Not Peer Reviewed
The Merry Wives of Windsor (Folio 1, 1623)
The Merry Wiues of Windsor.
2013Euans. Why, this is Lunaticks: this is madde, as a
2014mad dogge.
2015Shall. Indeed M. Ford, thi is not well indeed.
2018ous creature, that hath the iealious foole to her husband:
2028cloathes? Come, away.
2030M. Ford. Why man, why?
2035me out all the linnen.
2038Page. Heer's no man.
2040wrongs you.
2042imaginations of your owne heart: this is iealousies.
2048iealous as Ford, that search'd a hollow Wall-nut for his
2050with me.
2052the old woman downe: my husband will come into the
2054Ford. Old woman? what old womans that?
2055M. Ford. Why it is my maids Aunt of Brainford.
2056Ford. A witch, a Queane, an olde couzening queane:
2057Haue I not forbid her my house. She comes of errands
2060She workes by Charmes, by Spels, by th'Figure, & such
2061dawbry as this is, beyond our Element: wee know no-
2062thing. Come downe you Witch, you Hagge you, come
2063downe I say.
2065men, let him strike the old woman.
2066Mist. Page. Come mother Prat, Come giue me your
2068Ford. Ile Prat-her: Out of my doore, you Witch,
2069you Ragge, you Baggage, you Poulcat, you Runnion,
2070out, out: Ile coniure you, Ile fortune-tell you.
2072I thinke you haue kill'd the poore woman.
2073Mist. Ford. Nay he will do it, 'tis a goodly credite
2074for you.
2075Ford. Hang her witch.
2077deede: I like not when a o'man has a great peard; I spie
2078a great peard vnder his muffler.
2081vpon no traile, neuer trust me when I open againe.
2082Page. Let's obey his humour a little further:
2083Come Gentlemen.
2086him most vnpittifully, me thought.
2087Mist. Page. Ile haue the cudgell hallow'd, and hung
2088ore the Altar, it hath done meritorious seruice.
2091ence, pursue him with any further reuenge?
2093of him, if the diuell haue him not in fee-simple, with
2094fine and recouery, he will neuer (I thinke) in the way of
2095waste, attempt vs againe.
2097seru'd him?
2100in their hearts, the poore vnuertuous fat Knight shall be
2103Mist. Ford. Ile warrant, they'l haue him publiquely
2104sham'd, and me thinkes there would be no period to the
2107I would not haue things coole. Exeunt
2108Scena Tertia.
2109Enter Host and Bardolfe.
2112and they are going to meet him.
2114I heare not of him in the Court: let mee speake with the
2116Bar. I Sir? Ile call him to you.
2119commaund: I haue turn'd away my other guests, they
2121Scena Quarta.
2122Enter Page, Ford, Mistris Page, Mistris
2123Ford, and Euans.
2125uer I did looke vpon.
2128Mist. Page. VVithin a quarter of an houre.
2129Ford. Pardon me (wife) henceforth do what yu wilt:
2131Then thee with wantonnes: Now doth thy honor stand