Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Not Peer Reviewed

The Merry Wives of Windsor (Quarto 1, 1602)

the merry wives of windsor.
Pa. You haue sonne Slender, but my wife here,
Is altogether for maister Doctor.
1325Doc. Begar I tanck her hartily:
Host. But what say you to yong Maister Fenton?
He capers, he daunces, he writes verses, he smelles
All April and May: he wil cary it, he wil carit,
1330Tis in his betmes he wil carite.
Pa. My host not with my cõsent: the gentleman is
Wilde, he knowes too much: If he take her,
1335Let him take her simply: for my goods goes
With my liking, and my liking goes not that way.
For. Well I pray go home with me to dinner:
Besides your cheare Ile shew you wonders: Ile
1340Shew you a monster. You shall go with me
M. Page, and so shall you sir Hugh, and you Maister
1341.1S Hu If there be one in the company, I shal make(two:
Doc. And dere be ven to, I sall make de tird:
Sir Hu, In your teeth for shame,
Shal: wel, wel, God be with you, we shall haue the (fairer
1341.5Wooing at Maister Pages:
Exit Shallow and Slender,
1345Host Ile to my honest knight sir Iohn Falstaffe,
And drinke Canary with him. Exit host.
Ford. I may chance to make him drinke in pipe (wine,
First come gentlemen. Exit omnes.
Enter Mistresse Ford, with two of her men, and
a great buck busket.
Mis. For. Sirrha, if your M. aske you whither
1362.1You carry this basket, say to the Launderers,
I hope you know how to bestow it?
Ser. I warrant you misteris. Exit seruant.
Mis. Ford