398Enter Mistris Quickly, Simple, Iohn Rugby, Doctor, 400Qu. What,
Iohn Rugby, I pray thee goe to the Ca
- 401ment, and
see if you can
see my Ma
ster, Ma
ster Do
402Caius comming: if he doe (I' faith) and
finde any body
403in the hou
se; here will be an old abu
sing of Gods pati
- 404ence, and the Kings Engli
406Qu. Goe, and we'll haue a po
sset for't
soone at night,
407(in faith) at the latter end of a Sea-cole-
fire: An hone
408willing, kinde fellow, as euer
shall come in hou
409withall: and I warrant you, no tel-tale, nor no breede
- 410bate: his wor
st fault is, that he is giuen to prayer; hee is
411something peeui
sh that way: but no body but has his
412fault: but let that pa
Peter Simple, you
say your
414Si. I: for fault of a better.
415Qu. And Ma
Slender's your Ma
417Qu. Do's he not weare a great round Beard, like a
418Glouers pairing-knife?
419Si. No for
sooth: he hath but a little wee-face; with
420a little yellow Beard: a Caine colourd Beard.
421Qu. A
sprighted man, is he not?
422Si. I for
sooth: but he is as tall a man of his hands, as
423any is betweene this and his head: he hath fought with
425Qu. How
say you: oh, I
should remember him: do's
426he not hold vp his head (as it were?) and
strut in his gate?
427Si. Yes indeede do's he.
428Qu. Well, heauen
Anne Page, no wor
se fortune:
429Tell Ma
ster Par
Euans, I will doe what I can for your
Anne is a good girle, and I wi
sh ---
431Ru. Out alas: here comes my Ma
432Qu. We
shall all be
shent: Run in here, good young
433man: goe into this Clo
sset: he will not
stay long
: what
434Iohn Rugby?
Iohn: what
Iohn I
say? goe
Iohn, goe en
- 435quire for my Ma
ster, I doubt he be not well, that hee
436comes not home: (
and downe, downe, adowne'a. &c.
437Ca. Vat is you
sing? I doe not like des-toyes: pray
438you goe and vetch me in my Clo
vnboyteene verd ;
439a Box, a greene-a-Box
: do
intend vat I
speake? a greene
- 441Qu. I for
sooth ile fetch it you
: 442I am glad hee went not in him
selfe: if he had found the
443yong man he would haue bin horne-mad.
445Court la grand affaires.
447Ca. Ouy mette le au mon pocket, de-peech quickly: quickly:
448Vere is dat knaue
449Qu. What
Iohn Rugby,
451Ca. You are
Iohn Rugby, aad you are
Iacke Rugby: 452Come, take-a-your Rapier, and come after my heele to
454Ru. 'Tis ready Sir, here in the Porch.
455Ca. By my trot: I tarry too long: od's-me:
que ay ie 456oublie: dere is
some Simples in my Clo
sset, dat I vill not
457for the varld I
shall leaue behinde.
458Qu. Ay-me, he'll
finde the yong man there, & be mad.
459Ca. O
Diable, Diable: vat is in my Clo
460Villanie, La-roone :
Rugby, my Rapier.
461Qu. Good Ma
ster be content.
462Ca. Wherefore
shall I be content-a?
463Qu. The yong man is an hone
st man.
464Ca. What
shall de hone
st man do in my Clo
sset: dere
465is no hone
st man dat
shall come in my Clo
466Qu. I be
seech you be not
flegmaticke: heare the
467truth of it. He came of an errand to mee, from Par
470Si. I for
sooth: to de
sire her to ---
471Qu. Peace, I pray you.
472Ca. Peace-a-your tongue:
speake-a-your Tale.
473Si. To de
sire this hone
st Gentlewoman (your Maid)
speake a good word to Mi
Anne Page, for my Ma
- 475ster in the way of Marriage.
