860Woman, commend me to her, I will not faile her.
861Qui. Why, you
say well: But I haue another me
- 862ger to your wor
ship: Mi
Page hath her heartie
863commendations to you to: and let mee tell you in your
shee's as fartuous a ciuill mode
st wife, and one (I
865tell you) that will not mi
sse you morning nor euening
866prayer, as any is in
Windsor, who ere bee the other: and
867shee bade me tell your wor
ship, that her hu
sband is
- 868dome from home, but
she hopes there will come a time.
869I neuer knew a woman
so doate vpon a man;
surely I
870thinke you haue charmes, la: yes in truth.
871Fal. Not I, I a
ssure thee;
setting the attra
ction of my
872good parts a
side, I haue no other charmes.
873Qui. Ble
ssing on your heart for't.
874Fal. But I pray thee tell me this: has
Fords wife, and
875Pages wife acquainted each other, how they loue me?
876Qui. That were a ie
st indeed: they haue not
so little
877grace I hope, that were a tricke indeed: But Mi
Page 878would de
sire you to
send her your little Page of al loues:
879her hu
sband has a maruellous infe
ctiō to the little Page:
880and truely Ma
Page is an hone
st man: neuer a wife in
881Windsor leades a better life then
she do's: doe what
say what
she will, take all, pay all, goe to bed when
883she li
st, ri
se when
she li
st, all is as
she will: and truly
serues it; for if there be a kinde woman in
885is one: you mu
st send her your Page, no remedie.
887Qu. Nay, but doe
so then, and looke you, hee may
888come and goe betweene you both: and in any ca
se haue
889a nay-word, that you may know one anothers minde,
890and the Boy neuer neede to vnder
stand any thing; for
891'tis not good that children
should know any wickednes:
892olde folkes you know, haue di
scretion, as they
say, and
894Fal. Farethee-well, commend mee to them both:
895there's my pur
se, I am yet thy debter: Boy, goe along
896with this woman, this newes di
cts me.
897Pist. This Puncke is one of
Cupids Carriers,
898Clap on more
sailes, pur
sue: vp with your
she is my prize, or Ocean whelme them all.
900Fal. Sai
st thou
so (old
Iacke) go thy waies: Ile make
901more of thy olde body then I haue done: will they yet
902looke after thee? wilt thou after the expence of
so much
903money, be now a gainer? good Body, I thanke thee: let
say 'tis gro
ssely done,
so it bee fairely done, no
906Bar. Sir
Iohn, there's one Ma
Broome below would
speake with you, and be acquainted with you; and
sent your wor
ship a mornings draught of Sacke.
909Fal. Broome is his name?
911Fal. Call him in:
Broomes are welcome to mee,
912that ore'
such liquor: ah ha, Mi
Ford and Mi
- 913stre
Page, haue I encompa
ss'd you? goe to,
914Ford. 'Ble
sse you
915Fal. And you
sir: would you
speake with me?
916Ford. I make bold, to pre
sse, with
so little prepara
- 918Fal. You'r welcome, what's your will? giue vs leaue
920Ford. Sir, I am a Gentleman that haue
spent much,
922Fal. Good Ma
Broome, I de
sire more acquaintance
924Ford. Good Sir
Iohn, I
sue for yours: not to charge
925you, for I mu
st let you vnder
stand, I thinke my
selfe in
926better plight for a Lender, then you are: the which hath
927something emboldned me to this vn
son'd intru
928for they
say, if money goe before, all waies doe lye
930Fal. Money is a good Souldier (Sir) and will on.
931Ford. Troth, and I haue a bag of money heere trou
- 932bles me: if you will helpe to beare it (Sir
Iohn) take all,
933or halfe, for ea
sing me of the carriage.
934Fal. Sir, I know not how I may de
serue to bee your
936Ford. I will tell you
sir, if you will giue mee the hea
- 938Fal. Speake (good Ma
Broome) I
shall be glad to
940Ford. Sir, I heare you are a Scholler: (I will be briefe
941with you) and you haue been a man long knowne to me,
942though I had neuer
so good means as de
sire, to make my
943selfe acquainted with you. I
shall di
scouer a thing to
944you, wherein I mu
st very much lay open mine owne im
- 945perfe
ction: but (good Sir
Iohn) as you haue one eye vp
- 946on my follies, as you heare them vnfolded, turne another
947into the Regi
ster of your owne, that I may pa
sse with a
948reproofe the ea
sith you your
selfe know how ea
sie it
949is to be
such an o
950Fal. Very well Sir, proceed.
951Ford. There is a Gentlewoman in this Towne, her
sbands name is
954Ford. I haue long lou'd her, and I prote
st to you, be
- 955stowed much on her: followed her with a doating ob
- 956seruance: Ingross'd opportunities to meete her: fee'd e
- 957uery
slight occa
sion that could but nigardly giue mee
958sight of her: not only bought many pre
sents to giue her,
959but haue giuen largely to many, to know what
960would haue giuen: brie
fly, I haue pur
su'd her, as Loue
961hath pur
sued mee, which hath beene on the wing of all
sions: but what
soeuer I haue merited, either in my
963minde, or in my meanes, meede I am
sure I haue receiued
964none, vnle
sse Experience be a Iewell, that I haue purcha
- 965sed at an in
finite rate, and that hath taught mee to
"Loue like a shadow flies, when substance Loue pursues,
Pursuing that that flies, and flying what pursues.
969Fal. Haue you receiu'd no promi
se of
ction at
972Fal. Haue you importun'd her to
such a purpo
974Fal. Of what qualitie was your loue then?
975Ford. Like a fair hou
se, built on another mans ground,
976so that I haue lo
st my edi
fice, by mi
staking the place,
978Fal. To what purpo
se haue you vnfolded this to me?
979For. When I haue told you that, I haue told you all:
say, that though
she appeare hone
st to mee, yet in
981other places
shee enlargeth her mirth
so farre, that there
shrewd con
ction made of her. Now (Sir
Iohn) here
983is the heart of my purpo
se: you are a gentleman of ex
- 984cellent breeding, admirable di
se, of great admit
- 985tance, authenticke in your place and per
son, generally
986allow'd for your many war-like, court-like, and learned
989Ford. Beleeue it, for you know it: there is money,
990spend it,
spend it,
spend more;
spend all I haue, onely