knees? but sirrha, theres no roome for faith, trueth, nor hone-
    stie, in this bosome of thine. It is all fild vp with guttes, and mid-
    riffe. Charge an honest woman with picking thy pocket, why
    thou horeson impudent imbost rascall, if there were anie thing
    in thy pocket but tauerne reckonings, memorandums of baudie
    2165houses, and one poore peniworth of sugar-candie to make thee
    long winded, if thy pocket were inricht with any other iniuries
    but these; I am a villain, and yet you will stand to it, you will not
    pocket vp wrong, art thou not ashamed?
    Fal. Doest thou heare Hall, thou knowest in the state of inno-
    cencie Adam fell, & what should poore iacke Falstalfe do in the
    daies of villanie? thou seest I haue more flesh then another man,
    & therfore more frailty. You confesse then you pickt my pocket.
    Prin. It appeares so by the storie.
    Fal. Hostesse, I forgiue thee, go make ready breakfast, loue thy
    husband, looke to thy seruaunts, cherish thy ghesse, thou shalt
    2180find me tractable to any honest reason, thou seest I am pacified
    still, nay preethe be gone. Exit Hostesse
    Now Hal, to the newes at court for the robbery lad, how is that