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The Adventures of Pericles (Quarto)
Painfull Aduentures
of Pericles Prince of
The true History of the Play of Pericles as it was
lately presented by the worthy and an-
cient Poet Iohn Gower.
Printed by T.P. for Nat: Butter.
0.2To the Right Worshipfull and most woorthy 0.3Gentleman Maister Henry Fermor, one of his 0.4Maiesties Justices of Peace for the 0.5Countie of Middlesex, health and eternall happinesse.
0.6Right woorthy Sir, Opinion, that in these 0.7daies wil make wise men fooles, and the most 0.8fooles (with a little helpe of their 0.9owne arrogancie) seeme wise, hath made me 0.10euer feare to throw my selfe vpon the racke 0.11of Censure, the which euerie man in this latter 0.12Age doth, who is so ouer hardie to put his 0.13witte in print. I see Sir, that a good coate with 0.14rich trappings gets a gay Asse entraunce in 0.15at a great Gate (and within 'a may stalke freely) 0.16when a ragged philosopher with more witte shall 0.17be shutte foorth of doores: notwithstanding this 0.18I know Sir, that Vertue wants no bases to vpholde her, 0.19but her owne kinne. In which certaine assuraunce, 0.20and knowing that your woorthie Selfe, are of that 0.21neere alliaunce to the noble house of Goodnesse, 0.22that you growe out of one stalke, a poore infant of 0.23my braine comes naked vnto you, without other clothing 0.24than my loue, and craues your hospitalitie. If you 0.25take this to refuge, her father dooth promise, that 0.26with more labored houres he can inheighten your 0.27Name and Memorie, and therein shall appeere he will 0.28not die ingratefull. Yet thus much hee dares say, 0.29in the behalfe of this, somewhat it containeth that 0.30may inuite the choicest eie to reade, nothing heere 0.31is sure may breede displeasure to anie. So leauing 0.32your spare houres to the recreation thereof, and my 0.33boldnesse now submitting it selfe to your censure, 0.34not willing to make a great waie to a little house, 0.35I rest
0.36Most desirous to be held
0.37all yours,