Not Peer Reviewed
The Adventures of Pericles (Quarto)
1733The eleuenth Chapter.
1734How Pericles after foureteene yeeres absence, arriued at Tharsus, and not 1735finding his daughter, lamented her supposed death: and how taking ship againe, he 1736was by crosse windes driuen to Meteline, where his daughter Marina was: and how by 1737the meanes of Prince Lysimachus comming aboorde his shippe to comforte him, he came 1738to the knowledge of his lost daughter, and also of his wife Thaysa.
1739Hauing thus preserued Marina, our Story giues vs now leaue to returne againe to 1740Prince Pericles, who after foureteene yeares absence arriued at Tharsus, and was receiued 1741into the house of Cleon and Dyonysa, with whome hee had left his yoong daughter Marina to 1742be fostered vp. At the newes of whose comming, Cleon and Dyonysa againe apparrelled 1743themselues in mournfull habites, went out to meete him: who when Pericles beheld in 1744so sad an out-side; My trusty friends, what cause inforceth you to giue so sad a welcome 1745to my entertainement? O my good Lord, answered Dyonysa, would any tongue but ours might be 1746the herald of your mis-hap: but sorrowes pipes will burst, haue they not vent, and you of 1747force must knowe Marina is dead. Which when Pericles heard, the very word Death seemed like 1748an edge that cut his heart, his flesh trembled, and his strength failed: yet inagony a long 1749time standing amased, with his eyes intentiuely fixed on the ground, and at length recouering 1750himselfe, and taking breath, hee first cast his eyes vppe to heauen, saying; O you Gods! 1751extreamity of passion dooth make mee almost ready to accuse you of iniustice. And then 1752throwing his eyes greedily vpon her. But woman, quoth hee, If (as thou sayest) my most 1753deere Marina be dead, is the money and the treasure which I also left with you for her, 1754perished with her? When she aunswered; Some is, and some yet remaineth. And as for your 1755daughter (my Lord) lest you shoulde anie way suspect vs, we haue sufficient witnesse: for 1756our Citizens being mindefull of your benefites bestowed vppon them, haue erected vnto her 1757a monument of brasse fast by yours. And when she had so said, she brought foorth such money, 1758iewells, and apparrell as it pleased her to say were remayning of Marinaes store. Wherevppon 1759Pericles giuing credite to this report of her death, he commaunded his seruants to take vp 1760what she had brought, and beare them to his shippes, while he himselfe would goe visite his 1761daughters monument. Which when he beheld, and had read the Epitaph, as before written, his 1762affection brake out into his eies, and he expressed more actuall sorrow for the losse of 1763her then Inditement can expresse: first, tumbling himselfe vppon her monument, he then 1764fell into a swownd, as if, since he might not leaue all his life with her, yet he would 1765leaue halfe at least, from which trance being at the length recouered, hee apparrelles 1766himselfe in sacke-cloth, running hastily vnto his shippes, desireth the Sea to take him 1767into their wombe, since neither land nor water was fortunate vnto him; for the one had 1768bereft him of a daughter, the other of a wife. But as befitted them, being most careful 1769of his safty they vsed their best perswasions, to asswage this tempest of his sorrow; 1770presently, as much as might be in such a case, they preuayled, and partly by time, which 1771is a curer of all cares, continually mittigated some part of the griefe. (When hee perceiuing 1772the winde to stand fitte for their departure, hee hoysed vppe sailes, and gaue farewell to 1773the shoare, nor had they long sailed in their course, but the winde came about into a 1774contrary quarter, and blew so fiercely that it troubled both sea and shippes, the raine fell 1775fiercely from aboue, and the sea wrought woonderously vnderneath, so that the tempest being 1776terrible for the time, it was in that extreamitie thought fittest to strike sayle, to let the 1777Helme goe, and to suffer the shippe to driue with the tide, whither it would please the gods to 1778direct it: But as Ioy euermore succeedeth Heauinesse, so was this sharpe storme occasion of a 1779ioyfull meeting, betwixt this sorrowful father, and his lost daughter; for while Prince Pericles 1780shippe is thus gouerned at randon, by fortune it striketh vppon the shoare of the Cittie 1781Meteline, where now Marina remained, of whose death he (as before) being fully perswaded, 1782in whose life he had hope his decayed comfortes should againe haue had new growth. And being 1783now agayne at sea, he vowed to himselfe neuer more to haue fellowshippe or conference with 1784any man, charging all his folowers, of whome Helycanus was one, that none of them vpon the 1785paine of his displeasure (and who is ignorant that the displeasure of kings is as daungerous 1786as death) should dare