Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Not Peer Reviewed

The Merry Wives of Windsor (Quarto 1, 1602)

A pleasant Comedie, of
Godes pitie here comes her father.
1633.1Enter M. Page his wife, M. Shallow, and Slender.
1635Pa. M. Fenton I pray what make you here?
1640You know my answere sir, shees not for you:
Knowing my vow, to blame to vse me thus.
Fen. But heare me speake sir.
1641.1Pa. Pray sir get you gon: Come hither daughter,
Sonne Slender let me speak with you. (they whisper.
1645Quic. Speake to Misteris Page.
Fen. Pray misteris Page let me haue your cõsent.
1646.1Mis.Pa. Ifaith M. Fentõ tis as my husband please.
For my part Ile neither hinder you, nor further(you.
Quic. How say you this was my doings?
1664.1I bid you speake to misteris Page.
Fen. Here nurse, theres a brace of angels to drink,
Worke what thou canst for me, farwell. (Exit Fen.(Slēder
1664.5Quic. By my troth so I will, good hart.
Pa. Come wife, you an I will in, weele leaue M.
And my daughter to talke together. M. Shallow,
You may stay sir if you please.
Exit Page and his wife.
Shal. Mary I thanke you for that:
1620To her cousin, to her.
1620.1Slen. Ifaith I know not what to say.
An. Now M. Slender, whats your will?
Slen. Godeso theres a Iest indeed: why misteris (An,
1625I neuer made wil yet: I thāk God I am wise inough(for that.
Shal. Fie cusse fie, thou art not right,
1605O thou hadst a father.
Slen. I had a father misteris Anne, good vncle
Tell the Iest how my father stole the goose out of
The henloft. All this is nought, harke you mistresse