551Actus Secundus. Scoena Prima. 552 Enter Mistris Page, Mistris Ford, Master Page, Master 553Ford, Pistoll, Nim, Quickly, Host, Shallow. 554Mist. Page. What, haue
scap'd Loue-letters in the
555holly-day-time of my beauty, and am I now a
ct Aske me no reason why I loue you, for though Loue vse Rea-
558son for his precisian, hee admits him not for his Counsailour: 559you are not yong, no more am I: goe to then, there's simpathie: 560you are merry, so am I: ha, ha, then there's more simpathie: 561you loue sacke, and so do I: would you desire better simpathie?
562Let it suffice thee (Mistris Page) at the least if the Loue of 563Souldier can suffice, that I loue thee: I will not say pitty mee,
564'tis not a Souldier-like phrase; but I say, loue me: 565 By me, thine owne true Knight, by day or night: 566Or any kinde of light, with all his might,
567For thee to fight.
Iohn Falstaffe.
568What a
Herod of
Iurie is this? O wicked, wicked world:
569One that is well-nye worne to peeces with age
show him
selfe a yong Gallant? What an vnwaied
571Behauiour hath this Flemi
sh drunkard pickt (with
572The Deuills name) out of my conuer
sation, that he dares
573In this manner a
ssay me? why, hee hath not beene thrice
574In my Company: what
should I
say to him? I was then
575Frugall of my mirth: (heauen forgiue mee:) why Ile
576Exhibit a Bill in the Parliament for the putting downe
577of men: how
shall I be reueng'd on him? for reueng'd I
578will be? as
sure as his guts are made of puddings.
579Mis Ford. Mistris Page, tru
st me, I was going to your
581Mis Page. And tru
st me, I was comming to you: you
583Mis. Ford. Nay, Ile nere beleeee that; I haue to
585Mis. Page. 'Faith but you doe in my minde.
586Mis. Ford. Well: I doe then: yet I
say, I could
587you to the contrary: O Mi
Page, giue mee
589Mis. Page. What's the matter, woman?
590Mi. Ford. O woman
: if it were not for one tri
fling re
- 591spe
ct, I could come to
such honour.
592Mi. Page. Hang the tri
fle (woman) take the honour:
593what is it? di
spence with tri
fles: what is it?
594Mi. Ford. If I would but goe to hell, for an eternall
595moment, or
so: I could be knighted.
596Mi. Page. What thou lie
st? Sir
Alice Ford? the
597Knights will hacke, and
so thou
st not alter the ar
- 599Mi. Ford. Wee burne day-light: heere, read, read:
600perceiue how I might bee knighted, I
shall thinke the
se of fat men, as long as I haue an eye to make di
- 602rence of mens liking: and yet hee would not
se womens mode
sty: and gaue
such orderly and wel
- 604behaued reproofe to al vncomeline
sse, that I would haue
605sworne his di
sition would haue gone to the truth of
606his words: but they doe no more adhere and keep place
607together, then the hundred P
salms to the tune of Green
- 608sleeues: What tempe
st (I troa) threw this Whale, (with
609so many Tuns of oyle in his belly) a'
shoare at Wind
shall I bee reuenged on him? I thinke the be
st way
611were, to entertaine him with hope, till the wicked
612of lu
st haue melted him in his owne greace: Did you e
- 614Mis. Page. Letter for letter; but that the name of
615Page and
Ford di
ffers: to thy great comfort in this my
- 616stery of ill opinions, heere's the twyn-brother of thy Let
- 617ter: but let thine inherit
st, for I prote
st mine neuer
618shall: I warrant he hath a thou
sand of the
se Letters, writ
619with blancke-
space for di
fferent names (
sure more): and
se are of the
second edition: hee will print them out
621of doubt: for he cares not what hee puts into the pre
622when he would put vs two: I had rather be a Giante
623and lye vnder Mount
Pelion: Well; I will
find you twen
- 624tie la
sciuious Turtles ere one cha
ste man.
625Mis. Ford. Why this is the very
same: the very hand:
626the very words: what doth he thinke of vs?
627Mis. Page. Nay I know not: it makes me almo
st rea
- 628die to wrangle with mine owne hone
sty: Ile entertaine
selfe like one that I am not acquainted withall: for
630sure vnle
sse hee know
straine in mee, that I know
631not my
selfe, hee would neuer haue boorded me in this
633Mi. Ford. Boording, call you it? Ile bee
sure to keepe
635Mi. Page. So will I: if hee come vnder my hatches,
636Ile neuer to Sea againe: Let's bee reueng'd on him: let's
637appoint him a meeting: giue him a
show of comfort in
638his Suit, and lead him on with a
fine baited delay, till hee
639hath pawn'd his hor
ses to mine Ho
st of the Garter.
640Mi. Ford. Nay, I wil con
sent to a
ct any villany again
st 641him, that may not
sully the charine
sse of our hone
sty: oh
642that my hu
saw this Letter: it would giue eternall
643food to his iealou
644Mis. Page. Why look where he comes; and my good
645man too: hee's as farre from iealou
sie, as I am from gi
- 646uing him cau
se, and that (I hope) is an vnmea
surable di
- 648Mis. Ford. You are the happier woman.
649Mis. Page. Let's con
sult together again
st this grea
651Ford. Well: I hope, it be not
652Pist. Hope is a curtall-dog in
some a
Iohn a
cts thy wife.
654Ford. Why
sir, my wife is not young.