to speake vnto him: no not so much as they who attended him with meate, 1787and withall commaunded them, that they should not ordayne for him any more but so small a 1788competence, as might euen scarcely maintaine nature, accompting now that life which he possessed, 1789tedious to him, and wishing death in the most vnfriendly languishment. In which state while he 1790consisted, pining of his body, and perplexed in minde, it happened, that at one selfe same time 1791Lord Helycanus going from the Princes shippe, and landing on the shoare, the Gouenour Lysimachus, 1792who (as before is mentioned) tenderd Marina, was standing at the hauen, and noting Pericles ships 1793riding there at anker, he beganne with himselfe to commend the comelinesse of the vessells, and 1794applaude the state they vphelde in their burthens, and in especially, that of the Admirall 1795wherein the Prince himselfe was, who string Helycanus come on shoare, and his graue and reuerent 1796countenaunce promising him, to be a father of experience, and worthy of his conference, hee in 1797curteous manner saluted him, and demaunded of him, of whence those shippes for sir quoth he, 1798by their armes and ensignes I perceiue they are strangers to our harbours, as also that it would 1799please him to deliuer to him who was the owner of them, when Helycanus, as in the whole Storie, 1800discoursed vnto him his misfortunes, as also of his former woorth, and his present languishment, 1801from which he could not be remooued, neither by his wisedome, nor by the counsell of his friends. 1802When Lysimachus pittying his ruine, intreated Helycanus that he might speake with him, whereby to 1803try if his perswasions had power preuayle with him more then the will of himselfe, or power of his 1804subiects. Which being by Helycanus graunted, he foorthwith conducted him downe where his Maister 1805lay: whom when Lysimachus beheld, so attired from the ordinary habite of other men, as with a 1806long ouer-growne beard, diffused hayre, vndecent nayles on his fingers, and himselfe lying vppon 1807his cowch groueling on his face. He somewhat astonished at the strangenes thereof, caled vnto 1808him with a soft voice, Prince Pericles, who hearing himselfe named, and thinking it to be some 1809of his men, that called vpon him contrary to his commaunde-ment, hee arose vp sodainely with a 1810fierce countenaunce: but seeing him to be a stranger, verie comely and honourably attyred, hee 1811shruncke himselfe downe vppon his pillow, and held his peace. When Lysimachus demaunded of 1812Helycanus if it were his custome to be so silent to all men. Sir, it is quoth he, and hath 1813continued so for the space of this moneth, neither dare any of vs his subiects, though we suffer 1814much sorrow for him, by our perswasions seeke to alter him. Now surely quoth Lysimachus, though 1815his misfortunes haue beene great, and by which he hath great cause for this sorrow, it is great 1816pitty he should continue thus peruerse and obstinate, or so noble a gentleman come to so 1817dishonorable a death: and thereuppon bethinking with himselfe what honourable meanes he might 1818vse to recouer him. He sodainely remembring the wisedom that he had known Marina had in perswasion: 1819and hauing heard since of her excellent skill in musicke, singing and dauncing: he by the consent of 1820Helycanus caused her to be sent for, resoluing with himselfe, that if the excellencie of her 1821ministry had no power to worke on him, all phisicke was in vaine, and he from thence would resigne 1822him ouer to his graue. The messenger speedily is returned, bringing Marina along with him: whome 1823when Lysimachus beheld, Marina quoth he, let me request of thee, thy help and vttermost knowledge 1824in comforting the owner of this shippe which lieth in darkenesse, and will receiue no comfort, nor 1825come abroade into the light, for the sorrow that he conceiueth through the losse of a wife and a 1826daughter. From which if thou recouer him, and to his former health restore him, I will, as I am 1827a Gentleman, giue thee in recompence thirtie sistercies of golde, and as many of siluer, and 1828though the bawd hath bought thee, according to the laws of our citty, from whom no authoritie 1829can compell thee, yet for thirtie dayes will I redeeme thee. Which when Marina heard, shee went 1830boldely downe into the cabine to him, and with a milde voyce saluted him, saying; God saue you 1831sir, and be of good comfort, for an innocent Virgin, whose life hath bin distressed by shipwrack, 1832and her chastity by dishonesty, and hath yet bin preserued from both, thus curteously saluteth 1833thee: but perceuing him to yeeld her no answer, she began to record in verses, and therewithall 1834to sing so sweetely, that Pericles, notwithstanding his great sorrow, woondered at her, at last, 1835taking vp another instrument vnto his eares she preferred this.
