Internet Shakespeare Editions

The Shakespeare Herald

A New Look

"Fresh array and entertainment" (As You Like It, TLN 2207)

We are pleased to announce the launch of an enhanced and updated version of the site. We have taken advantage of advances in browser technology and interface design by offering a cleaner look and more detailed menus to guide our users through our extensive Shakespeare resources. We have also taken this opportunity to upgrade a number of features of the site, and to add some more tools for research.

Over the years we have made many changes and improvements to the site, at one stage experimenting with adding advertisements (we ended that experiment when they brought in very little to support the site). But in the rapidly-evolving world of the Internet we need to keep up with changing technologies and user expectations. The background graphic design and navigation of the site has been unchanged for several years, and it's a tribute to the fine work done by our designers, Roberta Livingstone and Chris Chong that it lasted so well. When we first created our splash page, we were rather worried that it would ask too much of the then-narrow bandwith of most users on the Web. But times have changed, and it's now possible to update the fonts, the general appearance of the site, and the means of navigating through it.

Some highlights

The illustration of the Toolbox you see here is from Henry V, shown as a Friend of the ISE would view it.


Our thanks again to Roberta Livingstone, who worked with Jon Valade from IdeaZone in producing the graphics and the improved navigation. Our team of programmers and research assistants, under the leadership of Max Terpstra and Telka Duxbury, have worked hard to bring the new version to our global audience.