Internet Shakespeare Editions

Paper prepared for the Shakespeare Association of America, 2001.
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The True Chronicle History of King Leir and his Three Daughters, Gonorill, Ragan, and Cordella

Mess. That to be true, in sight of heaven I swear
Leir. Swear not by heaven, for fear of punishment:
The heavens are guiltless of such heinous acts.
Mess. I swear by earth, the mother of us all.
Leir. Swear not by earth: for she abhors to bear
Such bastards, as are murderers of her sons.
Mess. Why then, by hell, and all the devils I swear.
Leir. Swear not by hell; for that stands gaping wide,
To swallow thee, and if thou do this deed.
Thunder and Lightning.
Mess. I would that word were in his belly again,
It hath frighted me even to the very heart;
This old man is some strong magician:
His words have turn'd my mind from this exploit.
Then neither heaven, earth, nor hell, be witness;
But let this paper witness for them all.
Shows Gonorill's letter.