Internet Shakespeare Editions

Shakespeare in Performance: Stage Production

Much Ado About Nothing (2016, Atlanta Shakespeare Company)

TitleMuch Ado About Nothing
Theater CompanyAtlanta Shakespeare Company
Release LocationsUSA
Start Date2016-03-05
End Date2016-03-26
Audiencegeneral public
Play ConnectionsMuch Ado About Nothing (performance)

Cast Overview

VergesJ. Tony Brown
FrancisJ. Tony Brown
LeonatoRob Cleveland
WatchRob Cleveland
BeatriceDirector of Education and Training Laura Cole
SextonDoug Kaye
AntonioDoug Kaye
MargaretLeah Keelan
BalthasarAdam King
WatchAdam King
WatchSarah Newby Halicks
UrsulaSarah Newby Halicks
BenedickMatt Nitchie
ClaudioAnthony Peeples
BorachioKevin Roost
Don JohnChris Rushing
DogberryChris Rushing
HeroNedra Snipes
ConradeDavid Sterritt
Don PedroJacob York

Production Team and Crew Overview

DirectorDirector of Education and Training Laura Cole

Company Overview

Theater Company Atlanta Shakespeare Company

Production information courtesy of: Joey Takeda