476Qu. This is all indeede-la: but ile nere put my
477in the
fire, and neede not.
478Ca. Sir
Hugh send-a you?
ballow mee
479paper: tarry you a littell-a-while.
480Qui. I am glad he is
so quiet: if he had bin through
- 481ly moued, you
should haue heard him
so loud, and
so me
- 482lancholly: but notwith
standing man, Ile doe yoe your
ster what good I can: and the very yea, & the no is,
ye 484French Do
ctor my Ma
ster, (I may call him my Ma
485looke you, for I keepe his hou
se; and I wa
sh, ring, brew,
scowre, dre
sse meat and drinke, make the beds, and
488Simp. 'Tis a great charge to come vnder one bodies
490Qui. Are you a-uis'd o'that? you
finde it a great
491charge: and to be vp early, and down late: but notwith
- 492standing, (to tell you in your eare, I wold haue no words
493of it) my Ma
ster him
selfe is in loue with Mi
Anne 494Page: but notwith
standing that I know
Ans mind, that's
495neither heere nor there.
496Caius. You, Iack'Nape: giue-'a this Letter to Sir
497Hugh, by gar it is a
shallenge: I will cut his troat in de
498Parke, and I will teach a
scuruy Iack-a-nape Prie
st to
499meddle, or make:--- you may be gon: it is not good
500you tarry here: by gar I will cut all his two
stones: by
501gar, he
shall not haue a
stone to throw at his dogge.
502Qui. Alas: he
speakes but for his friend.
503Caius. It is no matter 'a ver dat: do not you tell-a-me
504dat I
shall haue
Anne Page for my
selfe? by gar, I vill
505kill de Iack-Prie
st: and I haue appointed mine Ho
st of
506de Iarteer to mea
sure our weapon: by gar, I wil my
508Qui. Sir, the maid loues you, and all
shall bee well:
509We mu
st giue folkes leaue to prate: what the good-ier.
510 Caius. Rugby, come to the Court with me: by gar, if
511I haue not
Anne Page, I
shall turne your head out of my
512dore: follow my heeles,
513Qui. You
shall haue
An-fooles head of your owne:
514No, I know
Ans mind for that: neuer a woman in
Wind- 515sor knowes more of
Ans minde then I doe, nor can doe
516more then I doe with her, I thanke heauen.
517Fenton. Who's with in there, hoa?
518Qui. Who's there, I troa? Come neere the hou
se I
520Fen. How now (good woman) how do
st thou?
521Qui. The better that it plea
ses your good Wor
523Fen. What newes? how do's pretty Mi
524Qui. In truth Sir, and
shee is pretty, and hone
st, and
525gentle, and one that is your friend, I can tell you that by
526the way, I prai
se heauen for it.
527Fen. Shall I doe any good think
st thou?
shall I not
529Qui. Troth Sir, all is in his hands aboue: but not
- 530with
standing (Ma
Fenton) Ile be
sworne on a booke
531shee loues you: haue not your Wor
ship a wart aboue
533Fen. Yes marry haue I, what of that?
534Qui. Wel, thereby hangs a tale: good faith, it is
Nan; (but (I dete
st) an hone
st maid as euer
536broke bread: wee had an howres talke of that wart; I
537shall neuer laugh but in that maids company: but (in
- 538deed)
shee is giuen too much to Allicholy and mu
539but for you --- well --- goe too ---
540Fen. Well: I
see her to day: hold, there's mo
- 541ney for thee: Let mee haue thy voice in my behalfe: if
st her before me, commend me. ---
543Qui. Will I? I faith that wee will: And I will tell
544your Wor
ship more of the Wart, the next time we haue
fidence, and of other wooers.
546Fen. Well, fare-well, I am in great ha
ste now.
547Qui. Fare-well to your Wor
ship: truely an hone
st 548Gentleman: but
Anne loues hiim not: for I know
Ans 549minde as well as another do's: out vpon't: what haue I