1836Amongst the harlots foule I walke,
1837Yet harlot none am I;
1838The Rose amongst the Thornes doth grow,
1839And is not hurt thereby.
1840The Thiefe that stole me sure I thinke,
1841Is slaine before this time.
1842A Bawde me bought, yet am I not
1843Defilde by fleshly crime:
1844Nothing were pleasanter to me,
1845Then parents mine to know.
1846I am the issue of a King,
1847My blood from Kings dooth flowe:
1848In time the heauens may mend my state,
1849And send a better day,
1850For sorrow addes vnto our griefes,
1851But helps not any way:
1852Shew gladnesse in your countenaunce,
1853Cast vp your cheerefull eies,
1854That God remaines, that once of nought
1855Created Earth and Skies.
1856With this Musicke of Marinaes, as with no delight else was he a whit altered, but 1857lay groueling on his face, onely casting an eye vppon her, as hee were rather discontented 1858than delighted with her indeuour. Whereupon she beganne with morall precepts to reprooue him, 1859and tolde him, that hee was borne a Prince, whose dignity being to gouerne others, it was most 1860foule in him to misgouerne himselfe. Which while he continued in that sullen estate, he did no 1861lesse, thus to mourne for the losse of a wife and childe, or at any of his owne misfortunes, 1862approoued that he was an enemy to the authoritie of the heauens, whose power was to dispose of 1863him and his, at their pleasure: and that it was as vnfitte for him to repine (for his continuing 1864sorrow shewed he did no lesse) against their determinations and their vnaltered willes, as it 1865was for the Giants to make warre against the Gods, who were confounded in their enterprise. Not 1866fitte to sorrow, quoth he, rising vp like a Cloude, that bespeakes thunder; presumptuous bewty 1867in a childe, how darest thou vrge so much? and therewithall, in this rash distemperature, strucke 1868her on the face. When she, who neuer vntill that time knew what blowes were, fell sodainely in a 1869swowne: but beeing againe recouered, shee cryed out; O humilitie! ordained especially for Princes, 1870who hauing power ouer all, shuld contemne none, whither art thou fled? then weeping a while; And 1871O you Gods! creators both of heauen and earth, looke vppon my afflictions, and take compassion 1872vppon me, that am vnfortunate in all things, I haue bin tossed from wrong to iniurie, I was borne 1873amongest the waues and troublesome tempests of the Sea, my mother died in paines and pangs of 1874child-birth, and buriall was denyed her on the earth, whome my father adorned with Iewelles layd 1875golde at her head, and siluer at her feete, and inclosing her in a Chest, committed her to the 1876Sea: As for me vnfortunate wretch, my father, who with princely furniture, put me (in trust) to 1877Cleon and Dyonysa, who commanded a seruant of theirs to murder me, from whose cruelty by Pirates 1878I was rescewed, brought by them to this Citty, and sold to haue beene hackneyd by a common Bawde, 1879though (I thanke the heauens) I haue preserued my chastity; and now after al these crosses, for 1880my curtesies to be strucke thus to bleeding! O cruell fate! By which tale of hers, Pericles being 1881mooued, since by all the circumstances he ghessed she was his childe, and yet not knowing whether 1882he might beleeue himselfe to be awake, or in a dreame, he beganne agayne to capitulate with her, 1883of her former relation, as namely, where she was borne, who were her parents, and what her name 1884was. To the which she answered, My name is Marina, and so called because I was borne vpon the sea. 1885O my Marina cryed out Pericles, being strucke into such an extasie of ioy that hee was not able 1886to containe himselfe! willing her agayne to discourse vnto him the storie of her misfortunes, for 1887hee could not heare too much. Which she obeying him in, and he knowing her to be his childe, 1888seeing that the supposed dead was risen again, he falls on hir necke, and kisses her, calles 1889vpon Helycanus to come vnto him, shewes him his daughter, biddes him to kneele to her, thanketh 1890Lysimachus that so fortunately had brought her to begette life in the father who begot her; so 1891one while weeping at others ioying, and his senses being masterd by a gentle conquerour, in that 1892extreamitie of passion, he fell into a slumber: in which sweet sleepe of his, hee was by Diana, 1893warned to hie to Ephesus: and there vpon the Altare of that Goddesse to offer vppe his sacrifice 1894before the Priests, and there to discourse the whole progresse of his life: which he remembring, 1895being awake, he accordingly shipped himselfe with Lysimachus, Marina, and his owne