Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Not Peer Reviewed

The Merry Wives of Windsor (Quarto 1, 1602)

the merry wives of windsor.
1615Shal. He will make you ioynter of three hun-
dred pound a yeare, he shall make you a Gentle-
1610Slend. I be God that I vill, come cut and long
taile, as good as any is in Glostershire, vnder the de-
1610.1gree of a Squire.
1600An. O God how many grosse faults are hid,
And couered in three hundred pound a yeare?
1601.1Well M. Slender, within a day or two Ile tell you
Slend. I thanke you good misteris Anne, vncle I
shall haue her.
1601.5Quic. M. Shallow, M. Page would pray you to
come you, and you M. Slender, and you mistris An.
Slend. Well Nurse, if youle speake for me,
Ile giue you more then Ile talke of.
Exit omnes but Quickly.
Quic. Indeed I will, Ile speake what I can for you,
1675But specially for M. Fenton:
1675.1But specially of all for my Maister.
And indeed I will do what I can for them all three.
Enter misteris Ford and her two men.
1899.1Mis. For. Do you heare? when your M. comes
take vp this basket as you did before, and if your M.
bid you set it downe, obey hiM.
Ser. I will forsooth.
1899.5Enter Syr Iohn.
Mis. For. Syr Iohn welcome.
1905Fal. What are you sure of your husband now?
Mis. For. He is gone a birding sir Iohn, and I hope
1907.1will not come home yet.
F Enter