655Pist. He wooes both high and low, both rich & poor,
656both yong and old, one with another (
Ford) he loues the
657Gally-mawfry (
Ford) perpend.
659Pist. With liuer, burning hot: preuent:
660Or goe thou like Sir
Acteon he, with
661Ring-wood at thy heeles: O, odious is the name.
663Pist. The horne I
say: Farewell:
664Take heed, haue open eye, for theeues doe foot by night.
665Take heed, ere
sommer comes, or Cuckoo-birds do
sir Corporall
Nim: 667Beleeue it (
Page) he
668Ford. I will be patient: I will
find out this.
669Nim. And this is true: I like not the humor of lying:
670hee hath wronged mee in
some humors: I
should haue
671borne the humour'd Letter to her: but I haue a
672and it
shall bite vpon my nece
ssitie: he loues your wife;
673There's the
short and the long: My name is Corporall
674Nim: I
speak, and I auouch; 'tis true: my name is
Falstaffe loues your wife: adieu, I loue not the hu
- 676mour of bread and chee
se: adieu.
677Page. The humour of it (quoth 'a?) heere's a fellow
678frights Engli
sh out of his wits.
679Ford. I will
seeke out
680Page. I neuer heard
such a drawling-a
cting rogue.
681Ford. If I doe
finde it: well.
682Page. I will not beleeue
such a
Cataian, though the
st o'th'Towne commended him for a true man.
684Ford. 'Twas a good
sible fellow: well.
686Mist. Page. Whether goe you (
George?) harke you.
687Mis. Ford. How now (
Frank) why art thou me
- 689Ford. I melancholy? I am not melancholy:
691s. Ford. Faith, thou ha
st some crochets in thy head,
692Now: will you goe,
Mistris Page?
693Mis. Page. Haue with you: you'll come to dinner
694George? Looke who comes yonder:
shall bee our
ssenger to this paltrie Knight.
696Mis. Ford. Tru
st me, I thought on her:
fit it.
697Mis. Page. You are come to
see my daughter
698Qui. I for
sooth: and I pray how do's good Mi
700Mis Page. Go in with vs and
see: we haue an houres
702Page. How now Ma
ster Ford?
703For. You heard what this knaue told me, did you not?
704Page. Yes, and you heard what the other told me?
705Ford. Doe you thinke there is truth in them?
706Pag. Hang 'em
slaues: I doe not thinke the Knight
707would o
ffer it: But the
se that accu
se him in his intent
708towards our wiues, are a yoake of his di
scarded men: ve
- 709ry rogues, now they be out of
710Ford. Were they his men?
711Page. Marry were they.
712Ford. I like it neuer the beter for that,
713Do's he lye at the Garter?
714Page. I marry do's he: if hee
should intend this voy
- 715age toward my wife, I would turne her loo
se to him;
716and what hee gets more of her, then
sharpe words, let it
718Ford. I doe not mi
sdoubt my wife: but I would bee
719loath to turne them together: a man may be too con
fi- 720dent: I would haue nothing lye on my head: I cannot
722Page. Looke where my ranting-Ho
st of the Garter
723comes: there is eyther liquor in his pate, or mony in his
se, when hee lookes
so merrily: How now mine
726Host. How now Bully-Rooke: thou'rt a Gentleman
727Caueleiro Iu
stice, I
728Shal. I follow, (mine Ho
st) I follow: Good-euen,
729and twenty (good Ma
Page.) Ma
Page, wil you go
730with vs? we haue
sport in hand.
731Host. Tell him Caueleiro-Iu
stice: tell him Bully
- 733Shall. Sir, there is a fray to be fought, betweene Sir
734Hugh the Welch Prie
st, and
Caius the French Do
735Ford. Good mine Ho
st o'th' Garter: a word with you.
736Host. What
st thou, my Bully-Rooke?
737Shal. Will you goe with vs to behold it? My merry
st hath had the mea
suring of their weapons; and (I
739thinke) hath appointed them contrary places: for (be
- 740leeue mee) I heare the Par
son is no Ie
ster: harke, I will
741tell you what our
shall be.
742Host. Ha
st thou no
suit again
st my Knight? my gue
st- 744Shal. None, I prote
st: but Ile giue you a pottle of
sacke, to giue me recour
se to him, and tell him
746my name is
Broome: onely for a ie
747Host. My hand, (Bully:) thou
shalt haue egre
sse and
sse, (
said I well?) and thy name
shall be
Broome. It
749is a merry Knight: will you goe An-heires?
750Shal. Haue with you mine Ho
751Page. I haue heard the French-man hath good
753Shal. Tut
sir: I could haue told you more: In the
754times you
stand on di
stance: your Pa
sses, Stoccado's, and
755I know not what: 'tis the heart (Ma
Page) 'tis heere,
756'tis heere: I haue
seene the time, with my long-
sword, I
757would haue made you fowre tall fellowes
skippe like
759Host. Heere boyes, heere, heere:
shall we wag?
760Page. Haue with you: I had rather heare them
762Ford. Though
Page be a
secure foole, and
763firmely on his wiues frailty; yet, I cannot put-o
ff my o
- 764pinion
so ea
she was in his company at
Pages hou
765and what they made there, I know not. Well, I wil looke
766further into't, and I haue a di
se, to
Falstaffe; if
finde her hone
st, I loo
se not my labor: if
she be other
- 768wi
se, 'tis labour well be