About this site
Shakespeare's Life and Times
was written by
with additional content contributed by Erin Palmer, Steve
Lyne, David Kathman, and Alan Galey.
Please read our policy on copyright before using text or images from this site.
Graphics design consultant: Roberta Livingstone.
Original XML conversion and stylesheet programming by Michael Joyce; recent conversion to XHTML with automatic navigation by Maxwell Terpstra.
The music was performed by the University of Victoria Chamber Singers under the direction of Bruce More, Eric Schwandt, and the Musica Approximata. Spoken words were performed by Dr. Anthony Jenkins.
Support for the development of this site has been generously given by the University of Victoria and Athabasca University. Thanks are also due to David Bevington, Andrew Gurr, Patrick Grant, David Kathman, Roslyn Knudson, and John Money, who have reviewed the site. That said, all errors are my own -- and I would be grateful to hear of any improvements that can be made.
Many institutions have been generous in permitting use of their images on this site. Please see the statement about the copyright concerning graphics.
- The University of Victoria Library
- The Folger Shakespeare Library
- The British Library
- The Furness Library at the University of Pennsylvania
- The Victoria and Albert Museum
- The Art Gallery of Greater Victoria
- The Shrine of Music Museum, University of South Dakota
- The Public Records Office, UK
- Duke University Library
- The Library of the University of Utrecht
- The Art Gallery of South Australia
In addition, many sites on the Internet have made their images available; these are acknowledged individally, each with a link to the site.
The site has been adapted from a CD-ROM, originally published by Intellimation, Santa Barbara, CA, in 1995. Originally published in this form, February 1999.