subiects to 1896perfourme. Who landing at Ephesus, and giuing notice of the purpose, for which he was come, he 1897was by all the Priests and Votaries attended to the Temple; being brought to the Altare, this 1898was the substance of his sacrifice, I Pericles borne Prince Tyre, who hauing in youth attained 1899to all kinde of knowledge, resolued the Riddle of Antiochus, to the intent to haue married his 1900daughter, whome he most shamefully defiled. To preserue my selfe from whose anger, I fled to sea, 1901suffered shipwracke, was curteously entertained by good Symonides king of Pentapolis, and after 1902espoused his faire daughter Thaysa. At the naming of whome, she her selfe being by, could not 1903choose but starte: for in this Temple was she placed to be a Nunne, by Lord Cerimon, who preserued 1904her life. But Pericles going on, when Antiochus and his daughter, quoth he, by lightning strucke 1905dead from heauen, I conducted my Queene with me from her fathers Court, with purpose to receiue 1906againe my kingdome: where vpon the sea shee was deliuered of this my daughter, in that trauell 1907she died, whom I inclosed in a Chest, and threw it into the Sea. When Thaysa standing by, and no 1908longer being able to temper her affections, being assured he was her Lord, shee ranne hastily 1909vnto him, imbraced him in her armes, and would haue kissed him. Which when Pericles sawe, hee 1910was mooued with disdaine, and thrust her from him, accusing her for lightnes, whose modesty and 1911good grace hee at his first entrance did commend, when she falling at his feete, and powring 1912foorth her teares aboundantly, gladnesse compelled her to crie out, O my Lord Pericles, deale 1913not vngently with me, I am your wife, daughter vnto Symonides, my name is Thaysa, you were my 1914Schoolemaister, and instructed me in musicke, you are that Prince whome I loued, not for 1915concupiscence, but desire of wisedome, I am she which was deliuered and died at the sea, and 1916by your owne hands was buryed in the deepes; which wordes of hers, Lord Cerimon standing by, 1917he was ready to auerre, but it needed not: for Pericles, though at the first astonished, ioy 1918had now so reuiued his spirites, that hee knew her to be herselfe: but throwing his head into 1919her bosome, hauing nothing but this to vtter, he cried aloude, O you heauens! my misfortunes 1920were now againe blessings, since wee are agayne contracted; so giuing his daughter to her 1921armes to embrace her as a child and Lysimachus to enfolde her as a wife, and giuing order the 1922solemnity of marriage should strait be prouided for: he then caused the bawd to be burnt, who 1923with so much labor had sought to violate her princely chastitie, whilest Marina rewarded the 1924pandar, who had beene so faithfull to hir: and then after he had scene hir mariage with Lisimachus, 1925he leaueth Ephesus, and intendes for Tyre, taking Pentapolis in his way, where by the death of 1926good Symonides, as lawful heire, he was made soueraigne. He also highly rewarded the poore 1927Fisher-men, who had relieued him. From thence he arriued at Tharsus, where hee reuenged himselfe 1928of Cleon and Dyonysa, by stoning them to death. From thence to Tyre, where peaceably he was 1929receiued into his kingdome, and giuen also possession of all the 20 territories of Antiochus, 1930where by his wife, though in the declining of both their yeeres, it pleased the Gods to blesse 1931him with a sonne, who growing to the lusty strength of youth, and the father declining to his 1932graue, age being no longer able to be sustained by the benefite of nature, fell into certayne 1933colde and dry diseases: in which case, the knowledge of his Physitions, could stand him in 1934little steade, eyther by their cunning or experience, (so as no remedie being to be found against 1935death) being in perfect memorie, he departed this life in the armes of his beloued Thaysa, and 1936in the middest of his friendes, nobles, alies and children in great honour, his kingdome of 1937Tyrus he gaue by will to Lysimachus and his daughter Marina, and to their heires after them 1938for euer, who liued long together, and had much comfort by their issue. Vnto his Queene Thaysa 1939he gaue the two kingdomes of Antioch and Pentapolis for tearme of her life, and at her death 1940to descend to her yong sonne Symonides. But Thaysa who could not then be yong since Pericles 1941died olde, continued not long in her widows estate, but pining much with sorrow, and wearing 1942with age, forsooke the present worlde, leauing her two kingdomes (according to his fathers will) 1943to her yoong sonne Symonides.