Not Peer Reviewed
The Merry Wives of Windsor (Modern, Quarto)
Well, wife, here take my hand. [He stretches out his hand; she accepts it.] Upon my2122.21244 soul I love thee dearer than I do my life, and joy I2122.31245 have so true and constant wife. My jealousy shall2122.41246 never more offend thee.
Sir, I am glad, and that which I have done
Ay, Mistress Ford, Falstaff hath all the grief,
No knavery, husband, it was honest mirth.
Indeed, it was good pastimes and merriments.
But, sweetheart, shall we leave old
Oh, by no means! Send to him again.
Let me alone, I'll to him once again like2122.171259 Brook, and know his mind, whether he'll come2122.181260 or not.
There must be some plot laid, or he'll not come.
Let us alone for that. Hear my device.
'Tis excellent, and my daughter Anne,
[Aside] And in that masque I'll make the doctor2170.31280 steal my daughter Anne, and, ere my husband knows2170.41281 it, to carry her to church, and marry her.
But who will buy the silks to tire the boys?
That will I do, [Aside] and in a robe of white
So Kad 'udge me, the devices is excellent.21921288 I will also be there, and be like a jackanapes,2192.11289 and pinch him most cruelly for his lecheries.
Why, then we are revenged sufficiently.
I'll lay my life this makes him nothing fat.
Well, let's about this stratagem. I long
Well, send to Falstaff, and if he come thither,
15.46.1 Exeunt omnes.